It looks like this one is mutant I don’t know the other seed i popped looks the same
Reaching peak flower now so added PK into the mix for extra Potassium and Phosphorous over the next 10 days or so. Never had plants soak up this much nutrients without any burn (touch wod) so I'm really impressed with the Vitalink range. These 2 clones are at the back of the tent, and to the bottom and right of the screen in the timelapse.
Reaching peak flower now so added PK into the mix for extra Potassium and Phosphorous over the next 10 days or so. Never had plants soak up this much nutrients without any burn (touch wood) so I'm really impressed with the Vitalink range. Theis plant is at the front right of the tent, and to the left of the screen in the timelapse. Defoliated for the last time at the beginning of this week.
Reaching peak flower now so added PK into the mix for extra Potassium and Phosphorous over the next 10 days or so. Never had plants soak up this much nutrients without any burn (touch wood) so I'm really impressed with the Vitalink range. Theis plant is at the front right of the tent, and to the left of the screen in the timelapse. Defoliated for the last time at the beginning of this week.
Germination started on 24/07. Paper towels were saturated but not dripping wet and kept in dark shelf, checking every 12hrs for moisture level. Tap root came out on the 26/07 for both seeds. Planted into a small pulp pot, which was then placed into a 5L pot. Day 0 in the tent begins 26/07/23 🗓️ Medium is 75% coco coir and 25% perlite. Both pots then placed into the grow tent. Temperature kept between 26-28C. 600w LED at 25% on 20/4 schedule. The waiting game begins 🌱
Day 7 in the tent 🗓️ Light schedule still at 20/4. 600w LED now running at 40% Watering amount around 100ml every 24hrs. Temperature fluctuating between 24-29C Humidity kept between 60-75% Healthy little leaves growing nicely on both plants. No dramatic changes as of yet, but it's looking good so far 🌱
- Water: tap water at 300 PPM, I add 0.6g of Hybrid powder and 0.4g of booster PK+ per liter to reach 950PPM and I adjust the PH to 5.8. I watered daily until water drained from the pot (to release nutrients from previous waterings) and I take a 3-4 day watering break to let it dry out before resuming a daily watering schedule. -Daytime temperature: 21-26°C -Night temperature: 21-23°C -Humidity: 55-80% :/ too high -Lamp: Mars Hydro FC3000. intensity 90% at 35cm from the top leaves -Room: Mars Hydro 100x100x180cm -Extractor: Mars hydro 402 CFM Max. power 3/10 -Substrate : 70% coco, 25% perlite, 5% vermiculite. My instagram : Looking for MarsHydro equipment for your crop? 🔥 You can use my promo codes! 🙏😻 3% off with "houstone3" for: TS LED Grow Light, Tent, Ventilation 5% off with "houstone5" for: FC&FC-E&SP LED Grow Lights; Grow Tent Kits
This week started off a vegative week and about halfway through became a flowering week. Since I had already started it as vegative I didn't change it. Number one and number two, the two big ones, showed their sex on day 51 or day two of this week. Plant 3 showed sex on day 53 or day 4 of this week. I've increased their feed to my veg two formula and the iron supplement has really improved the color it rained day 1,2, and 3 so far this week and I included a 10 day forecast from day 3. We've had rain and high humidity at night cloud cover all day and nights dropping below 70f. These girls are eating it up with no issues. This was a hard week. One of my other big plants split right down the middle from the wind. It rained so much twice a day to all day this whole week. I had to add dry organic nutrients and let the rain water it in. I added 2 cups of 2-4-3, 1 cup of 0-10-10, and 1 cup of 12-0-0. These have really been troopers for some very difficult outdoor conditions.
