🌱 Week 3, Day 7 Update: Buds Are Blooming! 🌿 Hey Grow Fam, We're cruising through Week 3, and my girl is really coming on—buds are starting to form, and it's a sight to behold! The girl is growing so fast now, drinking 4.5L a day. She could even do with in-between waterings, in my opinion. She's aiming for the stars and shooting for the moon, getting bigger every day and stinking out my room. I had to tie my light higher up with some rope as it wouldn't go any higher, and shoots were getting way too close! I did SCROG when flipping, and I should've been a bit more strict on it (did it longer), but now I realize why SCROG is used. Imagine if I never used it—she would be way too tall. Overall, I'm so happy with how she is growing and can't wait to see the final product. :) But, as with any journey, we've hit a little bump in the road. Despite keeping our feeding consistent at 850ppm, the runoff readings have been creeping up. Last check-in showed a runoff of 1400ppm. It's got me thinking we might be dealing with a salt buildup in the root zone. To address this, I'm sticking with our feeding routine at 800-850ppm. If the runoff ppm keeps climbing or if our plants start showing signs of nutrient burn, I will adjust accordingly, but as of right now, I'm sticking to the same feed as she looks great! ( If I do begin to notice signs of nutrient burn (excess), I will try to water with a lower EC/PPM, like 700ppms, to bring it down. But if I don't get the results I'm hoping for, I will just flush the plant with 3x the media size of water (just plain pH water) to wash out any old salts and reset the medium. You don't really want to do this with coco depending on what stage your at in flower, veg on the other hand flush.? Sure!, if you really need to reset that medium go for it, (i do see tiny signs of burn but thats fine if it gets worse then i have a problem) Let's stay focused and keep our eyes on the prize—beautiful healthy buds. We've got this! #GrowUpdate #Week3 #BudsBlooming #KeepGrowing 🌱🌿
All in all there were some major mistakes I made myself in which I can honestly say I think has affected the yield and quality to some extent. As this was my first use of the equipment for this run. After everything I have learnt on this run I hoping the next one there will be no errors at all.
They took a long time to grow and mature 10 months in all. They produced amazing flowers with a genuine high. Left a lot to be desired in flavour profile however not awful to smoke. Would grow again for sure as they were a high yielding, ‘set and forget’ type of strain easy and resilient enough to grow and highly impressive to see grown outdoor.
Ive had a huge harvest from this small plant
End of week 5 for this lady. Awesome week for GG4 Sherbet FF she is bouncing back really good from the issues she had in earlier weeks. She still developing slow but thats ok. The leaves looks really good and healthy. I did a good defoliation to the botton so she can receive more light. For week 6 she only is going to receive water and cal-mag so she can continue with the recovering.
Easy to grow, beautiful structure and plant. Big frosted, dense buds with very good odour 🤤. Would 100% recommend.
Week 26 for 9lb Hammer F2 One of the plants is really struggling to keep its on bud weight up, so hopefully i don't get any broken branches 😅 The buds are frosty but they are so skinny. I don't have any info to go off so not sure if she will be bulking up or not.
Tutto perfetto piante molto molto soddisfacenti! Sicuramente verranno riproposte!! Grazie a tutti del supporto e al team @Kannabia per la collaborazione ❤️💚 Ne vedremo delle belle!!!
8° Semana- Aeroponía - Están muy bellas las raíces, están 100% sanas. Sólo crecimiento de los cogollos, muy contento con el crecimiento actual. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8th Week- Aeroponics - The roots are very beautiful, they are 100% healthy. Just growth of the buds, very happy with the current growth.
That’s all she wrote ladies and gents! As seen previously in this grow diary, this was a micro plant. Only yielded a couple buds but they are glorious! Beautiful color, reasonably frosty, pungent sweet citrus and berry aroma. Looking forward to growing out this strain again - properly next time.
En 75 días estuvo lista para cortar A la hora de fumarla tiene unos toques brutales a naranja que te queda el regusto en el paladar durante un buen rato y entra muy suave y fresca
En casi 70 días estuvo lista para cortar con unos cogollos grandes y pesados. A la hora de fumar entra muy ligera con unos toques a madera