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Fruity pebbles auto in the Athena nutrition is doing good. Her roots are looking out the basket. It won't be long till they are in the solution. Everything is looking good at the moment. Thank you ILGM. 🤜🏻🤛🏻🌱🌱🌱 Thank you grow diaries community for the 👇likes👇, follows, comments, and subscriptions on my YouTube channel👇. ❄️🌱🍻 Happy Growing 🌱🌱🌱
Light settings 12/12 on at 9.00am off 9.00pm Light power= 62% 150w Radiator settings LIghts on Turn on if temp drops below 23c Turn off if temp goes above 23c Lights off Turn on if temp drops below 19c Turn off if temp goes above 19c Dehumidifier settings LIghts on Turn off if humidity drops below 60% Turn on if humidity goes above 60% LIghts off Turn off if humidity drops below 62% Turn on if humidity goes above 62% Extractor settings temperature 24c with 1c steps Humidity 54% with 2% steps Max speed 9 Min speed 4 VPD aim 0.8-1.2 Wednesday 1/3/23 Day 36 Autofeed 5 15 minute runs Water 10L Ec=0.21 Ph=6.5/7.0 3L left Roughly 2.3L each. #3 no runoff 7.15pm Lowered light 3cm #3 DLI= 31.4 Thursday 2/3/23 Day 37 10.00pm Extractor settings temperature 24c with 1c steps Humidity 54% with 2% steps Max speed 10 Min speed 5 Friday 3/3/23 Day 38 Autofeed 5 15 minute runs Feed 10L Ec=1.73 Ph=6.3 2.5L left. Roughly 2.5L each. #3 run 0.3L Ec=3.78 Ph=5.8 Saturday 4/3/23 Day 39 5.00pm #3 Height= 40CM Dist= 30CM DLI= 37.9 Lifted lights 3 clicks and Lst and defoliate Sunday 5/3/23 Day 40 Bit of Lst and scrogging Monday 6/3/23 Day 41 Autofeed 5 15 minute runs Feed 12L Ec=1.78 Ph=6.3/6.3 4.5L left Roughly 2.5L each. #3 no run #3 DLI=38.0 #3 showing signs of light stress. Lifted light #3 Height= 38CM Dist= 38CM DLI= 28.6 Tuesday 7/3/23 Day 42 (Day 14 flower) Radiator didn't come on when it should have. It was cold today and I don't understand why the sensor didn't trigger the Radiator. #3 Height= 38CM Dist= 38CM DLI= 28.6 The 2nd week of flower has gone well. I have tried to keep the canopy of the overall grow as level as I can, the only problem with running different strains is they all have different traits and grow at different speeds. Nearer the end of the week the weather started getting cold again so the radiator is going to be working a bit more over the next week or 2. #3 Gorilla Cookies FF is just mega, she has been stretching so much throughout the grow and has 90Deg bends all over, a snapped main, a few damages sides but not as fucked as the main and she is still doing champion. Its been hard work keeping her the level of the others but she has a shit load of space, way more then the other 2 strains. Power used for week Light (1.77+1.84+1.84+1.84+1.84+1.83+1.84)=12.8Kw Extractor (0.19+0.24+0.25+0.27+0.31+0.31+0.41)=1.98Kw Fans (0.48+0.47+0.47+0.47+0.47+0.48+0.48)=3.32Kw Dehumidifier (0.69+0.65+0.0+0.01+0.6+0.02+0.69)=2.66Kw Radiator (3.3+3.98+3.38+3.16+3.8+3.31+4.07)=25.0Kw Water pump. (0.02+0.0+0.02+0.0+0.0+0.2+0.0)=0.24Kw Total for the week=46Kw Back in a week. Thanks for stopping by.
