Plant is 21 cm high because of low stress training. The length of the stem is 34 cm. Day 43 ☁️🌧️☁️🌧️⛈️ 14 - 17 degrees, humidity is about 72 % I prepared some simple comfrey manure for the next weeks of flowering. It‘s rich in silica and tannins and essential minerals. Mostly all fruit vegetables and flowers like it, so Tropicana will have it as a tee or head fertilization, as well as in her water mixed 1:20 and 1:5. Same procedure like with tomatoes or peppers. No watering in the next days. The soil is soaked with rainwater. The growth is a bit slow in the last cold and rainy days but the flowers look nice.😊 Day 44 ☁️☁️🌥️☁️🌥️ 14-20 degrees and humidity is around 64 % Day 45 ⛅️☁️🌧️☁️🌧️ 13-21 degrees and humidity is around 69 % The flowers started to stack. The soil is too moist but I can‘t change here a lot. Don’t need too water in the neuerer Future and aafe water for late summer. Think when I can drink my next relax tee - take same leafs. Now Tropicana needs all of them for transpiration. Heavy pots. Too wet springtime. 🌧️☔️ Day 46 ☁️🌥️⛅️🌤️ 13-19 degrees, humidity is falling. Windy. The flowers are stacking up. 🐞🐞 did their job and left. With them the mites disappeared (hide). But I found some eggs under the leafs off all three of my cannabis plants. So I will have an eye on this… balcony problem! Wait some more days and bring a couple of 🐞 again. Found some magnifying glass and it suits with my camera lens. Day 47 🌤️☀️🌤️ 11-22 degrees, humidity 89 % and getting even higher this night. Took out two leafs. Day 48 🌤️🌤️🌤️ 17-23 degrees, humidity 89-43%, falling! Tropicana got a liquid breakfast this morning made out of two liter rainwater with 20% ready comfrey manure which is rich in silica and tannins and essential minerals. Be careful with liquid manure as you should have experience in giving high doses. Never more then 20% of the watering on moist soil and never give it pure and after the water. It will burn the roots. This is very fresh, only one week old and not too concentrated. Next week I will give maybe 10%. So, we just enjoy a sunny morning with a healthy breakfast and coffee! 😊
🌱🌞🌱Week4🌱🌞🌱 Bruce is much smaller, LST is almost completely tied to the ground, but looks super healthy. All the side shoots have now been directed and I hope that she will now grow nicely upwards 😅 Sherbet is my queen in this grow so far 🌞 It's just fun to watch the beauty grow. To start the fourth week, I removed some leaves today and directed the shoots in the right direction, otherwise Brucie will soon be completely overgrown 😂 but hopefully it will also have the effect that the good energy of growth will now go in the right direction.... I'll be surprised. Now she looks like a beautiful chandelier 😎
Hey everyone! Just a quick recap from last week: we've removed the LST bands and are letting the plants grow freely. They are looking fantastic and have developed a very dense canopy. 🌿 Now, we're at a bit of a crossroads regarding when to start the flowering phase. The back three plants from our second grow are only 23 days old, and I’d prefer not to have any plants outside the tent. Today, we're changing the light cycle from 20/4 to 18/6. This will give the plants more time to rest, which should help them grow even stronger. 🌱 The 18/6 cycle means 18 hours of light and 6 hours of darkness, providing the plants with more downtime to recuperate and grow. Excited to see how they respond to this change! Day 45 (First Grow): Hey everyone! Exciting update: we’ve built a SCROG (Screen of Green) net for the plants! 🌿 For those who don’t know, a SCROG net helps to train the plants to grow horizontally, which maximizes light exposure to all parts of the plant and promotes more even growth. We're using it with our six plants to ensure they all get plenty of light and develop a uniform canopy. We've also placed a hygrometer among the plants to measure the humidity between the leaves. We've noticed that the humidity sometimes exceeds 70% in those areas. Do we need more fans, an intake ventilation system, or would a dehumidifier be a better option? We’re leaning towards adding more fans to improve air circulation, but we'd love to hear your thoughts and suggestions! Day 46 (First Grow): Hey everyone! Exciting news: the plants have names now! 🌿 This will make it easier to identify and keep track of each one, especially if they get moved around. It should also help you all follow along more easily with the pictures we post. Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to watch them grow and thrive!
Light off for 72 hours and screw into the plant stem at the same time
Hola de nuevo amigos ✌️🌞 Una semana más que óptima para esta belleza de planta, esta resistente y esbelta cepa se ha adaptado genial a las condiciones que tengo controladas de cerca con Trolmaster 🤜🤛💐 La planta apunta hacia arriba con energía, sus tallos son muy fibrosos y resistentes, el ventilador apenas la hace mover y recibe la luz de manera óptima. Siete días antes de las fotografías le apliqué una dosis mínima de Power Buds de Plagron ya que he visto en mis cultivos anteriores que acelera la producción de tricomas repentinamente ✍️, se puede combinar (al final) con los nutrientes de la línea organomineral de GenOneEleven sin problemas y no afecta al pH o la EC 👌 El aroma de esta bella planta es fuerte, pero aún ni la he molestado demasiado como para definirlo 🤭☘️ Un saludo grande para todos y nos vemos en la siguiente!
