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This is week 8 day 4 video. I have tried about 30g in testers rapid 1:05 dry. I’m waiting on seeds to finish. Plants are 7ft tall super cropped 3x on some branches and monsters just pop up. I highly don’t recommend super ripping or manipulating breaking stems. You will have jungles and delicious harvest. Some tops were touching doides so lights were raised to maximum tent ceiling. Every day is 2tbsp soluble pk into 5 gal water, 1/2-1tbsp folvic acid, sometimes humid acid, sometimes fishsh!t, sometimes microbial mass. 2 times only I added 1tbsp of magnesium phosphate into5gal. Every watering in 5gal has 2tbsp of carbs, I don’t use black molasses but it’s bluesky organic booster. Buds smell sweet, 2 and 3 are where the terps are but no1 is frosty af. 2 is og. As numbers left to right. Split between the middle bar. Running about 840w. 640is my reg along with 5x 20w blurples and my friends 100w “lm301h” but I beg to differ. My 640w is lm301h. I wish I had more light but I am not a facility. I just have a 4x8x7h. I’m very happy with this grow. Everything is to the max been flushing last week and it’s burning my plants lol. Just 1tbsp ph down. I have not been using ph down in my entire flower because the soluble pk 1-1.5 tbsp per 5gal water is enough to lower and make things happy. Every day is watering and every plant gets 1gal water daily. They could do a lot more but I don’t have the space as you can see ❤️
Gracias al equipo de Fast Buds, XpertNutrients y Marshydro, sin ellos esto no seria posible. 💐🍁 Gorilla Melon: La Gorilla Melon crece más hacia fuera que hacia arriba, lo que resulta en una planta tupida y manejable. Produce cogollos pequeños, sólidos como rocas y muy pegajosos, que envolverán sus ramas al final del ciclo de cultivo. Esta variedad desarrolla muchas colas, así que no te preocupes por el rendimiento: te cubrirá con un suministro de flores agridulces de primera calidad. Al fumarla, mostrará sus terpenos de melón, heredados de nuestra cepa keeper cut of Melon, con los toques de un sabor clásico heredado de GG#4 (Murdock GG Strains). Otra cosa que hereda de sus padres es su fuerza de gorila, que le permite resistir a cualquier tipo de estrés. Puedes hacer toda la defoliación que consideres necesaria, o coger todos los clones que quieras, y verás cómo se recupera casi instantáneamente y vuelve más fuerte que antes. 🚀 Consigue aqui tus semillas: 💡FC6500: Eficiencia líder en el mercado: la lámpara de cultivo LED FC-E6500, que ostenta un estatus líder en el mercado, es una solución rentable con un PPE de 2,8 µmol/J y un rendimiento máximo de 2,5 g/vatio. Ofrece un PPF alto de 2026 umol/S y es adecuada para una cobertura de vegetación de 1,50 m x 1,50 m y una cobertura de flores de 1,20 m x 1,20 m. Iluminación versátil y uniforme. 🚥 MarsHydro ADLITE UV/IR/RED: Para lograr un crecimiento óptimo de las plantas y maximizar los rendimientos es un arte simple que depende en gran medida de las condiciones ambientales adecuadas. Reconociendo las limitaciones de la iluminación natural y las soluciones de iluminación tradicionales para satisfacer estas necesidades únicas, lanzamos ADLITE. Estas luces especiales UV, IR y roja están diseñadas para llenar áreas del espectro, proporcionando las altas longitudes de onda que las plantas necesitan para un crecimiento y desarrollo óptimos. 🚀 Consigue aqui tu Adlite: 🏠 : Marshydro 1.50 x 1.50 x 1.80, carpa 100% estanca con ventanas laterales para llegar a todos los lugares durante el grow 🌬️💨 Marshydro 6inch + filtro carbon para evitar olores indeseables. 🍣🍦🌴 Xpert Nutrients es una empresa especializada en la producción y comercialización de fertilizantes líquidos y tierras, que garantizan excelentes cosechas y un crecimiento activo para sus plantas durante todas las fases de cultivo. Consigue aqui tus Nutrientes: 📆 Semana 1: Comienza la floración, activo los Adlite UV, IR y RED, el tiempo establecido por el fabricante. La carpa esta prácticamente cubierta, las plantas se ven sanas y con ganas de comenzar a hacerse unas bestias. Continuo con las dosis de nutrientes recomendadas por el fabricante, la semana pasada apliqué silicio y se nota mucho en el tamaño de los tallos Potencia del foco: 75%
_____ Week 8 | Day 57 - 63 ______ Feeding: I give her 25% less fertilizer than indicated by Advanced... Day 57 🌞💫 💫 - install the other 2 Spider-farmer light bars | 4 / 160 Watt = 40 Watt each bar Day 59 🌞💧 💧- each Plant 3 Liter, with small drain Day 62 🌞⛅ ⛅ - I have changed the light for 1 week now and so far there are only small signs of flowering to be seen... Since then, they have grown about 5-10 cm ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Light - 12/12 h - 560 Watt - 2x 200 Watt Toplight - 4 x 40 Watt Lightbars PPFD - 900 - 1000 µmol Temp. avg. - 22,1° Hum. avg. - 65 % RLH
The two ladies are looking good..
