- Ich hab die erste Woche des Biobizz Allmix Düngeschemas gestartet und gebe wie immer erstmal vorsichtige 100%, da meine Erde an sich durch den Kompost recht potent sein sollte. - Außerdem hab ich mit meinem Calmag-Rechner mein Leitungswasser angepasst. Die Werte könnt ihr auf den Bildern sehen. - Den PH-Wert passe ich ebenfalls auf 6,5 an.# - Die Lampe bringt zur Zeit etwa einen PPFD-Wert von 350 - 360 µmol/s/m² bei 18 Stunden Beleuchtungszeit (DLI von 22 - 23 mol/d/m²). Sie wird aber nur eingesetzt bis es warm genug draußen bleibt. Tagsüber stehen sie jetzt schon draußen, sofern es nicht regnet oder stürmt. Die Papaya Cookies macht sich hervorragend und sie ist sehr uniform mit den anderen Fastbuds Strains bis jetzt. Sieht gut aus finde ich 💪😁👍
Not a lot to say apart from both plants going a ok and humidity is where I want it now so hopefully I will be having a decent first crop of biscotti weed too smoke for my medicinal purposes i.e glaucoma he he ha ha, counting the days I can smoke my first grow🤞🙏😄💯
Week 4 of flowering... Raising nutrients to maximum Changing Calcium Nitrate 15-0-0-33 to Calcium Chloride 0-0-0-27 EC: 1.3
Generative steering Day 30 sprayed with Jas Day 31 noticed spider mites
Buenas noches comunidad. Esta noche se ven creciendo con gran vigorosidad estas cepas Chilenas Pure Inferno y Bloodnana, actualmente estas mitad de la semana 4, desde sus 2 hojas reales. las nenas se alimentas bien y se ven felices actualmente se da alimenta con fertilizante Advance nutrients. Veremos como se ven las ultimas semana antes de tirarlas a floración. en riego, se da una vez por semana advance nutriens y 2 solo agua sola. las mas grandes tienen 4 semanas. la mediana tiene 3 semana. la mas pequeña tiene 2 semana. se tiran a flora en un total de 6 semanas a 7. PH:6.3 EC:750
👉 Total yield -181 grams 👉 Drying -12 days hanging at 65/55 until the buds were ready to be trimmed and jarred. 👉 Curing -Quart size mason jars This grow went pretty smooth so it was a little boring at times 😆 used very little nutrients and just kind of let the plants do their thing. The yield and quality were both beyond what I expected so I'm a happy customer 😎 Between the super lemon haze and these 4 cream caramels I ended up yielding 236 grams out of my 3x3 using 200 watts of light. First time I've hit over 1 gram per watt in my little tent 💪 Thank you Sweet Seeds for the lovely genetics 😍 Thank you fellow growers for the comments and likes 🙏
👉 Total yield -181 grams 👉 Drying -12 days hanging at 65/55 until the buds were ready to be trimmed and jarred. 👉 Curing -Quart size mason jars This grow went pretty smooth so it was a little boring at times 😆 used very little nutrients and just kind of let the plants do their thing. The yield and quality were both beyond what I expected so I'm a happy customer 😎 Between the super lemon haze and these 4 cream caramels I ended up yielding 236 grams out of my 3x3 using 200 watts of light. First time I've hit over 1 gram per watt in my little tent 💪 Thank you Sweet Seeds for the lovely genetics 😍 Thank you fellow growers for the comments and likes 🙏
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Last Vegetative Week, Healthy and defoliated
Day 99: Today marks the start of the last week for this journal! I keep watering them with RO water (0ppm) every 3 days. The runoff is gradually diminishing as the plants are utilizing the remaining nutrients present in the growing medium. The experience has been amazing so far, and I've definitely learned a lot. I'll probably be chopping these plants in one week... Damn guys, so excited to taste these beautiful buds! Tried to bring something different this time uploading a video instead of photos. But pictures are coming soon as well to best ilustrate whats going on. Cheers!
Update this is the 5th week in veg. I had trim everything from below and want to keep top of the canopy last week as well topped the 2nd time. The 6 main colas goes to 12 and after the 2nd topped now 24 main colas(I didn’t do the side branches)… I am going to let it veg out until week 6 or 8 depemdinf on the bounce back.
Ehy ragazzi qua tutto bene spero anche a voi lo stesso, le piante di anesia sono magnifiche! Profumi di agrumi della Red pudding e dei buds duri come la roccia! Ho dovuto provvedere a legare tutti i rami con del fil di ferro per sostenere il peso crescente delle cime, purtroppo si vede che all inizio del ciclo non avevo ventilatori etc per poter addestrare i rami in modo che diventassero più solidi e stabili, ora in vece il peso volume di queste cime mi sta piegando l intera pianta! Davvero delle genetiche eccezionali! Con dei profumi davvero complessi da descrivere e non vedo l ora che continuino a maturare per poi avere un finale "di erba perfetta definitiva"! Che purtroppo ancora nn ho mai trovato in circolazione una genetica degna di questo nome... Saranno forse queste di anesia?? Staremo a vedere! Buon 420 a tutti e buon anno nuovo! 😸💪😺🔥💨😎🌱🌿🌲🧑‍🌾💗
Buds are already quite huge, plan to make last week flushing with still water and that's it.
On day 1 the reservoirs PH is 6.3. The rez is 483 ppm. The girls are looking good and nitrogen toxicity seems to have stopped. On day 2 the reservoirs PH was adjusted from 6.1 to 6.3. The rez is 477 ppm. Trichomes seem to be 10% cloudy so I still have a bit to go i'm thinking 9 weeks should be a good bet! On day 3 the reservoirs PH was adjusted from 6.4 to 6.1. The rez is 500 ppm. On day 4 the reservoirs PH is 6.2. The rez is 503 ppm. I lowered the ppfd so my tallest received 900 ppfd and an average of 543 ppfd. On day 5 the reservoirs PH is 6.2. The rez is 519 ppm. I removed some of the extra fan leaves blocking bud sites. On day 6 I changed out the reservoir with only tap water and adjusted the PH from 6.7 to 6.1 with a ppm of 249. The trichomes are maturing and I plan on harvesting on week 8 day 4 of flower.