Hello Friends These icy rocks are almost ready to be harvested, in fact this week we will dedicate ourselves to rinsing the roots which, as always, is fundamental in order not to leave shit out of the buds.Greetings to all of you, brother gardeners
8/5 (Day 49)- The start of a new week! Last few days have been a little rough and I have unfortunately been unable to keep up the post. Dealing with a back injury so it’s been difficult just to keep up with the feedings. We are looking pretty good though and starting to feel a bit better. The last few days I’ve been slowly but surely trying to get a good defoliation in which I feel was needed very badly. Opened up a lot of place for light and airflow. Messing with the back left plant and OMG my hands got sticky quick! I leaned in for a close smell and all I can think of when I smell is candy, a very sweet smelling candy. It shocked me how sweet and yummy the smell was. All conditions for the environment are stable and kept in check. The girls are taking down 4-5 gallons a day now. Will continue to update this week. Thanks! 8/6 (Day 50)- Just monitored and checked in on everything today. Starting to feel better so not too worried about the change out in the morning. Gonna up the light and ppms a bit tomorrow then monitor very close the next few days. I think they should be good. Everything staying in check. 8/7 (Day 51)- Changed res and new fresh food for the ladies. I increased light power a little as well as PPMs. Going to monitor next few days, then when my back is 100% gonna do one last round of defoliation and trimming as well as put up the trellis net. I know it’s a bit late but the two plants on the right may need it. 8/8 (Day 52) - Just have been monitoring and refilling the res today. They are drinking 4-5 gallons a day. I also did a light light defoliation. I will be going through in the next day or so to do a bit more in depth defoliation to open up for more light and air. These girls grow and recover so fast. 8/9 (Day 53)- The two plants on the right are continuing to stretch quite a bit! The left plants seem to be short bushier plants, also im very sure I could have easily dont something to stunt them and not realize, but they seem to be pretty darn healthy. Did some defoliation, I've honestly been plucking leaves here and there everyday and focusing specifically on a plant when I feel it gets too bushy. They bounce back very quickly so that has been my method along with tying some branches down and bending here and there. 8/10 (Day 54) - Wow that back right girl is really growing. She has really been stretching the last two days. Just monitoring and adding to the res every so often. They are continuing to drink 4-5 gallons a day and all conditions stay in check. I did move one fan to get more airflow through the bottom of the canopy. I feel like I have constantly been moving things around this grow, trying to get a feel of what's best for the plants. As always, tips and recommendations appreciated!
Hello, things are going a lot better with these girls now, nice & healthy & growing well. Set them up in 15 ltr DWC pots upped the nutrients, a little lower than the manufacturers recommendations for week 4. They are around 10 cm tall & have 7 nodes, started LST training, simply bending over & tying down. Lower branches starting to grow up, noticed 1st pistils on pheno 2 yesterday, right on the last day of week 4, so far I've only seen 2 pistils on both branches on the same node. Would have liked them to be bigger before starting to flower, but hopefully they put on some good size during the Flowering stretch. Thanks for checking out my diary, please feel free to leave a comment & some likes would be great so I can progress from apprentice stage , love to all the Gromies👍
Hello Diary, Titan F1 is ready for harvest, on day 63. Milky Way F1 and Apollo F1 will wait another week in my estimation. So, 72 days since I put the seed in the ground. 68 days since Titan F1 sprouted. Really fast, and the result is incredible. Titan F1 is a really beautiful plant. The flowers are hard to the touch, really compact, and smell wonderful. The flowers are covered with trichomes and it looks like it is covered with ice crystals. Watering was more frequent this week due to the high temperatures, they needed a lot of water and so did the Titan F1. At the end of the week, the 63rd day to be exact, after taking photos, I cut branch by branch and put them in a cardboard box to dry. Considering that two plants still remained on the farm, I had to protect the flowers from the penetration of light. Here's what it looked like last week. 26/06/2023 - Day 58. Watering. Only two days later, the plants drank all the water, so I watered them with two liters for each individual plant. 29/06/2023 - Day 61. Watering. I repeated the procedure as I did three days earlier. 01/07/2023. - Day 63. Photographing plants. After I took the photos, I cut the Titan F1 branch by branch and put it in a cardboard box to dry. That's all I went through with the Titan, I wrote and documented as much as I could. If anyone has a question related to this strain, feel free to write in the inbox.
Hello Diary, The harvest is approaching on my small farm. Actually, one plant is already ripe for harvest and that is Titan F1, So Apollo F1 and Milky Way F1 will be left alone for another week. As seen in the photos, the Apollo F1 is truly a sight for the eyes. The flowers are very densely packed, I have never seen anything like that before. But the plant is low, the branches are strong and there is no bending under the weight of the flowers. The flowers are full of trichomes that emit a strong fragrance. Here and there a yellowish leaf appears, which I immediately remove. Watering is a little more frequent due to the high temperatures, but I stopped adding any nutrients. Here's a quick recap of the week. 26/06/2023 - Day 58. Watering. Only two days later, the plants drank all the water, so I watered them with two liters for each individual plant. 29/06/2023 - Day 61. Watering. I repeated the procedure as I did three days earlier. 01/07/2023. - Day 63. Photographing plants. That's all for this week, see you soon.
Last week flushing,12/14 days of flushing,looking fat purple and smells so strong.
Just cruising along. Not sure why some look like they will be very tiny, but at least one looks like it will be of a decent size.
Hello sweeties🌿❤️ This is my babe BDSM plant😂😂😀
Hello, fellow growers I thank you for having dedicated your attention to my garden and I hope that the contents are to your liking and help for your growth. My central zkitt is about to explode
This week everything is falling perfectly into place week 8 so close to the end not even funny! You can see from the tricomes shots (all from lower buds) is just around the corner of all 5 plants being done. Some is already sone like a runtz muffin and 1 persian pie, but we wait for their friends. Over week 8 have gave them only fresh water with blackstrap molases and have taken the temps even lower to 67 at night. Pushing towards that finish line!!! Next should be a harvest i would think!!!