Ich hätte noch locker 2 Wochen dranhängen können.. Aber ich habe bewusst jetzt schon geerntet da ich die kleinen Buds und Sugar Leafs zu Bubble Hash verarbeiten werde, das sind satte 479g,ich habe keine Ahnung was das dann an Bubble Hash ergibt. Falls das jemand weiß schreibt es mir in die Kommentare.. Ich habe ein wet trimming gemacht, hat mich 4 Stunden gekostet, aber: 857g Nass Gewicht !! Wandert jetzt für 8 Tage in den Cannatrol Cool Cure. Edit: 186g Trocken Gewicht nach Curing, alle Stängel sind zudem entfernt. Riecht sehr frisch. Der Smoke ist sehr mild, aber die Wirkung haut mächtig rein, eher Sativa Effekte, hatte nen mega Laber Flash.. Auf jeden Fall viel THC. Das war ein Hochsommer Grow, die Sour Jealousy von FastBuds hat die hohen Temperaturen problemlos weggesteckt. Man muss dazu sagen, dass mein Zelt prinzipiell immer offen steht, so kann auch kein Schimmel entstehen denke ich. Nur muss ich eben mit 2 Luftentfeuchtern arbeiten.. Ich bin mega happy und auch stolz, das ist erst meine 4. Ernte, ich habe erst Mai 2023 angefangen mit dem Anbau. Vielen Dank lieber Grow Gott für die reiche Ernte!!
Plant 1: 2.40 Oz dry (chopped day 84) Plant 2: 4.85 Oz dry (chopped day 88) Happy with them so far. Will update post cure and smoke report.
Strawberry Amnesia is growing well. I have defoliated her and lollipopped her some today. I switched her light time today for flowering. I will do a solution change on her next update. Everything is looking good. Thank you Spider Farmer, Athena, and Herbies Seeds. 🤜🏻🤛🏻🌱🌱🌱 Thank you grow diaries community for the 👇likes👇, follows, comments, and subscriptions on my YouTube channel👇. ❄️🌱🍻 Happy Growing 🌱🌱🌱
Eine neue Woche steht an. Ich hab mich jetzt nun nach vielem hin und her überlegen doch dazu entschieden die Blüte einzuleiten. Ich bin gespannt was passiert und freu mich auf die Woche. 25. November Cookies gelato wurde mit 4l gegossen zusätzlich noch mit Green sensation und Bloom Dünger. Tropimango wurde mit 2,5l gegossen ebenfalls mit Green Sensation allerdings ohne zusätzliche blütenährstoffe. Es sollte genügend florganics im subtratsein, dass es vorerst nicht nötig sein sollte zusätzlich Nährstoffe geben zu müssen. Royal Runtz hat 3l Wasser mit green sensation und Blütendünger erhalten. 26. November Pflanzen wachsen. Bin zufrieden. Heute besteht kein Handlungsbedarf. 27. November Der dritte Blütetag. Man merkt dass die Pflanzen an Wachstum zulegen wollen. Cookie gelato und Tropimango wachsen uneingeschränkt. Die Runtz hat einen Bruch erlitten und ich hab kein Superkleber oder Panzertape da 28. November Aus mir unerklärlichen Gründen scheint das bisschen Kreppband auszureichen, um den gebrochenen Ast am Leben zu erhalten. Würde behaupten zu 4/5 war er durchgebrochen und hielt eher an einem Rindefaden. Reicht scheinbar um den Ast weiterhin mit allem zu versorgen. Habe leichte Sorge dass der ganze Stress, den die Runtz bisher schon hat mitmachen dürfen, zu Zwitterbildungen. Cookie Gelato kommt weiterhin vorwärts. Tropimango hat 3l Wasser bekommen. Sie hatte als einzige einen furztrockenen Topf Cookies Gelato ist nun 46 Tage alt Tropimango ist nun 41 alt. Royal Runtz ist nun 30 Tage alt Blütetag 4 29. November Cookies Gelato 4l Wasser bis Drenage Roy’s Runtz 3l Wasserbis Drenage Ab- und Umluft wurde auf AC Infinity umgerüstet und läuft jetzt über ein growcontrol. Fyta-Sensoren liefern mir jetzt aktuelle Zahlen aus dem Substrat. 1. Dezember Die Woche neigt sich langsam dem Ende zu und es ist einiges passiert. Die Runtz hat einen Bruch diese woche erlitten aber entwickelt sich prächtig. Der gebrochene Ast ist der stärkste. Traue mich allerdings noch nicht das Klebeband zu entfernen. Die Cookies sieht wunderschön aus ❤️ Tropimango muss immer wieder entlaubt werden, macht sonst gute arbeit. Das Zelt hat einige Upgrades bekommen und die neuen Möglichkeiten auf Messungen, klimabedingungen und Substratanalysen erleichtern einiges.
