The Grow Awards 2025 🏆
Day 53 of flower today. I filled the reservoir from empty and stopped using the macro. I replaced it with General hydroponics Ripen at 5ml a gallon. Everything is frosty and smells good. As far looks I like the RC the best and the PE the least. I'm going to end up with a sheet ton of it out of the 3 so I hope I'm wrong! 😆 I'm going to do a lower defoliation mid week to get more air flowing. RH is stable but I just want to be careful 🧐 being this close to the finish line. This is definitely one of the easiest runs I've had. It seems PE is pretty maxed when it comes to nutrition but LMC and RC could take a bit more. My PE phenotype is super stretchy compared to them as well.
One plant is flowering a few days later, this particular seed grew a bit different then the other 2 stronger and minus the 4th one "that went through shock due to the accident during transplant." Aka tipping over 😞..... The back 2 plants will be the prime crops, but some open sesame and TLC on the front left plant will amake difference,.Stay tuned....40 days left...aprox
January 26 Gave the plants an increase dose of nutrients on the 25th and today I noticed the FS were getting a bit of burn on the tips so I flushed the soil with about 4 gallons of pH 7 water. They're looking better today. RB has a few crispy lower leaves, I think because it has less soil and dries out quicker. I'll probably have to water it daily. The SwCDLC didn't bat an eye at the increased nutrient level. Both SS's are growing ok. The 3 gallon SS is larger then my micro grow one for obvious reasons. Both of the larger plants showed sex a few days ago so I know they're female and the stretch is underway. Hopefully start getting a few small buds next week!
Green light is radiation with wavelengths between 520 and 560 nm and it affects photosynthesis, plant height, and flowering. Plants reflect green light and this is why they appear green to our eyes. As a result, some growers think that plants don’t use green wavelengths, but they actually do! In fact, only around 5 – 10% of green light is reflected from leaves and the rest (90 – 95 %) is absorbed or transmitted to lower leaves [1]. Green wavelengths get used in photosynthesis. Chlorophyll pigments absorb small amounts of green wavelengths. Light that doesn’t get absorbed is transmitted to leaves that are shaded out from direct light. This means that leaves at the bottom of the canopy get more green light than leaves at the top. A high proportion of green wavelengths compared to other colors tells lower leaves that they are being shaded out, so they are able to react accordingly. Lower leaves may react by opening or closing their stomata or growing longer stems that help the leaves reach brighter light [1, 2, 3]. When it comes to growing cannabis, many cultivators are interested in the quality of light used for the flowering stage. In many plants, flowering is regulated by two main photoreceptors: cryptochrome and phytochrome. Both photoreceptors primarily respond to blue light but can also respond to green, although to a lesser extent. Green can accelerate the start of flowering in several species (although cannabis has yet to be tested) [1, 4, 5]. However, once flowering has begun, it’s important to provide plants with a “full spectrum” light that has high amounts of blue and red light, and moderate amounts of green, in order for photosynthesis to be optimized. Green light mediates seed germination in some species. Seeds use green wavelengths to decide whether the environment is good for germination. Shade environments are enriched in green relative to red and blue light, so a plant can tell if it is shady or sunny. A seed that senses a shaded environment may stay dormant to avoid poor growing conditions [1]. Some examples of plant species where researchers have documented this response are: ryegrass (a grass that grows in tufts) and Chondrilla (a plant related to dandelion) [1, 6]. Although green wavelengths generally tell plants NOT to germinate, there are some exceptions! Surprisingly, green wavelengths can stimulate seed germination in some species like Aeschynomene, Tephrosia, Solidago, Cyrtopodium, and Atriplex [1, 6, 7]. Of course, light is not the only factor affecting seed germination – it’s a combination of many factors, such as soil moisture, soil type, temperature, photoperiod, and light quality. When combined with red and blue light, green can really enhance plant growth [1, 8]. However, too much green light (more than 50% of the total light) can actually reduce plant growth [8]. Based on the most current research, the ideal ratio of green, red, and blue light is thought to be around 1:2:1 for green:blue:red [9]. When choosing a horticultural light, choose one that has high amounts of blue and red light and moderate amounts of green and other colors of light. Not many studies can be found about the effect of green light on cannabis growth or metabolism. However, if one reads carefully, there are clues and data available