The outdoors are going great at the moment other than a few yellowing lower leaves. I corrected with a nitrogen booster (mainly blood and bone meal I think) and also hit them with some rock phosphate, manure, compost, earth worm castings, bio-char, and epsom salts for a magnesium kick, the yellowing should fade in the next week and I’m thinking they’ll have everything they need for flower. I mixed all that, top dressed the ground around the bottom of the pots (they’re well and truly rooted in the ground) and topped up the pots with the rest. Looking forward to a good yield out there it has been raining lately, humidity is up but I’m sure the week of sunshine coming up will correct any issues trouble is they’ve gotten so think at the top it’s hard to splay everything out in an optimal way, I’m slowly working through the branches bringing heads down and airing the more bushy sections out. Other than that I’m a little concerned about insects I’m seeing lots of fungus gnats but i have been using eco-neem so I’ll continue to foliar spray thoroughly, soil drench and hope for the best 🤞🏽
CannaFuel CBD+ sind unsere bisher höchsten CBD-Samen mit einem hohen CBD-Gehalt von 28 % und einem niedrigen THC-Gehalt von 0,5 %. Da diese Samen fast THC-frei sind, können sie in vielen Ländern legal angebaut werden, die den Anbau von Cannabis mit niedrigem THC-Gehalt zulassen. Außerdem taucht das Cannabinoid, über das CBG in aller Munde ist, in Original Sensible Seeds auf. Die Analyse zeigt, dass CannaFuel CBD-Samen einen CBG-Gehalt von 0,37 % produzieren, der im Allgemeinen nach dem Aushärtungsprozess ansteigt. CannaFuel CBD+ sind vollständig feminisierte Cannabissamen und haben eine Indica-Sativa-Linie, daher wachsen die Pflanzen zu einer mittleren Höhe heran, die sich wiederum für den einfachen Anbau im Innenbereich eignen, mit dem zusätzlichen Vorteil einer kurzen Blütezeit von nur 55 60 Tagen. Auch die Produktion lohnt sich mit Erträgen von über 550 m2. Diese therapeutischen Samen mit hohem CBD- und niedrigem THC-Gehalt können auch im Freien angebaut werden und entwickeln starke und robuste Pflanzen, die ihre Knospen gegen Ende des Monats September / Anfang Oktober ernten. CannaFuel CBD+ zaubert einen tief erdigen Duft mit der Dominanz des Myrcen-Terpens, das würzig-pfeffrige Caryophyllen und das nach Pinien duftende Pinen sind ebenfalls sehr präsent mit Zitrusnoten, die sich aus Limonen entwickeln. Dieses starke Terpenprofil liefert auch eine Reihe von therapeutischen Werten, einschließlich entzündungshemmender und stressabbauender Vorteile. CBG (Cannabigerol) kann sich nach der Ernte und nach dem Aushärtungsprozess weiterentwickeln, was diese Sorte zu einer idealen Sorte für Extraktionen und Öl macht. Vom Anfänger bis zum erfahrenen Züchter sind CannaFuel CBD+-Samen die perfekte Wahl für diejenigen, die ein medizinisches Interesse an der Heilkraft von medizinischem Marihuana haben, mit dem zusätzlichen Vorteil eines minimalen THC-Gehalts, diese Samen werden nicht die übliche psychoaktive Wirkung hervorrufen, die normalerweise mit Unkrautsamen verbunden ist und sein kann legal in Ländern angebaut, die Samen mit niedrigem THC-Gehalt zulassen. Cannabinoid-Analyse: 28 % CBD, 0,5 % THC (28 % CBDA; 0,5 % THC) – 0,37 CBG Alle schriftlichen und visuellen Materialien sind nur für Informations- und Bildungszwecke bestimmt. Die ursprüngliche CannaFuel CBD+-Sorte von Sensible Seeds besteht zu 40 % aus Indica und zu 60 % aus Sativa Um die Samen der CannaFuel CBD+-Sorte von Original Sensible Seeds richtig zu lagern, wird empfohlen, die Samen in einem kühlen, trockenen und dunklen, luftdichten Behälter aufzubewahren, der sowohl mit dem Namen der Sorte als auch mit dem Lagerdatum angemessen gekennzeichnet ist, um die Identifizierung und genetische Konservierung der Samen zu erleichtern. Wenn es legal ist, die CannaFuel CBD+-Sorte von Original Sensible Seeds an meinem Standort zu keimen, was ist die beste Technik? Es gibt viele Methoden, um CannaFuel CBD+-Sortensamen zu keimen, wenn die Gesetze in Ihrem Land die Keimung von Cannabissamen zulassen. Die Papierhandtuchmethode ist eine gängige Technik zum Keimen von CannaFuel CBD+-Samen. Eine weitere beliebte und bevorzugte Methode ist das Einpflanzen der Samen direkt in feuchtes Substrat. Damit beide Keimmethoden erfolgreich sind, ist es wichtig, dass die Samen feucht und warm bleiben, aber nicht austrocknen. Wenn Sie die Papiertuchmethode verwenden, vergraben Sie die Samen der CannaFuel CBD+-Sorte, sobald sie gekeimt haben, vorsichtig im Wachstumsmedium. Diese Woche ok ich mich entschieden, ein großes Zelt Mars Hydro 120•120 zu installieren, für eins und eine Lampe mit großer Reichweite FC E4800. Ich habe die Klimaanlage eingerichtet, jetzt liegt die Temperatur bei etwa 24, ich habe zwei Lüfter installiert, um den Secret Jardin Monkey Fan 20w zu blasen, ich wollte sie schon lange kaufen. Die Heizung funktioniert auch! Hoffe es wird bald wärmer 😅
Time challenged again so comments a a whole lot of shit talk are in the video.
