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Die ersten Tage an der frischen Luft haben die Ladys gut überstanden. Die einzige Nacht die mir zu denken gab war die Nacht von Tag 6 auf Tag 7. Die Nacht wurde mit 7°C vorhergesagt. Ich hab die Ladys über Nacht reingeholt, damit sie in dem frühen Stadium nicht allzu sehr herausgefordert werden. Sie wurden dann nächsten am nächsten Morgen zurück nach draußen in die Sonne gestellt. Die Nächte sollen jetzt nicht mehr unter 10°C. Damit bleiben sie jetzt Tag und Nacht draußen. Diese Woche haben sie in einem kleinen Gewächshaus verbracht. Damit es nicht zu heiß wird, bleibt eine Seite offen und die Luft kann auch besser zirkulieren. Die Ladys bleiben vermutlich noch ca 1 woche in dem Gewächshaus und wenn sie dann etwas kräftiger sind, stehen sie unter freiem Himmel. Jede Lady kam an Tag3 in ihren Endtopf und auch ins Freie. Die StrawberryBanana steht in einem 11l Topf und die GorillaAuto und die GorillaZkittlez stehen jeweils in einem 8l Topf. Bei jedem Topf ist ca 1l weniger an Substrat im Topf. Der letzte Liter Substrat kommt mit dem Blütebeginn in die Töpfe. Jede Lady steht in einem Substratgemisch. Die Basis bildet Biobizz LightMix. Es wurden ca 5l BioBizz LightMix mit 2l Cocos/Perlite(70/30) gemischt. Jeder Topf bekam 5 gehäufte Esslöffel Megaworm, 1 gehäuften Esslöffel Batguano in die untere Hälfte des Topfes. Beim einsetzen der Ladys gab es ein wenig Great White Mykorrhiza an die jungen "Wurzeln" und auch ein wenig in dem Bereich wo sie eingesetzt wurden. Der Rest wurde mit dem Substartgemisch aufgefüllt. Auf die Oberfläche wurde ca 15g BioGrow von GreenHouseFeeding mit eingemischt. Da die Ladys vermutlich nach ca 3-4 in die Blüte gehen und generell nicht allzu viel Dünger brauchen, sollte das mit dem Megaworm und Batguano die unten mit eingemischt sind, bis zu Blüte reichen. Zu Beginn der Blüte wird der letzte Liter Substrat mit 20g BioBloom von GreenHouseFeeding, 2 gehäufte Teelöffel Batguano und 4 gehäufte Teelöffel Megaworm von Plagron gemischt und in die Töpfe gegeben. Angegossen wurde mit 1ml/L PowerRoots von Plagron und 1g/L BioEnhancer von GreenHouseFeeding. Jede Lady hat ca 500ml mit einem ph-Wert von 6.5 bekommen. Vorher wurde die Oberfläche anständig angefeuchtet damit das Wasser beim gießen nicht einfach durchläuft. An Tag7 war es erst nötig das zweite mal zu gießen. Auch hier gab es ca 500ml mit einem ph-Wert von 6.5. Vielen Dank fürs reinschauen liebe Growmies 💚
Here we are guys in the third week of the journal, last week I had some concern about the ph which was spiking at 7+ overnight but the problem solved it self when the roots started to shoot in to the water. my other concern was the temp inside the grow box which i solved buying a second hand portable ac (40€! such a bargain) now as you can see the girl is thriving and the roots too!! as you can see in the picture i put a white bed sheet around the black container so the water won't get hot, it works AMAZINGLY now the water goes in the hotter day at max 21.2 and than goes back to 20. Day 20 hey guys a small update, yesterday i topped the girl, i have only one concern, the plant is so damn bushy and the lower side shoots are almost covering the shoots on the the side of the topping. looking close i thought that maybe I had to top one set of leaves lower because under the fan leaves she is really really bushing everything is exploding but the plant still quite short, 7cm (2.7 inches) is that ok? apart from this i can't complain, the dwc system is working amazingly and the pland is healthy. please feel free to give suggestion comments or critics love you all I think the plant looks a bit bit pale so as I am writing this i added a 0.5 ml of flora micro to the res to add nitrogen, we will see how she reacts in the next days. In the next days I will top her and start some lst
this is by far the tallest Auto i have ever had. Next time i will use a smaller pot or grow it in its own tent because she is HUGE. Im excited to see how the buds start stacking.
