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Week 5 things are really filling out, 3 blue kings and GDP are stacking like Legos, fruity pebbles is continuing to get stickier and frontier. Gdp showing signs of yellowing. So might give a small nitro boost. And the girls we're thirsty a tad. Overall everything looking great!
5/02/2024 Day 10. Or day 3 of actual veg stage. 5/03/2024 so the story of the two seeds, I really was rooting for the darker shaded one. In actuality, that same night, I noticed that the plant actually looked damaged or burnt almost and over the course of the week, eventually got worse and eventually gave up and flopped over. Once again, this is MY fault that it died. I’ve basically culled down to a single seed/cultivar on accident. Maybe it’s subconscious spiritual intervention for me to find the VERY best 😂
Week 13 (25-4 to 1-5) 25-4 Temperature: 22.6 degrees (lights on) 18.2 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 72% (highest) 56% (lowest) Watering: None. Strength of the light increased from 80% to 85%. 26-4 Temperature: 23.7 degrees (lights on) 19 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 70% (highest) 49% (lowest) Watering: 2000 ml. No pictures. 27-4 Temperature: 22.9 degrees (lights on) 19.1 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 70% (highest) 51% (lowest) Watering: None. 28-4 Temperature: 23.5 degrees (lights on) 20.2 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 72% (highest) 51% (lowest) Watering: 1500 ml. 29-4 Temperature: 23.2 degrees (lights on) 19.7 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 70% (highest) 41% (lowest) Watering: 1500 ml. 30-4 Temperature: 24.4 degrees (lights on) 19.9 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 70% (highest) 54% (lowest) Watering: None. No pictures. 1-5 Temperature: 25.6 degrees (lights on) 20.9 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 71% (highest) 49% (lowest) Watering: None.
Gracias al equipo de Seedsman y XpertNutrients sin ellos esto no sería posible. 💐🍁 Bubba Cheescake: Bubba Cheesecake es un cruce de Bubba Kush anterior al 98 con Cheese Cake (Wedding Cake x Exodus Cheese). Se trata de un híbrido 70% índica con muy buenos rendimientos, alto en THC y bajo en CBD. Bubba Cheesecake prospera en interiores y exteriores. En interior se aconseja un corto periodo de crecimiento vegetativo debido a la cantidad de estiramiento que presentan las plantas. Las plantas pueden crecer hasta una altura de 250 a 350 cm. cuando se deja crecer naturalmente al aire libre. En interior, la floración dura entre 60 y 65 días, con rendimientos entre buenos y altos, de 400 a 550 gr/m2. Las plantas de exterior son capaces de producir entre 700 - 800 gr. peso seco. En las latitudes norteñas, en exterior, los productores pueden esperar cosechar a principios de octubre. Los cogollos son grandes y duros como piedras. Las plantas maduras muestran atractivos colores púrpuras y azules y brillan con una resina pegajosa que cubrirá las manos del cultivador si no tiene cuidado. El componente Wedding Cake agrega dulzura al sabor del regaliz y el aroma es terroso y musgoso. La producción de THC es muy alta con un nivel bajo de CBD. El efecto es intensamente narcótico, fuerte y duradero. 🌻🚀 Consigue aqui tus semillas: 🍣🍦🌴 Xpert Nutrients es una empresa especializada en la producción y comercialización de fertilizantes líquidos y tierras, que garantizan excelentes cosechas y un crecimiento activo para sus plantas durante todas las fases de cultivo. Consigue aqui tus Nutrientes: 📆 Semana 7: Ha sido una semana algo complicada, tormentas, frio y lluvia han ralentizado el crecimiento, espero que pronto lleguen dias soleados, continuo con 1/3 nutrientes recomendados en cada riego.
