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Toda esta fantasía se hace realidad gracias a Royal Queen Seeds y @James por confiar en mí. 🚀💥 Fiel a su linaje genético, la Hyperion F1 ofrece un aroma intenso que está dominado por notas frescas de pino y hierba, junto con un trasfondo terroso y un delicioso toque especiado. Aunque todos nuestros híbridos F1 producen excelentes concentraciones de cannabinoides y terpenos, no hay duda de que la Hyperion destaca entre el resto. Sus cogollos alargados y escarchados producen una resina rica y cargada de cannabinoides (sobre todo THC), y terpenos como mirceno, ocimeno, farneseno, terpinoleno, cariofileno y humuleno. Esto no solo da lugar a un aroma muy fuerte, sino también a un efecto bien equilibrado que combina una relajación física (en gran parte gracias al mirceno y al farneseno) con la euforia, risa y efecto motivador de otros terpenos. Al igual que el dios de la luz del mismo nombre, la Hyperion F1 causa un subidón esclarecedor que se puede disfrutar a cualquier hora del día. 🌻🚀 Consigue aqui tus semillas: https://www.royalqueenseeds.es/semillas-de-marihuana-hibridas-f1/622-hyperion-f1.html 🍣🍦🌴 Xpert Nutrients es una empresa especializada en la producción y comercialización de fertilizantes líquidos y tierras, que garantizan excelentes cosechas y un crecimiento activo para sus plantas durante todas las fases de cultivo. Consigue aqui tus Nutrientes: https://xpertnutrients.com/es/shop/ 📆 Semana 11: Los cogollos comienzan a engordar y tomar un tono purpura precioso , esta semana el clima va a ser muy bueno, espero que formen unas buenas flores. En cuanto a resina, está bastante cargada
The stretching was going all throughout Week 4 and into Week 5. One plant has reached 32" tall from where it sprouted and the other has reached 28" tall. Both plants are starting to show trichomes, the taller one more so. Feeding has been every other watering which I've found to be every 3-4 days. I'll be out of town starting on 02/03/2024 and coming back on 02/16/2024 and have asked my friend to stop in and water/feed when the plants need it. If everything goes well, I'm going to be excited to see how these girls have progressed in the 2 weeks I am gone.
Time for drying. Btw drying them like this was a bad idea buds are pressed from one side may be conceded to move them, well I still prefer hanging drying 🤪
pheno 1 smells crazy like apricots / dank peaches. pheno 2 more mild neutral no dank aroma frosty af. Indida dominant but not like couch lock. I highly recommend this cultivar.
Time for drying. Btw drying them like this was a bad idea buds are pressed from one side may be conceded to move them, well I still prefer hanging drying 🤪
this is week 5. will make fem pollen from this genetics and seeds. crossing with the queen to make AU79. both bridals very strong. this is very very special, already showing me extreme trics in veg. will veg max time 15-20 weeks. I had issues with neglecting my ph, too nigh causing k issues, not phing down, added a few drops b+ nutrient and will be good with my ph. My rh lowest was 23%, so added more red romaine lettuce seeds, dill to grow so I am not wasting my light. It is dimmed to 60% only CW diodes on, NW IR R UVA are off. Only controlling cool white diodes for veg. More red longer wavelengths light for flower, along with uv. Everything is good, extremly positive with this grow! 2 queens on the right topped
this is week 5. will make fem pollen from this genetics and seeds. crossing with the queen to make AU79. both bridals very strong. this is very very special, already showing me extreme trics in veg. will veg max time 15-20 weeks. I had issues with neglecting my ph, too nigh causing k issues, not phing down, added a few drops b+ nutrient and will be good with my ph. My rh lowest was 23%, so added more red romaine lettuce seeds, dill to grow so I am not wasting my light. It is dimmed to 60% only CW diodes on, NW IR R UVA are off. Only controlling cool white diodes for veg. More red longer wavelengths light for flower, along with uv. Everything is good, extremly positive with this grow! 2 queens on the right topped
This is all I want to grow, and that says a lot, trust me
Really loving the development I’m seeing on these buds in the past week. Plants are growing vigorously, banana purple punch seem to have a slight deficiency possibly a magnesium deficiency, just kept feeding with pH. Perfect trio seem to bounce back more from it. Both plants are very healthy looking in my opinion. No signs of mold or powdery mildew Trying an experiment of using foop mist into nutrient regimen
Das war ein aufregender Lauf. Problemlos, aber aufregend sexy. So ab Blüte fühlte es sich an wie das Video. Aufregend, Anziehend. Das ist total geiles Weed! 9 Punkte Sehr Empfehlenswert für Feinschmecker, die wenig Zeit haben. Und trotzdem ne starke Brise um die Ohren gehauen bekommen wollen. 03. Februar Oh Jungs? Knallt gut! Schmeckt gut! SWEET SEEDS, SUPERSORTE! 06. Februar Munchies und ein tiefer zufriedener Schlaf inklusive. " GEIL "
This is all I want to grow, and that says a lot, trust me
Das war ein aufregender Lauf. Problemlos, aber aufregend sexy. So ab Blüte fühlte es sich an wie das Video. Aufregend, Anziehend. Das ist total geiles Weed! 9 Punkte Sehr Empfehlenswert für Feinschmecker, die wenig Zeit haben. Und trotzdem ne starke Brise um die Ohren gehauen bekommen wollen. 03. Februar Oh Jungs? Knallt gut! Schmeckt gut! SWEET SEEDS, SUPERSORTE! 06. Februar Munchies und ein tiefer zufriedener Schlaf inklusive. " GEIL "
2ª VEGETATIVA : Alla piccola BISCOTTI {ZAMNESIA} abbiamo cambiato il vaso, da vasetto per la germinazione a 6.5 litri. Durante il travaso abbiamo abbondantemente spruzzato una miscela con olio di NEEM al 4% su tutta la pianta, sul substrato e pure nel box. Partiamo anche con la fertilizzazione con gli amici di ADVANCED NUTRIENTS e la loro linea di prodotti base ph perfect!