💩Alrighty then Growmies We Are Back At it 💩 Well folks we just finished up the last run and so we are back to do it all over again 😁 So what do you say we have some fun 👈And what we got here folks is a Strawberry Blast 🍓 🍓 🍓 🍓 Strawberry 🍓 Gorilla , Strawberry 🍓 Banana 🍌 and there new release 🍓 Ztrawberriez 🍓 from FastBuds And we also got Strawberry 🍓 Cola from Exotic Seeds 👉 I had realized I had quiet a few Strawberry Strains in my inventory , and I just finished doing the Strawberry Pie , and I liked it so much I figured do them all 😮 Seed soaked for 24 then placed in a tub with paper towels , once it cracked and rooted , placed into its main pot 👌 FC4800 from MarsHydro Lights being readjusted and chart updated .........👍 👉I used NutriNPK for nutrients for my grows and welcome anyone to give them a try .👈 👉 👈 NutriNPK Cal MAG 14-0-14 NutriNPK Grow 28-14-14 NutriNPK Bloom 8-20-30 NutriNPK Bloom Booster 0-52-34 I GOT MULTIPLE DIARIES ON THE GO 😱 please check them out 😎 👉THANKS FOR TAKING THE TIME TO GO OVER MY DIARIES 👈
💩Alrighty then Growmies We Are Back At it 💩 Well folks we just finished up the last run and so we are back to do it all over again 😁 So what do you say we have some fun 👈And what we got here folks is a Strawberry Blast 🍓 🍓 🍓 🍓 Strawberry 🍓 Gorilla , Strawberry 🍓 Banana 🍌 and there new release 🍓 Ztrawberriez 🍓 from FastBuds And we also got Strawberry 🍓 Cola from Exotic Seeds 👉 I had realized I had quiet a few Strawberry Strains in my inventory , and I just finished doing the Strawberry Pie , and I liked it so much I figured do them all 😮 Seed soaked for 24 then placed in a tub with paper towels , once it cracked and rooted , placed into its main pot 👌 FC4800 from MarsHydro Lights being readjusted and chart updated .........👍 👉I used NutriNPK for nutrients for my grows and welcome anyone to give them a try .👈 👉 👈 NutriNPK Cal MAG 14-0-14 NutriNPK Grow 28-14-14 NutriNPK Bloom 8-20-30 NutriNPK Bloom Booster 0-52-34 I GOT MULTIPLE DIARIES ON THE GO 😱 please check them out 😎 👉THANKS FOR TAKING THE TIME TO GO OVER MY DIARIES 👈
To ich pierwszy dzień, więc planuje za ok 14-16 dni przesadzić je do większej donnicy użyć ukorzeniacza i zrobić pierwsze LST
💩Alrighty then Growmies We Are Back At it 💩 Well folks we just finished up the last run and so we are bad to do it all over again 😁 So what do you say we have some fun 👈 We got some Z & Z 🚗 🚘 🚗 🚘 👉 From Exotic Seeds I just had to try this one again and see if the last seed would germinate and she popped 👌 Seed soaked for 24 then placed in a tub with paper towels , once it cracked and rooted , placed into its main pot 👌 FC4800 from MarsHydro Lights being readjusted and chart updated .........👍 👉I used NutriNPK for nutrients for my grows and welcome anyone to give them a try .👈 👉 👈 NutriNPK Cal MAG 14-0-14 NutriNPK Grow 28-14-14 NutriNPK Bloom 8-20-30 NutriNPK Bloom Booster 0-52-34 I GOT MULTIPLE DIARIES ON THE GO 😱 please check them out 😎 👉THANKS FOR TAKING THE TIME TO GO OVER MY DIARIES 👈
💩Alrighty then Growmies We Are Back At it 💩 Well folks we just finished up the last run and so we are bad to do it all over again 😁 So what do you say we have some fun 👈 We got some Z & Z 🚗 🚘 🚗 🚘 👉 From Exotic Seeds I just had to try this one again and see if the last seed would germinate and she popped 👌 Seed soaked for 24 then placed in a tub with paper towels , once it cracked and rooted , placed into its main pot 👌 FC4800 from MarsHydro Lights being readjusted and chart updated .........👍 👉I used NutriNPK for nutrients for my grows and welcome anyone to give them a try .👈 👉 👈 NutriNPK Cal MAG 14-0-14 NutriNPK Grow 28-14-14 NutriNPK Bloom 8-20-30 NutriNPK Bloom Booster 0-52-34 I GOT MULTIPLE DIARIES ON THE GO 😱 please check them out 😎 👉THANKS FOR TAKING THE TIME TO GO OVER MY DIARIES 👈
