5/28 It poured yesterday so i dodnt bring the girls outside. Seedlings are transplanted into gallon pots. Once the fill that they'll go in final homes. I brought the plants out on this overcast day to harden them off. They're under the cover of the barn though placed by the open door. I've been putting in some work. Once this rain stops I have a couple things to do on the cage then I'll put the bags in the spots I have mapped out and mix my soil and fill the bags. The next day I typically transplant and add the first layer of supports. I have more pictures but not enough time to download them. 5/29 wow this site sucks. I have already done and saved this shit but its not here. Good thing I copy and pasted from grow with Jane. Only thing that sucks is I can't upload videos. It's not working here anyway so.... Watered and used about 3 gaterade bottles total. I may have messed up and watered the event horizon to much. They seem to be getting rootbound. Plants are doing well though with the transition. They are still hardening off. Tomorrow I plan to position and fill the bags with soil and if able I'll transplant them in the next few days. I want to make sure they're hardened off. Low tonight is 49 but it's 50s after that so I should be good. I'm hoping this video will load. Very stressful to do this shit over and over. 5/30 Plants have spent all day in tje Cafe and are coming in for the night. I finished mixing soil and filling the grow bags. They are ready for transplant. Weather is looking good so if plants respond well to this mild weather they will be transplanted with first set of supports added either tomm or the next day. Depends on plants response today (so far they're doing great) on whether I transplant tomorrow or the day after. I am sore as hell. Pictures are having trouble uploading and I'm not even gonna try to upload the video I took. 5/31 Plants have been taking a few days of full sun and they're doing fine. I'm planning on transplanting this afternoon. I had to water today. I weighed the pots and some were in tje 1200's grams which is dry. I'll update as I work. I have some errands to run then I'm putting the girls in their final homes. EDIT: WIND WAS RIDICULOUS! I TRANSPLANTED 3 OF THE HEALTJY GMO'S. WHEN I GOT BACK PLANTS WERE RIGHT SIDEWAYS FROM THE WIND. I WENT WITH INTUITION AND TRANSPLANTED 3 GMO'S. OTHER BAGS ARE READY. THE REST OF THE PLANTS WILL GO OUT TOMORROW MORNING. THE SMALL SUPPORTS I HAD DIDNT DO SHIT. I HAD TO ADD TOMATO CAGES AND TOE THE STALK TO THE TOMATO CAGE. SUCKS I COULDNT GET THEM ALL IN BUT BETTER SAFE THAN SORRY. TRANSPLANTS WENT REAL SMOOTH. KNOCK ON WOOD. I TJ8NK THE OTHERS WILL TOO. THEY'RE READY FOR A NEW 6/1 Finished transplanting everything. Easiest transplant I've had so far. 4 gmo 1 toasted toffy 1 sherb pie and 2 event horizon. Everything is in 20 gal smart pots. One gmo is in a 30 gal smart pot. The medium is 1/3 of each roots organic 707, fox farm happy frog and fox farm ocean forest. Used mykos when transplanting. Wind gusts were coming from everywhere direction so I couldn't put a tarp up to block it. I bought "grow cages" which are kind of like tomato cages. The wind is so strong it blows the plants right against the cage. Oh well. I hope it works out. I'll check on them a little later and see how they're doing. 6/2 It was 45 degrees this morning. Nice out now. Plants are doing good. A couple gmos are drooping but it was cold. One gmo looked as good as ever! Sherb pie and toasted toffy are totally unaffected. In this new area plants get a lot of direct sun. Slight tacking on the gmos in the front. The event horizons really needed that transplant. Grow cages seem to be working out well. 6/3 I Watered the garden this morning as its been 75-80 out. I only used a gallon of water for the 8 clones. I'm not sure if I watered enough when I transplanted or not. Some plants have some burns from the intense direct sunlight. Plants could've used a bit more hardening but they'll be fine. A few of them seem great and have no real signs of stress dispute 25mph wind gusts and 15 mph constant wind and this hot sun. I should go check on my plants again this evening but I figure they'll be alright until morning. I've had an incredibly busy day and they were fine at noontime. I'm going to consult my other diaries and see what I did watering volume wise. I've for some videos but they take FOREVER to upload. EDIT: Looked at last year's diary and it was rainy as fuck and I took way more time hardening the plants. I've had more going on in life which has effected that. Went over at 3pm and gave the plants 3 more gallons of water. Bags were light and soil was dry af. Granted I added soil after it settled but still. I watered one gallon this morning so I figured 3 more gallons would make it a half gallon a plant. Planning to increase to a gallon each if they do OK. Its supposed to thunder storm tomorrow so hipfully we will get some rain. I removed one leaf that was bleached but there are a few others. The weather is beautiful but we've gotten zero rain. In hindsight perhaps I should've given the plants an extra gallon at least.
Good week, same here though. Hope she's done stretching. She's huge, please stop lol. Anyway, did a little more lst and defol on her. Upped the nutrients and she looks amazing!!! Stacking up beautifly and I'm sure she's going to have some massive cola's. Can't wait, until next week.