Finally got her down. Day 203 21/11/24 Thursday Its finally time 🙌!! She has had 48 hrs of dark and more mildew started to set in so thank goodness I chopped her today!! Have not had time to weigh her yet, but wet trim, and deeper wet trim of sugar leaves affected with mildew have been removed. She is now hanging in tent to dry, with heat mat, and extraction on low. Humidity is 66% and 18'c. Her colours have deepened and her aroma is potent!! Strong sweet floral smell , similar to the perfume 😍 Uploaded pics and a short vid of before the chop. Will update harvest tomorrow with wet weigh. Thanks for following along my journey, big shout out and thank you to @Divineseeds for this cultivar. Next time , bigger pot, more lollipoping 😎💪💚 Day 209 27/11/24 Wednesday 6 days drying now. Humidity at 63% . Picture and video update 📸💚 Managed a 13 day hang dry, humidity reached 58% in tent, and sugar leaves where dry, but buds are perfect underneath! Now entering cure for 6 weeks plus. Picture update 📸💚 Last update after cure Updated:::: She smokes 🤤🤤 damn so good!! Taste 😋- like a black cherry gelato , thick and creamy with a tangy cherry on the tongue. Smell 👃- like a pungent ice cream strain now, with what I can only describe as cherry or a dark berry smell. Smoke 🔥-- she is a dream, heavy hitter! I smoke this in evenings and it chills me right out, zoned off. Munchies everything. My new favourite 🙌💚 Thank you to @Divineseeds for this masterpiece 💚
The journey is over sister today it's time to tell you about the harvest of a wonderful Purple Haze Automatic by Zamnesia. I have grown this plant many times and it has always given good results but here we are way beyond good we are at the highest levels that can be asked of an autoflowering. Lots of grass a really great harvest, lots of resin everywhere and with a wonderful smell in the coffee/chocolate area. Do we want to talk about the main cola? It's scary. Majestic, like those of the past united, big. With the Haze forget about the ball-shaped blooms. This is a whole and long steak in full haze style. The taste is something that I have really seen very few times, the color is normal, some shades of purple in the end but not the full purple that I have not found in this strain but patience because it is TNT, really the color for me is becoming above all a question of aesthetics I am a photographer and I love colored plants, but the normal ones drive me crazy too. You should see how many times I smelled it. And how many times I sniffed my fingers. And how the plate I cleaned it on smelled. A masterpiece of gentetics, maybe it's because of the entire Plagron Fertilizer Kit with all the 100% organic additives I used, maybe it's the golden period of cannabis that is cropstober even indoors, maybe it's because these plants started with the moon's favor, maybe it's all this together and much more like my fantastic geographical origin that gives me an ideal temperature, the plants vegetate great and when it's time to resinate the cold arrives. We are from 70 to 90 grams dry here too it did very well on the scale. Zamnesia Description // Have you ever wondered what Jimi played in 1967? With the Purple Haze Automatic, it has never been so easy to experience the magic of Purple Haze firsthand. In just 65 days, this compact autoflower will reward you with premium sativa buds that will take you on a long creative journey. --- Get a seed of this amazing strain --- The fertilizer kits that you can find on the Zamnesia website are perfect for this purpose, there is everything. Choose them based on their mineral/organic composition and the soil you have chosen. The plant has eaten the 100% Organic feeding of Plagron: Alga Grow and Alga Bloom as basic nutrients, the rooting Power Roots, the amino acids of Sugar Royal, the Enzymes of Pure Zym that eat the dead parts in the soil, Power Buds that always gives us immense satisfaction with rapidity of start of flowering and composition of the buds, the legendary Green Sensation that now needs no introduction, a name a guarantee. Also the foliar Vita Race used for the first time with success. The fertilizer kits that you can find on the Zamnesia website are perfect for this purpose, there is everything. Choose them based on their mineral/organic composition and the soil you have chosen. at the link --- The quantity was measured using the sheet prepared on purpose on the Plagron website based on the soil chosen: Plagron Pro Mix + Perlite. at the link --- The growbox is the DS120w by Secret Jardin as well as the DF16 ventilation system and all the fans at the link --- The light was supplied in the past by Viparspectra and it went crazy but it came back to me to produce very well too... at the link --- A fantastic selection of seeds, a headshop and a selection of exceptional accessories on the world of cannabis, many other things about mushrooms, health, well-being and all the beautiful things that nature offers only on the Zamnesia website at the link --- Instagram ---- @zam.nesia - @zamnesiawebshop - @zamnesia_usa - @bread_n_buds
