07/23/24. Going into week 4 flower
After last update, the things I mentioned worsened. The yellowing turned pasty and almost whitish. The leaves feel weird.. like thick and not rubbery.. but kinda. Don’t know how to describe it.
I had stopped feeding her, other than calmag with micros, one of which is iron. I had also backed the light off since she also appeared burned on the buds or something.
Wasn’t noticing much improvement so I checked runoff and it was very acidic. I then over a few hours time gave her large amounts of water until it got more clear when it came out. After that I finished off with just the calmag/iron.
A few hours later her leaves were perked up. They still looked bad obviously not going to change that fast.
Jumping to today, parts of the leaves look to be regaining some green, especially in the veins and in toward the bases, which is where the most white/yellow was. The buds are starting to grow again, but still appear burnt and lacking hairs. With the green returning..if you look now the symptoms would say nutrient burn. I’m not an expert, but I’m unaware of nutrient burn turning a plant white and yellow and being able to regain green after? If I’m wrong on that please let me know.
For now I am going to just keep going on with water silica and calmag OAC as it seems to be at least doing something that looks right. I also feel the lights way too dimmed (50% 22in) and high, but not taking chances. I’d rather have the plant healthy vs killing her for bud size.
Hopefully too much damage hasn’t been done and my once beautiful Pablita will once again be. 😿
Update: 07/26/24
More whiteness/pasty has decreased and a few little hairs have sprouted! This seems like progress. As green gradually reappears on top.. it’s disappearing in other spots.