The Grow Awards 2025 🏆

Maine outdoor 2024

4 months ago
Room Type
weeks 1-2, 6-23
weeks 11-24
weeks 4
Grow medium
76 L
Pot Size
5.68 L
Week 1. Vegetation
a year ago
18 hrs
18 °C
4 L
60.96 cm
After losing 72 seedlings due to a bump on these crazy back woods I went and got clones. Clones were transplanted on 4/17 and 4/18. Since then I've given them very little water. The 2 event horizons seem to be much happier in their new 1 gallon pit homes. Eventually they'll go outside. They are currently under a 1000 watt l.e.d with the veg switch on. It is 4/21 and I gave the plants a little water. I used a watering can and made a few circles around the edge of the container. I'm being careful to not over water. Prior they had two shot glasses but thats it since transplant. 4/22 Clones seem to be settling in nicely. I may need to increase water but I'm holding off since they look to be improving. New growth on the event horizons ate showing me that they like the increased room of the 1 gal opposed to that tiny cube. I'll take some more photos when I check them again. The few seeds I saved are growing all spindly with leaves not really growing well. They were dry as hell but I gave them some water. I might just chuck them. Especially since I'm not sure what they are. Dont want any pathogens spreading to my clones 4/23 This site keeps fucking up. Clones are looking good. I'm holding off on water until tomm. The 4 seedlings that survived are growing super tall but not producing leaves. Today I noticed they ARE producing leaves just at a very slow pace. I was going to junk them. I think they might be autos. I'll transplant and see what happens. I added pictures but they didn't upload so I'll have to do it later.
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Week 2. Vegetation
a year ago
18 hrs
18 °C
4 L
60.96 cm
4/24 Gave the clones their first real watering and it wasn't much. I gave each plant half a Gatorade bottle which is 1.25 pints. Clones are in 1 gallon pots with 707 roots organic. The seeds I saved I transplanted into small containers. They were stretching like crazy and only in peat pellets. I don't expect anything from them and if I see any dampening off I'll chuck them. Not risking 4/25 Everything is looking good and settling in nicely. I need to ask a question and see if I should be running both the veg and bloom switches at once. 4/26 Opened one of the shades to let some sunlight in. Noticed plants are doing pretty good. They look incredibly healthy and the reveg (or rootbound) is coming out of it. Since I'm getting good results with just the veg light on I'll leave it like that for a little bit. My sherb pie had a small leaf that looked like it tacoed amd may be a burn. I did flick the light on full power amd HOLY SHIT! Bright as hell. Plants aren't even directly under the light yet. I'm going to play it by ear and see how it goes. Soil still moist on most. 4/27 Plants seemed light this morning so I watered. I split a Gatorade bottle (I think 1.25 pints) amd split it between 3 plantscthis time. Everything looks nice and healthy. My lone sherb pie is the only plant showing signs of light burn. Just a couple crispy leaves that tacoed. Everyone else looked great and a few were praying. Suprisingly putting the few seedlings on the window sill brought them back to life. Minus one of course. I adjusted the spacing of the sherb pie. It may be getting a stream of direct light through the gap in the blinds. Overall I'm happy to be started. If I have te I'll continue readying my grow area. Also my intuition is telling me not to put light to full power. If ONE got crispy (and it was further than some) it could happen to others. Need to research l.e.d lights 4/28 Things are looking real good. Three seedlings survived. The event horizons are settling in real nice. They love the bigger space to stretch roots. All the gmo's are healthy af and growing at a pretty nice rate. One plant has a little purple on a leaf. I'm sure that's due to dad e d posing it to the cold earlier on. The bloom switch is off and I have one south facing window letting some sunlight into the room. Hoping for a good season. 4/29 Plants are doing great. Event horizon is coming out of reveg and had several long branches as tall as the plant. The GMOs are incredibly healthy. I moved the gmos a little closer and I noticed a little bit of a burn develop. Hardly noticeable but I moved it back to its original position. I'm glad I didn't flick the bloom light. Probably would've burnt 4/30 Plants have settled in nicely. I watered today. I used 3 Gatorade bottles total. I tried to split one bottle between 3 plants. Seems to be working OK. Plants look really healthy and the twisted reveg is coming out of it. It's time to do some topping or filming on the gmos. I have one that hadn't been touched. They did these clones good. The event horizon has several branched as tall as the cola. It must've been low stress trained prior to me getting it. It was large. Also 3 (I think auto's) broke dirt and I had to tie one down as it was stretching. They are just on the window sill.
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Grow Questions
masterofsmeagolstarted grow question a year ago
First time using led to hold plants until outdoors. I have only veg switch on. Bright blue with white. I read you can use both switches from the start. Should I? Clones are hardening well. I don't want to burn them. I'm using Tatu 1000 grow light. Clones in 1 gal soil for
SCAR17sanswered grow question 8 months ago
It doesn’t matter. Just keep it on longer than 12.
SCAR17sanswered grow question 8 months ago
It doesn’t matter. Just keep it on longer than 12.
Krisisanswered grow question a year ago “Has nothing to do with leaf shape or size that is dictated more by light intensity and the distance from light source , the plant creates bigger leaves when there is less light available in order to catch more of the scarce photons passing through the chloryphyll” You were saying?
Week 3. Vegetation
a year ago
18 hrs
18 °C
4 L
60.96 cm
5/1 Plants are being rock stars. The event horizons and toasted toffy have been lollipopped abd it looks like lsted. I need to tie down the branches. The one sherb pie looks like it has a little bit of light burn but everything else is doing awesome. 5/2 Didn't write anything I forgot. 5/3 Plants are still doing great. The event horizon is coming out of reveg and isn't so twisty. It's time to start LSTing. I just haven't had time. I'm planning to put some work in today. Soil still seemed a little wet. I FIMed a GMO. I'll wait to see how that turns out before I do the rest. After today I'll have more time. Plants still aren't DIRECTLY under the light. I want to turn on both switches but I'm afraid they'll burn. 5/4 Still going strong. Watered today. Used approximately 3 Gatorade bottles. I tried to split one bottle between 3 plants. I want the roots searching for water. I want these 1 gallons to be full of roots before the transplant. I'm thinking I may do some lsting today as well as some topping or FIM. I'll update. Seedlings seem to come out of that stall. Didn't think they'd make it. 5/5 When I arrived I realized I had left the light OFF from the morning before when I was watering and inspecting things. Hooe this doesn't mess things up to bad. I've got one event horizon that's having trouble coming out of reveg. Everything else looks good. Those stunted auto seeds are coming up with their Second set of leaves. Definately took long enough. 5/6 I got close and inspected every plant. I really want to flip the bloom switch on too. I turned it on for a minute and it's bright as fuck. I think if I could find a way to raise the light higher (I'm working on a theory) I might be able to flip both switches. However I'm noticing what looks like light burn or light stress on some of them. It's not the too of the plant though. It's like the serated leaves are turning in on themselves. The 2 that I think reveged are turning their leaves inside out. Not sure if it's a reveg thing or has something to do with the light. I raised the light at noon. I'll see if this has a positive effect. The shades only partially block direct sunlight so I may need to make sure that's what's not causing this. The 4 gmo show no signs. I moved one almost directly under the light to see if it had an effect or if it's strain dependent. I'm definitely need to learn how to use l.e.d's better. Oh well. They'll go outside in less than a month. 5/7 I'm hoping leaving that light off didn't fuck with the clones that revegged. Raisingcthe light was a good idea. I can raise it higher and I'd like to hit the other switch. It's so much brighter and the gmos don't have any burns. They'll be going outside in a few weeks anyway. I was going to but a parmeter and I still might. The auto seeds are coming up pretty good. It's in the 60s today. I might bring the girls outside on the covered porch and see how they do.
Week 4. Vegetation
a year ago
18 hrs
18 °C
4 L
60.96 cm
THIS SUCKS. I HAD PICTURES AND THE DIARY ALL FILLED OUT AND IT DIDNT SAVE. 5/8 watered. A little less than usual. A little over 2 Gatorade bottles total. I wrote a repirt but it didn't save. I fimmed a couple gmos. 5/9 I've noticed burns but I think it's from direct sunlight from south facing windows. The blinds had a little spot where a stream of light could come in. I've put card board over the blind to minimize any direct light coning in. The 3 plants in reveg seem to be coming out of it. I've noticed pretty good growth. I switched the bloom light on for a couple hours today to see if the plants could take it. I bitched out though and ended up shutting it off. Won't be long and they'll be going outside. Three seedlings have come up. All autos I believe. I hope they don't stay stunted but we'll see. 5/10 Seedlings (3) are doing good. Soil seemed dry on the event horizons. I don't know whats going on with the toasted toffy that's all twisted up. It WAS rootbound af and revegged. Fan is blowing directly on plants and I think that may be a factor. I've got a lot of work to do. Thos site keeps not saving my. UPDATE: I switched the bloom switch on around 2:30 and checked on plants around seven and they were perking right up. The toaster toffy seemed to have perked up as well but I noticed some tips are burnt. I think it was from a hole in the blinds though seeing the rest of the plant has a good response ad well as the rest of the garden. I'll know for sure tomorrow. I worked on cleaning the cage and ill finish that tomorrow. 5/10 WATERED. USED THREE GATORADE BOTTLES TOTAL. EVENT HORIZON AMD TOASTED TOFFY SEEM TO DRINK MORE WATER. I noticed some (burns/bleaching?) On some new growth on that weird twisted toffy. Also on like a tiny leaf on the bottom of a plant but no other damage. Leaves seem to have longer petioles now which I read is a symptom of light burn. Smell significantly increased as well. The 4 GMO'S however seemed to love the light and are perked right up. I'll check on them again after I stop and check with my growing buddy and see what he says. I'll finish cleaning the cage today and I'll clean my bags. Maybe start some LST. UPDATE: SECOND TIME WROTONG THIS. I HATE THIS SITE. WENT OVER WITH THE INTENT OF SHUTTONG OFF THE BLOOM SWITCH BUG JUST RAISED THE LIGHT SOME. I SEE SMALL BURNS ON THE EVENT HORIZONS AND THE TOASTED TOFFY. NOT SIGNIF8CANT BUT I DONT WANT IT TO BECOME SIGNIFICANT. THESE SEEMED ALK REVEGGED. THAT MIGHT ACCOUNT FOR THE STRANGENESS IVE BEEN OBSERVING. SINCE ALL 4 GMO'S ARE EXPLODING AND EVEN THE SHERB PIE IS TAKING OFF SO I DIDNT WANT TO SHUT THE LIGHT OFF. THEY WILL GO OUTSIDE IN A COUPLE WEEKS. I THINK RAISING THE LIGHT A BIT AND MOVING THE EH AND TT A LITTLE FURTHER BACK. I'LL MONITOR AND ADJUST FROM THERE. I HAVE TO GO HACK LATER AND I MAY WASH AND DISINFECT MY GROW BAGS. I JUST CANT SEE THIS LIGHT BURNING PLANTS ESPECIALLY WHEN I HAVE SEEDLINGS IN THE WINDOW RECEIVING DIRECT SUNLIGHT. ONE THING I DID NOTICE ON THE GMOS IS IT "LOOKED" LIKE THE PETIOLES ON THE LEAVES WERE NARROWING. IT COULD'VE BEEN IN MY HEAD. I'LL OBSERVE AND REPORT. 5/11 I must've forgotten to write this or more likely it didn't save. 5/12 Plants looked like they like the increased light. The gmo especially seems to be praying. The burns on the 1 ev and the tt seem to be the same one as before but I'm noticing much more growth since I've flipped on the bloom switch. I've got some big pallets and am getting ready to prep for moving things outside by June 1 give or take. 5/13 already did this and it didn't save. Found my two 150watt hps lights that ice used previously with great success. However since I seem to be getting better results with the l.e.d. went at a different time of day and saw a stream of light right on a burn spot so I don't think it's the light. I went higher blocking the window and taped the blinds to the size. I've noticed lots of lateral growth. Time to train. Seedlings will also need transplant.
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Week 5. Vegetation
10 months ago
18 hrs
18 °C
4 L
60.96 cm
5/14 Watered today. I almost held off as it seemed there was a LITTLE moisture in the soil of the gmos. The bigger one was drier. I weighed dry soil and compared that's when I decided to water. Seeing how today is I think the fourth day since I watered I used less water. Since I' not feeding nutes yet (plenty in the soil) I'm not watering to runoff. 2 Gatorade bottles total this time. I want those roots filling the pot. I have burns on the event horizons. I think it was from the light leak. The toasted toffy seems exploding. I hope they don't get to rootbound in the 1 gallon. I think it was a good decision for the 1 gallon rather than the 3s. 5/15 Yeah they definitely liked that water. Especially the event horizons. Old burns don't heal but the are coming out of reveg and growing with a fury! The gmos are as healthy as I coupd ask. I almost topped the last gmo one (or fimmed) but it was trained before I got it and bottom branches are level with the top. The gmo I fimmed has at least four new tops growing fast. I think I'll pick up my soil tomorrow. Grow bags are ready but I need to clean up the cage and wait until the time I'd right. If I had the time I would've brought the girls outside today 5/16 Plants look amazing. It got to 80 yea6erday but the girls were inbthat nice cool room. It's getting close to the time I'm going outside and I'm getting excited! 5/17 Same. Plants still going like crazy souls still moist. 5/18 wow these l.e.d lights don't dry out the soil like an hps. Watered on the 14th and plants still look like they're happy and there is still moisture in the soil. I'll monitor and either water later today or more likely in the morning. There wasn't much if any moisture in the soil and that was only a couple plants. I WATERED TODAY AND USED APPROXIMATELY 2 AND a 1/2 GATORADE BOTTLES TOTAL. I went with my intuition and it told me they were thirsty. They were certainly light. At least I don't have to worry about overwatering. I'll grab my soil tomm and clean my grow bags. These clones are exploding in growth and leaf production. I can't wait to see how they do outside. 5/19 Seedlings are jumping right along and need transplant. I'm almost positive they are autos so I shouod plan to transplant just once. I'm planning to buy my soil tomorrow and get other odds and ends taken care of. The girls are doing great! They def enjoyed the water. Im glad I went with my intuition. Some pics wouldn't upload. Oh well. 5/20 Today is supposwd to be in the 80s. Plants AND seedlings are doing great. I think I'll grab my soil today. I'll update later. UPDATE: I BOUGHT 3 3CF 707 3 3CU FFOF AND 3 2CF HAPPY FR0G AND I HAVE A BAG OF 707 AT HOME. CAGE IS ALMOST READY. BAGS NEED TO BE SOAKED AND CLEANED AND PLANTS NEED TO START GETTING HARDENED OFF. ITS HARD TO DO ALL THIS IN THE MIDDLE OF MOVING WITH A SICK WIFE BUT WE DO WHAT WE HAVE TO.