even from the very early papers. Mahlberg and Hemphill (1983) used colored filters in their study to alter the sunlight spectrum and study green light among others. They concluded that the green filter, which makes the environment green by cutting other wavelengths out, reduced the THC concentration significantly compared to the daylight control treatment. It has been demonstrated that green color can reduce secondary metabolite activity with other species as well. For example, the addition of green to a light spectrum decreases anthocyanin concentration in lettuce (Zhang and Folta 2012). If green light only reverses the biosynthesis of some secondary metabolites, then why put green light into a growth spectrum at all? Well, there are a couple of good reasons. One is that green penetrates leaf layers effectively. Conversely red and blue light is almost completely absorbed by the first leaf layer. Green travels through the first, second, and even third layers effectively (Figure 2). Lower leaf layers can utilize green light in photosynthesis and therefore produce yields as well. Even though a green light-specific photoreceptor has not yet been found, it is known that green light has effects independent from the cryptochrome but then again, also cryptochrome-dependent ones, just like blue light. It is known that green light in low light intensity conditions can enhance far red stimulating secondary metabolite production in microgreens and then again, counteracts the production of these compounds in high-intensity light conditions (Kim et al. 2004). In many cases, green light promoted physiological changes in plants that are opposite to the actions of blue light. In the study by Kim et al. blue light-induced anthocyanin accumulation was inhibited by green light. In another study it has been found that blue light promotes stomatal opening whereas green light promotes stomatal closure (Frechilla et al. 2000). Blue light inhibits the early stem elongation in the seedling stage whereas green light promotes it (Folta 2004). Also, blue light results in flowering induction, and green light inhibits it (Banerjee et al., 2007). As you can see, green light works very closely with blue light, and therefore not only the amount of these two wavelengths separately is important but also the ratio (Blue: Green) between these two in the designed spectrum. Furthermore, green light has been found to affect the elongation of petioles and upward leaf reorientation with the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana both of which are a sign of shade avoidance symptoms (Zhang et al. 2011) and also gene expression in the same plant (Dhingra et al. 2006). As mentioned before, green light produces shade avoidance symptoms which are quite intuitive if you consider the natural conditions where the plants grow. Not all the green light is reflected from the highest canopy leaves in nature but a lot of it (50-90%) has been estimated to penetrate the upper leaves at the plant level ((Terashima et al., 2009; Nishio, 2000). For the plant growing in the understory of the forest green light is a signal for the plant of being in the shade of a bigger plant. Then again, the plants growing under unobstructed sunlight can take advantage of the green photons that can more easily penetrate the upper leaves than the red and blue photons. From the photosynthetic pigments in higher plants, chlorophyll is crucial for plant growth. Dissolved chlorophyll and absorb maximally in the red (λ600–700 nm) and blue (λ400–500 nm) regions of the spectrum and not as easily in the green (λ500–600 nm) regions. Up to 80% of all green light is thought to be transmitted through the chloroplast (Terashima et al., 2009) and this allows more green photons to pass deeper into the leaf mesophyll layer than red and blue photons. When the green light is scattered in the vertical leaf profile its journey is lengthened and therefore photons have a higher chance of hitting and being absorbed by chloroplasts on their passage through the leaf to the lower leaves of the plant. Photons of PPFD (photosynthetic photon flux density) are captured by chlorophyll causing an excitation of an electron to enter a higher energy state in which the energy is immediately passed on to the neighboring chlorophyll molecule by resonance transfer or released to the electron transport chain (PSII and PSI). Despite the low extinction coefficient of chlorophyll in the green 500–600 nm region it needs to be noted that the absorbance can be significant if the pigment (chlorophyll) concentration in the leaf is high enough. The research available clearly shows that plants use green wavelengths to promote higher biomass and yield (photosynthetic activity), and that it is a crucial signal for long-term developmental and short-term dynamic acclimation (Blue:Green ratio) to the environment. It should not be dismissed but studied more because it brings more opportunities to control plant gene expression and physiology in plant production. REFERENCES Banerjee R., Schleicher E., Meier S. Viana R. M., Pokorny R., Ahmad M., Bittl R., Batschauer. 