Gracias al equipo de Kannabia Seed y XpertNutrients, sin ellos esta magia no seria posible. 🍁💐 Runtz (Auto): Si esta cepa se ha ganado su popularidad a pulso, esta versión autofloreciente es digna heredera de sus atributos. No es de extrañar que nuestros criadores hayan acertado con su programa de reproducción, al combinar dos de las cepas más fascinantes de la actualidad: Zkittlez y Gelato. planta resistente y robusta, de cuerpo esbelto y fuerte ramificación lateral, que se puede cultivar prácticamente en cualquier entorno; pero prefiere los veranos largos y cálidos, tal y como quiere la madre naturaleza, donde bañada por el sol se eleva hasta los 120 cm. para producir unos rendimientos muy gratificantes de 100-150 gramos por planta. En interior, y tras solo 70 días desde la semilla, también recompensará con cosechas abundantes de hasta 500 gr./m² Inmediatamente después de encontrarte con ella, lo primero que notarás es su aroma descaradamente afrutado, con un toque tropical cortado con reminiscencias terrosas y amaderadas, que se entremezclan de forma agradable para ofrecer un combo que hace salivar las papilas gustativas. Ofrece un sabor confitado, refrescante y similar a sumergirse en una piscina de frutas cítricas y flores de fragancia intensa. Al inhalar, obtienes la bondad de la dulzura; al exhalar, el humo se convierte en suave y cremoso, dejando suficiente profundidad en cada bocanada para satisfacer a aquellos que buscan los matices más complejos. ⛽ XpertNutrients: es una empresa especializada en la producción y comercialización de fertilizantes líquidos 🍶y sustratos🐛, que garantizan los mejores resultados y cosechas de la más alta calidad. A través de una cuidadosa selección de materias primas y un proceso de producción avanzado, sus productos son sinónimo de resultados confiables. 🛒 Consigue aqui tus fertilizantes:,de%20la%20m%C3%A1s%20alta%20calidad. 📆 Semana 7: Ha sido una semana algo complicada, tormentas, frio y lluvia han ralentizado el crecimiento, espero que pronto lleguen dias soleados, continuo con 1/3 nutrientes recomendados en cada riego.
30.04.2024 Continue into week 9 Clean nutrient tank for the last time...This is last week of flowering for almost all girls. Electrical Conductivity (EC): 0.8 for this week.. Purple Lemonade: First pheno is insane! Shape, size ,color, bud hardness, appearance, frostiness' all attributes to become photo model! Beautiful and high odor in the room! Lighting Parameters: PAR Map: Maximum PPFD is 800, minimum PPFD is 550. VPD: Ranges from -0.1-1.1 Daytime Temperature (DT): 23-24°C. Nighttime Temperature (NT): 19-20°C. Leaf Temperature: 21-22°C. Light Distance: 45-55 cm from the plants. CO2 Levels: 700+ ppm. HLG Scorpion Diablo: Set at 60%, positioned at a 45-55 cm distance. Girls drink less water, so for this week and till the end of flowering new misting timing's Daytime: ON for 50 seconds, followed by 30 minutes OFF. Nighttime: OFF for 50 seconds, followed by 45 minutes OFF. Nutrient Tank (NT): pH: Maintained between 5.80 and 6.00. Stable PH, small drifting up and downs EC: 0.87 Temperature: 19-21°C
Legend Timestamp: 📅 EC - pH: ⚗️ Temp - Hum: 🌡️ Water: 🌊 Food: 🍗 pH Correction: 💧 Actions: 💼 Thoughts: 🧠 Events: 🚀 Media: 🎬 D: DAY, G: GERMINATION, V: VEGETATIVE, B: BLOOMING, R: RIPENING, D: DRYING, C: CURING ______________ 📅 D15/V11 - 30/04/24 ⚗️ EC: 0.7 pH: 6.0 🌡️ T: 21 °C H: 50% 🌊 🍗 💧 💼 🧠 🚀 🎬 1 TL video ______________ 📅 D16/V12 - 01/05/24 ⚗️ EC: 0.7 pH: 6.0 🌡️ T: 21 °C H: 50% 🌊 🍗 💧 💼 🧠 🚀 🎬 1 TL video ______________ 📅 D17/V13 - 02/05/24 ⚗️ EC: 0.6 pH: 5.8 🌡️ T: 20 °C H: 50% 🌊 🍗 💧 💼 🧠 🚀 🎬 1 TL video ______________ 📅 D18/V14 - 03/05/24 ⚗️ EC: 0.8 pH: 5.6 🌡️ T: 22 °C H: 60% 🌊 🍗 💧 💼 🧠 🚀 🎬 1 TL video ______________ 📅 D19/V15 - 04/05/24 ⚗️ EC: 0.8 pH: 5.5 🌡️ T: 22 °C H: 60% 🌊 🍗 💧 💼 🧠 🚀 🎬 1 TL video ______________ 📅 D20/V16 - 05/05/24 ⚗️ EC: 0.7 pH: 5.5 🌡️ T: 22 °C H: 60% 🌊 🍗 💧 💼 🧠 🚀 🎬 1 TL video ______________ 📅 D21/V17 - 06/05/24 ⚗️ EC: 0.7 pH: 5.3 🌡️ T: 22 °C H: 50% 🌊 🍗 Calmag, Grow A-B 💧5L 💼 🧠 🚀 🎬 1 TL video
The plants are now in full stretch and I have done some defoliation and LST in the last week. 2 plants came out to give the others enough space. I saw that I had significantly too much nitrogen in my plants. You couldn't really see it under the LED light. The next few times i give them pure water.