4th round. These were the Special Kush. The buds are very fluffy. Therefore only 83.3g. But it doesn't matter. I learned so much this grow, it was worth it. I think the Hulk Berries in 2 days. They're not dry enough yet.
Legend Timestamp: 📅 EC - pH: ⚗️ Temp - Hum: 🌡️ Water: 🌊 Food: 🍗 pH Correction: 💧 Actions: 💼 Thoughts: 🧠 Events: 🚀 Media: 🎬 D: DAY, G: GERMINATION, V: VEGETATIVE, B: BLOOMING, R: RIPENING, D: DRYING, C: CURING ________________________________ 📅 D77/B15 - 31/01/24 ⚗️ EC: 1.2 pH: 6 🌡️ T: 19-22 °C H: 40-60% (Min-Max values taken from the app.) 🌊 2L 🍗 CalMag - Bloom A-B - Bud Candy - Big Bud - B52 💧 💼 Thanks to the TM+ Pro app and the use of the Humidifier now the T-H of the enviroment is correct and i got quite good VPD (Vapor Pressure Deficit) rate 🧠 🚀 🎬 Added Timelapse video ________________________________ 📅 D78/B16 - 01/02/24 ⚗️ EC: 1 pH: 5.9 🌡️ T: 19-25 °C H: 45-70 % 🌊 2L 🍗 💧 💼 🧠 Quite time to change res 🚀 🎬 Added Timelapse video, 3 pics and "TM+ Pro" App screenshots of T-H values daily graph, and quite perfect VPD daily rate ________________________________ 📅 D79/B17 - 02/02/24 ⚗️ EC: 1 pH: 6.2 🌡️ T: 19-25 °C H: 40-60% 🌊 🍗 💧 Added few drops of pH- 💼 🧠 The res was for many time on the upper side of pH range, so now I would like it to goes down to a more acidic solution. I'll do it on the next res change, maybe tomorrow 🚀 🎬 Added Timelapse video but today it was trunked because of a problem on the camera, but I posted it anyway ________________________________ 📅 D80/B18 - 03/02/24 ⚗️ EC: 0.15 pH: 6.6 🌡️ T: 19-25 °C H: 40-60% 🌊 RES Changed 💦💦💦. Flushing until tomorrow 🍗 💧 💼 🧠 🚀 🎬 Added Timelapse video and VPD, T-H graphs screenshots ________________________________ 📅 D81/B19 - 04/02/24 ⚗️ EC: 1 pH: 5.7 🌡️ T: 19-25 °C H: 45-65 % 🌊 15L 🍗 CalMag - Grow A-B - Bud candy - B52 - Big Bud 💧 💼 Some defolation and sistemation of buds 🧠 🚀 🎬 Added Timelapse video and VPD, T-H graphs screenshots ________________________________ 📅 D82/B20 - 05/02/24 ⚗️ EC: 1 pH: 5.4 🌡️ T: 20-25 °C H: 52-84 % 🌊 🍗 💧 💼 Little defolation and raised up the lamp 🧠 🚀 I forgot the humidifier on manual mode, so H increased until 80%and VPD went out of control 🎬 Added 4 pics, one is from timelapse set. Added Timelapse video and screenshots ________________________________ 📅 D83/B21 - 06/02/24 ⚗️ EC: 1 pH: 5.0 🌡️ T: 19-25 °C H: 45-70% 🌊 🍗 💧 💼 🧠 pH decreased a lot and it's a good thing it stay on the acidic side for a while 🚀 🎬 Added Tmelapse video and screenshots of VPD and T-H
2nd round. Today it was the turn of the White Widows. 100.7g. Together with the GG#4 they are 135g under one 150W Mars Hydro. I have to cut off a few more leaves. But I am completely satisfied.