2007. The signaling state of Arabidopsis cryptochrome 2 contains flavin semiquinone. The Journal of Biological Chemistry 282, 14916–14922. Dhingra, A., Bies, D. H., Lehner, K. R., and Folta, K. M. 2006. Green light adjusts the plastic transcriptome during early photomorphogenic development. Plant Physiol. 142, 1256-1266. Folta, K. M. 2004. Green light stimulates early stem elongation, antagonizing light-mediated growth inhibition. Plant Physiol. 135, 1407-1416. Frechilla, S., Talbott, L. D., Bogomolmi, R. A., and Zeiger, E. 2000. Reversal of blue light -stimulated stomatal opening by green light. Plant Cell Physiol. 41, 171-176. Kim, H.H., Goins, G. D., Wheeler, R. M., and Sager, J. C. 2004.Green-light supplementation for enhanced lettuce growth under red- and blue-light emitting diodes. HortScience 39, 1617-1622. Nishio, J.N. 2000. Why are higher plants green? Evolution of the higher plant photosynthetic pigment complement. Plant Cell and Environment 23, 539–548. Terashima I., Fujita T., Inoue T., Chow W.S., Oguchi R. 2009. Green light drives leaf photosynthesis more efficiently than red light in strong white light: revisiting the enigmatic question of why leaves are green. Plant & Cell Physiology 50, 684–697. Zhang, T., Maruhnich, S. A., and Folta, K. M. 2011. Green light induces shade avoidance symptoms. Plant Physiol. 157, 1528-156. Wang, Y. & Folta, K. M. Contributions of green light to plant growth and development. Am. J. Bot. 100, 70–78 (2013). Zhang, T. & Folta, K. M. Green light signaling and adaptive response. Plant Signal. Behav. 7, 75–78 (2012). Johkan, M. et al. Blue light-emitting diode light irradiation of seedlings improves seedling quality and growth after transplanting in red leaf lettuce. HortScience 45, 1809–1814 (2010). Kasajima, S., et al. Effect of Light Quality on Developmental Rate of Wheat under Continuous Light at a Constant Temperature. Plant Prod. Sci. 10, 286–291 (2007). Banerjee, R. et al. The signaling state of Arabidopsis cryptochrome 2 contains flavin semiquinone. J. Biol. Chem. 282, 14916–14922 (2007). Goggin, D. E. & Steadman, K. J. Blue and green are frequently seen: responses of seeds to short- and mid-wavelength light. Seed Sci. Res. 22, 27–35 (2012). Mandák, B. & Pyšek, P. The effects of light quality, nitrate concentration and presence of bracteoles on germination of different fruit types in the heterocarpous Atriplex sagittata. J. Ecol. 89, 149–158 (2001). Darko, E. et al. Photosynthesis under artificial light: the shift in primary and secondary metabolism. Philos. Trans. R. Soc. B Biol. Sci. 369 (2014). Lu, N. et al. Effects of Supplemental Lighting with Light-Emitting Diodes (LEDs) on Tomato Yield and Quality of Single-Truss Tomato Plants Grown at High Planting Density. Environ. Control Biol. 50, 63–74 (2012).
Kefir with a bit of molasses brewed out for b complex and microbes. But as u can see plant is just starting to beast, let's see how much weed we can get of this cultivar. Feeding schedule is once per week. only water on other days.
Looking for new pollen mother!!
Keifer brewed out for 72 hours for the b complex viatmins and all the microbes. Did you know that your gut flora. I.e your gut bacteria is generally the same as the soil microbes. Anyway microbes are making these plants grow so fast.
Day 27 of 12/12 Day 16 Flower Ppfd 950-1050. S44-Ionboard Ppfd 650. S11-Ionboard lightbars EC 2.0 PH 6.0 I finally caught this diary up to the current date. I apologize for my previous entries that were all done last night and kind of vague and all over the place. Today I'm doing a mild defoliation to open up the canopy and get some life pumped into these lower bud sites. She's still stretching some which I'm all for at this point although I have a few colas reaching for the sky that need dialed back a little. I'll most likely just LST them to the net if I can find spots to pull from. Defoliation is a nightmare currently. I need some kind of mission impossible harness to hang above the canopy and save my lower back lol. I ordered and installed the s11 Ionbeam led bars from AC Infinity. I currently have them in my lower canopy just below my scrog net to help her along a bit. The first night I installed them they didn't sync up with my controller 69 and she had a night light for 12 hours. Pisses me off because I should have peeked in to make sure it shut off with the main board. So later on today I'll play around with the setting between the 2 controllers and get this UIS set right. This is a prime example of jumping the gun and letting the excitement of new gear get me doing shit hastily. These bars are weak and have to be placed within inches of the canopy and then will only cover a small area efficiently. I will most likely remove em from the lower canopy and suspend them over the colas on the edges. Not sure what I was expecting from 11" light bars. Maybe I'll add them to my seedling/clone racks.
