In realtà ho coltivato 2 semi di questa pianta una l'ho raccolta e seccata mentre un altra è ancora in flush e verrà raccolta tra 5-6 giorni. I fenotipi sono quasi identici e predilige un odore di gas e og! L'effetto è devastante molto narcotica e a breve pubblichero qualche foto di qualche estrazione a freddo! Spero che piacciano a qualcuno i miei lavori e che qualcuno di voi si possa ispirare a tutto questo. Ringrazio ogni singola persona che è passata di qui a lasciare il suo like o commento e ricordo a tutti voi che potete trovarmi anche su Instagram 😘
Auto moon rock Is growing slow. She is making progress just not fast. She was neen oil treated a week ago. There is a mite issue in the grow room. She should pick up her growth pace very soon. Thank you Medic Grow, and Divine Seeds. 🤜🏻🤛🏻🌱🌱🌱 Thank you grow diaries community for the 👇likes👇, follows, comments, and subscriptions on my YouTube channel👇. ❄️🌱🍻 Happy Growing 🌱🌱🌱
Auto Northern Dragon Fuel is doing well. She just got her first feeding today. Coco ph is a little high, but still in range. I am gonna work on dropping it over the week. Everything is looking good so far. Thank you Medic Grow, and Super Sativa Seed Club. 🤜🏻🤛🏻🌱🌱🌱 Thank you grow diaries community for the 👇likes👇, follows, comments, and subscriptions on my YouTube channel👇. ❄️🌱🍻 Happy Growing 🌱🌱🌱
Auto Opium has had a rough first week. The neem oil treatment was pretty tough on the seedling. She has started growing since sprayed. There is a mite issue and once I get the flowering plant out if the room I can treat them all. Eliminating anywhere for the pest to hid. So until then just making due the best we can for about a week. Thank you Medic Grow, and Divine Seeds. 🤜🏻🤛🏻🌱🌱🌱 Thank you grow diaries community for the 👇likes👇, follows, comments, and subscriptions on my YouTube channel👇. ❄️🌱🍻 Happy Growing 🌱🌱🌱
La planta de tierra, hasta ahora muestra signos positivos apesar de que se partió una rama. He notado como comenzaron a aparecer unos gusanitos que van comiendo las hojas, los trips siguen en las plantas pero en menor medida. Las otras plantas de las macetas tienen muchas hojas amarillas. Esta semana solo regue con trico+ de namaste nutrientes y agua. Espero el final con ansias.
Hello Growmies, As the curtain falls on our Epic Buzz journey, we are now stepping into the crucial drying phase. Based on the density and size of these magnificent buds, I anticipate this process will take another 4 days to ensure the perfect moisture content for a prime cure. The end of one project always heralds the beginning of another. Once the drying is complete, and our Epic Buzz is jarred up for curing, the tent won't have time to gather any dust. My next venture for the Super Sativa Seed Club Video Contest is raring to go! The Auto Bruce Lemon Diesel has already sprouted, eager to bask in the tent's vacated space. Their symphony of growth is about to unfold. You can follow this next exciting chapter at the link below, and join me as I navigate through the life cycle of this promising strain: Stay tuned for updates and insights. Until then, stay lifted and keep those green thumbs busy! Salokin
One girl popped up…i await the other. My first time growing the Skunk Regular could be male…time will tell. I look forward to whatever nature provides as i collect the pollen also... Update 1 day after the other girl came up.
Week 5 of veg honestly do not have a clue how I’ve managed to get this far with her looking half happy have come across a few slight issues along the way but seems to have cleared up I think, ppms haven’t been reading what I exactly except feeding with 600ppms ph 5.5 all the time as it rises a few points I should be in the safe zone and the run off when measured is way lower (180ppms) and I’m sure my ec pen is fine so I’m so confused I don’t bother testing the ph run off as it fluctuates all the time aslong as it’s ideal what got put in I should be fine I heard i just done get why I can’t seem to get
Fed compost tea with added Bio PK today. Plain water all following feedings. Did a heavy defoliation session to let as much light penetrate the lower canopy as possible to help with bud ripening. Very happy with how she is filling out, looks like her buds are going to be really nicely sized.
3/27/2024 Day 28 from sprout 🌱 Starting to go into flower now 😇 white pistils poppin 👌 water is the only thing I have given her so far 💪 removed the lowest set of branches and fans leaves that weren't really getting much light. Thanks for looking 🙏 happy growing ✌️ 👉
3/27/2024 Day 63 from sprout 🌱 She's getting closer.. maybe two weeks left 😊 smells are sweet and fruity with a nice dank skunky aroma. Not the biggest buds but they are pretty frosty. I just switched over to bloom booster terp tea for the last couple weeks. Thanks for stopping by 😁 all the best with your grows 👊
🖐️👨‍🌾 Bienvenidos amantes de la Marihuana, comienzo una nueva temporada de cultivos, primavera/verano 24, con esta cepa que me va a llevar de viaje por el viejo reino de Siam a la búsqueda de la marihuana que pude fumar allí y antaño, tal vez en este camino cargado de recuerdos, me encuentre con otras flores... con más recuerdos. Después de unas semanas de descanso de la temporada anterior, comienzo este nuevo viaje con ganas y la esperanza de conseguir la mejor cosecha hasta el momento. Preparé concienzudamente el sustrato donde puse las semillas de las 9 cepas que voy a cultivar esta temporada, mi intención era emular la germinación espontanea que se produce en el bosque o campo, pensé en reproducir este escenario, mezclé un sustrato "cocinado" durante meses con nutrientes y minerales, añadí fibra de coco inoculada con Microorganismos de Montaña y mi Bio Coco EM que contiene minerales, hormonas, enzimas, etc. puse la semilla en superficie de ese sustrato y lo tapé con materia orgánica seca proveniente de Mulch rescatado de mi anterior temporada de cultivos, a continuación humedecí todo con agua caliente y miel, lo tapé y lo puse al calor de una manta eléctrica, a los 3 días asomó esta semilla de Thai Fantasy, dos días después otra semilla de Colombia Gold también salía del sustrato, pero 8 días después ninguna de las otras 7 semillas germinó, a la vista de una lupa, todas la semillas estaban podridas y con ácaros similares a los que se ven en el compost, el fracaso ha sido total, la ley de la selva a imperado y solo han sobrevivido las más fuertes, estas dos semillas tendrán las mejores macetas, se las han ganado. Ahora he vuelto a poner las semillas a germinar, pero esta vez sobre servilletas húmedas y calor, y prepararé un sustrato menos caliente para el momento del trasplante... adelante! Espero lo mejor de esta cepa con dominancia sativa, las cepas de Kannabia siempre sorprenden, y mi bodega está a falta de sativas asiáticas, así que a jugar!! ================================ Info de la cepa Thai Fantasy de Kannabia seeds: "Nuestros paladares occidentales se abren a nuevas dimensiones cuando nos adentramos en los universos exóticos de Tailandia o Camboya." Kannabia Seeds - Genética: Thai x Black Domina - Sativa 80%, Índica 20% - Tiempo de Floración - 58-65 días - Rendimiento en interior: 500 g/m² - THC: 18,6 % - Sabores: Dulce y terroso ================================