💩Alrighty Then Growmies We Are Back At it 💩 Well folks we just finished up the last run and so we are back to do it all over again 😁 So what do you say we have some fun 👈 We got some Gorilla Punch 👊 👊 👊 Redue 👉 I just had to do this one again 😛 ( Love the smoke, terps, and effects, ) Definitely Would Recommend 👌 Seed soaked for 24 then placed in a tub with paper towels , once it cracked and rooted , placed into its main pot 👌 FC4800 from MarsHydro Lights being readjusted and chart updated .........👍 👉I used NutriNPK for nutrients for my grows and welcome anyone to give them a try .👈 👉 👈 NutriNPK Cal MAG 14-0-14 NutriNPK Grow 28-14-14 NutriNPK Bloom 8-20-30 NutriNPK Bloom Booster 0-52-34 I GOT MULTIPLE DIARIES ON THE GO 😱 please check them out 😎 👉THANKS FOR TAKING THE TIME TO GO OVER MY DIARIES 👈
💩Alrighty Then Growmies We Are Back At it 💩 Well folks we just finished up the last run and so we are back to do it all over again 😁 So what do you say we have some fun 👈 We got some Gorilla Punch 👊 👊 👊 Redue 👉 I just had to do this one again 😛 ( Love the smoke, terps, and effects, ) Definitely Would Recommend 👌 Seed soaked for 24 then placed in a tub with paper towels , once it cracked and rooted , placed into its main pot 👌 FC4800 from MarsHydro Lights being readjusted and chart updated .........👍 👉I used NutriNPK for nutrients for my grows and welcome anyone to give them a try .👈 👉 👈 NutriNPK Cal MAG 14-0-14 NutriNPK Grow 28-14-14 NutriNPK Bloom 8-20-30 NutriNPK Bloom Booster 0-52-34 I GOT MULTIPLE DIARIES ON THE GO 😱 please check them out 😎 👉THANKS FOR TAKING THE TIME TO GO OVER MY DIARIES 👈
Hello my friends 👩‍🌾👨‍🌾, This 6th flowering week was good, maturation Buds continue 🌲, Buds bump and have a nice 🍊 pistils 😋. The end is approaching, probably in around 2 weeks. Trichromes are trans/milky. The smeel is really strong, not easy to talk about smeel, because 2 strong smeel in the box, In the box, smeel, fruity/flower/sweet 😋😋 💦 2 Watering this week 1.8l/plant . Water + Cannazym + Sugar Royal Water + Terra Flores + Canna Boost PH@6 Lamp @100% Bisous 💋😘, and see you next week. Thanks community for follow, likes, comments, always a pleasure 👩‍🌾👨‍🌾❤️🌲 Mars Hydro - TS 1000 Mars Hydro - FC3000 Mars Hydro - SP3000 The High Chameleon - Bisous Au THC 💋💋🌲🌲😘😘
Familia, vamos actualizar la segunda semana de estas Zkittalicious de Exotic seeds. Van formándose las flores , poco a poco iremos viendo este progreso. Se las ve bien sanas , van con buen ritmo y aun haciendo defoliación de bajo siguen formándose . Tengo muchas ganas de ver los resultados de esta variedad leí buenas reseñas de ella. Agrobeta: Mars hydro: Code discount: EL420 Las maximas de temperatura no superan los 26 grados y las mínimas no bajan 20, así que no me puedo quejar. Los niveles de humedad también son los correctos van entre 50%/65% de humedad relativa. Por supuesto el Ph lo estamos dejando alrededor de 6. Hasta aquí es todo, buenos humos 💨💨💨
Familia, vamos actualizar la segunda semana de estas Zkittalicious de Exotic seeds. Van formándose las flores , poco a poco iremos viendo este progreso. Se las ve bien sanas , van con buen ritmo y aun haciendo defoliación de bajo siguen formándose . Tengo muchas ganas de ver los resultados de esta variedad leí buenas reseñas de ella. Agrobeta: Mars hydro: Code discount: EL420 Las maximas de temperatura no superan los 26 grados y las mínimas no bajan 20, así que no me puedo quejar. Los niveles de humedad también son los correctos van entre 50%/65% de humedad relativa. Por supuesto el Ph lo estamos dejando alrededor de 6. Hasta aquí es todo, buenos humos 💨💨💨
3/13/2024 - Day 15 Flower: Ran into some issues after the last watering. The newest leaves have some severe curling going on, and I've had a few leaves with some minor brown spotting. I'm not 100% sure what caused it, but narrowed it down to either TeaCo Super Tea, Recharge, or the foliar spray I did with Dr. Zymes Eliminator. I did the foliar at lights out, but maybe there was still some residue when the light came back on. Either way, I'm taking it easy on this watering. Gave them 4 gallons of 6.5 ph water mixed with Jay Plantspeaker Quillaja, Coconut Powder, and a half dose of Rootwise Bio-Catalyst and Yah-Whey. The curling does not seem ro be getting worse, so hopefully they will grow out of this. Also, they have started to slow on rhe stretching, which is good, because they are getting close to the light. 