Intense week Im trying OG Nutrients Og bloom, bloom plantastic, bloom booster and PK 52/34 They are fattering buds, up steems are red, probably because of light burning, even being a 50w led light, I don’t know if that will be a bigger issue after or just purple colouring due to indicas strains and winter low temperatures, please share your thoughts They look healthy as i see, people tell me that there is not enough light, there is too much light, not enough air flow, too much air flow… im just overwhelmed with suggestions, al most everyone says a different thing As always thank you for reading and im open to every comment and suggestions!!
Hey yall! Super stoked to show yall some beneficial nematodes in my soil. Lots of other beneficials in there, the nematodes are the most fun to me! Love to show yall what Korean Natural Farming and JADAM can do. This is all Natural, all organic, all homemade inputs. I just want to prove to you all, the entire community, and the entire cannabis industry that you don't need to drop money on your inputs. You can source everything yourself! Remember, Bottles are for Babies! 🍼 👶 You don't need to buy into anything, you don't need to invest in anything, but YOURSELF! You are the most valuable tool, you are the most dangerous thing on this Earth 🌎 I want to be a resource to everyone and anyone who is willing to be open minded and learn. It doesn't matter your background, where you live, what color you are, or what is in your past. Your future and the future of this Earth is in your (our) hands. Togetherness over oneness Anyways, weekly compost tea applications and quality compost gets you gold! Also hand crafted inputs with love makes a huge difference. Use what you have near you, if you are wildcrafting inputs, be sure to not take from nature without giving back. Recycle, use less chemicals, pour your extra compost tea in your community. We can stop this wild climate change, but we can seriously slow it down, almost completely if we all do our part. I hope these posts inspire you to go down that rabbit hole 🐇 🐰 and get your hands dirty. Use and reuse the same soil, use larger pots or go in a living bed if possible. Have fun and learn something each day, pass on love ❤️ 😍 learn from your mistakes, that is what makes us stronger. No matter the mistake in your garden, or in life, we can always learn something new about life and ourselves. You are not alone on this journey, I got your back, and I truly believe in you. Peace and blessings to all! ❤️ 💙 💜 💖 💗
Hey yall! Super stoked to show yall some beneficial nematodes in my soil. Lots of other beneficials in there, the nematodes are the most fun to me! Love to show yall what Korean Natural Farming and JADAM can do. This is all Natural, all organic, all homemade inputs. I just want to prove to you all, the entire community, and the entire cannabis industry that you don't need to drop money on your inputs. You can source everything yourself! Remember, Bottles are for Babies! 🍼 👶 You don't need to buy into anything, you don't need to invest in anything, but YOURSELF! You are the most valuable tool, you are the most dangerous thing on this Earth 🌎 I want to be a resource to everyone and anyone who is willing to be open minded and learn. It doesn't matter your background, where you live, what color you are, or what is in your past. Your future and the future of this Earth is in your (our) hands. Togetherness over oneness Anyways, weekly compost tea applications and quality compost gets you gold! Also hand crafted inputs with love makes a huge difference. Use what you have near you, if you are wildcrafting inputs, be sure to not take from nature without giving back. Recycle, use less chemicals, pour your extra compost tea in your community. We can stop this wild climate change, but we can seriously slow it down, almost completely if we all do our part. I hope these posts inspire you to go down that rabbit hole 🐇 🐰 and get your hands dirty. Use and reuse the same soil, use larger pots or go in a living bed if possible. Have fun and learn something each day, pass on love ❤️ 😍 learn from your mistakes, that is what makes us stronger. No matter the mistake in your garden, or in life, we can always learn something new about life and ourselves. You are not alone on this journey, I got your back, and I truly believe in you. Peace and blessings to all! ❤️ 💙 💜 💖 💗
