Hello friends and welcome to my first report and my very first grow! 🍁 Please follow me so you don’t miss any of my other grows. Thanks buddy! 🙏🏼 And also don’t miss my introducing to see more information about me and my entire collected knowledge! (https://growdiaries.com/diaries/209900-the-best-grow-journal-by-rick-and-growty) ________________________________________ My weeks always start on a Sunday. So today I define 19.05.2024 as the first day of the 3rd week. Because I got the plants as cuttings and they have already a certain size, I can’t determine an exact age at the beginning, unlike when growing them from seeds. ________________________________________ 19.05.2024 Today is the first day of the 3rd week so I decided to plant the girls in their final 18l pots and gave them 2l water with 0.25g/l of BioEnhancer and also a pinch of Great White Premium Mycorrhizae - [to get] “Killer Roots for Killer Plants” 🦈 I will give them 2 days to recover before adding the BioGrow growth fertilizer with a concentration of 3g/l pot volume.
I experimented with this as it was a free seed and I wanted to see what would happen if I removed any additional nodes and just kept focus on the man node/ cola. She weighed in a solid ounce dry maybe less give or take a few days of curing/ drying. Smoked really nice and packed a punch which kinda made me regret using this beautiful strain in my experiment as I would have loved more from her but at the same time she taught me a lot with regards to nutrient levels and how plants react depending on which way they're trained or defoliated which has really helped me with future grows so for that I will certainly be running this strain again! Thanks Barneys ... Awesome genetics as per usual 👏
one thing i liked was it started to get a little purple but that didnt really come through in the end. also i like the fast flowering. what i didnt like was that it truly was a bitch to grow, and if this were a bingo night i'd have crossed out nearly all the possible deficiencies and pest issues you can get. After being really happy with the purple punch genetics this one has been l bit of a disappointment really. i'd love to see more information strainspecifically to come with the package of seeds. like for instance if its a heavy feeder, if it likes the lights close or far away, and how long the flowereing period usually takes. Probably not growing this again anytime sooon though.
Been missing weeks on this one as well but uploading until now will be harvesting next week so will be uploading harvest pics hope you enjoy
Nicole kush ya es conocida dentro de mi carpa y en todo el mundo. una planta muy vigorosa, su aroma dulce y cítrico deleita incluso a los que no entienden el cannabis. Su sabor denso y refrescante queda grabado en la mente del experimentador. Una hermosa y transformadora planta con flores. Tendré esta joya en mi jardín en otras ocasiones.
Nicole kush ya es conocida dentro de mi carpa y en todo el mundo. una planta muy vigorosa, su aroma dulce y cítrico deleita incluso a los que no entienden el cannabis. Su sabor denso y refrescante queda grabado en la mente del experimentador. Una hermosa y transformadora planta con flores. Tendré esta joya en mi jardín en otras ocasiones.
Aquí os dejo fotos de los días 16 y 18 desde que salieron! Hasta el momento cumpliendo los parámetros y no están respondiendo nada mal!! Hos iré contando qué tal evolucionan!! Buenos humos!!
Very Very nice nugs, lots of aroma. Very relaxating high. Cool for netflix and chill. Easy to grow, proud for a first. But have plan for better quality
Happy with whats going on so far only a 600 w led and I super croped week 3 flowering. Smell is fruity with diesel cant wait to try
Overall it was a great first time grow. The outcome was smaller than expected. This was caused by the heavy under watering, that stunted the growth of the plant. However the 26g of weed that I got from this harvest is amazing! Smoking is very smooth and the sativa effects are great.
I wanted to try a grow by the breeders earlier recommendation, and with this being an 8 week sativa, I HAD to try it. The effects at week 8 are HEAVY! The only downside is that the high only lasts for about an hour to an hour and a half, and then starts winding down for about an hour before being level again, and I don’t blame the strain, I blame myself for not waiting longer, but I wanted to see how the plant would be affected. The terps on both are consistent, and similar to the 3rd I’m currently growing in a different cycle. The genetics seem super stable and I will definitely keep a stock of clones and seeds for ZDF. Only down side is the hunger this girl has over the other plants, she EATS during flower.
This is my first grow and it’s all organic as well 👌🏽.I didn’t experience any deficiencies and besides the fact that they are pretty small I have to say I’m pleased. We will see what my total harvest will be I’m guessing around a quarter pound 4 ounces maybe little less 🤷‍♂️🏽
I found seed foeming and bananas so i decided to cut my losses before it got out of hand im just glad they got to where the are now first time grow first time using dwc and i fucked this shit up for a first timer you beauty
Awesome growth! Topped above the second node, then Mainlined to have 6 main nodes total through lollipopping. She was trained using LST, until week2 flower.
Buds are super frosty and sticky, smell like sour dog shit I couldn't ask for anything more my best grow yet
1925 grams wet on two plants is not bad at all for this strain but damn we had to work to get it. Pat was harvested on week 9 all the pics are there. She yielded 158 grams dry