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Week 6. Vegetation
10 months ago
18 hrs
18 °C
4 L
60.96 cm
5/21 Plants are doing great! Seedlings too. I'll transplant them soon. Looking back on my orher diaries it's close to when I started in previous years. I need to harden them off and make sure the light has enough hours. I need to clean my bags too. Soil is bought and stored. Looking forward to this year! Pics are not uploading. 5/22 Watered but didn't do a note. Medical emergency. 5/23 Medical emergency kept me from the plants but when I went over at 9. Seedlings need transplant and are getting huge. Pretty sure they are all autos. The other plants are doing amazing. The GMO I topped is doing great. The one I fimmed has four nice new tops! These had been lsted before I obtained them so on some bottom branches are almost to the top of the plant. I need to harden them, clean the cage and transplant. I moved the little pallets to make room for another large one. I'm going to start hardening today or tomorrow. 5/24 Seedlings are getting huge. I gave them a shot glass of water today. I'm not on my phone so I can't upload the pictures. One looks like it's growing like a male but I'm pretty sure these are feminized autos. Due to medical issues with my wife I haven't been able to get things out as quickly as I wanted. I have a plan for tomorrow morning to wash and sanitize my bags, spray my cage with whatever kills those damn ear wigs and i'm going to start hardening off my clones. I usually start by bringing them in the shade and sometimes I add a little additional lighting to make up for the difference. I had been decreasing the light schedule to ready them for the schedule outside. I'm not there yet. I think i'm still giving 17 hours of light which is less than outside. It will take me a will to prepare the bags and mix the soil anyway. I have a few odds and ends but then we are off! Luckily I have tomorrow and Sunday to devote to the garden. I'm hoping I can get enough done that my plants can be outside for the nice weather of next week. It feels like this is going to be a good year. I'm excited. I'll upload pictures when I get my phone back.....if I do. 5/25 I didn't watercthis morningcto try to stay on schedule. I had also messed upa few days ago and switched my timer to "outlet" because I arrived early in the morning (5am) and the lights hadn't come on lol. Didn't seem to hurt them much. I watered everything but the sherb pie and I didn't give much to the toasted toffy as it seemed to have a LITTLE bit of moisture. I split a gaterade bottle between the event horizons. They drink far more water. I gave less to the toasted toffy as it seemed to have a little moisture. I used like gaterade bottle and a third for the 4 gmo's. Cleaned my cage today. Got all the junk out of my grow area (except trellis and bamboo). Only thing left is my 50 gallon pot. I washed all my grow bags and scrubbed the shit out if them before soaking for 45 minutes in dawn and h2o2. I'm planning to transplant the seedling tomorrow. I'm readying my soil where I harden the plants but the are still sheltered. I may continue with supplemental lighting. I'm proud of my self but I'm tired as hell. 5/26 Plants were in the garage (as you can see from pictures) and spent from 8am to 1pm outside in the shade. Intuition on point told me to go check them. Camera was hard to tell due to the shade. It wasnt the LIGHT but it was 84° in the car! It dropped to 70 something after driving. Luckily I got there in time and minimal if any stress. My best biggest gmo wad a LITTLE droopy. I could just tell the wanted back inside. It's going to take a little longer to harden these off. The seedlings that were in the windowsill got transplanted into 1 gals today. The remainder of the 72 seedlings I started with. I think they're all autos but one seems to "LOOK" like it's growing like a male. I'll monitor. Got sick of waiting for the video and other pics so I shut the wifi
Used techniques
Week 7. Vegetation
10 months ago
18 hrs
18 °C
80 %
76 L
60.96 cm
5/28 It poured yesterday so i dodnt bring the girls outside. Seedlings are transplanted into gallon pots. Once the fill that they'll go in final homes. I brought the plants out on this overcast day to harden them off. They're under the cover of the barn though placed by the open door. I've been putting in some work. Once this rain stops I have a couple things to do on the cage then I'll put the bags in the spots I have mapped out and mix my soil and fill the bags. The next day I typically transplant and add the first layer of supports. I have more pictures but not enough time to download them. 5/29 wow this site sucks. I have already done and saved this shit but its not here. Good thing I copy and pasted from grow with Jane. Only thing that sucks is I can't upload videos. It's not working here anyway so.... Watered and used about 3 gaterade bottles total. I may have messed up and watered the event horizon to much. They seem to be getting rootbound. Plants are doing well though with the transition. They are still hardening off. Tomorrow I plan to position and fill the bags with soil and if able I'll transplant them in the next few days. I want to make sure they're hardened off. Low tonight is 49 but it's 50s after that so I should be good. I'm hoping this video will load. Very stressful to do this shit over and over. 5/30 Plants have spent all day in tje Cafe and are coming in for the night. I finished mixing soil and filling the grow bags. They are ready for transplant. Weather is looking good so if plants respond well to this mild weather they will be transplanted with first set of supports added either tomm or the next day. Depends on plants response today (so far they're doing great) on whether I transplant tomorrow or the day after. I am sore as hell. Pictures are having trouble uploading and I'm not even gonna try to upload the video I took. 5/31 Plants have been taking a few days of full sun and they're doing fine. I'm planning on transplanting this afternoon. I had to water today. I weighed the pots and some were in tje 1200's grams which is dry. I'll update as I work. I have some errands to run then I'm putting the girls in their final homes. EDIT: WIND WAS RIDICULOUS! I TRANSPLANTED 3 OF THE HEALTJY GMO'S. WHEN I GOT BACK PLANTS WERE RIGHT SIDEWAYS FROM THE WIND. I WENT WITH INTUITION AND TRANSPLANTED 3 GMO'S. OTHER BAGS ARE READY. THE REST OF THE PLANTS WILL GO OUT TOMORROW MORNING. THE SMALL SUPPORTS I HAD DIDNT DO SHIT. I HAD TO ADD TOMATO CAGES AND TOE THE STALK TO THE TOMATO CAGE. SUCKS I COULDNT GET THEM ALL IN BUT BETTER SAFE THAN SORRY. TRANSPLANTS WENT REAL SMOOTH. KNOCK ON WOOD. I TJ8NK THE OTHERS WILL TOO. THEY'RE READY FOR A NEW 6/1 Finished transplanting everything. Easiest transplant I've had so far. 4 gmo 1 toasted toffy 1 sherb pie and 2 event horizon. Everything is in 20 gal smart pots. One gmo is in a 30 gal smart pot. The medium is 1/3 of each roots organic 707, fox farm happy frog and fox farm ocean forest. Used mykos when transplanting. Wind gusts were coming from everywhere direction so I couldn't put a tarp up to block it. I bought "grow cages" which are kind of like tomato cages. The wind is so strong it blows the plants right against the cage. Oh well. I hope it works out. I'll check on them a little later and see how they're doing. 6/2 It was 45 degrees this morning. Nice out now. Plants are doing good. A couple gmos are drooping but it was cold. One gmo looked as good as ever! Sherb pie and toasted toffy are totally unaffected. In this new area plants get a lot of direct sun. Slight tacking on the gmos in the front. The event horizons really needed that transplant. Grow cages seem to be working out well. 6/3 I Watered the garden this morning as its been 75-80 out. I only used a gallon of water for the 8 clones. I'm not sure if I watered enough when I transplanted or not. Some plants have some burns from the intense direct sunlight. Plants could've used a bit more hardening but they'll be fine. A few of them seem great and have no real signs of stress dispute 25mph wind gusts and 15 mph constant wind and this hot sun. I should go check on my plants again this evening but I figure they'll be alright until morning. I've had an incredibly busy day and they were fine at noontime. I'm going to consult my other diaries and see what I did watering volume wise. I've for some videos but they take FOREVER to upload. EDIT: Looked at last year's diary and it was rainy as fuck and I took way more time hardening the plants. I've had more going on in life which has effected that. Went over at 3pm and gave the plants 3 more gallons of water. Bags were light and soil was dry af. Granted I added soil after it settled but still. I watered one gallon this morning so I figured 3 more gallons would make it a half gallon a plant. Planning to increase to a gallon each if they do OK. Its supposed to thunder storm tomorrow so hipfully we will get some rain. I removed one leaf that was bleached but there are a few others. The weather is beautiful but we've gotten zero rain. In hindsight perhaps I should've given the plants an extra gallon at least.
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Week 8. Vegetation
10 months ago
16 hrs
27 °C
90 %
76 L
LAST WATER 6/4 6/5 The sun has been relentless and has caused some bleaching and burns on some older leaves. It seems that the gmos ate having the hardest time (except one). It's been extremely hot though. It's overcast and we are supposed to have thunderstorms and a few more mild days. Plants loved tje water yesterday. I hope it does rain. Plants are growing and seem to be surviving. Burns are on old growth. If I notice more I'll put my back tarp up which will block the sun in the afternoon and put them in shade. I wish I had done that earlier. Oh well. With what these girls have encountered and overcome I think I'll be OK. EDIT: IT WAS IN THE 80'S TODAY. PROBABLY HIT 90. I HAD TO GET MY CAR INSPECTED AND WAS GONE EXPECTING IN THE MORNING THAT THE THUNDERSTORMS WOUKD START. INSTEAD WE HAD A VICIOUSLY SUNNY HOT DAY UNTIL 4PM. AT 4PM SHIT HIT THE FAN AND IT RAINED SO HARD I WAS UNABLE TO DRIVE. I LIVE IN MAINE SO I KNOW HOW TO DRIVE IN INCLIMENT WEATHER. THIS WAS ANSOLUTE ZERO VISABILITY. I WANTED TO PUT A TARP UP TO SHIELD THE GIRLS FROM THE SUN BUT I WASNT ABLE TOO. WHEN I GOT TO THE GROW RIGHT BEFORE THE STORM IT HAD RAINED A LITTLE AND IT SMELLED SO GOOD. LIKE SOIL. I THINK THIS DOWNPOUR WILL REALLY HELP THE GIRLS. ONLY TIME WILL TELL. 6/6 Plants faired ok through the storm. The 3 earliest transplants and what WERE the nicest looking gmos are getting some burns and bleaching. It's all on old leaves though. I think they're pulling out of it and will grow through it. Some plants seem to not be stressed at all. With tje elements being the way they have I'm suprised they aren't far worse. I was going to put up my back tarp to block sunlight later in the day but I didn't. The burns are on the other sides of the plants and it's supposed to be overcast with showers for a full day. It's clear right now but the new growth and tops of the plants seem fine now. When I got there a few were limp. As soon as the sun came up though they all perked back up. Only time will tell. 6/7 Showers today. It's good to have a break from that horrific 80-90 degree weather with 90% rh isn't run for me or the plants. Plants are recovering from the burns quite nicely. Obviously the burnt leaves won't repair but they did a good job of shielding some of the others. Things are going. 6/8 Still overcast with showers. I removedc a couple burnt fan leavesxand accidently ripped off a bud site. 6/9 Another overcast day. Rained last night. Soil is saturated from all the rain we've gotten. Plants seem to be settling in nicely. The 3 GMOs that WERE the best looking plants are the ones in the worst shape. The got transplanted a day earlier in a lot of sun and wind. They're coming back though. I've noticed that after it rains and they get even a little sun they grow significantly. Those event horizons are tough. The toasted toffy is a reveg but it looks like its going to be a huge plant. I have the 3 seedlings still in small pots. I'll transplant them soon. 6/10 Overcast and a chance of showers. I removed a few bleached fan leaves on a few of my GMO'S that strain took the most damage. They are bouncing back though. We've had a few dayscof rain and milder weather. Few more days with a chance of showers then back to the sunny days. Plants seem to have come out of shock and out grown the light burn. After the rain, when the sun comes out they grow a noticeable amount. Things are still going fairly well. 6/11 Rained and I didn't do
Used techniques
Week 9. Vegetation
10 months ago
16 hrs
27 °C
90 %
76 L
6/12 Thunderstorms turned to sun Plants are growing substantially. The ones that were damaged from the sun have pulled out of it. I checked the fim I did on a gmo that later burned and it has five tops! I took a couple videos bur I'll have to wait until tomorrow to upload them. Despite the weather severity and inconsistencies I'm in a really good spot. I'll upload the two videos tomorrow when I'm in a better area. Wifi is far to slow. 6/13 Rained yesterday before turning to hot sun. Supposed to be in the 90s today. Due to the rain and storms we've been having I hacebt had to water. Soil is still moist. Plants seem to be growing at a great pace. With all this rain they've gotten a hearty dose of the nutes in my soul mix and then when the sun comes out and they bask for a few hours they look considerable bigger. Another storm coming up but other than that weather is good. Plants are happy and doing well. 6/14 Plants are loving this hot weather. Rainy then it will clear up and be sunny. All plants have recovered from the shock of the weather and are growing like crazy. Ice started some lsting. I haven't even had to water. 6/15 Medium is still damp. I don't think we'll get much rain the next few days but we've gotten a lot lately. I'll continue playing it by ear. The water lasts much longer with the smaller plants in lather containers. Later in the summer I could be watering daily. If there is no rain I'll allow the bags to dry out and I'll water them. I may start them on a small nutrient schedule like the fox farm organic one you use for the entirety. I've hesitated though because my soil is chock full of nutrients and they show no sighs of deficiencies. I'll keep an eye on it. They look great though. 9/16 Watered after church. 3 1/2 gallons so approximately a half gallon each. Iys been really hot and i dont see rain in the forecast. Also broke the gmo that I fimmed right at a topping point. It wasnt wilted, and I ran and grabbed duct tape and fixed it. I've had good luck in the past this way. Hopfully I will this time as well. Still sucks though 9/17 The plant that split at the V that I taped up seems to be doing just fine. Looks just like the other top next to it. Thank God. Things seem to be going well. I'm wondering if I should start giving nutrients but I don't see any deficiencies and I know this soil mix lasts pretty much through veg without showing signs of deficiencies. I think it might be a case of "if it's not broke don't fix it." I'll look back on diaries and I'll do some research. 9/18 It's overcast but it's been in the upper 80's. I checked the plants around 11 and they looked good. They'll need water but I'm holding off until the morning. The plant I broke at the crook shows no signs of wilting or any negative effects. I assume it will come back stronger. I was thinking about watering tonight but at 12 there was still a little moisture. They will be fine until morning. Plants seem bigger every day.
