Flushed for 3 days so far so good. No yellow tips on the leafs yet but I may just have to pull this plant down today I have just 1 plant in the tent it doesn't seem worth running this just for 1 plant so I will pull down later today I think and upload pics and remember where I went wrong for next time. I have some new seeds just been delivered I think next time I will try to have an additional tent slightly bigger so I can have 2 different strains growing at the same time. Definitely using feminised seeds also as don't have time to waste vegging for 6 weeks a plant to just end up with balls. Next run will be: 4 x cookie dawg 3 x velvet moon 1 x sherbert punch I will be looking for a decent led light for the next tent also I would like to run the same strain in both tents and see what the difference in the results are using my hps light vs led Harvested plant 1 5oz budd 14g popcorn buds and leaf trim
6 ta semana de crecimiento del 9 septiembre al 15 de septiembre 2024, nutrimos con Floralicius Plus, hidrol-pez, bases PH Perfecto y CaliMagic, se nota un crecimiento más rápido y vigoroso.
Die letzte Woche ist angebrochen und sie bekommen ab jetzt nur noch reines Leitungswasser ohne Nährstoffe und das auch nur abends. Morgens lasse ich das Wasser ab und lasse sie mit der Pfütze zurecht kommen, die noch drin bleibt, um etwas Trockenstress zu erzeugen. Die Wasserpumpen mit den Aeroponik-Düsen sind bereits aus, aber die Airpumps laufen noch. Ich warte noch ein wenig auf die Trichome, aber es wird vermutlich nicht mehr all zu lange dauern, bis ich sie ernte 😁👍 An Tag 78 habe ich angefangen zu ernten, wird wohl etwas dauern 😇
Well she has reached day 42. It was a busy week for her. She was flipped to flower and began her LST torture. Started to stretch her out on days 39-42. The feeding has been changed slightly. She now gets the cheesecloth container flooded for 3-5 minutes then drained twice a day. 😍
Note : + jegliches Zubehör wird in der GermniationsWoche aufgelistet . Zeitraffer Videos folgen immer nachträglich. + videos werden so geschnitten das nur ein geschlossenes Zelt erscheint , ergo Fehlen paar reale Minuten (ca 1 Std) . Day 57: + 2.0 Liter Flaschenwasser + + Dünger für Blühte + + + Canna Terrar Flores (Achtung wirkt wie PH-) + + + Canna Boost + + + Cannazym + + + Canna PH+ + + PH 5.91 Da es heute heiss ist , wird wie Gestern laufen . Bis 19:00 Uhr wird das Licht reduziert und dann DLI nachgeholt. Day 58: Da es immer noch heiss ist , wird wie Gestern laufen . Bis 19:00 Uhr wird das Licht reduziert und dann DLI nachgeholt. Day 59: + 2.0 Liter Flaschenwasser + + Dünger für Blühte + + + Canna Terrar Flores (Achtung wirkt wie PH-) + + + Canna Boost + + + Cannazym + + + Canna Rhizotonic + + + Canna PH+ + + PH 5.91 16h jetzt mit 1000 PPFD und jeweils 1 Stunde Sonnenaufgang und Sonnenuntergang. Day 60: Mal ein bissel Größenvergleiche gemacht .Das Clipper Feuerzeug ist 7.5 cm hoch . Day 61: + 1.75 Liter Flaschenwasser + + Dünger für Blühte + + + Canna Terrar Flores (Achtung wirkt wie PH-) + + + Canna Boost + + + Cannazym + + + Canna Rhizotonic + + + Canna PH+ + + PH 6.01
la semana empiezan mostrando un estado muy bonito y gozan de humidificador nuevo. Primeras comprobaciones de temperatura y humedad con el humidificador al mínimo, como puede verse en la foto del dia antes, dia 15, apenas no ha cosumido nada de agua por lo que aumentaremos el caudal y tiempo en el temporizador analógico. Así aumentaremos también un poco más la humedad sin tantos altos y bajos Pasados unos 5 dias volví a podar dejando únicamente un nudo por planta y un doblado de ramitas.
la semana empiezan mostrando un estado muy bonito y gozan de humidificador nuevo. Primeras comprobaciones de temperatura y humedad con el humidificador al mínimo, como puede verse en la foto del dia antes, dia 15, apenas no ha cosumido nada de agua por lo que aumentaremos el caudal y tiempo en el temporizador analógico. Así aumentaremos también un poco más la humedad sin tantos altos y bajos Pasados unos 5 dias volví a podar dejando únicamente un nudo por planta y un doblado de ramitas.
