Taking a bit longer than expected for pistils development to happen but I'm hopeful it'll be any day now, I think between schwazzing a few days late and underfeeding them I caused a bit too much for them to launch like they could have, live and learn.
Tried to see how long pls to could go without a feeding, turns out it's about 24 hours in the flower room. Gonna keep testing stuff but they seem headed back on track. Water pure coco daily. They are starting to thrive again, other than my fricken OMG and Zombie Kush (bad phenotpyes) but they are really just there for fun at this point.
Week two saw some decent stretch, definitely need to figure out a better nutrient schedule going forward, recently bought some Veg/Bloom line up so I'm excited to see how powder nutrients go.
So a lil update, I'm not editing any of the comments just adding addendums below, so for this one, I'm back to 2x daily watering for the flower room and daily for the veg room, 1.5g each feeding for all plants, as of 9/9/20 I've switched to Veg/Bloom lineup from Hydro Research and can't wait to see how it goes. The zombie kush and OMG are breaking my heart but I'm hopeful after defoliation this Friday and the new nutrient regimen they will be some happy girls. I very well may have just been severely underfeeding but that doesn't make sense since the big plants are doing so great, so I'm not really sure what the hell they want, also don't really care since we're focused on the two plants that have produced heirs.
Week two had a lot going on, schwazz tomorrow on all of them and get rid of any smaller branches, should look quite a bit different on tomorrow's post.