Used techniques
Week 10. Vegetation
9 months ago
16 hrs
27 °C
90 %
76 L
6/19 Knowing it was going to be over 100° for the majority of the day I WATERED the garden with 3 1/2 gallons. I went to check around 4 and everything looked amazing. We got some hard rain from a thunderstorm at 4pm but it seems like these girls like it rough and did fine. The take a beating and come back stronger. Knock on wood but I haven't seen any problems on the plant I snapped amd dict taped.. Everything seems to have toughened up and the leaves are an awesome healthy color. They grow observable every day now. Tomorrow is supposed to reach 100 again for most of the day before weather goes back to semi normal. I took a video but it will take way to long to upload. Tons of other pics didn't upload either. 6/20 Another day that's going to be over 100°. Plants seem to love it lol. I can't believe what I'm seeing. Bags still had some heft so I didn't water this morning. I figure I'll check them around noon and then plan on watering tonight if they need it. Hopfully they'll get some rain from thunderstorms. This crop has been through a lot. I think that has helped them significant deal with this unpredictable weather. 6/21 We had a MAJOR thunderstorm with sheet rain yesterday. I missed it but it was intense. I saw some videos. First time dad seemed concerned. Fortunately there was no damage. I was going to water today but I decided to hold off due to the look of the plants and the "praying leaves" at 4pm and feeling some moisture in the soil. Bags seemed to still have some heft. I'll probably water tomorrow. Need to transplant the 1 gals and need to figure out what I want to do for nutes this year. So far I've put in much less effort and I'm still doing great. I just don't have as many plants as usual. 6/22 Rained last night. Not much but the bags were heavy still so I held off watering. Plants looked happy and I can fix under watering much easier. It will rain tomorrow. I'll check throughout the day and update but things are going good. I should transplant those 3 seedlings in 1 gals. 6/23 It Rained last night and is suppised to rain today. It was raining when i went over. Just the kind if rain the plants love. I'll check again before church but I'm eventually going to have to water them. Those thunder storms helped a lot. 6/24 Rained about an inch yesterday. Plants loved it. Bigger everytime I see them. One seedling showed a pistol and I'll transplant it with the rest. It was the only one I was worried about. I've seen a FEW leaf hopper punctures and some other bites that could be anything. Time to get the ipm 6/25 Looks like its gonna be a nice sunny day. 75° at 10am. Plants are doing amazing and growing at a rapid pace. Haven't done anything ipm as of yet but any damage I've seen is localized to "A" leaf on "A" plant. I'll be paying attention and watching for signs of deficiencies. As of now though they LOOK great. I'll try to transplant the 3 seedlings today.
Used techniques
Week 11. Vegetation
9 months ago
16 hrs
27 °C
90 %
76 L
6/26 Rained last night. Might have showers bur the sky is clear. Real good weather coming. I need to transplant those seedlings. Plants are noticeably bigger every day. I see small spits of damage but it's isolated and in a high wind area. I'll address it and watch for nute deficiencies. Also need to transplant those seedlings. At leastcones an auto. 6/27 Rained overnight again. Looks clear today but we did get some rain yesterday. Tomorrow is all sun. I'm planning to transplant those 3 seedlings today. Also noticed some ragged holes so I've got a few pests. Looks like grasshoppers or something. With all the rain could be slugs or pillars I guess. Need to get ipm up amd running. I've got work to do. Found a plant on my gmo in the 30 bag. It got sun burnt and wind burnt but came out of it and they're all doing great. At first this one was a little behind after transplant but so were the other gmo's. Originally, it was one of my best plant prior to transplant outdoors. That one leaf I found during a thorough inspection of the garden. I'm hoping it's not tmv. Plants growing vigorously and better than but I'll keep an eye on it. I also transplanted the 3 seedlings. I added half new 707 in the 50 (prior soil was this same mix from last year) and transplanted one in that. One in a 10 gallon bag and the auto in a 5 gallon bucket. It will be interesting ingredients seeing how they turn out. All transplants went really smooth. 6/28 It's gonna be a hot one today. I haven't watered in over a week due to rain. Wind was whipping this morning! Looked like plants MIGHTVE been drooping but now that I think about it it was probably just the wind. ANYWAY I WATERED TWO AND A HALF GALLONS on the clones. That wind dries the bags out fast. Some still had some heft to them. Lately I've been going by my intuition which has seemed to be on point. All the seedling transplants look good and show no signs of stress. 6/29 The site was down so I couldn't update. Looks like it's gonna rain. It's noontime. This morning i found and killed two inch worms. There's not much damage so I'm wondering whether bt is necessary. Birds sit on the frame and dart I'm and grab them. I'll have to think on it. I also need to decide what I'm going to use for nutes this year. Don't need it yet. GMO's and sherb pie is putting out pistols everywhere. Same with the event horizon. Looks like I may have an early harvest this year. I certainly hope so. Still.....only did half what I did last year but with everything going on its all I can handle. 6/30 Site was down and it doesn't want to pet me upload my pictures 7/1 Trying to keep this updated. Need to spray bt. I'm seeing some damage. Not much but I need to get a handle on it now. Poured yesterday. Super sunny today. Plants seem to be flowering early this year while I still have a 2 seedlings that haven't shown their sex yet (they are fems but still). The clones are beginning to flower it looks like so I may have an early harvest this year. 7/2 WATERED THE GARDEN WITH 4 GALLONS. Spent some time looking over the plants and decided to hold off on the bt seeing as there isn't much damage. I spoke to a few shop owners and after seeing my garden this wad their advice as well. While watering I noticed red ants coming out of the soil of my GMO in the 30 gal. Some of these strains will be early finishers. The only time I've had stigmas like tjis was when I grew mendo breath and that was a super early harvest. Either way things are looking fantastic. The auto seedling finally showed a stigma. One seedling left (they should ALL be females) but I cant tell by the preflower yet. It looks female but I need to see that little white hair emerge to be sure.
Used techniques
Week 12. Vegetation
9 months ago
76 L
7/3 Hot as fuck today. Japanese beetles were around. I killed a few. I'm going to have to go over and keep an eye on things. It reached 90° today for the majority of the day. I watered around 1pm as I noticed most of the bags were very light. I'm glad I held off on the BT. I've dealt with jpn beetles before so hopfully that won't be an issue. Things are getting big. It won't let me upload any pictures or the video I did. I may upload it to past week. Went back over at night and and plants looked dropy but it was after 7pm and they were just going to sleep. 7/4 Didn't take photos this morning. Found some jpn beetles. That's the damage I've been seeing. I went back over last night to hunt them but I only got two. There weren't any others. No biggie. I'll put some pics up from today after I get back 7/5 Didn't get a chance to check the plants out today. My intuition tingled around 1pm and I had just gotten home and I ran over to check them. They displayed minor signs of heat stress as seen in the pics (due to the super high humidity and 90° weather) and the bags were light. A few were REALLY light. I could see they needed water. I WATERED 4 1/2 GALLONS TO THE GARDEN. DO TO THE HIGH TENPS AND WINDS IVE HAD TO WATER THE LAST THREE DAYS IN A ROW. IVE SLOWLY STRARTED INCREASING VOLUME. I don't want to water until I get a shit ton of run off because I want to keep the nutes in my soil as long as possible. As you can see things are going great. Minor pests but notjing major. They're growing at a very rapid pace. I'll need to add another layer of supports soon and begin to LST some of these girls. I've got one seedling in a 10 gal and I'm pretty sure it's a feminized red runtz but it's in preflower and looks and SHOULD be a female but I haven't seen the white hair yet. Looks like a female preflower though. I do have one auto though in a 5 gallon tjats doing good too. I have a bunch of pics but the internet is too slow. I'll upload tomorrow. Started pouring around 6. 7/6 Poured sheet rain all night. After it had Bern super fucking hot and I watered my plants with 4 1/2 gallons. Oh well. If I didn't water we wouldn't have gotten the rain. The fabric bags makes watering easier. The wind will dry out the medium. We do have some rain in the forecast. A pallet fell over and knocked my 5 gal bucket with tje auto into a 10 gal seedling but it held the pallet up and didn't damage anything. Out of all the ways it coyldve landed it landed just right to not hurt anything. Everything is super healthy. I do have some random pest damage but it's minimal. I'll decide whether to use a spray or not. Didn't take pictures this morning. Was pressed for time. 7/7 Super hot even at 8a.m. Rained the majority of the day yesterday. Plants are getting HUGE. I'm going to have to build a second round of supports and should probably start some LSTing. They seem to like growing natural how they are (besides the original topping and FIMed. You can tell these are ALL very high % indicas. I'm seeing pistols spitting out everywhere. Event horizon and sherb cake seem to be in the lead. The seedlings have realky taken off. The one I put in the 50 has fan leaves the size of my hands. 7/8 Wow it has been extremely hot. It's going to be in the 90's again today. Checked my plants and it seems the GMOs seem to be using more water. Those bags were a little lighter. Seeing how there is no rain in for a few days I had to water. WATERED 3 1/2 GALLONS. LAST SEEDLING FINALLY SHOWED AS A FEMALE. 7/9 Bags are still heavy. Found ONE jpn beetle this morning. Plants seem to be bigger everytime I look.starying the stretch and spitting out some pistols. I took some pics of the pistles. I'll update 7/10 should've started a new week but I didn't. I'll make next week six days. Plants are starting ro stretch. Minor random pest damage but woth the heat they need lots of water. Noticed a couple dead interior leaves so I should probably go through everything and defoliate. I need to add another layer of supports as well.
Used techniques
Week 13. Vegetation
9 months ago
16 hrs
29 °C
80 %
76 L
7/11 It's pouring. We got like 2 in of rain. I compared the flowering with that of the mendo breath I grew in a previous journal and they are real close. Tjat was DONE DONE in September. Judging by the small preflowers they are going to be ready approximately around the same time. I think I'm going to have a middle September harvest with some and some will go to October. Realistically, I should've changed this to flower. I like to call it "the stretch" though. Plants are stretching like a mother fucker. Seems like the less I fuck with them the better they do! No nutes yet. I'm going on vacation for a week and I think I won't feed before I leave either. Plants don't look like they are lacking in anything. Just because I have tons of nutes doesn't mean I need to use them. Still need to put up the secondary supports for flower. Went over after a break in the rain. Went through each plant one by one. Most had leaves that were either turning yellow or yellow at the bottom interior. I only removed leaves that were dead or dieing. I should probably have degoliated more but I'm doing the KISS method this year. Things seem to be doing good that way. Some minor pests. I found a slug but put out slug bait for those and earwigs. Noticed a few white flies and multi color flies (probably fungus knats but they are up at the top, not down by the soil. I'm going to think about it and do some research. Damage is so MINIMAL and pests are MINIMAL that im holding off spraying. I mat start nutes tomorrow though. I'm uncertain on a lot of things. I need to meditate on it. Just because those interior leaves died the plants are still a LUSH dark green so I think they're alright. It's going really good but I'm going to be on vacation for a week. I can still monitor daily with my camera's and my family that is watching them will FaceTime me every morning and show me what's going on. They know what they're doing and if something arises I have BASICALLY a growers union in my town. All family. We look after each other. That's the only reason I considered even going. However, the event horizons, sherb pie, toasted toffy and AT LEAST 1 GMO "LOOK" like they will be flowering early. Like I said they look similar to a mendo breath pheno on another diary that finished in September. We shall see. I'm excited that's for sure! 7/12 So far no rain! Super hot and muggy. Killed a jpn beetle and a moth larvae this morning and another beetle this afternoon. I'm seeing SOME pest damage which makes me want to spray before some of these plants take off flowering. There isn't much damage and tje birds sit on the top just WAITING for a chance to swoop in and grab something. I've seen tons of wasps tjis year. I killed a snail yesterday and put out slug bait around my pallets. I'm leaving early tomorrow. I'm CONSIDERING doing an application of Cap'n Jack's before I leave. I'm not sure. I made little DIY videos for dad and I hope he follows them. If not I'll have another grower come help. With all the rain I noticed some white flies when I shook a couple plants. I don't have time to really deal with it right now. There were only a few and I think spinosad would kill those too. Either way it will be fine. I can monitor via camera. I can even hit an alarm that goes to four different people. Still. I don't like leaving my girls. Especially in this heat. 7/13 Left early for a short vacation. Just got a picture saying it's sunny there and my plants are doing good. I'm lucky to havecthe crew that I do. I'm sure if I asked they'd put up yellow sticky traps. That's something I may consider. 7/14 Dad said it Rained last night and driving down here it was just PURE SHEET RAIN. He sent me pics I uploaded and everything looks GREAT! gonna get sun after all that rain and wind. They are gonna explode! 7/15 Still on Vacation. Dad showed me the plants and said they looked a little dry so I had him use the 4 GALLONS OF WATER I HAD PREMIXED FOR HIM TO WATER THE GARDEN. This way each plant gets a half gallon. It's supposed to be in the 90's with no rain tonight. Rains euppised to come tomorrow but I've seen how fast a bag can dry out in ONE day with super hot weather and high winds. The wind blows through the bag drying the medium out. Dad's right. Things do look amazing. I'm having fun but it will be nice to get back and see if I was right and those few plants are trying to flower. Looks just like those two mendo phenomes that flowered early. 7/16 still on vacation. Got a nice rain for the plants. Not much though. 7/17 Had DAD WATER FOUR GALLONS ON THE GARDEN. ANOTHER HEAT ADVISORY IN EFFECT. I really miss my girls. I'm ready to get going and start doing the things that need to be done. Few more days and I'll be home with my pretty ladies. Last time I came back to nice little flowers. They looked about in the same stage when I left. I love early finishers. They're stretching thsts for sure.