This grow is going really great. Not one problem have I encountered. Really love these seeds from RQS👌👌
Week 10 started and I decided to do the flushing on day 71 because I will probably have to chopp down in 10-15 days time max. I hope the thrichomas reach the state that I am aiming for. Let’s keep watching this beauty. Looking at the the plant it will yield more than 100g( I believe and hope 😅) Keep growing buds
Jsem nadšen jak kvetení pokračuje. Ještě máme před sebou velký kus cesty. Dnes 25.5. poprvé přidán Green Sensation. Ať to roste přátelé 🍊🍧🌻🌺🌷💐🏵️
Jsem nadšen jak kvetení pokračuje. Ještě máme před sebou velký kus cesty. Dnes 25.5. poprvé přidán Green Sensation. Ať to roste přátelé 🍊🍧🌻🌺🌷💐🏵️
Woch 3 ist rum und die Ladys sind alle echt extrem in die Höhe geschossen. Ich denke das der eine wenig sonnige Tag unter den sonst recht sonnigen Tagen, die Ladys etwas nach Licht gesucht haben. Alle Ladys wurden soweit erstmal gestützt, das falls der Wind etwas stärker weht, die Ladys etwas Unterstützung haben. An Tag 21 ging es für die Ladys aus dem kleinen Anzuchthäuschen in die direkte Sonne, die sie soweit alle gut vertragen. Die Pre-Flowers waren bereits an Tag 18/19 zu sehen. Tag 21 ist deutlich zu sehen das sich an der Spitze Knospen entwickeln und sie auch schon minimal einen leichten Geruch verströmen :) An Tag 21 wurde der letzte Liter Substrat aufgefüllt. Für die Blütezeit wurden 10g BioBloom von GreenHouseFeeding, 4 Teelöffel MegaWorm und 1 Teelöffel BatGuano von Plagron beigemischt. Dadurch das Automatiks etwas weniger Nährstoffe brauchen, gab es daher von allem etwas weniger. Das ganze wurde mit ca 700ml angegossen. In der Gießlösung war 1g/L BioEnhancer von GreenHouseFeeding, 1ml/L PowerRoots, 1ml/L PureZym von Plagron. Das ganze wurde mit etwas ph- auf einen ph-Wert von 6.5 gebracht. Zwischendurch habe ich immer nach Gefühl gegossen, je nach dem wie leicht oder schwer der Topf beim anheben war. Anfangs ist es schwer zu sagen wie viel man wann gießt. Wenn der Topf gut durchwurzelt ist, gehe ich gerne nach der 10% Regel. Was bei einem 8L Topf eine Gießmenge von 800ml bedeuten würde. Das ganze dann alle 2-3 Tage. Deswegen aber anfangs eher nach Gefühl und etwas weniger gießen. Wasser nachgeben wenn es zu wenig war ist einfacher als das Wasser wieder raus zu kriegen ;) Möge die Blütezeit beginnen💚🍀 Vielen Dank fürs reinschauen💚🤙🏻
another great week, have some definition coming in. getting some yellow popping up. soil ph runoff is 6.0
Starting to fill the tent out nicely. Next time i will wait little longer to put in my net. These girls are stretching more than I expected.
Candy candy. One has a very strong cherry nose from the cherry pie cross. The sister has a more runts nose on it and sweet. Some cherry The Wolf is giving a Chem smell. Items my nose like mint menthol. Vix or something. I like it!!
Legend Timestamp: 📅 EC - pH: ⚗️ Temp - Hum: 🌡️ Water: 🌊 Food: 🍗 pH Correction: 💧 Actions: 💼 Thoughts: 🧠 Events: 🚀 Media: 🎬 D: DAY, G: GERMINATION, V: VEGETATIVE, B: BLOOMING, R: RIPENING, D: DRYING, C: CURING ______________ 📅 D36/V32 - 21/05/24 ⚗️ EC: 1.0 pH: 6.0 🌡️ T: 20°C H: 70% 🌊 🍗 💧 💼 LST 🧠 🚀 🎬 1 TL in her new home and one TL of LST job ______________ 📅 D37/V33 - 22/05/24 ⚗️ EC: 1.0 pH: 5.4 🌡️ T: 20°C H: 70% 🌊 🍗 💧 💼 LST 🧠 🚀 🎬 1 TL video and one TL of LST job ______________ 📅 D38/B01 - 23/05/24 ⚗️ EC: 1.0 pH: 5.3 🌡️ T: 20°C H: 70% 🌊 2L 🍗 💧 💼 🧠 As I saw clear signs of blooming, I need to pass to bloom phase so I put B01, in the header. 🚀 Clearly she's starting flowering 🎬 1 TL video and 1 LST video ______________ 📅 D39/B02 - 24/05/24 ⚗️ EC: 1.1 pH: 5.3 🌡️ T: 20°C H: 70% 🌊 🍗 💧 💼 🧠 🚀 🎬 1 TL video and 1 LST video ______________ 📅 D40/B03 - 25/05/24 ⚗️ EC: 0.2 pH: 5.3 🌡️ T: 20°C H: 70% 🌊 15L 🍗 💧 💼 Flush for two days and then flowering nutes 🧠 I think no more LST, she's now full blooming 🚀 🎬 1 TL video
Day 51. 2 ladies are a little too yellow for me. Otherwise I like everything quite well. "Iris' had another defoliation today. It was just a mess of leaves. Have a nice weekend @all.
Bella watermelon della korngarden. Auto.... Promette bene