Hey yall! Super stoked to show yall some beneficial nematodes in my soil. Lots of other beneficials in there, the nematodes are the most fun to me! Love to show yall what Korean Natural Farming and JADAM can do. This is all Natural, all organic, all homemade inputs. I just want to prove to you all, the entire community, and the entire cannabis industry that you don't need to drop money on your inputs. You can source everything yourself! Remember, Bottles are for Babies! 🍼 👶 You don't need to buy into anything, you don't need to invest in anything, but YOURSELF! You are the most valuable tool, you are the most dangerous thing on this Earth 🌎 I want to be a resource to everyone and anyone who is willing to be open minded and learn. It doesn't matter your background, where you live, what color you are, or what is in your past. Your future and the future of this Earth is in your (our) hands. Togetherness over oneness Anyways, weekly compost tea applications and quality compost gets you gold! Also hand crafted inputs with love makes a huge difference. Use what you have near you, if you are wildcrafting inputs, be sure to not take from nature without giving back. Recycle, use less chemicals, pour your extra compost tea in your community. We can stop this wild climate change, but we can seriously slow it down, almost completely if we all do our part. I hope these posts inspire you to go down that rabbit hole 🐇 🐰 and get your hands dirty. Use and reuse the same soil, use larger pots or go in a living bed if possible. Have fun and learn something each day, pass on love ❤️ 😍 learn from your mistakes, that is what makes us stronger. No matter the mistake in your garden, or in life, we can always learn something new about life and ourselves. You are not alone on this journey, I got your back, and I truly believe in you. Peace and blessings to all! ❤️ 💙 💜 💖 💗
Hey yall! Super stoked to show yall some beneficial nematodes in my soil. Lots of other beneficials in there, the nematodes are the most fun to me! Love to show yall what Korean Natural Farming and JADAM can do. This is all Natural, all organic, all homemade inputs. I just want to prove to you all, the entire community, and the entire cannabis industry that you don't need to drop money on your inputs. You can source everything yourself! Remember, Bottles are for Babies! 🍼 👶 You don't need to buy into anything, you don't need to invest in anything, but YOURSELF! You are the most valuable tool, you are the most dangerous thing on this Earth 🌎 I want to be a resource to everyone and anyone who is willing to be open minded and learn. It doesn't matter your background, where you live, what color you are, or what is in your past. Your future and the future of this Earth is in your (our) hands. Togetherness over oneness Anyways, weekly compost tea applications and quality compost gets you gold! Also hand crafted inputs with love makes a huge difference. Use what you have near you, if you are wildcrafting inputs, be sure to not take from nature without giving back. Recycle, use less chemicals, pour your extra compost tea in your community. We can stop this wild climate change, but we can seriously slow it down, almost completely if we all do our part. I hope these posts inspire you to go down that rabbit hole 🐇 🐰 and get your hands dirty. Use and reuse the same soil, use larger pots or go in a living bed if possible. Have fun and learn something each day, pass on love ❤️ 😍 learn from your mistakes, that is what makes us stronger. No matter the mistake in your garden, or in life, we can always learn something new about life and ourselves. You are not alone on this journey, I got your back, and I truly believe in you. Peace and blessings to all! ❤️ 💙 💜 💖 💗
Hey yall! Super stoked to show yall some beneficial nematodes in my soil. Lots of other beneficials in there, the nematodes are the most fun to me! Love to show yall what Korean Natural Farming and JADAM can do. This is all Natural, all organic, all homemade inputs. I just want to prove to you all, the entire community, and the entire cannabis industry that you don't need to drop money on your inputs. You can source everything yourself! Remember, Bottles are for Babies! 🍼 👶 You don't need to buy into anything, you don't need to invest in anything, but YOURSELF! You are the most valuable tool, you are the most dangerous thing on this Earth 🌎 I want to be a resource to everyone and anyone who is willing to be open minded and learn. It doesn't matter your background, where you live, what color you are, or what is in your past. Your future and the future of this Earth is in your (our) hands. Togetherness over oneness Anyways, weekly compost tea applications and quality compost gets you gold! Also hand crafted inputs with love makes a huge difference. Use what you have near you, if you are wildcrafting inputs, be sure to not take from nature without giving back. Recycle, use less chemicals, pour your extra compost tea in your community. We can stop this wild climate change, but we can seriously slow it down, almost completely if we all do our part. I hope these posts inspire you to go down that rabbit hole 🐇 🐰 and get your hands dirty. Use and reuse the same soil, use larger pots or go in a living bed if possible. Have fun and learn something each day, pass on love ❤️ 😍 learn from your mistakes, that is what makes us stronger. No matter the mistake in your garden, or in life, we can always learn something new about life and ourselves. You are not alone on this journey, I got your back, and I truly believe in you. Peace and blessings to all! ❤️ 💙 💜 💖 💗