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Used techniques
Week 14. Vegetation
8 months ago
16 hrs
29 °C
80 %
76 L
7/18 I'll make this week a six day week to get back on track since i didn't last week. Rhis has been INCREDIBLY challenging for me to be away from my plants for this long. It will be six days. I'm leaving early to come home and water. We are supposed to get thunderstorms. Not sure if we did but it's only 11am. All pics so far are ones sent to me this morning. It rained a little bit yesterday. I have a lot to do in the garden. I need to assess Amy damage. Probably water (depending on weather), defoliate and hunt pillars. I may decide to spray and I may not. Depends what I see. Plants are getting big though. I'll need to add the second set of supports. I'm hoping I come back and find inch long buds like I did last time with those mendo breath that flowered super early two years ago. I just want to see my girls and take a big deep breath of their smelly goodness. I need to check for deficiencies as well as i usually started nutes by now. Tomorrow morning I'll do a video when I get back. UPDATE: AROUND 7 O'CLOCK MY INTUITION OR AS I CALL IT "MY SPIDY SENSE" STARTED TINGLING. IT HAD BEEN EARLIER BIT I IGNORED IT. I PLANNED FOR TWO THUNDERSTORMS WE GOT HERE AND WERE SUPPISED TO GET AT MY GROW BIT DIDN'T GET. I FIGURED THE GIRLS WOULD BE OKAY BUT I COULD FEEL THEIR PAIN. I COULDNT REALLY TELL THROUGH THE CAMERA IF IF THEY WERE DROOPING BAD SO I HAD DAD GO LOOK. HE DIDNT RESPOND WHICH PISSED ME OFF. I TOLD HIM THIS MORNING TO KEEP A VERY CLOSE EYE ON THEM AND IF NEEDED TO WATER THEM. NOT WANTING TO ASK TO MUCH OR I WOULDVE JUST SAID DO IT. HE WATERED EACH PLANT A HALF GALLON AND SPLIT A GALLON WITH THE 10 GAL AND THE 5 AND 50 GALLON SEEDLING CONTAINERS. I'M GLAD I CAUGHT THIS. I NEED TO INCREASE THE AMOUNT OF WATER. AT LEAST I HOPFULLY WONT COME HOME TO DROOPING PLANTS. THAT WOULD BE A KICK IN THE NUTS. I'M NOT GOING ON VACATION DURING GROWING SEASON AGAIN. I CANT WAIT TO SEE MY GARDEN. 7/19 Came home to the plants looking okay but very light and needing water. All expected storms missed us so what I planned for water wasn't enough. Plus they are much larger. DAD WATERED ALL CLONES WITH A HALF GALLON OF WATER AND THEN I GOT BACK AROUND 10ish AND GAVE THE PLANTS ANOTHER FULL HALF GALLON. THE GMOs ARE DEFINATELY WATER HOGS. I've noticed some interior leaves fading so I'll start nutes soon. Saw some pillar damage (and the pillar in a picture dad sent) and went hunting. I caught 11 caterpillars!!! Three different species. A big green one that rolled into a ball. Yellow and green normal moth larvae and an inch worm the color of an earth worm! I found no eggs though. I took a video, but I'll have to wait to upload it. Luckily, my intuition is on point, and I have family that will help me. All it takes is a day of this heat advisory over 100f weather and the wind to dry my bags right out! I don't want to over water, but 10% is 2 gallons in the 20s. I'm upping the water to a gallon a plant. The event horizons seem to be a little further in flower and don't seem to be using AS much water. I'll play it by ear. I was going to spray bt but having caught double digit pillars I think I'll hold off and do what I'm doing. I can always spray later if needed. 7/20 Checked my plants late and noticed they were light and starting to droop. I had one gallon mixed up so I gave to what was worse. They seemed like they would be OK until after my wife's doctor's appointment. I got back and EVERYTHING but one event horizon were starting to droop and light as a feather. This was after I gave them half a gallon yesterday afternoon and dad gave them a half gallon the late night before. The plants are just too big and with this heat they need more water. I mixed 8 more gallons amd gave each plant a full gallon. Used another gallon earlier in the morning so a total of 9 gallons was used on the garden today. I defoliated what I could. I noticed a hole in my cage as well. A lathe broke and it left a small hole for an animal to crawl through. I found a small lathe and got the drill and went around and repaired the cage. I have a lot more to do. Some serious defoliation. I need to start nutes and I need to add the second supports which is a trellis. That way I can LST. The cages kinda hold everything close together but once the supports are added things while be spread out much better. Much more room this year. I need to switch the plant in the 10 with the flowering event horizon to better utilize space. Dad says these are the best looking plants I've grown. I don't know if I agree but the are really thick. Could just be the strain. I'm certainly not complaining. Things look good. If I can hunt pests myself I'd rather do that than spray chemicals. Got a few more pillars and jpn beetles. Took a video but it won't upload until tomorrow. 7/21 It was definately a good idea to up the watering amounts. If not they'd probably be dead. They are growing at a significant rate. Some seem to be in early flower. I have damage from pillars but considering how many I've caught from hunting im still on the fence about spraying. I probably still should. I went through abd manually removed as many as possible. When I went over this morning I checked the weight of every plant. Every plant was noticeable lighter than after I had watered them yesterday. That kinda suprised me. My water hogs were actually significantly lighter. We haven't been getting rain either. I'm going to have to water every day. I think a gallon a plant should be enough. 10% is 2 gallons though. I'd rather understand water than over water but I'd like to get it so I'm not watering every day. Or every other day which I'm sure is what will happen. I'm planning on having to water tomorrow. I'm still going to mull over whether I should apply the BT tonight or not. I probably should. They aren't a problem now but further in flowering they wreck havoc on flowers. Eating and shitting and spreading mold every where they go. There's no way I got all of them. I keep saying it but never do it but I should get netting. That would basically solve this problem. Oh, didn't get a chance to upload the video I made. I'll do it tomm. UPDATE: THAT "SPIDEY SENSE" STARTED TINGLING AGAIN SO I DROVE TO INSPECT MY PLANTS. ITS BEEN SUNNY AND HIGH 80S/90. ALMOST ALL PLANTS WERE DROOPING. SOME WERENT FEATHER LIGHT BUT THEY WERE LIGHT AND DROOPING. THE WIND WAS WHIPPING AND WHEN IT DOES THAT IT DRIES THOSE BAGS OUT QUICK. INTERESTING ENOUGH THE EVENT HORIZON THATS IN THECMIDDLE OF THE CAGE SURROUNDED ON ALL SIDES ABDCPROTECTED FROM THE WIND STILL HAS WEIGHT. IT LOOKED A LITTLE DROOPY BUT DOESNT GETCTHE WIND THE OTHERS DUE. IM WONDERING IF I COULD BE OVER WATERING THAT ONE PLANT WITH THE FREQUENCY OF WATERING. THE SOIL WAS DUSTY AND DRY BUT WHEN I STUCK MY FINGER IN SOME DIRT STUCK TO IT SO I DIDNT WATER THAT ONE PLANT. I MIXED UP EIGHT GALLONS OF WATER AND GAVECEVERYTHING A GALLON. I GAVE A HALF GALLON TO THE PLABT IN THE 10 AND BRIEFLY HIT THE CONTAINER PLANTS. THE REMAINING HALF GALLON WAS ADDED TO THE PLANTSCTHAT ARE USING THE MOST WATER. GMOS WERE USING MORE THAN ANYTHING BUT THAT SHERB PIE AND TOASTED TOFFY SEEM TO HAVE CAUGHT UP. LOOKED FIR PILLARS BUT COULDNT FIND ANY. ILL UPDATE TOMORROW. IM WONDERING IF I SHOULD GO FOR A GALLON AND A HALF EVERY TWO DAYS OR A GALLON A DAY DURING THIS HOT WEATHER. LUCKILY I CAN KEEP AN EYE OUT AND FIGURE IT OUT. I HAVEXA COUPLE PLANTS THAT ARE TRANSITIONING TO FLOWER. EXCITING TIMES! OH AND AFTER WATERING THE GIRLS PICKED THEMSELVES RIGHT BACK UP. I KNOW ITS NOT IDEAL BUT ITS BETTER TO UNDER WATER THAN OVER WATER. I STILL HAVE NIGHTMARES ABOUT FUSARIUM. 7/22 Much cooler day. It's 74 at 9:40 bit it was 60 earlier this morning. With the cooler weather I'm hoping I won't have to water as often. I think I hadn't been giving them enough water at a time for the conditions. I'm not going to water again until all bags are super light. That's what I had been doing but I don't want my plants getting to the drooping phase. Luckily I check on them multiple times a day and I've got the cams. I caught approx half a dozen inch worms this morning. I'm wondering if I should still spray. If I'm catching this many there has to be more. I'm not removing the damaged leaves if they aren't bad so it's hard to tell if it's new damage. It was extremely windy yesterday. I assume that is what helped dry the bags put so much. I already doubled the water intake so I don't want to do anything else until I see how this turns out. I figure I'll have to water tomorrow. We are getting some rain in the next few days but not much. 7/23 This will be the last entry for this week so I can get back on track. If you've been following along you'd see that I had pretty much doubled my watering amount due to it not lasting until next watering. I take the weather reports I to account. They have really been passing me off lately. On vacation we were supposed to get two large storms at my grow. We got ZERO rain amd it just followed me to my vacation (where the weather WAS supposed to be sunny) and poured some of the heaviest shert rain I've seen. Now after I over watered my plants (just a litttle) I found out the weather changed. Today, tomorrow and Wednesday we were supposed to get TINY amounts of rain. It totaled like .35in for the 3 days. I'm thinking cool. Instead it get changed last minute to supposably get an inch of rain JUST today. It was sheet rain earlier but it has totally stopped raining. The GMOs aren't really over-watered (too bad at least) and look normal. Nothing looks BAD. I can just tell by the weight that some of these girls are overwatered. That's OK though. If we get any wind (which we should) it will dry those bags out quick. With the gmos and that sherb pie it would be very hard to overwatercto the point where it hurts the plant. I just need to realize the GMO'S just use more water. They are asparagusing right up. Event horizon is in early flower. Everytime I go to my grow I'm able to kill multiple pests. I got at least 5 moth larvae, a couple moths, couple leafhoppers and I missed this giant grasshopper that had been going to town chomping leaves. I think it's time to start nutes. I also think I'm going to spray either BT or captain Jack's after this rain. I don't need pillars come flower. Since I can SEE multiple pests it might be best to use something broader like spinosad but we will see how it goes. I also need to switch a couple plants for better room, defoliate and add the trellis and second set of supports. The first support kinda keeps the branches together so I need to lst and tie down branches to open up the plant.
Used techniques
Week 15. Flowering
8 months ago
16 hrs
29 °C
80 %
16 °C
76 L
Nutrients 3
General hydroponics cal mag 0.65 mll
Big Bloom - Fox Farm
Big Bloom 2.6 mll
Grow Big - Fox Farm
Grow Big 1.3 mll
I Messed Up A DAY Here. So one of the days is dated wrong. I tried to correct it the best that I could. 7/24 I decided to label this week as flower. It's more like preflower though. GMOs are stretching like crazy. Due to the rain we weren't supposed to get some of my plants are a little over watered. That's why I love the fabric pots. With the winds we get the bags dry out fast. The GMO's would've needed water anyway if we didn't get this storm. Event Horizon seems to be the furthest in flower amd the most over watered. WE'LL get a LITTLE more rain today and tomorrow but then hopfully my bags will dry out. They are heavy as hell right now. Had we not got rain for what seems like forever. Several plants would've needed to be watered if we didn't get this rain. Still the plants are currently overwatered. All the pics and video so far are from this morning after the horrible pounding rain of yesterday. Like I said before, I need to; defoliate for better air flow, add secondary supports or a vertical trellis, considering using a preventative pest application (e.g. BT), LST and spread branches apart and start using nutes. 7/25 Wasn't supposed to rain today. Like .001. It poured this morning and is still raining VERY LIGHTLY at 2:30. We got an inch yesterday. The total for these 3 days was suppised to be under half an inch. Anyway I went over around two and everything looks great! Things are clearly overwatered and heavy but the plants look happy! Most have their leaves out and everything! I love growing in bags because they dry out so quickly! I don't mind watering more. I defoliated one event horizon and the few yellow leaves I coukd see on other plants after shaking them off. The seedling in the 50 is far behind the others in flower and just showed its sex. I'm fairly certain that one is red runtz. Whatever it is is going to flower much later than the rest. It's going to be good if I have couple early finishers. I did a video but I'll have to upload tomorrow. I have a lot of work to do And not just in the garden so I'm hoping I can balance things out and get this stuff done. Caught three TINY inch worms. I'm wondering if me manually hunting has cut the adult population down and I'm just getting fresh born ones? If that's the case I wouldn't need to spray. 7/26 Plants looked pretty great today. I think me manually removing pillars has made a big difference. It's windy out too so it won't take long for those bags to dry out. Which is good because what wad supposed to be a half inch of rain turned into 3 straight days of rain. I'll be back over to work on the garden today and I'll update then. 7/27 Plants are looking pretty good. Good weather ahead and the bags are starting to lose weight. Found a pillar wrapped in a dead interior leaf all wrapped up. Found a couple more early this morning amd killed them. I did some slight leafing on some plants. I don't like doing that outdoors but since these are monster cropped they have far to many leaves. Airflow is improved. I'm not seeing any nutrient deficiencies yet. Plants are a vibrant healthy dark green. Soon I'll add a base nute like big bloom or ancient amber (I think that's the one, it's applicable to big bloom). I cam see some plants trying to start flowering and I've got one (in the 50) that has just shown sex. Hopfully this will give me some time between harvests. I'll update as I go along. DAD CALLED IN THE AFTERNOON AND SAID HE THOUGHT A PLANT MIGHT BE STARTING TO DROOP. IT WAS MY GMO CANARY THAT GETS HIT ON ALMOST THREE FULL SIDES BY WIND (ONLY ONE PLANT). I CHECKED THE WEIGHT AND IT WAS LIGHT. IT WAS DROOPING TOO. I WATERED THAT ONE PLANT WITH A GALLON AND WATCHED IT PERK BACK UP. I CHECKED THE WEIGHT ON THE OTHER PLANTS AND LIKE I THOUGHT THEY WERE STILL HEAVY. I PUT MY FINGER IN THE SOIL AND IT CAME AWWY COVERED IN DIRT. MY SEEDLING IN THE 10 WAS KINDA LIGHT SO I GAVE THAT HALF A GALLON. I USED THE OTHER HALF AS "A CUP OF KINDNESS" ON THE PLANTS THAT SEEMED LIGHTEST TO CARRY THEM OVER. I PROBABLY SHOULDVE WAITED BUT I DOUBT IT MATTERS. ILL CHECK IN THE MORNING. I ASSUME ILL HAVE TO WATER THEN OR AT NIGHT. ILL GO BY THE WEIGHT. THE CANARY WILL NEED TO BE ON A SEPERATE SCHEDULE. THATS FOR SURE. Went back over at 6:30 and plants looked better than they have in a long time bags still have some weight. With the sunny weather we are going to have these plants will keep exploding in growth. Found one pillar but I wasn't there long. Seriously considering a spray of BT in the near future. EDIT: UNFORTUNATELY MY SPIDEY SENSE STARTING TINGLING AROUND NOON. MY ANXIETY WONT LET ME IGNORE IT (IM NOW EMBRACING IT) AND I HAD TO CUT OFF A CONVERSATION WITH MY WIFE TO GO TO THE GARDEN. I IMMEDIATELY SAW THAT ONE OF MY GMOS WAS STARTING TO DROOP. NOT LIKE BEFORE BUT IF I HAD BRUSHED IT OFF AND LEFT IT FOR FOUR MORE HOURS IN THE 90° SUN IT WOULD'VE BEEN. I GAVE THE GMO'S (BESIDES THE ONE I GOT YESTERDAY EACH A GALLON. I DIDNT WANT TO WATER DURING THE DAY BUT THIS WAS MY BEST OPTION. I GAVE THE TOASTED TOFFY A GALLON AND THE 2 EVENT HORIZONS EACH GOT HALF A GALLON, AS WELL AS THE SHERB PIE WHICH GOT HALF A GALLON. I DECIDED TO DO THIS BECAUSE SOME PLANTS USE MORE WATER THAN OTHERS. BEFORE ACTUALLY GOING OVER I CONSULTED MY PREVIOS DIARIES. I HAD THIS SANE PROBLEM LAST YEAR ON THE SAME WEEK OF THE MONTH! THATS WHAT MADE ME TRUST MY INTUITION FULLY. I LEARNED FROM THE MISTAKE OF LAST YEAR. THINGS ARE GOING GOOD. IM STARTING NUTES SOON AND I NEED TO SPEAY FOR BT BUT DONT KNOW IF IT WILL BE TONIGHT. 7/29 Apparently my intuition worked out well. Plants looked great this morning. I may feed today. I defoliated a bit and watered the 10g with a half gallon and gave another half gallon to the gmo on the end that dries out fastest and that I didn't water yesterday. I think I've got the watering down. Now I need to start nutes and spray bt. Need to wait for the rain first though. Suppised to get minor showers the next couple days. I'm gonna try to get the trellis up too. WENT BACK A LITTPE AFTER FOUR. HUMiDITY WAS 100% AND IT WAS RAINING VERY LIGHTLY. I MEAN AS LITTLE AS IT CAN POSSIBLY RAIN. ALMOST LIKE WHAT IT FEELS LIKE WITH THOSE MISTING FANS IF YOU STAND BACK A WAYS. I DIDN'T WATER. PLANTS WERE LOOKING GREAT! I DID SOME DEFOLIATION AND CAN TELL I NEED TO START NUTES. I CAN SEE SOME SLIGHT DEFICIENCIES IN BIG OLDER LEAVES. SOME SMALL INTERIOR LEAVES YELLOWED. NOT MANY. GRANTED THEY ARE STARTING TO FLOWER. I'LL PLAN ON FEEDING TOMORROW. THE NEXT FEW DAYS IS SUPPISED TO BE SHOWERS. I DOUBT IT WILL GIVE MY BIG GIRLS ALL THEY NEED BUT IT WILL BE A GOOD START. I DID A VIDEO BUT ITS RATHER LONG SO I CANT UPLOAD IT HERE. ITS COOL WATCHING HOW DIFFERENT THE DIFFERENT STRAINS GROW. STILL HAVE A BUNCH OF SHIT TO DO. IT WILL GET DONE THIS WEEK. 7/30 I held off watering today due to a supposed storm and rain we were supposed to be getting. I had early doctors appointments. I got back around 11 and the bags seemed light. After consulting last years diary I saw that I am underwatering. The root system weighs a lot! We haven't got the hundredths of an inch of rain but we got some sun. It's over cast now. I was there working for a few hours. I watered most a gallon. All the gmo's got a gallon. I gave the two event horizons about two thirds a gallon. About the same with the toasted toffy and the sherb pie. About 3/4 of a gallon as they seemed to have a little weight left. Looking at last years diary there were plants I was giving two gallons at a time in a 20 gal bag so I've been u Der watering a bit. I've caught it now and adjusted. I'm not losing leaves at the pace I have in the past. Even though some are in flower. I think I'm getting better. I fed for the first time today. Each plant got 1.75 pints. Except the 10gallon which got half the powerade bottle and the 5gal which got a qtr. By the time I left the plants were standing up nice and tall and looking amazing. Now I just need to apply bt and secondary supports. 7/31 Another eight day week. I'll have to do six days next week. Everything looked amazing this morning. I'm seeing less pest damage. Watering and feeding was the right move. Now I just have a little rearranging to do, add supports and spray if I decide to.