I did bend her down and she's doing Great! I think i will Mainline her or so it Like i did with the Fastberry. The topping went good. She recovers from the Stress pretty fast and ist doing a grat Job! Looking forward. Stay tuned 🤙🏽
_____ Week 8 | Day 56 - 63 ______ I give her 25% less fertilizer than indicated by Advanced... Day 57 🌞 - install the other 2 Spider-farmer light bars | 4 / 160 Watt = 40 Watt each bar Day 59 🌞💧 - each Plant 3 Liter, with small drain Day 62 🌞 - I have changed the light for 1 week now and so far there are only small signs of flowering to be seen... Since then, they have streched about 5-10 cm - Amnezia #1 worries me a little, it looks pretty bright in contrast to the other two. All have the same conditions... I keep an eye on you.....maybe it was too dry, it's the last plant in the row and they are a bit low... difficult to water... stupidly planned by me, I have so much space upwards ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Light - 12/12 h - 400 Watt 80% Dim. PPFD - 900 - 1000 µmol Temp. avg. - 23,0° Hum. avg. - 68 % RLH
_____ Week 8 | Day 56 - 63 ______ I give her 25% less fertilizer than indicated by Advanced... Day 57 🌞 - install the other 2 Spider-farmer light bars | 4 / 160 Watt = 40 Watt each bar Day 59 🌞 - each Plant 3 Liter, with small drain Day 62 🌞 - I have changed the light for 1 week now and so far there are only small signs of flowering to be seen... Since then, they have grown about 5-10 cm ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Light - 12/12 h - 560 Watt - 2x 200 Watt Toplight - 4 x 40 Watt Lightbars PPFD - 900 - 1000 µmol Temp. avg. - 22,1° Hum. avg. - 65 % RLH
Looking pretty good. She’s a little light in color. I may up her nutes a bit. Buds are already a nice size. She’s a little slower in developing than the last LCC I grew. But I have her in a tent by herself and that light is only 200 watts. I’d like to get her in the bigger tent but my Pound Cake has taken over most of the space.
Skunk apple runtz I'm probably only going to keep 1 of these guys seeing the 2nd just has really bad growth so far. I'm sad about this I made this cross out my last grow and was hoping for the better end of things. The other plants is decent but we will see I hope it has the growth pattern of the lit farms Rick bobby and the bud structure of the obama runtz I grew It's looking like a good start to a week the plants are strong they are getting to the point I can let the dried dry out completely. I'm thinking by the end of this week the plants will be starting to be sold. Last week I put all the plants into my bigger 2x4 tent with my medicgrow mini sun 2 the 500w version. Only a few of the plants were ready for that light. Seems like the only plants that really have good resistance and have a strong start are the seeds. Shout out to for the strong plants. I ended up putting all the plants back into my 2x2 tent with the 55w amazon light it has alot more blue light in its spectrum. It's kinda weird b4 I switched the plants to the 2x4 tent they were getting 220umol under my amazon 55w led then when I put them under the 500w light 25% strength about 50in from plants and they were getting only about 195umol in that tent but it was stressing most the plants. I assume a larger light has more side lighting hitting the plants. I think when useing larger lights it's good to measure umols from the top but also coming from the sides. I think durring seedling stage they only need about 50% the umols coming from the side the plants as the top is receiving. When I put the plants back in the small tent about the same umols as they were getting b4 the switch and they were still a little stressed. So for a few days I put the small light at the top the tent giving them 100umols for a few hrs then 130umols the rest the day.
