! this is my current status, gonna upload my last veg weeks within the next week - got a bit busy around Spannabis - thank you for your understanding! 💚 Welcome to Bud Boutique Grow Diary - really appreciate all your love and support :) Dont forget to check out my other current grows! 🗓️ This Week: - Stretch was super high within the first 3 weeks of flower - Day 24: attaching once a week APTUS Foliar with Regulator & Nutrispray with the amazing CannaFogger by Petra Grow - Day 28: bud development is super beautiful and praying up, even though the plant still pretty small and compacts compared to others Thank you for still staying with me 💚 ___________________________________________ --- 🌱 Strain (Sponsor) 🌱 --- 🏷️ Cookie Haze by Kannabia Seed Company --- 🥗 Nutrients and Feeding (sponsored by APTUS: APTUS Ambassador) --- 🍸 APTUS: full nutrient schedule extreme -- Regulator, N-Boost, P-Boost, CaMg-Boost, K-Boost, Allin1 Liquid, Startbooster, Topbooster, Enzym+ every feeding -- Fulvic-Blast, NutriSpray as Foliar each once a week 🔗 --- ♻️ Grow Control (Sponsor) --- TROLMASTER: TENT-X + LM14 Light Adapter to dim/sunrise/sunset lights + Temp & rH Sensor all remote on App 🔗 --- 🚿 PetraGrow (Sponsor) --- CannaFogger Foliar Spray 🔗 --- 🏭 Grow Setup --- 💡LUMATEK Zeus Pro 600 * 🏠🌿 Indoor: Homebox 120x120x200cm (4x4) * 📐🌀 PrimaKlima exhausting Fan 1180m3/h (running on 60-80%) * 🌀 Can Light Filter 800m3/h & 1x Fanbox 1x Dyson fan for Air circulation 🔗 🔗 🔗 All Likes and comments are highly appreciated!!! 👨‍🌾 don't forget to check out my Instagram for daily educational content: budboutiquee - Bud Boutique
Let me guys know what you think! Feedback is always appreciated! 😎😎🙌 [DE] Tage sind an den Bildern angegeben - Pflanzen entwickeln sich sehr gut - ich entferne immer wieder Blätter - pH fällt, werde bald NL tauschen [EN] Days are on pictures - Plants are developing very well - I keep removing some leaves - pH is dropping, might need to change the res
Hoffe nach den Überraschungen in der letzten Woche verlaüft diese wieder ruhiger. Habe den Leitwert des Drain bei beiden Pflanzen auf ph6 und 2000 microSiemens Ende letzter Wiche reduziert bekommen. Interessanter Weise waren die Leitwerte bei den Pflanzen trotz exakt gleicher Wasser/Düngergabe um den Faktor 2 auseinander. Der ph-wert lag bei beiden bei 4,8 [Warum auch immer]. Hab die Werte durch Spülen mit Leitungswasser und Osmosewassermix mit Leitwert 500 auf die oben beschrieben Werte gebracht und hoffe das die Damen es mir verzeihen und mich trotzdem in 3 Wochen mit reicher und vor allem leckerer Ernte belohnen werden. Gieße jetzt jeden 2Tag, so viel, dass genügend Drain entsteht um die Werte zu kontrollieren. Drain liegt bei Ph ca. 6,0 bei max 2,5mS andernfalls wird mit Osmose oder Leitungswasser (0,8mS und Ph7.2) gegegengehalten. Da sie in Stofftöpfen stehen, ist es hoffentlich nicht so dramatisch etwas zu viel Wasser zu bekommen.
A planta está reagindo bem ao treinamento, continuando a crescer de forma saudável. Durante o processo, acabei danificando algumas folhas, mas nada preocupante até o dia 23. Esta semana, reduzi a quantidade de nutrientes e reguei mais com água. Minha lâmpada de 240W está em 60%. Devo aumentar? Dia 24 apareceram os primeiros pistilos. 🌱
I just saw that commented ... Wow thanks... Anyway of course you are right I should reduce the stress for a while... However there is a lot of plant matter being produced. The stem is finger thick ... Cannabis is such am amazing plant I am not an experienced grower by the way...
Trainwreck also doing great, plant is healthy in the same living soil setup like the others, only water no fertilizer. I did the same type of defoliation, removing fan leaves and leaves that grow to the center of the plant to get more light penetration. I also removed small lower branches and leaves to create a better airflow at the bottom of the plant.
09/24: Some training and defoliation today. They are all growing very differently. I heard somewhere that there is only a 1 and 4 chance of these being the level of purple that you see in the pictures on the website. Im really hoping that one of these are and that the fact that all 4 of these are so different is some small indicator of my chance being high. They are growing pretty well. They have access to all of the nutrients and water that they want. My favorite plant is PL2. She has been easy to train and i am loving her compact and consistent growth patters. Im really hoping she turns out to be a purple one. Each of the other 3 have been a challenge to train simply for my own error and them not being very resistant of it. I know, I know, I sound like a rookie blaming the pants for my poor training. But i definitely appreciate the plants that seem to respond to my aggression well. Speaking of my errors, the plant that I broke a large branch from has recovered. Well.. kinda. It healed up but not cleaning, and so i am not sure how well it will support itself during flower. But o am not going to mess with it and will see what happens with it.
Here we see the full Mars hydro set up got another larger tent in the wings waiting on more seeds
Sie haben sich sichtlich erholt und wachsen jetzt endlich. Hätte das mit den Engerlingen schon eher angehen müssen. Ich lasse sie noch die 3 Wochen wachsen um sich erholen und entfalten zu können. Bis jetzt bin ich zufrieden.