This is actually my first time growing in Coco, so had a few issues in feeding at first.
Yeah Lance is definetly recovering. Fascinating how this stunned him, and he and Frank are now so far apart, but same strain, same soil, same everything. Mr. Pipi will see how Lance turns out. I´m still hoping for good and quick recovery. First Pistils showed up on all the plants on Day 23. So in the next one or two Weeks Mr. Pipi expects the Flower to start. Endspurt Sportsfreunde. So as we can see in the Video Pedro is the tallest, and his overall structure is Mr. Pipis favorite, for now. Not so bushy as the Bloody Skunks but we´ll have to see what the Stretch says. The opportunity was given to tie Pedro´s main stem down. So Mr. Pipis canope stays around the same level. Initally I wanted to not manipulate them, but that´s what Mr. Pipi loves in growing. You watch´em and if you bond enough with your plants, you´ll know what to do. be in a symbiosis. But dont use Pipi on your plants.
At this point in the grow I used some marine cuisine and molasses. I made the mistake of using too much marine cuisine and got some nute burn later on. It was slow release fertilizer that’s why it took a while to see burn.
~ WEDDING CHEESECAKE FAST FLOWER by FastBuds ~ Well fam, here we go again with another epic strain from FastBuds Fast Flowering stable. After having such tremendous success growing their Gorilla Cookies Fast Flower outdoors last year, I've decided to run another of their fast flowering strains outdoors this year... Wedding Cheesecake Fast Flower! The best description of this awesome cultivar comes directly from my friends at FastBuds which is as follows: "A delight for the mind and body: Wedding Cheesecake FF (Fast-Flowering) is a delicious strain that offers XXL yields in a 7-8 weeks flowering cycle. This terpene powerhouse produces loads and loads of mouth-watering vanilla-creamy-cookie-scented terps with hints of citrus and cinnamon. In addition to its delicious aromas, this variety grows very well in both indoor and outdoor setups, yielding up to 650 g/m2 without extra maintenance, making it the ideal strain for beginners as it allows you to maximize yields while minimizing work. This super-fast feminized photoperiod version offers upbeat and energetic yet deeply relaxing effects that are perfect for consumers looking for a heavily focused, motivating, and creative high. It’s the ideal strain for those needing that extra energy boost to start a busy day on the right foot. Wedding Cheesecake FF boasts chunky, large-sized buds with a thick layer of silvery-white resin and bright orange hairs scattered all over: that just screams ‘quality’. The lime-green flowers sparkle with an array of hues ranging from dark to light green, to magenta and purple, and reek of a delicious aroma that’ll remind you of fresh store-bought cheesecake. This is an XXL hybrid that grows extremely tall in height, reaching up to 3m with one huge main cola and multiple long side branches that can withstand enormous yields of up to 650 g/m2 with ease. Wedding Cheesecake FF is extremely resilient to the elements and can be grown in almost every climate as long as you’ve got the space and basics covered, making her an excellent choice for those looking for large-scale harvests with a quick turnaround time without much effort." ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The Setup: This is going to be an outdoor grow, but I have started the Wedding Cheesecake FF indoors as our weather is still too cold to put her outside (nighttime temp's dipping regularly into the 30's℉). The plan is simple... let her grow inside under a 19/5 light schedule until the nighttime temperatures stay above the mid 40's℉, at which point she'll be moved outside and transplanted into the soil which I have already setup and inoculated with beneficial microbes, and then let the fun begin!🤪💚 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Weekly Updates: 3/28- Day one for the FastBuds Wedding Cheesecake FF! I initially soaked the seed in lukewarm tap water for 24 hours, at which time the shell had split and a root tip was visible. I then transferred the seed to a pre-soaked peat pellet which was placed in a 1.5"x1.5" plastic seedling pot which was set into the bottom half of a Solo cup that I cut in half. 3/30- As soon as I could see a root beginning to emerge from the peat pellet I transferred the pellet, that I first coated with Extreme Gardening's MYCOS, into a Solo cup that had a 70/30 Coco/Perlite mix that was pre-amended with Gaia Green 4-4-4 slow release dry amendment, along with wiggle worm castings. After placing the Wedding Cheesecake FF in the cup, I watered it in and placed a humidity dome over it to ensure that it stayed in a relatively moist environment as it gets acclimated to its new 'temporary home'. 4/1- The Wedding Cheesecake FF has taken right to her Solo cup and is looking stress free. Her vigor and color are both exceptional as well! 4/3- Well there's the first week for this little girl. Stay tuned in the coming weeks, especially when she gets moved outside and really starts to take off. I can't wait... can you? Thank you for checking out my diary, your positive comments and support make it all worthwhile! 💚Growers Love!💚😎🙏
