Edit from 19th May. Literally 00:09 Pre-Flowering. Fat Banana looks like Hermie. Royal Critical = clean pre-flower. Edit from 19th May. 16:26 Fat Banana had balls sack and pistils growing all over the place. I nuked everything that had balls on it. I left only top node with pistils. Royal Critical is full of pistils, no balls. Now I wish I had photoperiod seeds instead of automatics. I would give Critical 1 extra week in veg. She is around 10-15cm smaller then Fat Banana. I switched the lights back to 400W. Edit from 20th May. 14:45 I think 32C is maximum what these plants can handle. With 600W I was reaching 34C on some top leaves and that could possibly turn the Fat Banana into hermit (she was the tallest). I open the tent a little (front doors), I put big-ass fan on second gear blowing strong wind through the mesh-window of a tent. I put the lights straight up to the ceiling, I literally can't put them any higher. Fat banana is now 58cm tall and around 80cm away from the light. Royal Critical is now 41cm tall and around 100cm away from the light. 50% Humidity 28C under the canopy/on the ground under the leaves 31C Air temperature. Fat Banana fan leaves temperature: 28.5C Fat Banana center/middle of the plant: 30.9C Royal Critical fan leaves temperature: 27.5C Royal Critical center/middle of the plant: 27.8C NOTE: Royal Critical ugly/yellow leaves have higher temp: 29-30C The rest of small plants range from 28 and 32C Surface area/soil temperature DRY: 35C Surface/Soil temp. WET/SHADOW: 28-29C That pistol/laser for checking temps was solid purchase. I can see back of my tent is more hot then other areas. Will do more Temp-Checks in the future. I also deleted few things from "Condition" tab because one day they are correct, the other something change and the info is not accurate anymore. I'll update info here in edits. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Farm Control Sheet Date: 20th May 2024 Time: 16:57 Tent status: Side doors little bit open. Both windows fully open. Fan blowing air on second gear outside the tent, West window. Fan insides on full. Lights power: 400W Lights schedule: 18/6 Humidity: 50% Dry soil temp: 35C Wet soil temp:
 28.5C Fan leaves temp: 28.5C 
Center of the flower temp: 30C 
Stem temp: ~32C 
Air temp. Inside tent: 30-32C 
Air temp. Outside tent: 25.5C 
Air temp. Outside house:
 21C ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Farm Control Sheet Date:
 21th May 2024 Time:
 15:53 Tent status:
 Side windows full open. Front doors 75% open. Big-ass-fan on second gearwest window. Lights power:
 400W Lights schedule:
 18/6 Humidity:
 50% Dry soil temp:
 36C-38C in front // 38C-40C in back Wet soil temp: 
Fan leaves temp: 28-29C


Stem temp: 29C 

Air temp. Inside tent: 31C 

Air temp. Outside tent:

 26C Air temp. Outside house: 20C Details: Smol plants growing stronk! They have little bit crumbled leaves cuz of heat I guess. 32C @ 50% RH is max for my setup.
I’ve come to the end of my grow. Big thanks to Barney’s Farm for the potent plant. I have dried the plant out for roughly 8/9 days. It has now been curing for another 5 days so far. Probs will need 2 weeks at least. I think I trimmed it too early because if you look at the pictures I left 1 or 2 buds at the bottom of the plant 🌱 They have ripen and grown much bigger in size. They also smell a lot better. I hope my next grow will be even better. Good luck everyone and thanks for taking the time to read. ✌️🏼
Grow diaries has been a new and fun way for me to keep track of my grow, learning heaps through the questions and answers, theres some real knowledgeable growers that are helping who they can with a positive community surrounding. Good stuff. Cheers guys
Girlscout is doing great looks and smells perfect I reckon I can get another few days in before flush updates of others will be up later
In Conclusion guys I just wished 2 out of the 3 ladies didn't stunt on me so I could have had more to harvest. But I am definitely getting alot better with my grows a definitely feel more confident in giving you guys reviews on my next strains that I have coming. Thanks for Watching & Happy Growing guys, any questions just ask 👍🏾
It was overall a very very fast grow, definitely in the room im growing in now. I had 2 different lights on her and she still decided to be done within 10 weeks!
Buena planta la dichosa Hulkberry. La técnica de doblar el tallo todavía no está muy conseguida. No me gustaba el aspecto que tenían esta vez. Contra todo pronóstico, han dado más cantidad de lo que parecía a primera vista. En todo caso los resultados son superables. La planta más pesada ha dado 22 gramos, y la que menos, 6 gramos de cogollos.
Like I touched on previously, I am only going to be using ILGM for One or two strains in the future. I’ve had a run of Hermies and or bananas from so many of their seeds lately it’s just not acceptable at this point. I really truly believe they have some solid genetics in some cases, but maybe they’re rushing on some of the newer strains they’re putting out. I don’t know but I’m moving towards using different banks at this point. Aside from the issue during the grow I also noticed the last round of seeds I got from them maybe 30-40% were visibly immature. No striping, which I know is normal and some strains but the real obvious sign was they were not dark enough like they were super light green almost approaching a white color. I’ll use them for pure indica which is a power house, gold leaf and maybe blue dream. Then again I’ve got a tent full of those clones anyhow 😉
Looking good 👍 Mars Hydro 's really doing a good job!!
Seconda settimana di fioritura, lo stretch sembra alle fasi finali e già iniziano a spuntare i primi accenni di fiori, adesso arriva la parte divertente!
Had my run-in with powdery mildew midway through flower. But bud-washing was my savior! Completely killed all the pm and left me with a still incredibly strong end result. Its seriously some of the smoothest stuff I've grown to date, when smoked in a pipe.. I will be taking away 2 stars from the review because of the susceptibility to pm, however. This grow was a success as far as the autos go, overall... The photoperiod gal still has a few more days. Either way, I highly recommend this strain. Don't make my mistakes, make sure you keep your tent clean the whole grow through, ALONG with the air quality(just as important as the tent itself). That's where I honestly failed. After reading how spore transference works, I felt like such a knucklehead keeping my tent in a... 'homely' condition. Either way, lessons were had and I'm not one to make the same mistake twice! Cheers everyone, hope you all harvest some dankness as well 😀
Sorry guys as i have not weigh my buds much because ive been smoking them little by little 😂😂👌 so on my first harvest i had 12Gs. And on this one i think about 15-20gs well i need to weigh them when they are dry. Posting now cause i might be busy. Hopefully next grow i will have more time organizing my journals ❤️
Espero que os guste el resultado final. Buenos humos y nos vemos en proximos seguimientos