During week 8 the plants continue to grow nicely and devleop lots of side-branching and leaves. All 12 of my 'Fruity Terp'-babies have a nice healthy green color, which means the BIO NOVA nutrients are working well. I still follow the SOIL-CULTIVATION chart (at half strength of the recommended dose) when I fill up my 'FLEXITANK'-reservoir once a week with 100 liter of tap-water and add the nutrients from BIO NOVA in. The Autopot system with its 6 trays and 12 places (=2 per tray) is able to supply my 12 plants for one week from the 100 liter reservoir. The two SANlight EVO4-120 LED-fixtures are still hanging at 75 cm distance from the top of the plants and are tilted inwards by 11 degrees. This is the recommended way of hanging them and gives the PERFECT light for my Cannabis plants. At this stage I have the SANlight-lamps dimmed to 60% of power (=1 green light on dimmer ON), which is plenty of light and ensures a nice stretch at the beginning of flowering. I cant wait for the first female white hairs to appear on the babies...👊😎