Used techniques
Grow Questions
masterofsmeagolstarted grow question 8 months ago
Have any of you successfully used umbrellas to shelter plants from hard rain? I can get a good deal on umbrellas () and could theoretically attach them to the garden poles attached to grade stakes. I'll have to check the size of the umbrellas but figured I'd ask.
BusyBeeFarmeranswered grow question 8 months ago
No, and I wouldn't recommend it because umbrellas are not designed to withstand high wind speeds and could end up damaging your plants if they get blown away. My best experience has been with a clear tarp stretched over wooden posts and a frame. It requires some DIY skills, but it's more durable if you use a good-quality tarp and it's also cost-effective.😊
Week 16. Flowering
8 months ago
16 hrs
29 °C
80 %
16 °C
76 L
Nutrients 3
General hydroponics cal mag 0.65 mll
Big Bloom - Fox Farm
Big Bloom 2.6 mll
Grow Big - Fox Farm
Grow Big 1.3 mll
8/1 This wad the most fucked up morning ever. Didn't get much time with the girls. I was able to take a few pics when I got back amd a video this morning. Pillars are still around. I killed a couple but I probably should spray BT. I think we got rain last night. Bags are heavy. I defoliated a little bit more on the interior and found some small yellow leaves. Event horizon is still on point to flower first. I NEED to lst and add supports for flower bit I've got a lot of other things going on too. I'm going to TRY to spray BT tonight if weather permits and I should have the supports up this weekend. At least that's what I'm hoping. 8/2 Quickly watered as I had to fix a flat tire to get my wife to the doctor. Gave most a gallon but closer to 3/4 on one event horizon and the sherb pie. Half g for the 10 and I gave the 5 and the 50 a little water. I didn't give the 50 much. That holds water far longer. I'm glad I got it done. It was 90°+ and sunny all day. Earlier everything looked great. I think I'm gonna go check them and maybe add a few pictures. WENT OVER AND FOUND THE EVENT HORIZON I GAVE A LUTTLE LESS WATER TO, IN THE BACK COMPLETELY DEOOPED OVER AND DRY. I QUICKLY WATERED A GALLON. I CHECKED THE OTHER PLANTS AND SAW A COUPLE THAT "MIGHT'VE STARTED DROOPING BUT WERE LIGHT SO I GAVE ALL THE GMO'S HALF A GALLON. I WATERED THE CONTAINER PLANTS AND THE ONE IN THE 50. BETTER SAFE THAN SORRY. THEY WERE SUPER LIGHT. SOME ARE SHOWING SOME HEAT STRESS BUT I DONT BLAME THEM WHEN ITS PUSHING 100° OUT. I HOPE THIS PLANT WILL PICK UP BUT ILL HAVE TO WAIT UNTIL MORNING TO SEE. I GOTTA GO EAT DINNER AND IT WAS IN ROUGH SHAPE. CANT BELIEVE THIS. ITS THE FURYHEST IN FLOWER TOO. INTERNET TOO SLOW TO UPLOAD 8/3 This morning it was "maineing" out. Basically like raining but more of an alternating mist. The event horizon that looked DEAD is completely recovered! I'm so stoked. I've had a really rough few days but at least I've still got my girls. After this little bit of rain I'll do the supports and a spray of BT for the pillars. I'm noticing more damage and I don't want them arpund when they can burrow into buds. WENT BACK AT LIKE FIVE. THE 5 GAL WAS DROOPING AND THE 10 WAS DRY AF. OTHERS WERE ALSO LIGHT. I USED 5 GALLONS ON THE GARDEN AS SOME STILL "LOOKED GOOD" BUT WERE DUSTY AND DRY. I ONLY GAVE THE GMO IN THE 30 A HALF GALLON. DIDNT WATER THE ECENT HORIZON IN THE BACK AND THE GMO IN THE FRONT BY THE DOOR ASXTHE LOOKED GOOD AND STILL HAD SOME WEIGHT TO THEM. THIS WAS ANOTHER DAY IN THE 90s THAT WAS SUPPOSED TO HAVE RAINED. LUCKILY IVE GOT THAT INTUITION AND I CAN CHECK. CAMS HELP WITH THAT BUT ITS BEST TO CHECK A FEW TIMES A DAY IN WEATHER LIKE THIS. FAR TO HOT TO SPRAY ANYTHING. 8/4 Chose not to water as we were supposed to get an inch of rain, then a half in and now it says .1in. I'm going to go over and check on the garden and see what they look like. I took pictures but I'll have to wait to upload them. WENT BACK OVER IN THE AFTERNOON AROUND 2ISH. GMO IN THE FRONT WAS DROOPY. WATERED THAT A GALLON AND IT WAS UP BY THE TIME I LEFT. THE GMO ON THE END (MY CANARY) WAS SUPER LIGHT SO SHE GOT A GALLON. THE EVENT HORIZON I DIDNT WATER YESTERDAY GOT ABOUT 3/4 OF A GALLON AND I WATERED THE ONE IN THE 10 1/2 GALLON. SHOWERS ARE IN THE FORECAST AND EVERYTHING ELSE LOOKED PRETTY GOOD AND WASNT DEAD LIGHT. AS OF 3 EVERYTHING IS GOOD. I IMAGINE ILL PROBABLY NEED TO WATER SOMETHING TOMORROW. IT SUCKS HAVING TO DO THIS SEPERATELY BUT SOMETIMES THATS HOW IT GOES. I DONT EXPECT THESE 90 TEMPS WILL CONTINUE. ALSO NOTICING SOME FADING AS THEY TURN TO FLOWER. DEF NEED NUTES. AND ONCE THE TEMPS GO DOWN I NEED TO SPRAY EITHER BT OR SPINOSID. 8/5 It Rained last night so I didn't need to water. Everything was nice and heavy. Beautiful day today. Hopfully I can do an app of bt tonight. Weather man needs to get things right. It says we got .005in last night but I heard it and it was way more than that. This is a tiny town. WENT BACK OVER AND FED. EVERYTHING GOT 1.75 PINTS. THE 10 GOT HALF THAT. THE FIVE A LITTLE LESS. I DEFINATELY NEED TO SPRAY FOR PILLARS. I ALSO HAVE A BIT OF DEFOLIATING ON A COUPLE PLANTS THAT I NEED TO DO. USUALLY I'VE LOST TONS OF LEAVES BY NOW. I JUST NEED TO IMPROVE AIRFLOW. THE TRELLIS WILL HELP WITH THAT PLUS SUPPORT. I THINK I MAY BE ABLE TO SPRAY PISSIBLY TONIGHT (DEPENDING ON WEATHER) AND SUPPORTS AND DEFOLIATION THE NEXT FEW DAYS.
