So far so good, we are at the 5 veg week, the hulk berry is shooting up many pre-flowers.
The RO water has been great, using this clean water is much better and you see a strong difference, and you are able to dial the ppm/ec without the interference of random stuff plus the chloride and fluoride that comes with tap water in my region.
This version of the Hulkberry i have is a bit more on the sensible side of things, se feels already if you keep touching her, also better not to nuke this strain with nutrients from what i have seen so far, so I’m going easy on her.
The other two strains form Kannabia, one been the unstable version of Purpple Kush, got many aliens already out of some seeds, and ironically a Lucky dip, mystery strain is extreamely vigorous and nice to work with.
A side from that i have chosen two HLG QB324 V2 quantum board with a Meanwell 320H-54a driver to build a DIY light, with passive Heatsink and 90 degree optics to power the flower tent, so basically i will move this plants to the other tent in a week or two when i get this build. This is a huge step up for me since i was using a generic Chinese blurple led.
My setup changed a lot and i will try to keep things consistent, i may have some adaptation going on to drive all this new perpetual style grow.