Obama runtz x gas tax sad to say both seedlings are super crappy so far. If it was not for the gas tax parent being the best flower ever then I wld just toss these but sometimes the crappy slow growing plants end up being super dank It's looking like a good start to a week the plants are strong they are getting to the point I can let the dried dry out completely. I'm thinking by the end of this week the plants will be starting to be sold. Last week I put all the plants into my bigger 2x4 tent with my medicgrow mini sun 2 the 500w version. Only a few of the plants were ready for that light. Seems like the only plants that really have good resistance and have a strong start are the seeds. Shout out to for the strong plants. I ended up putting all the plants back into my 2x2 tent with the 55w amazon light it has alot more blue light in its spectrum. It's kinda weird b4 I switched the plants to the 2x4 tent they were getting 220umol under my amazon 55w led then when I put them under the 500w light 25% strength about 50in from plants and they were getting only about 195umol in that tent but it was stressing most the plants. I assume a larger light has more side lighting hitting the plants. I think when useing larger lights it's good to measure umols from the top but also coming from the sides. I think durring seedling stage they only need about 50% the umols coming from the side the plants as the top is receiving. When I put the plants back in the small tent about the same umols as they were getting b4 the switch and they were still a little stressed. So for a few days I put the small light at the top the tent giving them 100umols for a few hrs then 130umols the rest the day.
Permant marker the one seedling I could not be more happy with. It has a distinct different look to it than any other plant in the tent with strong growth going on. I'm sad about the other seedling thou the 1st set of leaves were kinda deformed and it has like a spiral thing going on where new growth comes from. Hopefully it comes back around, I always like seeing atleast 2 phenos of a strain I feel it gives you a better idea of what a strain is. It's looking like a good start to a week the plants are strong they are getting to the point I can let the dried dry out completely. I'm thinking by the end of this week the plants will be starting to be sold. Last week I put all the plants into my bigger 2x4 tent with my medicgrow mini sun 2 the 500w version. Only a few of the plants were ready for that light. Seems like the only plants that really have good resistance and have a strong start are the seeds. Shout out to for the strong plants. I ended up putting all the plants back into my 2x2 tent with the 55w amazon light it has alot more blue light in its spectrum. It's kinda weird b4 I switched the plants to the 2x4 tent they were getting 220umol under my amazon 55w led then when I put them under the 500w light 25% strength about 50in from plants and they were getting only about 195umol in that tent but it was stressing most the plants. I assume a larger light has more side lighting hitting the plants. I think when useing larger lights it's good to measure umols from the top but also coming from the sides. I think durring seedling stage they only need about 50% the umols coming from the side the plants as the top is receiving. When I put the plants back in the small tent about the same umols as they were getting b4 the switch and they were still a little stressed. So for a few days I put the small light at the top the tent giving them 100umols for a few hrs then 130umols the rest the day.
Bubble og I still have 4 of these guys going. A few of them are still dark green and pretty decent growers they have thiner leaves. I'm sure a few of these will be on the chopping block later down a few of them just have crappy start growth and they need the humidity at 75% or above 100% the time with the light lower than normal or they start to shrivel up. That's not all of them just a couple. Also I am only going to flower 8 plants out if the 12 seedling and I have 5 strains going so can't have half my plants bubble og (wish I had room to grow the full 12 plants at a time) It's looking like a good start to a week the plants are strong they are getting to the point I can let the dried dry out completely. I'm thinking by the end of this week the plants will be starting to be sold. Last week I put all the plants into my bigger 2x4 tent with my medicgrow mini sun 2 the 500w version. Only a few of the plants were ready for that light. Seems like the only plants that really have good resistance and have a strong start are the seeds. Shout out to for the strong plants. I ended up putting all the plants back into my 2x2 tent with the 55w amazon light it has alot more blue light in its spectrum. It's kinda weird b4 I switched the plants to the 2x4 tent they were getting 220umol under my amazon 55w led then when I put them under the 500w light 25% strength about 50in from plants and they were getting only about 195umol in that tent but it was stressing most the plants. I assume a larger light has more side lighting hitting the plants. I think when useing larger lights it's good to measure umols from the top but also coming from the sides. I think durring seedling stage they only need about 50% the umols coming from the side the plants as the top is receiving. When I put the plants back in the small tent about the same umols as they were getting b4 the switch and they were still a little stressed. So for a few days I put the small light at the top the tent giving them 100umols for a few hrs then 130umols the rest the day.