Used techniques
Week 17. Flowering
8 months ago
16 hrs
29 °C
80 %
16 °C
76 L
4 L
Nutrients 4
General hydroponics cal mag 0.65 mll
Liquid kool bloom0-10-10 0.65 mll
Big Bloom - Fox Farm
Big Bloom 2.6 mll
8/7 Plants were still heavy this morning. Temperatures have been much milder. 70's is much better than 90's. I had to water twice a day for a while. I defoliated ahind found some heat stress ob the gmo canary on the end with some twisted leaves. Some leaves are turning purple on an event horizon and gmo. Night Temps are much cooler plus its probably a pheno thing. I defoliated everything dead yesterday. Found lacewind eggs. Saw an adult green lace wing this morning in the garden along with a couple more lady bugs. There were also some lady bug larvae so I hope the go right to town. It's getting cooler so if I'm going to poorly I need to do it. Sherb pie plant seems to he the pillars favorite. I've killed a few of them. Still need to fix supports and do a little more defoliation. I have a video too but it's too slow to upload now. STOPPED AFTER GETTING MY TIRES PUT ON AND DAD SAID THE LITTLE PLANT IN THE 5 GAL BUCKET IS DROOPING. I WENT BACK AND OF COURSE IT WAS. I WATERED THAT AND THE ONE IN THE TEN AND THE 50 AS IT LOOKED DROOPY. 10 GOT A HALF GALLON AS IT WAS DRYING UP AND ITS GOING TO BE HOT TOMORROW TOO. NOT 90S PROBABLY 80S AT MOST BUT STILL. I GAVE PRETTY MICH EVERYTHING A HALF GALLON EXCEPT THE EVENT HORIZONS TGAT ARE FURTHEST IN FLOWER. WITH THIS SUPER HOT WEATHER AND LACK OF RAIN I DONT WANT TO OVERWATER. DAY AFTER TOMORROW IT SAYS WE ARE SUPPOSED TO GET AN INCH. IM DOING MY BEST. IM TRYING TO UPLOAD THE VIDEO I DID TONIGHT. ILL UPLOAD ThE OTHER ONE TOMORROW. 8/8 Went over this morning and it was 55°. I gave the event horizon in the back half a gallon of water. I gave the other event horizon a LITTLE water but it still is holding weight. It doesn't get the wind blowing through it since it's in the middle. Still need to do supports and decide about whether to spray BT. population is down. A couple plants look hungry so I'm going to have to look at nutes. I defoliated the toasted toffy some this morning. I have more to do on a few others. TALKED TO MY BUDDY AND SHOWED HIM A VIDEO. HE WAS KINDA ALREADY IRRITATED AND SAID OMP WAS IN THE AREA. UE SAID MY PLANTS LOOKED DROOPY AND THAT I NEED TO GIVE THEM THE 10% AND AT LEAST WATER TWO GALLONS A TIME. HE ALSO SAID NOT TO BET ON THE RAIN. I DONT AGREE WITH THE LAST PART AS IVE STUCK A BICKET OUT DURING THESE RAIN STORMS AND EVEN PHED IT. I WATERED EVERYTHING A GALLON. PLUS THE HALF LAST NIGHT. I THINK MY BUDDY MAY BE RIGHT AND THAT I NEED TO INCREASE THE VOLUME OF WATER AT A TIME SO I DID. I NEED TO INCREASE NUTES TOO. ILL CHECK LAST TIME I FED AND FIGURE THAT OUT. KILLED A FEW JPN BEETLES, A LEAF HOPPER AND A COUPLE PILLARS WITH HAIR ALL WEBBED UP. IM WONDERING IF THE TOASTED TOFFY HAS SEPTORIA. IM LEANING TOWARDS PESTS THOUGH. IVE SEEN TONS OF PESTS IN THE GARDEN. I REALLY SHOULD SPRAY IF IM GOING TO. I NEED TO DO THE SUPPORTS AND REARRANGE A FEW THINGS FOR FLOWER. THE SEED IN THE 5 GAL BUCKET (I THINK ITS A BLUEBERRY IS VIBRANT DARK GREEN BUT THE TIPS OF THE JEWLY FORMED FLOWERS ARE TURNING BROWN ON SOME. ILL GET A PICTURE TOMORROW. A FEW OTHERS EXPERIENCED SOME BURNS AND HEAT STRESS. I HOPE ITS NOT ROOTBOUND OR A ROOT ISSUE. IF IT IS ILL HAVE TO CUT THE BOTTOM OFF THE BUCKET AND STICK IT IN A HOLE. IT WILL HAVE TO BE OUTSIDE MY CAGE WHICH WILL SUCK. WE'LL SEE HOW IT GOES. 8/9 Got like an inch of rain. Plants are looking great. Some look a little hungry. MY buddy was right about the water. I made a SHIT TON of bubble hash today so I'm barely able to type this. NY plant is the 5 gal has some burns that look like it could be root issues. I've finished in buckets before with no issue. I think it's just from being too hot. You can see at the end of the video what I'm talking about. Oh well. I'm tired and done for now. I made a large ice hash pizza now I'm waiting for it to dry so i can make a temple ball. Things are kicking off. We're in flower that's for sure. 8/10 Everything looked good bit I wad in a hurry and didn't get out of the car. I'll check things out when I get back. HOLY FUCK. WE GOT SO MUCH HARD RAIN THAT I FOUND MY FAVORITE GMO PLANT PUSHED OVER AND LYING ON THE CAGE THATS USED AS THE FIRST SUPPORT. I DIDNT GET OVER THERE UNTIL LIKE 11AM. I IMMEDIATELY FIXED THE PLANT THAT WAS LYING DOWN AND PUT A TRELLIS NET OVER IT AS DEEP AS I COULD AND ZIP TIED IT TO THE PALLETS. I ALSO ADDED A PLASTIC GARDEN STAKE AND USED TWINE TO SECURE THE MAIN STALK HIGHER UP. I DID THE SAME THING WITH THE GMO NEXT TO IT. THE OTHER IN THE FRONT LOOKED BETTER THEN EVER. SAME WITH THE TWO EVENT HORIZON. IM GETTING LITTLE BUDS NOW. I SHOULD GO FEED TONIGHT. THE TOASTED TOFFY EITHER HAS SOME PESTS OR ITS GOT SEPTORIA. COULD JIST BE A DEFICIENCY. I WORRY A LOT. IT WAS SUPER HOT AND HUMID. I DID WHAT I COULD AND THEN I RAN SOME STRINGS ACCROSS THE CAGE TO TEMPORARILY HELP WITH HIGH WINDS OR RAIN (EVEN THOUGH THE STORMS OVER.) I STABBED MY THUMB TOWARDS THE END OF MY WRIST WITH A COLD STEEL RECON 1. WOULDNT STOP FUCKING BLEEDING. I SHOULD'VE KNOWN MY LIMITS AND WAS MORE CAREFUL. I TOOK A COUPLE PICTURE AND DID A MINUTE VIDEO. NO REST FOR THE WICKED. IM FUCKING DEAD TIRED. I RAN SOME MATERIAL FROM LAST YEAR THROUGH BUBBLE BAGS. GOT A TON OF HIGH QUALITY BUBBLE. IM ABOUT TO TRY IT. AFTER IT DRIES A LITTLE MORE ILL MAKE A TEMPLE BALL. I JUST CHECKED THE WEATHER AND THE RAIN TOTALS FOR TODAY AND YESTERDAY AND ITS A COUPLE POINTS UNDER 3 INCHES. I HAD WATERED A GALLON THE NIGHT BEFORE THAT. I HAVE NO IDEA WHY MY PLANTS AREN'T DROWNED BUT THEY ARENT. 8/11 Its going to be hot again today. Plants looked amazing. I took a video. I FED TODAY. EVERYTHING GOT A QT EXCEPT THE 10 GOT HALF A QT. THE 50 GOT SLIGHTLY MORE. A fucking chipmunk ran in my garden when the door was open. He was going fast and I couldn't find him. I looked under the pallets the entire length. Hopfully he just ran out of a hole or up the fence. I'm going to get an air horn and blow it inside the cage. I need to get some zip ties and do a little rearranging before I setup the other supports for flower. Suprisingly the plantvin the 50 went from the furthest from flower to having little budlets on it. Can't be an auto or I think it would've flowered already. 8/12 Ending of the lions gate portal. Everything looked good this morning. The one in the 5gal was removed until I figure out its issue or trash it. The yield would be less than a branch anyway. Probably chronic underwatering. The 10 was bone dry despite the 3in of rain. Some bags seemed light. Looked at last years diary and went with my intuition. WATERED TODAY. Gave everything a gallon. I moved the event horizon to where the 5gal bucket wad and STARTED reorganizing to use the most of my space. I gotta pick up some zip ties and finish the supports but I'm happy. Plants look happy. Not as tall as last year but they are SUPER bushy. I'm going to have to open some up and spread the branches. I'll keep this updated. WENT OVER AROUND THREE. I CHECKED OUT THE LITTLE PLANT AND NOTICED MULTIPLE BUDSUTES DIEING. I ALSO SAW WHAT "COULD'VE" BEEN A MALE PREFLOWER. MY INTUITION TOLD ME TO GET RID OF IT. ITS LESS THAN A BRANCH OFF THE CROP IT COULD HARM. LUCKILY I HAD BAGGED IT UP BEFORE IT BEIBG REMOVED AND IT WAS FAIRLY WELL SEPERATED. AFTER CUTTING AND DISPOSING OF IT I BROUGHT THE BUCKET TO EMPTY. IT WAS EXTREMELY ROOTBOUND. THE ROOTS WERE WHITE EXCEPT THE ONES ON THE OUTSIDE WHICH WERE A NEON GREEN. THE INSIDE OF THE BUCKET HAD WHAT LOOKED LIJE GREEN ALGAE ON IT. I IMAGINE THAYS PROBABLY WHERE MY PROBLEMS CAME FROM. I'VE USED THIS BUCKET SECERAL TIMES AND IVE SEEN TJIS TYPE OF ALGAE BUT USUALLY ONCE I SANITIZE ITS GOOD TO GO. IM NOT SURE IF IT WAS BEING ROOTBOUND OR THE ALGAE THAT DID IT IN BUT I HAVE MUCH BETTER SPACING NOW. THIS WAS THE RIGHT DECISION. I COULDNT BEAR THE RHOUGHT OF MY GIRLS GETTING POLLINATED. I DID A VIDEO TOO BUT ILL HAVE TO UPLOAD TOMORROW. ALSO CAUGHT THE TINIEST EVER MOUTH LARVAE. I SEE TINY GOLD FINCHES AND OTHER BIRDS DARTING IN MY CAGE AND AWAY WHEN I APPROACH. I THINK THEY ARE GIVING ME A HAND. 8/13 Thought thos was a new week so I took a ton of pictures and did a video. Who knows what will upload. Plants look hetter with the increased room spacing. I have the materials to finish final supports. I've just got to do it. Same with the BT spray. I'm thinking I should've upped the water to a gallon and a half or two but I'll do that next time I guess. Only problem I can see is some septoria looking spits on the toasted toffy and one gmo looks like itscrunning through nutrients quicker than others. Dad said he thinks this is my best year. He said they're more full and healthier looking. I looked at my diary last year and I had plants over the top of the cage. The weren't as bushy but I'm not complaining. These are far more indica dominant than last year so that's probably part of it. Leaves on the event horizons are starting to turn purple. I'll update what I do. I defoliated what needed it and combed through the plants hunting pillars. I GUESS I FORGOT TO UPDATE THIS OR IT DIDNT SAVE. I BOUGHT A WATERING CAN THAT HOLDS A GALLON AND A HALF AND EMPRIED VERY QUICKLY IN SMALL STREAMS SO IT DOESNT HURT THE ROOTS. GREAT INVESTMENT. COULDNT GET OVER UNTIL 2 AND I GAVE EVERYTHING A GALLON AND A HALF. EXCEPT FOR THE ONE IN THE 10 TJAT GOT A GALLON AND THE TWO PLANTS IN THE MIDDLE THAT GOT A GALLON. ONE EVENT HORIZON AND THE TOASTED TOFFY.
Used techniques
Week 18. Flowering
7 months ago
16 hrs
29 °C
80 %
16 °C
76 L
6 L
Nutrients 4
General hydroponics cal mag 0.65 mll
Liquid kool bloom0-10-10 1.3 mll
Big Bloom - Fox Farm
Big Bloom 2.6 mll
8/14 Everything looked beautiful this morning. Seems like I've got the watering schedule down better. I do have one gmo that looks hungry so I need to increase nutes. At least on that plant. Toasted toffy has little spits that could be water marks, pests or septoria. I don't think it's septoria. In the pastvi lost far more leaves when I had septoria. I've been crazy busy. I'm surprised things are going this well. I need to put up the final supports so I can add to them once I've got big heavy buds. I was really stoked to see everything doing so well. The plant in the 50gallon is the furthest in flower. I'm so grateful to have the ability to grow high quality cannabis for myself amd my wife. There's nothing quite like it. That hash I made turned out great. I think I'll press it today. Supports will be done this week. Saw a few aphids on the plant I cut down. Earwigs aren't here this summer or there would be NO aphids. Plus when I cleaned out the insides this morning I found some dead leaves WAY in the middle by the stalk. They would've eaten that shit if they were here. Birds and other predators seem to be keeping pillars at bay. I'm not seeing the damage and when I do sfind one it's absolutely tiny like a newborn. I'll think about whether I need to spray BT. 8/15 That fucking cancel button always fucks everything out. I was done no I need to start over. Didn't water last night. Found pm on my gmo in the 30. Interior of the plant. Should've defoliated better and earlier. Oh well. I'll treat with k bicarb or plant doctor. I'll have to think about it. Other plants are looking good. Well they all are. I just hate pm. I can't isolate it due to local laws so it is what it is. Nothing I haven't dealt with before. Watered today. The middle gmo in the 30 got 1.5 gallons. The other plants each got a gallon. Including the one in the 10gal and 50 gal. Its supposed to rain but only like .1. I also chose to feed today. All plants got a gallon. I DID NOT WATER THE EVENT HORIZON IN THE MIDDLE AND THE SHERB PIE AS THEY WERE PRAYING AND HEAVY. I need to get these supports up. I'll update as I go. Oh and one thing I remembered is that, I didn't properly sanitize the trellis nets I installed on the plant that has pm (non visible today but still). I harvested the plant that used that bet last year was harvested in two stages. The bottom I let go way later and ended up with a little pm on the stuff I left for hash material and it got some pm. I wonder if that's whete this came from. 8/16 Death in the family this morning. I couldn't decide if I should use organocide plant doctor or not. It's a systemic It's been discontinued and reformulated. It's a systemic fungicide. Instead I mixed two tsp potassium bicarbonate with a little dawn in a half gallon mister. I used gloves and defoliated everything that had pm on it. I checked the plants next to it and luckily it hasn't spread yet....but it will. I feel safer using the k bicarb. I'll do more research and try to find the best way to tackle this. I don't want to get rid of the plant and due to local ordinance I can't isolate it. If I can keep it to this one plantvthat would be fine. I'd just use it for extracts. So glad I didn't use all that netting and put up tjosr supports. I'll need to disinfect them if I decide to use them. We'll see. Plants are coming right along flowering. WENT BACK OVER AND DEFOLIATED A BUNCH OF fan leaves and interior stuff to promote airflow. Still saw pm on that plant u had treated earlier with k bicarb. I can't isolate due to laws and I'm not willing to discard this massive monster cropped plant. So I'm going to treat it. I started by removing everything infected and improving airflow on that plant and all the others. I didn't make it to one event horizon. I plan to treat the infected plant with Organocide Plant Doctor since its what I have on hand and I've had good luck. It's a systemic. After I treat the one plant and see that it didn't hurt the plant I'll use a preventative dosage on the other plants. I've battled wpm several times. This is something I'm very familiar with. What sucks is it's totally my fault it happened due to grower error. This has set back me puttingvup my supports as well. Plants look good woth a haircut. Also the toasted toffy had some leaves removed with spots that looked like septoria. I think nutes havecreally kicked things in gear. Now there are little buds on plants. 