3/14/2023 - Day 16 Flower: So I've been looking at some of the more deformed leaves and I'm pretty sure the leaf curl and brown is from the Dr. Zymes. The leaves with issues appear to have a slight glossy residue to them. I'm guessing when the Dr. Zymes dried on the leaves, it had a reaction when the light came back on. Now that I'm into week 3 of flower, I plan to cut out any foliar sprays, so hopefully I'm right an the issue won't get worse. I had some seeds that I sprouted and forgot to use yesterday, so I made a 2 gallon Sprouted Seed Tea (SST) and added some Jay Plantspeaker Quillaja, Rootwise Bio-Phos, and a half dose of Fermented Comfrey Extract and Fermented Peach Extract. 3/16/2023 - Day 18 Flower: plants are looking good. Flowers are starting to develop and I'm already seeing the beginning of some tricomes. Stretch appears to be just about done, so hopefully it will be smooth sailing from here. The curling from last week has not gotten any worse. 3/17/2023 - Day 19 Flower: watered about 6 gallons of worm tea I brewed for about 24 hours. Added some Jay Plantspeaker Quillaja, BuildASoil BuildABloom, and Rootwise Bio-Catalyst. Also, did some minor defoliation of some of the larger fan leaves blocking lower bud sights. Still need to do more, but I plan to spread it out over a few days. 3/18/2023 - Day 20 Flower: Cleaned them all up real good. Took off all the large fan leaves, except for the top two, and cut off basically anything on the lower half of the plant. May have gone a little higher than I would have liked, now that I'm seeing it done, but too late now. Normally, i only like to take off about 1/3, but i guess we will see what happens when the bottom half is stripped. Always learning around here, haha. Hopefully I should have very little popcorn buds.
Que pasa familia, estamos de nuevo con la Segunda semana de floración de estas blue spider de Zambezaseeds. Ya están las preflores formadas y ahora seguirán formándose ya veis , estas si tienen buen color también. Todo va sobre ruedas , añadimos esta semana el BETASHARK de Agrobeta. Agrobeta: Mars hydro: Code discount: EL420 Las maximas de temperatura no superan los 26 grados y las mínimas no bajan 20, así que no me puedo quejar. Los niveles de humedad también son los correctos van entre 50%/65% de humedad relativa. Por supuesto el Ph lo estamos dejando alrededor de 6. Hasta aquí es todo, buenos humos 💨💨💨
Esa familia, otra vez actualizamos, vamos con estas Blueberry Cheese de Zambezaseeds. Finalizamos la segunda semana de floración de esta genética, tienen buen color y buena ramificación y van progresando las futuras flores. No e comentado pero se les a practicado una defoliación de bajos a ver si podéis ver en el video Añadimos el BETASHARK de Agrobeta y esta semana no les dimos tetra 9. Agrobeta: Mars hydro: Code discount: EL420 Las maximas de temperatura no superan los 26 grados y las mínimas no bajan 20, así que no me puedo quejar. Los niveles de humedad también son los correctos van entre 50%/65% de humedad relativa. Por supuesto el Ph lo estamos dejando alrededor de 6. Hasta aquí es todo, buenos humos 💨💨💨
Esa familia, otra vez actualizamos, vamos con estas Blueberry Cheese de Zambezaseeds. Finalizamos la segunda semana de floración de esta genética, tienen buen color y buena ramificación y van progresando las futuras flores. No e comentado pero se les a practicado una defoliación de bajos a ver si podéis ver en el video Añadimos el BETASHARK de Agrobeta y esta semana no les dimos tetra 9. Agrobeta: Mars hydro: Code discount: EL420 Las maximas de temperatura no superan los 26 grados y las mínimas no bajan 20, así que no me puedo quejar. Los niveles de humedad también son los correctos van entre 50%/65% de humedad relativa. Por supuesto el Ph lo estamos dejando alrededor de 6. Hasta aquí es todo, buenos humos 💨💨💨