28.04.2024 First harvest in this run! Tropicana Cookies No1 is a winner.) First Tropicana Cookies is harvested on 89 day from seed. Total 55 days off flowering. Fast flowering indeed as fast in vegetative stage. Cut this girl in branches and hang upside-down in smaller tent for drying Set RH @ 55% , temperatures not able to control so they will be something around 20-21 in drying tent Second Tropicana will be chopped within a couple off days In this cultivation, I used commercial LED lighting for the first time—the HLG Scorpion Diablo 650w, a beasts of light. It helped the plants beneath it develop exceptionally hard heads without heat-induced stress. The light spectrum is excellent, and the plants under it appear much healthier than those under my old light. They also finished faster, if that has any relevance. After numerous failures and difficulties with the timers I used for pumps and electromagnetic valves, which resulted in interrupted irrigation on several occasions, I believe I’ve resolved those issues. The TrolMaster programmable devices work perfectly in recycling mode. The ability to adjust times in seconds is precisely what I needed! The TCS1 Tent-X brain, equipped with an excellent sensor for temperature, humidity, and light detection, is remarkably accurate with rapid value measurement response—faster than the AC Infinity 69PRO controller. My favorite piece of equipment is the AMP3 sensor with pH and EC probes. It performs exceptionally well—precise and accurate. Integrating it into the system is as easy as a breeze. All equipment and sensors can be added fast to the entire system. Additionally, the humidity control I use with the Corroventa K3HP air dehumidifier works like a charm! I am extremely satisfied with TrolMaster equipment and highly recommend it to anyone in need of a precise and reliable system for their grow tent, especially those using hydro or aeroponic cultivation methods. 01.05.2024 Checking TC in drying tent, perfect conditions, i will like more to have cooler temps but ... Six days already drying, think a 4-5 more and trimming. Tomorrow or day after is harvest off second TC and probably one Purple Lemonade... 12.05.2024 First Tropicana Cookies is ready for trimming and curing. Hard and dance buds. Try some small bud, very strong stuff! From first early girl i got 128g net weight Second Tropicana Cookies is on trimming session within couple of days.. 15.05.2024 Second Tropicana Cookies get trimmed. Amazing plant in term of bud density and aromas that it have. Hard and high odor buds. From second girl i got 131g net weight Total dry bud mass from two plants is 260g, Total power consumption for this two girls is around 180w. Total power used in whole tent is 720w at its maximum peak for 8 plants. Next week after leaving it in Grow Bags , first smoke review, can wait ! Overall growing Tropicana Cookies was easy grow with lot of fun. This girls are resilient to everything, from bad weather and less than perfect climate conditions. They except all. Growing two plants i can say that they grow very uniformly, finishing at same height and overall same density, size and shape. Almost like from a cutting. That is what i really like ! In future i gonna to grow this lady's at least one more time but with difference, i will grow them as only strain in same tent. Combining them with Purple Lemonade and Wedding Cheesecake was little bit challenging, i feel that either off three cultivars didn't show the best off them. Main deference was plant height and nutrient requirements. Highly recommended strain for everyone !
Merlin's Mintz Autoflower has come to a harvest day. She is a sweet fruity kush smell. She has some nice colors and is super frosty. I will be back for the smoke report in a month or 2 once I get her dried, Cured, and trimmed up. Everything went well. Thank you Spider Farmer, Athena, and Aeque Genetics. 🤜🏻🤛🏻🌱❄️🌱 Thank you grow diaries community for the 👇likes👇, follows, comments, and subscriptions on my YouTube channel👇. ❄️🌱🍻 Happy Growing 🌱🌱🌱