8/17 BAGS still seemed heavy so I didn't water. It's been MUCH cooler. It's 63 at 9am. It would normally be 80 by now so maybe they aren't using as much water. I watered the the toasted toffy I missed last round but the Sherb Pie still had weight to it. I also watered the GMO on the far side and the one in the 30 as the seemed a little lighter. I looked in and I couldn't find a SPOT of powder mildew on the plant! I know it will come back but on this 100% rh day there isn't a spot I can find! I'm going to go check on them later today. Do some more defoliation and treat the plants with Plant Doctor to try to mitigate the spread of the P.M. Very suprised the k bicarb worked like that. WENT BACK OVER AROUND 11. I WATERED THE TWO THAT DIDNT GET WATERED LAST TIME. THE EVENT HORIZON AND THE SHERB PIE. IT WAS COLD AND OVERCAST. TEMPS HAVE BEEN MUCH COOLER. SOON AS I WATERED THE SUN CAME OHT AND THE TEMP WENT UP. I WENT THROUGH THE PLANTS I MISSED AND SEFOLIATED LEAVES AND INTERIOR BRANCHES TO INCREASE AIRFLOW. SURPRISED TO STILL SEE NO PM WITH 100% HUMIDITY. I WENT THROUGH EVERY PLANT. ILL NEED TO GO TJROUGH AGAIN BUT TJIS IS MUCH BETTER. THE TOASTED TOFFY THAT MAY HAVE SEPTORIA I WILL TREAT TONOGHT WITH PLANT DOCTOR. I REMOVED ANYTHING LOOKING INFECTED. I LSTed THE BIGGEST BRANCHES WITH CLIPS TO THE BAG AMD TWINE. SO AIRFLOW IS MUCH BETTER. I THEN REMOVED A BU CH OF THE MIDDLE. I COULD TAKE MORE BUT ON OUTDOOR HARVESTS THAT LITTLE STUFF GOES IN EXTRACTS. I PUT A FEW HOURS IN TODAY. IM GOING BACK AND ILL TEST THE PLANT DOCTOR ON THE TOASTED TOFFY. BUT IF THE K BICARB WORKS THIS GOOD ILL JUST KEEP USING THAT. 8/18 It started sprinkling when I left this morning. I did more defoliation on a few different plants. Including the healthiest GMO. It seems like things should be further in flower but it is what it is. I'm not doing clones again. Only reason I did is because I lost my 72 seedlings and depleted my seed supply. I hate treating pm. Lost Coast Plant Therapy I'd really whete its at when it comes to treating pm. I might just order that. My commercial buddy told me that he wouldn't use the plant doctor and not to "spray shot all over my plants". He's probably right. I see something small and try to overcurrent. I dont see any more septoria looking leaves on the toasted toffy since I lsted it and removed damaged leaves. I was going to use the fungicide plant doctor on that and then use it ad a preventative. He's probably right. I've put a lot of work in defoliation and such. It WILL spread but it hasn't yet. I removed what I saw. I was going to hit it again with k bicarb but it said it should be weekly treatments.i hope I'm doing things right. I shouldn't be this worried about pm but I've got am anxiety disorder. I'll fully sterilize (AGAIN) my posts and trellis netting before I instal it. I'll probably go check on them later. It's hard to avoid pm with 100% humidity and 30° temp swings. I've got a few lights so maybe this winter I'll do indoor. I'll try to keep this updated. LOOKING BACK AT PRIOR DIARIES I GUESS IM RIGHT WHERE I SHOULD BE FLOWERING WISE. I JUST HAD A COUPLE REALLY EARLY PHENOS A COUPLE TIMES. 8/19 Defoliated some more stuff amd tried to improve airflow. Humidity is high and it was sprinkling earlier. I think we'll have showers. Not seeing much pm. MAYBE a little in the middle of that middle gmo but it could just be residue. I'll treat it again with potassium bicarbonate soon. If that doesn't work I'll switch up treatments. I've got citric acid amd some other stuff too. I almost ordered lost coast last night but decided I'd wait to try it out. The toasted toffy has SOME spots that look like septoria. It's the second furthest in flower and very indica leaning. It seems to be flowering vigorously so I don't want to fuck with it too much. I could use plant doctor on it and see what happens but I'm going to monitor for a few days after defoliating. WENT BACK OVER AROUND 4 AND SHOOK OFFCTHE PLANTS. HADNT RAINED MUCH. BAGS ARE STILL HEAVY. THE TEN WAS LIGHT AND THE EVENT HORIZON BESIDE IT SEEMED A LITTLE LGHT AS WELL. I THINK IT MIGHT BE ME COMPARING THEM TO OTHER PLANTS THAT ARE SATURATED. SEEING HOW THEY BOTH LOOKED THE BEST IVE EVER SEEN THEM I HELD OFF WATERING. ITS ALSO SPRINKL9NG AMD GOING TO RAIN TONIGHT. ILL REASSESS IN THE MORNING. PLANNED ON USING PLANT DOCTOR ON TOASTED TOFFY BUT DECIDED AGAINST IT PARTIALLY DUE TO THE RAIN. PARTIALLY BECAUSE I PUSSED OUT. I WANTED TO FEED. IVE NOTICED SOME FADE AND PLANTS PUSHING AND TRYING TO GET OVER THE FENXE INTO FLOWER. THE TOASTED TOFFY AND THE UNKNOWN IN THE 50 ATE THE FURTHEST ALONG AND DEVELOPING ROCK HARD BUDS. GMO HAS A MASSIVE STRETCH. THINGS CHANGE DAILY. I WANTED TO GET A GOOD DOSE OF NUTES IN SO AFTER THIS LITTLE BIT OF RAIN WHEN WE GET THAT NICE SUNSHINE MY PLANTS WILL TAKE OFF!! THEY'VE BEEN PROGRESSING FAST DESPITE THE SHITTY WEATHER. 8/20 It's still sprinkling. It SAYS WE got zero rain yesterday but that's just not true. Today is supposed to be light showers with like .02 in 9f rain. I mixed up some water to check the plants. I figured a few would he light. The event horizon on the back SEEMED a little light. So did the one invthe ten. I realized it was just comparing it to the bags that were saturated. Still I ended up giving the event horizon in the back a half gallon and split the other half with the one in the 10 that dries out super fast. It's crazy. The weather just abruptly changed one day and I go from watering twice a day to hardly at all! Everything but the sherb pie and the seedling in the 10gal are vigorously flowering. Upping the nutes was a smart move. The seemed to like it. I'm gonna check later and as soon as I can I'll hit that toasted toffy with plant doctor. That's tied for furthest along in flower. I've done a bunch of research and I think this is the right move. I'll keep this updated. After this small patch of shitty weather we are goingvto get some sun amd these girls will EXPLODE! WENT BACK OVER A FEW TIMES. LAST AT SIX. I DID SOME DEFOLIATION AND PRUNING OF PLANT INTERIORS. ITS ABOUT TIME TO TREAT THE TOASTED TOFFY AGAIN WITH PLANT DOCTOR. I CAN SEE SOME SEPTORIA SPOTS. I TREATED THE EVENT HORIZON THIS MORNING. IT GOT A FEW HOURS BEFORE A LITTPE RAIN WND THEN SUNNY AND 80. I USED BETWEEN A QUARTER AND HALF GALLON ON THE INE PLANT. I MAY NOT HAVE USED ENOUGH OF THE MIXED UP SOLUTION ONVTHE TOASTED TOFFY. IT HAD BEEN WORKING AWESOME AND NOW THAT ITS TIME TO REAPPLY I NOTICE A FEW LEAVES THAT LOOK INFECTED. OVER THE NEXT WEEK ILL BE MONITORING THE RESPONS FROM THE PLANT DOCTOR. I'M CONSIDERING APPLYING PLANT DOCTOR TO THE REST OF THE GARDEN. I THIBJ THE K BICARB HAS BEEN DOING GOOD KEEPING THE PM DOWN ON THE MIDDLE GMO. I HATE THAT I HAVE TO FIGHT DISEASES. IM NOT DOING CLONES AGAIN. AND IM GOING TO BE MUCH CLEANER. THE SHERB PIE LOOKS A LITTLE OVERWATERED AND HAS SOME YELLOW LEAVES BUT MANY HAVE TURNED PURPLE AND OTHER FALL COLORS. THE PLANTS ARE AGGRESSIVELY FLOWERING AND TEMPS ARE CHANGING. STILL IN EARLY FLOWER. IVE GOT A GOOD FEELING. IVE DEALT WITH MUCH WORSE AND CAME OUT GOOD.
Used techniques
Grow Questions
masterofsmeagolstarted grow question 7 months ago
For those of you that have used fungicides organocide plant Dr specifically how much of the mixed product do you use? Specifically for leaf septoria? I do a foliar spray and a root drench. The first time I used between a qtr and 1/2 gallon on the on I treated today I used + .5
Leaves. Other
m0useanswered grow question 6 months ago
from their webpage, seems applying it as a soil drench with the leftovers is fine. IDK if I fully trust their product breakdowns into harmless P and K but who knows. Plant Doctor Application for Medical Marijuana: Please note – we have not personally tested on medical marijuana, however, these are the recommendations we’ve received from growers, so you may follow application directions at your own risk. Downy / Powdery Mildew: Foliar Application: Cure Mildew: 1-2 TBSP per gallon weekly for mildew until clear then prevention. Prevention: ½ tsp per gallon weekly Soil Drench Cure Mildew: 3 tsp per gallon weekly for 3 weeks or until mildew clears. Must be used separately in reservoir for 1 day (no other nutrients), because plant doctor will increase PPM and EC (electrical conductivity) of water. Drain reservoir and continue with normal feeding program. Prevention: ½ tsp per gallon weekly Fusarium: Soil Drench 3½ tsp per gallon weekly for 3 weeks or until it clears then prevention ½ tsp per gallon weekly. Must be used separately in reservoir for 1 day (no other nutrients), because plant doctor will increase PPM and EC (electrical conductivity) of water. Drain reservoir and continue with normal feeding program. Plant Doctor will not harm beneficial bacteria or mycorrhizae fungi. It is formulated to target only pathogenic fungi.
Week 19. Flowering
7 months ago
16 hrs
21 °C
80 %
10 °C
76 L
6 L
Nutrients 4
General hydroponics cal mag 0.98 mll
Liquid kool bloom0-10-10 1.3 mll
Big Bloom - Fox Farm
Big Bloom 2.6 mll
8/21, 8/22 TOASTED TOFFY WAS TREATED WITH PLANT DOCTOR ON THE 22nd. It's been a few days of rainy dreary weather. This morning I went over and did some MORE defoliation on the toasted toffy trying to get all infected leaves off. I then used the rest of the k bicarb on the gmo in the middle. I haven't seen hardly any pm. So that seems to be working. However I don't want septoria to spread through my garden either. Hopfully the plant doctor will take care of the problem. If not I'll get something different. I can make a diy Dr. Zymes or I could just go to the store and buy something specific like trichodermia. The weather has been a fungus nirvana. The conditions couldn't have been anymore perfect for mold development. I'm super impressed with the k bicarb treating the pm. I took tons of pictures yesterday but I've been sick and couldn't upload them. I still need to sanitize and put my supports up. I'll keep this updated with what I'm doing. UPDATE: AFTER UNCKES FUNERAL I WATERED THE SHERB PIE THAT I DIDNT LAST TIME AND THEN I FED. I DIDNT FEED THE TOASTED TOFFY DUE TO IT BEING TREATED WITH PLANT DOCTOR. EVERYTHING GOT A QRT THE 50GAL GOT MORE. TWO GALLONS TOTAL USED. I NOTÌCED SOME SLIGHT PM ON THE GMO IN THE MIDDLE. IT WOULD BE TIME TO TREAT AGAIN ANYWAY. I PLAN ON WATERING TOMORROW AND TREATING THIS PLANT AGAIN. IM HESITANT TO UsE PLANT DOCTOR (do to feeding tonight) RIGHT OFF SO ILL PROBABLY USE YHE K BICARD. IT WORKS GOOD. I SHOULDNT HAVE FED THAT PLANT SO I COULD APPLY THE PLANT DOCTOR INSTEAD. THAT SEEMS TO BE WORKING REALLY WELL. LAST TIME I USED IT WAS ON FUSARIUM AND THATS JUST A LOSING BATTLE. DID A QIICK VIDEO ILL UPLOAD TOMORROW. 8/23 I HAD A CRISIS SITUATION AND I FUCKED UP THE DIARY. I THINK I JUST DIDN'T RECORD WHAT I DID ON THIS DAY. 8/24 I checked the bags and they were heavy. I watered the sherb pie today as it missed the last watering. Everything but the toasted toffy got fed yesterday. I noticed some slight pm on the middle GMO that I've been treating with k bicarb. Just a couple leaves. Looks like a couple spots I missed. I was going to apply it again but I dodnt have time. I'll be back over soon and I'll treat it and do the defoliation needed. Maybe I'll even sanitize and get support up. Since I fed yesterday I don't want to use the plant doctor for a few more days. I'm thinking of treating everything with it. I need to read and see when the next application for toasted toffy is due. Things are really starting to flower. Once I get the work done I may add beastie bloom to my nute line up. I think I'll do another k-bicarb app on the plant with pm. It's doing a good job. Since the l bicarb I don't see any pm. I should've held off feeding it so I could've used plant doctor. I'm monitoring toasted toffy and if it keeps working good I'll treat everything preventatively. WENT BACK OVER AROUND 11:30 BECAUSE IT HAD CLIMBED INTO THE UPPER 80'S. AS I SUSPECTED THE PLANTS NEEDED WATER. THEY COULDVE WAITED UNTIL TONIGHT BUT UNFORTUNATELY I HAvE TO DO THINGS WHEN IM ABLE TOO. EVERYTHING GOT A GALLON EXCEPT THE GMO IN THE MIDDLE IN THE 30, THAT GOT 1.5. SHERB PIE GOT IT YESTERDAY AND ISNT FLOWERING AS VIGEROUS SO IT USES LESS WATER. BEFORE WATERING I WENT THROUGH THE ENTIRE GARDEN AND DEFOLIATED WHAT NEEDED TO BE DEFOLIATED. I HAVE A FEW SMALL LIMBS I SHOULD PRUNE BUT THAT STUFF MAKES GOOD HASH MATERIAL AND ACTUALLY ADDS UP. I NOTICED A LITTLE BIT OF PM ON THE GMO I TREATED. Just a couple spots on a couple leaves and I removed them. I MIXED UP K BICARB AND ILL APPLY IN THE MORNING. I WANTED TO USE PLANT DOCTOR BUT SEEING THAT I FED ILL WAIT. ID LIKE TO GIVE THEM ALL PLANT DOCTOR AS A PREVENTATIVE. SUPPOSABLY IT STIMULATES AN IMMUNE RESPONSE WITHIN THE PLANT WHICH FIGHTS THE PATHOGENS THEN LEAVES POTASSIUM AND PHOSPHORUS BEHIND AFTER 4 DAYS FOR THE PLANT TO USE. I THINK ITS GETTING CLOSE TO TREATING THE TOASTED TOFFY AGAIN. ILL HAVE TO LOOK. I TOOK A VIDEO BUT ILL HAVE TO UPLOAD IT it. 8/25 I know the diary is fucked up. But I know I watered yesterday. Except the sherb pie. I didn't check the weight bit did a bunch of defoliation. I made another half gallon of k bicarb with a drop of dawn and sprayed all the gmos. I only saw a COUPLE spots with pm on them and I removed them. Still though I wanted to make sure it doesn't get out of control. I should've checked the weight of the sherb pie but I'm sure it's fine.. I took a video but I can't upload it yet. WENT BACK OVER AROUND TWO. IT WAS A BLISTERING HOT DAY IN THE 80'S. THE BAGS WERE DRY. THEY HAD A LITTLE WRIGHT TO THEM AND MOST SOME LEAVES WERE PRAYING. SOME WERE STARTING TO DROOP THOUGH. I WATERED EVERYTHING A GALLON EXCEPT THE SHERB PIE I GOT THIS MORNING. I gave the gmo in the 30 1.5. THE EVENT HORIZON IN THE MIDDLE COULDVE WAITED UNTIL MORNING BUT AT LEAST I CAN KEEP TRACK OF IT EASIER THIS. MAYBE I SHOULD GIVE THE 50 MORE WATER AT A TIME. IM GETTING YELLOW LEAVES. I THINK ITS PROBABKY SENESCENCE. ITS ABOUT THE SAME TIME EVERY YEAR I START LOSING SOME LEAVES. IT SEEMS TO BE JUST THE SHERB PIE AND THE BIG ONE IN THE 50. THAT PLANT HAS QUARTER SIZE BUDS ON IT THOUGH. ITS AMAZIBG HOW MUCH THE WATER INTAKE CHANGES WHEN ITS 60 OR UPPER 50S WITH HIGH HUMIDITY TO WHEN ITS IN THE 80S ALMOST 90. I HOPE IM NOT WATERING TO OFTEN. ITS BEEN COLD AT NIGHT. IN THE 50S. THE EVENT HORIZON HAS TURNED A NICE PURPLE ON MANY LEAVES. THE GMO'S AND SHERB PIE ALSO ARE TURNING PURPLE AND OTHER FALL COLORS. I SAW WHAT LOOKED LIKE SEPTORIA SPOTS CRAWLING UP KY EVENT HORIZON IN THE BACK. IN GOING TO TREAT IT WITH PLANT DOCTOR TOMORROW. 8/26 Rainy day. I noticed some septoria on the toasted toffy climbing a bottom branch. But it is time to reapply plant doctor. I saw a couple spots on the event horizon and I treated it today with 1/4 gallon of 2tsp per gallon plant doctor. I sprayed the leaves then I used the rest on the soil. The k bicarb is still keeping any pm at bay. I haven't seen a spot. I hope the plant doctor helps the event hotlrizon. I'm not even sure if it has it but I want to be cautious. I'm thinking of treating them all with plant doctor. I'm also going to use beastie bloom on some of the more advanced plants. I wasn't expecting it to rain but it wasn't for at least a couple hours after I sprayed. I ran another support line across the cage. I need to lst both event horizons and defoliate the sherb pie. It's weird but it seems like EVERY day I go over the flowers are bigger! I see birds darting out when I approach. Maybe that's why i haven't been finding pillars. I found ONE hairy one this week trying to escape to the soil on a string. I got him though. We'll see how it goes. If not I have other options for treatments if needed. That plant in the 10 is HUGE. I'm suprised it got that big in 10gals! Trying to upload videos but they are LONG so I don't know if they