All in all every strain is doing great! Blueberry is the closes to finishing followed by chemdawg and lastly the Somango I just flipped little over a week ago so still have a little while to go with her! Blueberry has a pungent and fresh berries/citrus aroma going on while the chemdawg has the infamous og odor no doubt og is related to it haha. Thanks for checking it out! XD ..sorry for the delayed update
All in all every strain is doing great! Blueberry is the closes to finishing followed by chemdawg and lastly the Somango I just flipped little over a week ago so still have a little while to go with her! Blueberry has a pungent and fresh berries/citrus aroma going on while the chemdawg has the infamous og odor no doubt og is related to it haha. Thanks for checking it out! XD ..sorry for the delayed update
All in all every strain is doing great! Blueberry is the closes to finishing followed by chemdawg and lastly the Somango I just flipped little over a week ago so still have a little while to go with her! Blueberry has a pungent and fresh berries/citrus aroma going on while the chemdawg has the infamous og odor no doubt og is related to it haha. Thanks for checking it out! XD ..sorry for the delayed update
All in all every strain is doing great! Blueberry is the closes to finishing followed by chemdawg and lastly the Somango I just flipped little over a week ago so still have a little while to go with her! Blueberry has a pungent and fresh berries/citrus aroma going on while the chemdawg has the infamous og odor no doubt og is related to it haha. Thanks for checking it out! XD ..sorry for the delayed update
These girls are identical besides height. #8 is 23 inches #9 is 20.5 inches I could not be happier with there growth. I need 24 more inches before June 15 ( today is May 18 ). This could work. I do not have an exact location yet. But Im working on that, all the time. Too many variables in my mind. #1 - Sun pattern # 2 - alien light sources (neibors) # 3 - line of sight # 4 - don't want to kill the lawn (who cares) So it's getting down to the wire. I tell myself "Dont panic!!I You will figure it out". I need to smoke a bowl. Where is the Crinkle. Lol
Week 7 Flower Let the Flush commence! 💦 Both girls started flush on Day 41. Twin2 is definitely finishing sooner than Twin1, but as they've both been tested the same, they'll both be taken down on the same day after a 14+ day flush. We're having a rise in heat in my area so it's interesting to see how each pheno reacts. Twin2 seems to be showing slightly more heat stress, by shooting a few fox tails, but at this size it's only a good thing 😉 I've also only just found a new trait being expressed on both twins, but much more consistently on Twin1, and that's the double serrated leaves you can see in the photo's. It doesn't mean or affect anything, it just a cool trait 🍁 I run approx 30+ltr water through each pot each time they're flushed. Before doing so I check the ppm and pH value of the run off from each pot and take records. To do this, I gently pour a few litres in the centre of the pot until a sufficient amount has drained into the tray below. This can then be tested with your TDS/EC pen and pH pen. I still use Activated EM1 (EMA) throughout flush at 1ml/ltr because microbes are always a benefit. Once stretched/activated it goes a very long way so if I don't use it throughout flush, then it may go over it's 6-8week shelf life. They're both looking great and still filling up. Both twins are coated in trichomes and have their own distinctive smells. They both smell very floral; Twin2 smells a lot sweeter, but Twin1 has a more earthy, almost gassy kind of smell to her that's just as nice. These girls are definitely not making my choice any easier yet! Looking forward to seeing them fade. Thanks for following and happy growing! 🐺
Tuning in kinda late as you can see they all trained down and spreaded around the pot. Feeding regular water coz i put biotabs in the soil, going organic this time to try to seek that difference in the taste and aroma.
I’m going to start flushing this gorilla, almost all trichomes are milky and I want enough flush before they start leaning towards amber. Buds will probably ripen a bit more this last week as well. It's nice and crisp springweather, perfect to add some more frosting to those budstickles.
15 seeds germinated. 100% success rate. Seeds have been planted in a mix that has volcano ash and bat guano. The mix gets the seeds off to a great start without the worry of adding nutrients. Over the next few days they'll receive water twice a day. We water about 100ml at a time 3x a day. We water in circular motion to encourage the roots to grow out.
15 seeds germinated. 100% success rate. Seeds have been planted in a mix that has volcano ash and bat guano. The mix gets the seeds off to a great start without the worry of adding nutrients. Over the next few days they'll receive water twice a day. We water about 100ml at a time 3x a day. We water in circular motion to encourage the roots to grow out.
15 seeds germinated. 100% success rate. Seeds have been planted in a mix that has volcano ash and bat guano. The mix gets the seeds off to a great start without the worry of adding nutrients. Over the next few days they'll receive water twice a day. We water about 100ml at a time 3x a day. We water in circular motion to encourage the roots to grow out.