Toasty 🔥 Hot Placed fresh fluorescent bulb in the Solacure, UV levels will need to be monitored closely from here on in, the fresh bulb is really strong, can feel the tingles real fast. Switched to 16/8, UVA left on for the full duration of daylight hours, UVB Peak is now set to 8 hours in the middle of the day with 4 hours of zero UVB on both sides. 3 days after I switched the 280nm bulb, (this quadrupled the output). Nearly every seed that remained ungerminated, popped making it a much greener pot in 3 days, most seeds sat for 5 weeks in conditions not that great for germination, with only a few popping over that time it's a hard environment to germinate when ambient temps reaching 95F daily, very dry. I have not added any cooling as of yet to the tent. Interesting. Surprised by how well she is handling the temperatures. Direct sunlight in the heat of midday, which can reach UVB levels of 350 to 450 μW/cm2 in tropical settings. However, even the shady have reflected UVB that can reach 30 to 50 μW/cm2.25 I shall try to keep the UV exposure somewhere in between. The topping turned out nice, more of an FIM across the Crown, this time I hit the sweet spot, on one I managed to cut 4 layers of leaves deep into the mandelbrot crown, once it grows a few days after the cut you really get to see what was actually cut as it takes time to grow out from its miniature form, this is first-time I've seen so many serrated leaves with only 1 cut, very dense with 5-6 internodes all stuffed into the space of an inch, by time vertical growth continues eventually there will be lots of main cola all roughly same height, It's going to be dense. Looking forward to seeing her grow.
Toasty 🔥 Hot Placed fresh fluorescent bulb in the Solacure, UV levels will need to be monitored closely from here on in, the fresh bulb is really strong, can feel the tingles real fast. Switched to 16/8, UVA left on for the full duration of daylight hours, UVB Peak is now set to 8 hours in the middle of the day with 4 hours of zero UVB on both sides. 3 days after I switched the 280nm bulb, (this quadrupled the output). Nearly every seed that remained ungerminated, popped making it a much greener pot in 3 days, most seeds sat for 5 weeks in conditions not that great for germination, with only a few popping over that time it's a hard environment to germinate when ambient temps reaching 95F daily, very dry. I have not added any cooling as of yet to the tent. Interesting. Surprised by how well she is handling the temperatures. Direct sunlight in the heat of midday, which can reach UVB levels of 350 to 450 μW/cm2 in tropical settings. However, even the shady have reflected UVB that can reach 30 to 50 μW/cm2.25 I shall try to keep the UV exposure somewhere in between. The topping turned out nice, more of an FIM across the Crown, this time I hit the sweet spot, on one I managed to cut 4 layers of leaves deep into the mandelbrot crown, once it grows a few days after the cut you really get to see what was actually cut as it takes time to grow out from its miniature form, this is first-time I've seen so many serrated leaves with only 1 cut, very dense with 5-6 internodes all stuffed into the space of an inch, by time vertical growth comes back to normal there will be lots of main cola all roughly same height, a good base to start with the trellis. It's going to be dense. Looking forward to seeing her grow.
Hi there start of week 11 today 😏 today (Day 78) the weather is cold and very high humidity because of rain 😲😩😕 Day 79 same shit weather then yesterday with very high humidity and rain 😵😲😵😲😵 Day 80 autumn has arrived 😱😨😰 cold with rain and high humidity 😲😵😭
El sabado 7 arranca una nueva semana de vegetativo, las plantas crecen con vigor, la Ztrawberry esta mas bajita que las Full Gas. Se esta regando solo con 2 litros de agua con ph 6.3 dia por medio solamente para mantener la humedad. 10/9 Se aplica poda apical a todas las puntas y se retiran hojas que tapen la luz.
(Ignore the plant tag - I found out this week from the person who gave me the clone that I had heard completely wrong) She is growing so fast now. I topped and tied down the main stems that were out-growing the lower branches as an experiment but also defoliated the leaves covering any under canopy nodes that could be of potential to catch up. I also turned on the Autopot system this week. The airdomes have been running 18/6 since week 2.
9-11 Day 7 Yay we made it, Officially week 2! She was slightly leaning a bit, so I staked her. Shes supposed to be kinda big, so I'm lst anyways. Why not start now? But for real, I put zero pressure on her. ️