The time is finally here to post the harvest. I waited till it was all done and dry before updating the dairy so will add in the dry weights next on the 2nd half of the harvest entry.
Had some ups and downs with this plant. mainly the extreme yellowing that was happening. I should have treated this faster with a flush but was super reluctant and I feel this has suffered in the end. The top best looking buds could have been larger and the lower ones could have been thicker.
There is some smells with this plant but they are not pronounced. Just smells like mild basic weed, this would be one reason not to grow it, however, the crystals on this plant have been the most I've ever grown before. When trimming them every time the scissors snipped or the brush stroked I saw some falling down onto the tray. This plant would be great for making hash. had a good little ball of finger hash at the end of it and will be giving that to my friends to smoke or make a strong edible with.
I don't plan on growing this strain out again, the lack of smells and the fact I'm only trying to grow cbd dominate plants is the main reason. If my friends really like this I have some clones so can always give them some. Speaking of clones they are doing well outside, greened up a lot and showing signs of revegging.
Took some photos of the weed hang drying on day 1 in the tent and a week later to show how much they shrink.
most of the lower growth is quite larfy but will make good edibles or hash, that will be a fun project to do and may include that in my projects diary.
That's about all I can think of if you have any questions just ask.
1. I have divided the total watts of light in half, 300w(150w) for this diary. It will accurately reflect the g/w ratio as the two plants growing in this tent are listed in two separate diaries.
2. I include any shake/trim in my gross totals as I use them to make edibles.
3. I did not follow any proper ways of listing my nutrients. Some are ml/l of total solution watered, others ml/l of total medium and some are just the total amounts I added, not as a ratio.
If you have any questions let me know!
Cost + Time Analysis Of Growing Cannabis. m0use’s Breakdown
Light Schedule
Veg [Dec 18th 2021 - Mar 11th 2022]
18h on 6h off - 6am-12pm
Flower [Mar 12th 2022 - May 10th 2022]
12h on 12h off - 9am-9pm
This is extra tricky this harvest as I went through 2 different hydro rates in three different periods, plus a veg and bloom switch between them.
Mon-Fri are TOU rates, all weekends are off-peak pricing all day.
Off Peak = 7pm-7am + all weekend
Mid peak = 11am-5pm
On peak = 7am-11am + 5pm-7pm
TOU rates:
Dec 18th 2021-Jan 17th 2022
Cost of kwh with on-peak "17.0c", mid-peak "11.3c" and off-peak "8.2c".
Jan 18th 2022 - Feb 7th 2022
Cost of kwh with on-peak "8.2c", mid-peak "8.2c" and off-peak "8.2c".
Feb 8th 2022 - Current
Cost of kwh with on-peak "17.0c", mid-peak "11.3c" and off-peak "8.2c".
Dec 18th 2021-Jan 17th 2022
Weekdays “21 days”
6am - 7am -- 1hr @8.2c/kwh off-peak
7am - 11am -- 4hr @17.0c/kwh on-peak
11am - 5pm --6hr @11.3c/kwh mid-peak
5pm - 7pm -- 2hr @17.0c/kwh on-peak
7pm - 12am -- 5hr @8.2c/Kwh off-peak
Weekends “10 days”
6am - 12am – 18hr @8.2c/kwh off-peak
6h @17.0c/kwh
6h @11.3c/kwh
6h @8.2c/kwh +
[email protected]/kwh weekdays/weekends
Jan 18th 2022 - Feb 7th 2022
Weekdays “15 days”
6am - 7am -- 1hr @8.2c/kwh off-peak
7am - 11am -- 4hr @8.2c/kwh on-peak
11am - 5pm --6hr @8.2c/kwh mid-peak
5pm - 7pm -- 2hr @8.2c/kwh on-peak
7pm - 12am -- 5hr @8.2c/Kwh off-peak
Weekends “6 days”
6am - 12am – 18hr @8.2c/kwh off-peak
18h @8.2c/kwh +
[email protected]/kwh weekdays/weekends
Feb 8th 2022 - Harvest
Feb 8th - March 11th 2022
weekdays “24 days”
6am - 7am -- 1hr @8.2c/kwh off-peak
7am - 11am -- 4hr @17.0c/kwh on-peak
11am - 5pm --6hr @11.3c/kwh mid-peak
5pm - 7pm -- 2hr @17.0c/kwh on-peak
7pm - 12am -- 5hr @8.2c/Kwh off-peak
weekends “8 days”
6am - 12am – 18hr @8.2c/kwh off-peak
6h @17.0c/kwh
6h @11.3c/kwh
6h @8.2c/kwh +
[email protected]/kwh weekdays/weekends
March 12 - May 10th 2022
weekdays “42 days”
9am - 11am -- 2hr @17.0c/kwh on-peak
11am - 5pm --6hr @11.3c/kwh mid-peak
5pm - 7pm -- 2hr @17.0c/kwh on-peak
7pm - 9am -- 2hr @8.2c/Kwh off-peak
weekends “18 days”
9am - 9pm – 18hr @8.2c/kwh off-peak
4h @17.0c/kwh
6h @811.3c/kwh
2h @8.2c/kwh +
[email protected]/kwh weekdays/weekends
Total hours in each peak period
126+144+168 = 438h @17.0c/kwh
126+144+252 = 522h @11.3c/kwh
306+378+288+300 = 1,272h @8.2c/kwh
LED’s I use are 48w and 18w, per stick, they are arranged on an array totaling 300w.
6400k 18w*6 = 108w + 3000k 48w*4 = 192 108w+192w=300w | 300w/1000 = 0.3Kw
* note I am using 150w as stated in my disclaimers to account for the missing plant in a separate diary.*
Using the previous c/kwh numbers above I can find out the total cost of the lamps in the 3 peak periods. I converted the cents into dollar amounts beforehand to avoid dividing by 100. 8.2c/h = 0.082$/h
438h * 0.17c/kwh = $74.46kw * 0.15kw = $11.17 on peak
522h * 0.113c/kwh = $58.99kw *0.15kw = $8.85 mid peak
1,272h * 0.082c/kwh = $104.30kw *0.15kw = $15.65 off peak
The "h" hours and "kw" kilowatts cancel out and we are left with a value of $ dollars per peak period, add all the peak periods up and you get your total cost of running the lights in dollars.
$11.17 + $8.85 + $15.65 = $35.67 for the grow light only.
My light grew for 20 weeks and 4 days, or 144 days. almost 21 weeks total.
$35.67 / 144d = 0.2477$/d average of about 25c a day in electricity
337.2kw for the entire grow.
Using the regular calculation of grams harvested divided by watts used is not accurate to me, it does not account for all the time the lamps are on, the length of grow to the over all cost. The calculation that makes sense to me is this, harvested dry weight of usable cannabis buds/trim/keif/whatever in grams divided by total kw used. Could also combine it with grams per total single use costs “anything you used only for this grow and wont reuse in the next, or fractions of multi use items like fertilizers if they ½ full” and see how much you’re investing per gram.
"kw" ÷ "g" = kw/g
"$" ÷ "g" = $/g
I have harvested 5.34oz or 151.6g on 337.2kw.
337.2kw ÷151.6g = 2.22 kw/g of usable cannabis. This is not an ideal ratio for me and looks like a lot of energy waste happened from the extended veg period.
$35.67 ÷ 151.6g = 0.24c/g
It cost 24c/g when comparing total electricity cost to gross yield, almost identical to the comparison of total electrical cost to the number of days in the grow 25c/day.
kwh = kilowatt per hour
kw = kilowatt
w = watt
h = hour
c = cents
$ = dollars
d = day
LED= Light Emitting Diode