I’m in love with this plant! Beautiful huge colas, awesome color, terps are like sour cherry candy and gas it’s ridiculous how good this plant smells! Harvest is gonna be sickkkkkk.
4/8/2023 Week 8- Day 1 of Veg (Day 66 overall) I still have 1, 1/2" of clearance to the net. The Competition will hit the half way point on Wed, that leaves exactly 10 weeks left from Wed. So I decided to go ahead and top off the water by adding 10 gallons to the system today. I added the appropriate Nutes. I am considering 2 plans now that I have decided that I am going to flip to flower on Saturday no matter what. Plan 1, I can evaluate throughout this week and flip earlier than Saturday if needed which would mean draining my system on that day adding week 1 Flower Nutes to the tank and start Week 1 of flower that day. I decided to go before before Saturday I will go ahead and change the water to week 1 flower, the same day I change the lights to 12/12. Then I will wait until the second Saturday so say 10 days if change my lights on Wed and then run Week 2 water/Nutes into Week4 and starting Week 5 change every week for rest of Grow. If I make it until Saturday will keep Week 1 Nutes until Week 3 and then starting Week 4 change every week until done. Mammoth Silica- Bi weekly addition .5Mil/Gal * 36 Gallons = 18Mil Added 10 Gallons to the system Mammoth Silica= .5Mil/Gal = 5Mil CalMag= .5Mil/Gal = 5Mil Root Drip = 1Mil/Gal = 10Mil FloraMicro= 5.4Mil/Gal= 54Mil FloraGrow= 4.2Mil/Gal= 42Mil FLoraBloom= 4.6Mil/Gal= 46Mil ORCA=.5Mil/Gal = 5Mil 4/9/2023 Week 8- Day 2 of Veg (Day 67 overall) Less than 1/2" left until #3 hits the SCROG line, I think she is going to push me to flip tomorrow. Not much today let them rest and will continue to monitor in the morning to see if I am going to need to flip early.
I’m in love with this plant! Beautiful huge colas, awesome color, terps are like sour cherry candy and gas it’s ridiculous how good this plant smells! Harvest is gonna be sickkkkkk.
Still low stress training till end of week five and once they are bigger then the actual pot I will allow them to start growing straight up. Lots of plants Is nice but you don’t want to suffocate them with no space to grow. I want a bush then turn it loose and let her reach up. More space for light to penetrate and helps with air flow to circulate the air better. I defoliated lower third of plant to allow plants resources to be better used on top and to also allow better air flow. Also when using low stress training you’re pulling the tops down to make an even canopy to allow your light to be put at its lowest point to get all your nuggs an even amount of light. As the week went on you can see I have leveled them all out for my light to be at its closest without burning any of my taller branches. I just tied them down more to allow the others to get better light and bulk them babies up more. I had a magnesium deficiency this week with a couple plants so when I watered I added 5 tsp of epson salt to 3L of water along with the rhino skin and then ph the water to 6.0. The only reason I have ph’d the water to 6.0 instead of 6.3 is because the runoff from the last watering was at about 6.8 so I’m trying to lower the runoff and get it closer to 6.5 so I know that my roots aren’t blocking out Nutrient uptake. The plants are a making a fast rebound after giving them the Epson salt watering after a couple days and are getting back to healthy. Week six should be a very interesting week to see how far these babies start reaching up now that I am done low stress training. The smell is very light not too strong yet. Still adding CO2.
Hi growers! Milkyway has started forming very hard flowers covered with trichomes and the smell of the flower is really amazing!
Hey Farmers. Another successful harvest! Let's start off with the weigh in. This time around we got 207 grams of bud, none of which I would qualify as top shelf. We also got 47 grams worth of larf, which is a lot, and lastly we have 22 grams of frosty trim. I will be more specific about the taste and feel of the plant in the smoke comment below. I dried her in cardboard boxes, the total dry time ended up taking 10 days. I got a very nice rootball, especially when compared to my early days. I'm using Calcium hypochlorite to combat pythium growth in my growbucket, as well as providing free chlorine for the plant to uptake. It's a very cheap and effective way to run a "Sterile" DWC run, although you have to be very careful when handling and dosing, if you want to know how I calculate my dose, check below. It's a great and cheap alternative to UC Roots. for Calcium Hypochlorite I use HTH Pool shock, its 67% Chlorine, don't just buy HTH pool shock, as its contents vary by country, try and buy pure Calcium Hypochlorite with 70% chlorine from an online Lab supply store, its dirt cheap and 1 KG will last you a lifetime for less than 40 bucks, i aim for 2ppm of free Chlorine in my reservoir, this will slow down growth of bacteria, and is still relatively low in dose so our root hairs don't take too much damage. ALWAYS Check the chlorine of your Calcium Hypochlorite, Mines 67% the following is the calculations I use, feel free to adjust the formulas to your needs: 2 ppm chlorine from 67% strength Calcium Hypochlorite and I want to fill an empty 2 litre bottle with 0.5% Chlorine which will serve as my stock solution (2000x0,5) / 67 = 14,9 14,9 grams of 67% strength Calcium Hypochlorite to get a 2L Chlorine bottle with 0.5% strength !! Be careful with this Stock bottle. 0.5% Doesn't sound like a lot, but it is HIGHLY corrosive and will give you chemical burns !! I then want to turn that stock bottle with 5000mg Chlorine per litre into 2mg/litre which is 2 ppm.. (There are 1,000,000 milligrams (mg) in 1 litre (L)) (0,0002x1000) / 0,5 = 0.4 which is 0.4, so 0.4 ml of the stock solution per litre of water then gets me 2mg/l total chlorine in my plant buckets note that I don't use this in late flower once I start feeding Green sensation. mainly because Green sensation is 80% bio and I'm not sure how well the two would work together and at this point, roots no longer grow anyway and pythium is unlikely if you're a little smart in the final weeks
