Gracias al equipo de Kannabia Seed y XpertNutrients, sin ellos esta magia no seria posible. 🍁💐 Runtz (Auto): Si esta cepa se ha ganado su popularidad a pulso, esta versión autofloreciente es digna heredera de sus atributos. No es de extrañar que nuestros criadores hayan acertado con su programa de reproducción, al combinar dos de las cepas más fascinantes de la actualidad: Zkittlez y Gelato. planta resistente y robusta, de cuerpo esbelto y fuerte ramificación lateral, que se puede cultivar prácticamente en cualquier entorno; pero prefiere los veranos largos y cálidos, tal y como quiere la madre naturaleza, donde bañada por el sol se eleva hasta los 120 cm. para producir unos rendimientos muy gratificantes de 100-150 gramos por planta. En interior, y tras solo 70 días desde la semilla, también recompensará con cosechas abundantes de hasta 500 gr./m² Inmediatamente después de encontrarte con ella, lo primero que notarás es su aroma descaradamente afrutado, con un toque tropical cortado con reminiscencias terrosas y amaderadas, que se entremezclan de forma agradable para ofrecer un combo que hace salivar las papilas gustativas. Ofrece un sabor confitado, refrescante y similar a sumergirse en una piscina de frutas cítricas y flores de fragancia intensa. Al inhalar, obtienes la bondad de la dulzura; al exhalar, el humo se convierte en suave y cremoso, dejando suficiente profundidad en cada bocanada para satisfacer a aquellos que buscan los matices más complejos. ⛽ XpertNutrients: es una empresa especializada en la producción y comercialización de fertilizantes líquidos 🍶y sustratos🐛, que garantizan los mejores resultados y cosechas de la más alta calidad. A través de una cuidadosa selección de materias primas y un proceso de producción avanzado, sus productos son sinónimo de resultados confiables. 🛒 Consigue aqui tus fertilizantes:,de%20la%20m%C3%A1s%20alta%20calidad. 📆 Semana 14: Esta semana ha explotado 💣, los cogollos comienzan a tomar densidad, me hubiera gustado aplicar algo mas de nutrientes en la fase vegetativa, la próxima vez será. A partir de ahora agua hasta el final.
Harvest went well. Chopped them down. Hanging now with a gentle fan. Chopped a few lower branches to dry and smoke while waiting. Havent weighed anything yet. Will add weights to this week soon. A total of 14.3 oz.
Most definitely a great strain to have in your garden if you want some color. Yield isn’t much but the flowers make up for that. I wish this strain had some more funk to it. My last Devil Cream lady smells straight like citrus. Stay tuned for its harvest. Thank you all for following my first grow dairy. Make sure you follow my future grows and follow me on Instagram.
Was very happy with yield and quality. Very satisfied with the 2 mars hydro sp150s used in a small 20x36" tent! Over 1g/w
After 14 days drying, 7 days hanging and another 7 days on cardboard boxes 📦 at a temp between 61 and 65 degrees F and a humidity between 52-55 % I trimmed all the buds and jar them with Boveda 62. After 2 days in jars ( 16 days from cutting the plant down) I weighed in everything. I got 434g of grade A buds and 685g of Grade B ( perfectly smokable ) buds plus a lot of trim that I didn’t weight. I’m very pleased with everything and I enjoyed every single step along the way. Probably next time I will lollipop/defoliate more aggressively so I can get more top bud and less grade b bud.
This is most likely my last update before harvest. More and more trichomes are turning cloudy with about 2-5% Amber. Gave her her last feeding yesterday and I figure there's about a week left. My usual plan is letting the water level drop for a few days then flush when there's 3 days left. A lot of the buds in the middle are ending up fairly small but everything's really dense.
She is vegging well under the 600w, will be topping and training her in the next day or so, i'll give her a water and let her settle in before stressing her too much with the lst. 23/10 Topped, it was hard to do on this lovely lady but she will get too tall for my tent so i had to do it. She seemed to recover well after the topping, so all good so far. 24/10 Sprayed her with Plant Magic Evolution last night, lights out folia spray. Usually once a week in veg. Watch me Cloning in the video clip. 👈 velly interesting.
Un gran cultivo a llegado a su fin,excelente cepa muy productora y facil de cultivar,solo aplicando cada 10 dias aceite de neem todas las plagas mantenidas a raya,cultivo sano de principio a fin,cada cepa cultivada de Royal Queen es cada vez mejor..cada cultivo da mas produccion y hermosas flores...muy satisfecho con todo el cultivo,le di una semana mas de floracion de lo indicado por el banco y valio la pena...cultivo muy homogeneo y cada semilla muy estable...muy feliz!!!
Well today is the day too clones at 3.5 nodes! I was very pleased with the amount of growth. 5 -7 day more till I make the next cuts. Feeding a weak solution of Terp Tea and Extreme Blend on drip irrigation.
The best quality cannabis I have grown so far. Sweet and smooth with a mellow, balanced and creative high. Nuggs look amazing after 12 days curing. Shame I don't have any more seeds, will def grow again. RQS done a great job. 123 Gram of top quality bud and 32 Gram of trim for hash. Sincere thanks to the grow diaries community. In just over a year I have learned enough to grow top quality medicine at a fraction of what I would normally pay. Plus, it's such an interesting hobby! I will continue giving to this great community. This plant is mother nature's gift to us all.
Growing this again. And again. Humboldt have a gem with this strain. Tastes like tangerines with a happy, creative high which sets me up for the day. Biggest yielder of the 4 plants I grew in this harvest. My go-to morning smoke.