Eccoci qui... Tutto va per il meglio, questa settimana non ho applicato stress alle piccole, ma ho guardato l'evoluzione che hanno avuto dando i nutrienti. Ora hanno un odore davvero intenso ed uno strato di resina pauroso, vediamo come si riprendono dalla defogliazione che ho fatto settimana scorsa. Seguiranno aggiornamenti, grazie a tutti per il supporto🔥🌲❤️
22 Enero(F55): Solo queda una semana para terminar el cultivo, en estos últimos días se está usando Fade de Athena Nutrients, para ayudar con la maduración y mejorar sabores y olores. La luz de los LED se bajó a un 50% y la temperatura del agua de riego también se disminuyó. Los olores están demasiado potentes, tuve que poner filtro de carbono. Los últimos 4 días se regará solo con agua de osmosis + Cleanse.
Tiene 2 semanas más de lo que decía el catálogo y no se si se formarán más las flores, se atraso un par de semanas debido el estrés que tuvo por las dudas hace dos riegos deje de fertilizar y pienso dejarla hasta que se amarillen las hojas al menos
Привет друзья. 14.01.24 Harvest 100% 27.12 перестал кормить и начал проливать чистой водой 20.10 перевёл свет в режим 12/12 Начал применять LST технику на 19 дне, а 18 августа добавил ДЕФОЛИЗАЦИЮ С 20.08 ДЕФОЛИЗАЦИЮ С 20.08 LST технику На сегодняшний день влажность 54% 5.09.2023 заметил высокий Ph 7.9 С 48 дня Ph не ниже 5.8 На сегодняшний день Ph 6.0 Начал кормить с 60 дня Canna Terra Vega PPM 150 Всем мира и добра! Не забудь поставить лайк❤️, если понравилась как прошла неделя И читайте наш TELEGRAM: https://t.me/smail_seeds #Smail_Seeds 😀
Los días han estado fríos por las noches y más oscuro en el día. Está amaneciendo más tarde. Aumento de la dosis de nutriente vegetativo a 5ml/L
Update this is the 5th week in veg. I had trim everything from below and want to keep top of the canopy last week as well topped the 2nd time. The 6 main colas goes to 12 and after the 2nd topped now 24 main colas(I didn’t do the side branches)… I am going to let it veg out until week 6 or 8 depemdinf on the bounce back.
Day 99: Today marks the start of the last week for this journal! I keep watering them with RO water (0ppm) every 3 days. The runoff is gradually diminishing as the plants are utilizing the remaining nutrients present in the growing medium. The experience has been amazing so far, and I've definitely learned a lot. I'll probably be chopping these plants in one week... Damn guys, so excited to taste these beautiful buds! Tried to bring something different this time uploading a video instead of photos. But pictures are coming soon as well to best ilustrate whats going on. Cheers! Day 101: Took some new pictures today. Girls are looking good and smelling amazing. Cant wait to taste them. Day 103: We're getting real close to the finish line. Slapped a mini microscope onto my phone and took some pics of the trichomes. The bottom buds are mostly cloudy, and the top ones have a bit of amber action. Thinking maybe I'll give it another week before I pull the trigger on harvesting.
Hello, everyone. What happened with us this week - we moved our girl to another box because her height is now over 140 cm, and she started hitting the lights. I couldn't take good photos, so here's a video. The issue is that our girl was under the net in the box, and when the net was removed, she started collapsing under the weight of the buds. I ordered supports of 150 cm in height, and when I make our girl presentable, I'll take a lot of photos. We trimmed the leaves and small branches a bit.Take notice, it's the third week of flowering, and our girl is already covered in sugar. I want to wish everyone a good harvest and easy cultivation. Thanks to everyone who watches and reads, and especially those who leave comments, ask questions, and hit the like button. Also, a huge thanks to Zamnesia and Plagron.