Seedling is doing well, trying not to over water and keep the RH high around 68-70%. Changed the light schedule to 18/6 mid week. Seems to be doing ok with the slightly colder temps at night. Happy Gardening 🇨🇦👊❤️
Seedling is doing well, trying not to over water and keep the RH high around 68-70%. Changed the light schedule to 18/6 mid week. Seems to be doing ok with the slightly colder temps at night. Happy Gardening 🇨🇦👊❤️
D47 Flowering Week n° 2 started, I will pump up nutrition. I was saying this is the last time I removed big leaves and those that hinder buds, that was five times ago, I honestly didn't think I would get this size. D48 Strawberry pie survive to -4 c° last night, to day air temperature will be 12 degrees... In the Freedom Pic you are seeing a marijuana leaf and behind it a magnificent mountain panorama but you do not see what is in between which is the most important as often happens in life what is important you do not see ... what is it ? it's the clean fresh mountain air.
La 1024 del medio crecio mas que el resto, supongo que sera al recibir mas luz que el resto. La Lemon Ram tiene mas resina que sus hermanas 1024 y 2046 pero tambien tiene un ciclo de floracion mas corto.
So I'm hoping that were all done stretching because I'm all out of room to raise my light! Lol These ladies are huge! I'm so friggin stoked for these two, I cannot wait to see more flower production. I increased the nutrients for transition and everything is looking lovely except for some minor calcium deficiency showing on some of the bottom leaves. Next feed I'll add 5ml of cal mag to the mix and see if that helps. It has started to go away little by little since the last feed because the nutrient solution dies gave some cal mag in it but I guess just not enough for this big bitch lol. Until next week.
Wow. The gruntz is insane. I left for work and when I got back, WTF! The gruntz was touching the light. It wasn’t burning but wow we had to fold over the tops and put a net in to hold her down. It’s been 3 weeks of flower and this girl is still reaching for the moon! Nasha genetics ( we take freebies for the name drop!) whatever you do, holy cow. They are starting to hair up now. I think the gruntz could’ve filled the tent by herself but there are 3 other plants in with her. I’m wandering if the widows will get enough light. We might have to raise the pots off the floor. And with spring coming (well it keeps snowing here but they say it’s coming) we are getting busy with the garden and life. Anyways we didn’t do much with the gruntz other than water. Now that she is getting some hair we will top dress some build a bloom and or some craft blend, just to help. Around a tablespoon per pot. Over all it was a good week, we just hope the gruntz stops stretching soon. Wish you all the best. Spread some love and share some bud!
This has been smooth sailing this week.. plants needing minimal attention, gave a foliar feed with a weak cal/mag/nitrogen mix. Am about to drop the tank and flush for a day and then redose with nutes. Trialing a bi-weekly flush this time.. see how it goes.
The plant is absorbing the last nutrients and coming to her end,beautiful strain if you love the dutch classics ❤️
Very satisfied and impressed lasted a little bit longer than I expected in vegetation. Enjoying the process and learning
Very satisfied and impressed lasted a little bit longer than I expected in vegetation. Enjoying the process and learning
Very satisfied and impressed lasted a little bit longer than I expected in vegetation. Enjoying the process and learning
Finished her second week of flush, plan on harvesting her as soon as her pot has fully dried out. Trichomes appear mainly cloudy to the point where the buds appear white. I’ve smoked a few test buds that I took a couple of days into her flush, the taste even at that point was unreal! By far the strongest strain I’ve grown to date. Happy with how everything looks, until next time 🌱💚
Vamos familia, actualizamos la 4 semana de floración de estas Purple Og Kush . Y es que hasta aquí todo va correcto , tienen un buen color, se ven sanas, y van progresando las flores adecuadamente. La alimentación de Agrobeta la están aceptando muy bien , ya se las puede apreciar. Agrobeta: https://www.agrobeta.com/agrobetatiendaonline/36-abonos-canamo Mars hydro: Code discount: EL420 https://www.mars-hydro.com/ Las maximas de temperatura no superan los 26 grados y las mínimas no bajan 20, así que no me puedo quejar. Los niveles de humedad también son los correctos van entre 50%/65% de humedad relativa. Por supuesto el Ph lo estamos dejando alrededor de 6. Hasta aquí es todo, buenos humos 💨💨💨.