The veg cycle was shorter than i usually like to have a plant go through, due to time restrictions for the Bubba Cheesecake Diary grow-off, but it still did fantastic in my mind!
Three months in veg under high-octane light and 11 1/2 weeks in flower have let this plant turn into a dreadlocked group of nugs. Three main colas, but lots of burnable flower to enjoy once the dry is finished.
I did a light LST with a decent amount of defoliation throughout the plant's life. I like to open up the middle area of the plant and let as much light as possible hit as many branch and potential flower nodes as possible. This way, i don't need to lollipop as many branches and as much foliage as i would if i didn't do this. Plus, the candelabra look is b-e-a-Utiful, in my opinion.
Light intensity through veg ranged from 40% as a fresh seedling to around 55% the week before i put it into the bloom room. Once it was in the bloom room, the intensity was set at 50% for the first couple weeks to allow for a decent stretch. After that, i think i recorded the light intensity in my diary notes for each week. But, just in case i didn't, I bumped up the intensity by a few percent every 3 days until i hit 100%. Once i got to MAXIMUM POWER, i left it there until harvest.
Water was natural well water that tests out at 7 pH. I always added BuildABloom to the water, never the soil, when i used it. Same with Dr. Earth's 1-2-1 tea concentrate. Other than those instances, it was just straight water that i was giving to the plant.
Grow rooms are both about 4'x8'.
Lights are still budget lights:
-IMVSincere BC100(x3) for veg (Link: )
Abriselux A1500(x2) for flower (Link: )
All in all, this was one of the most enjoyable cultivars I've grown inside since i started indoor grows in September 2022. I'm definitely going to try and get more seeds off of my brother, as well as buy some more seeds to pheno-hunt through!
Thank you, @Seedsman , for running this contest. I would have never tried this cultivar out if it wasn't for you giving me a little incentive!