1 like
Used techniques
Week 20. Flowering
7 months ago
16 hrs
24 °C
80 %
10 °C
76 L
6 L
Nutrients 5
General hydroponics cal mag 0.98 mll
Liquid kool bloom0-10-10 1.3 mll
Big Bloom - Fox Farm
Big Bloom 2.6 mll
8/27 I think I mightve been overwatering. It's so hard to tell when the conditions change week to week. That's Maine for ya. Bags were still heavy and plants were soaked. I tried to shake the more advanced flowering plants without sending water everywhere. That's how septoria spreads. The event horizon I treated with plant doctor looks the best it ever has. It's tile for another application on the toasted toffy. I'm seeing a few spots again. I didn't have time to take pictures or do a video. This video is from last night. I'll treat that toasted toffy again today and I'll record it here. After I see it working u may treat the others. I see some residue of k bicarb but it has pretty much eradicated the pm. I know it will always be there but these treatments seem to be working. I'll be adding beastie bloom to my line up soon. EVERYDAY I go over the buds are bigger more compact and dense. Event horizon, toasted toffy and the red runtz (I think) in the 50 are flowering to beat hell! The get bigger everytime I see them. I can smell them as soon as I round the corner. This is going to be a good year. These strainsxare high in thc. Maybe I gave up some mold resistance and a harder to grow strain but if I can make it to the end it will be fire. WENT BACK OVER AROUND 5. OBVIOUSLY IN THIS SCORCHING 80°+ day the seedling in the 10 was dry as a popcorn fart. Some other plants seemed dry when I stuck my arm down the bag but I could feel some moisture when I pushed my finger through the medium. They WILL need water but I'm not giving it to them tonight. Took a shit ton if pictures and a video this morning. I'll uploadcthat shit tomorrow. I'm trying to do a couple right now. Anyway I continued to defoliate what needs it. Flowers are swelling. I GAVE THE TOASTED TOFFY ITS 2ND TREATING OF PLANT DOCTOR. I USED A QTR GALLON OF A 4 TSP PER GALLON MIXTURE. I MADE SURE TO GET AS MUCH OF THE FOLIAGE AS POSSIBLE AND THEN I USED THE RESTCON THE MEDIUM. I SHOULDVE PROBABLY WATERED THAT ONE BUT ITS GOING TO RAIN TONIGHT. AT LEAST I HOPE IT IS. Looks like some of the pics are uploading! Yay! The plants looked the best I've ever seen them tonight so I held off watering. My wife is I'll and may need to go to the hospital. So instead of watering prematurely I can monitor the situation and make a decision in the morning. I made enough phed water for my father to go around and water everything. He is aware of the situation. Hopfully that will not be necessary. However, I don't want to over water and I feel like they didn't want it. Just going with my intuition. It's done me pretty good so far. 8/28 Luckily no hospital. It's sprinkling out. Plants are covered in water so we got SOME rain. It says we will get 0.00 but that can't be right. I watered the 10 yesterday and everything else this morning with a gallon each except the middle gmo in the 30 which got 1.5 gallons. Did not water the one in the 50 gal pot. It looks a little overwatered. Also looks like it has a slight calcium/magnesium deficiency. I'll up the calmag and i'll make sure when I do water I'll water thoroughly. Like usual toasted toffy is looking better after the treatment. The all star has been the k bicarb. I haven't seen shit for pm. Just a little residue from the k-bicarb. Took a video and some pictures. This is the fun time. I like watching the buds develop. Some of these plants were monster cropped so they are STACKED. I'll keep what I do updated. 8/29 Made an awesome video today bit it won't upload. Probably because its a little over 2 minutes. I'll do another one if it won't upload. Nope it won't even attempt to upload it now. Oh well. They flowers just looked so pretty this morning. I noticed some WPM on the event horizon in the middle. I noticed SOME on the bottom and interior of the GMO that I had already identified. I'll do another k-bicarb treatment and see how that goes. Plant Doctor seems to he doing a pretty good job on the septoria on toastedctoffy and my favorite event horizon. That plantvis THICK. it's going to be stacked and have some huge colas. I need to LST it and suppirt those giant colas and separate them a bit more. There is never any shortage of work to be done I can tell you that. I have defoliation to do on the sherb pie and the middle event horizon. It seems like crisis after crisis. Bu my plants are STRONG. 8/30 It was in the 40s at 6am. Shook off the plants. Bags are still heavy. I see some septoria climbing a bottom branch of the toasted toffy. It's foggy as hell out. Can't see a foot in front of me. Saw a LITTLE PM on the gmo I've been treating. It's just time to apply the ki bicarb. Plant Doctor is working wonders on even horizon in the back. I see some pm on the one in the middle. I think I'll treat that with plant doctor as well. I'm not sure. I messed up the video. I've got work to do. I'm waiting until I water and I'll feed again. I'm going to add beastie bloom to the lineup this time I think. Only one plant seems like it m9ght be too early for it. We'll see. I need to look back. I'll document what I do. Video won't upload. I'll try later but it's sideways WENT OVER AROUND 3PM AND EVERYTHING LOOKED FABULOUS. WELL....THE PLANT I DIDNT WATERCLAST TIME IN THE 50 WAS DROOPING SO I GAVE IT A GALLON AND A HALF. THE TEN WAS LIGHT SO I GAVE IT A GALLON. IT WASNT DROOPY BUT ITS A HUGE PLANT IN A 10GAL AND USES A LOT OF WATER. I WAS PLANNING TO GO CHECK THEM TONIGHT AND SEE IF THEY NEEDED WATER BUT EVERYTHING IS PRAYING TO THE SUN! I DONT WANT TO OVERWATER AND I BELIEVE THESE WOULD BE BEST SUITED TO BE WATERED IN TGE MORNING. ILL FEED THIS TIME AS WELL. IM CONSIDERING ANOTHER APP OF K BICARB. TOOK A FEW PICTURES AND VIDEOS BUT ILL NEED TO UPLOAD 8/31 FED AND WATERED EVERYTHING. TOASTED TOFFY DIDNT GET FED DUE TO SEPTORIA AND THE 10 ISNT FAR ENOUGH ALONG.. THE 50 WAS WATERED YESTERDAY BUT GOT THE FEED WITH A LITTLE MORE WATER THIS MORNING. I ADDED ABOUT 1/16 TSP BEASTUE BLOOM TO THE REGULAR LINEUP TO SEE HOW IT GOES. MY BUDDY TOLD ME LOTS OF PEOPLE HAVING PROBLEMS WITH PM. I WENT BACK OVER TO DEFOLIATE AND LOOK FOR PM AND I FOUND IT. ON THE GMO INTETIOR AND SOME BOTTOM BRANCHES. I DEFOLIATED WHAT WAS BAD AND THEN I SPRAYED 3 GMO'S, EVENT HORIZON IN THE MIDDLE AND SHERB PIE WITH K-BICARB. HOPFULLY THAT WILL KEEP THINGS OUT OF CONTROL. I WILL BE WATCHING AND KEEPING UP WITH FUNGACIDES. IF I FIND ONE NOT WORKING ILL SWITCH IT UP. I HAVE A FEW OPTIONS. BUDS ARE EXPLODING IN GROWTH! WINDY OUT. I SAW A SECONDARY BRANCH LIMP AND MY GEART SUNK. I LOOKED DOWN THOUGH AND SAW THAT IT JUST WAS BLOWN HATD AGAINST THE TOMATO CAGE AND SNAPPED. I REMOVED IT WITB A SIGH OF RELIEF. MY BUDDY SAYS THE SEPTORIA DOESNT LOOK TO BAD AND ITS PRETTY FAR IN FLOWER SO HE THINKS ILL BE ALRIGHT. NEVER GROWING CLONES AGAIN. ILL STICK TO SEEDS AND STEAINS MADE FOR MAINES 9/1 Forgot to write an entry. IT RAINED FOR A BIT BUT TURNED TO BRIGHT 80'S 9/2 WATERED EVERYTHING. I THINK ITS TIME FOR ANOTHER TREATMENT OF PLANT DOCTOR TODAY. The septoria is getting a little worse. The buds are swelling everyday though. I think this plant only has a month left. I just need to outrun it. So far so good. I think my watering habits are better now. It's different depending on weather. Potassium bicarb has been wonderful treating the pm on that gmo. I treated the middle event horizon with it as well. It seems to work awesome. I'm losing tons of leaves. I hope that's normal senescence. I think it is seeing as how I see SOME foliage in the woods. Its matching other diaries. The plant must shed some leaves to make these flowers that seem to double in size every time I see them! Trying to upload a couple videos but they are long so we'll see what happens. WENT BACK OVER AT NIGHT ANDCAPPLIED A LITTLE BIT OF K BICARB AND DEFOLIATED WHAT I SAW ON THAT GMO. IVE BEEN DEFOLIATING WHAT SEEMS LIKE A LOT BUT BUDS ARE SWELLING AND ITS CONGRUENT WITH THE MAJORITY OF MY DIARIES. I WISH I HAD PERFECT CONDITIONS BUT I DONT. I TREATED THE EVENTHORIZON WITH PLANT DOCTOR AGAIN. I USED APPROX A QTR GALLON OF 2 TSP/GALLON AND TRIED TO AVOID BUDS WHILE STILL GETTING THE LEAVES. I KINDA USED THE REST AS A SQUALCH SINCE I HAD WATERED THIS MORNING. THE WIND WAS STRONG. I ADDED A GARDEN STAKE AND ROPE SUPPORT TO THE TOASTED TOFFY AND ATTACHED IT RIGHT TO THE FRAME OF THE CAGE. LOOKS GOOD FOR NOW. ILL KEEP THINGS UPDATED.
Used techniques
Week 21. Flowering
7 months ago
16 hrs
21 °C
80 %
4 °C
76 L
6 L
Nutrients 4
General hydroponics cal mag 0.98 mll
Liquid kool bloom0-10-10 1.3 mll
Big Bloom - Fox Farm
Big Bloom 2.6 mll
9/3 Shook the plants off this morning and took a few pics and did a video. Let's see if it uploads. Plants are doing good. Toasted toffy is due for another plant doctor application tonight. It seems like I'm losing lots of leaves. Looking back on my other diaries I guess it's normal. BUT I could've had pest/pathogen problems then. I'm over thinking it. Toasted toffy only needs a few more weeks. It will definitely outvrun the disease. The nugs are super dense too. The plant in the 50 is loosing leaves faster than I'd like. It is also one of the furthest along. The big leaves that turn yellow look like it's a calcium/magnesium issue. The stalk and branches are all bright green and healthy looking. So are the flowers. It could be something below the soil. I couldve been overwatering but last time I waited until it drooped. It will be fine though. I'm happy with my results so far. Not my best or biggest year but I'm going to put in the work and Mae these plants produce the best quality cannabis that im able too. Also I think plant doctor may kill insects. K bicarb with dawn does too. I've found a few dead bugs like flies and pillars. Pillars actually seem to be gone. Not many moths either. Unless I see them I'm not going to treat them for it. This is that magical time where you get to watch the plant produce those beautiful flowers. Despite some small problems I'm very grateful for what I have. I've worked hard for it. 9/4 Watered everything but the sherb pie which was still heavy with leaves yellowing. It's tied for the furthest behind in flower with the seed in the 10. I treated the toasted toffy with 1/4 gallon (4tsp/gallon) of plant doctor. I avoided flowers as much as possible and tried to just get a few leaves. I used the rest on the soil. I just wanted it to absorb a little faster. That's why I sprayed the foliage. It's not 4 days it's 14 days when tje plant doctor just leaves behind a bunch of potassium and phosphorus after it's done its job. Can't be used in a 14 day interval with copper and I think that's what treats septoria best. I dontvknow if I can use that in flower. Doesn't really matter. Things are looking good. Plant Doctor and the K bicarb seem to be doing there job effectively as long as i stick to the application times. I made a short video but didn't upload. I'll try again but I may have some medical emergencies that need to be dealt with. If not I should defoliate and tie down some event horizon branches. I thought about treating the other event horizon as well. I'm not positive it has septoria but it wouldn't hurt anything to be practice. It AT LEAST has a couple suspucuous spots. I smelled a skunk as soon as I got out of my car. It can't get in my grow but I might put out traps to catch it. We'll see how it goes. Video seems to be uploading. It's at 31% so I'll wait for it. I think I've got like four or five weeks on my toasted toffy and one event horizon and the one in the 50 that I THINK is red runtz. That's good that I'll have different plants to harvest at different times. It's seeds from here on out though. It was hard to find info on some of the strains I'm growing but they all have ONE thing in common. They are EXOTIC and they are at least MODERATELY DIFFICULT to grow. AT LEAST lol. Last year I picked the right seefs and strains and it greatly helped. Still, if these are difficult strains to grow, then I'm doing a good job. EDIT: I WAS STONED BUT IM PRETTY SURE I TREATED THE PLANT IN THE 50 WITH PLANT DOCTOR. DIDNT SPRAY BUDS. TRIED TO GET THE LEAVES THEN USED THE REST ON THE SOIL. I REMEMBER BECAUSE A STREAM ACCIDENTLY HIT A COUPLE LEAVES ON THE HUGE PLANT IN THE 10. 9/5 Sherb Pie was light and drooping. It's not to far in flower and still seemed moist yesterday with a little bit of weight. I watered it a gallon. I defoliated a little but I need to go through that plant. I have a bunch of plants that need a little work. The 50 gal seed is losing lots of leaves. I must not be feeding it enough, overwatering or maybe theres some sort of lock out. The plant looks nice and healthy. Leaves just turn yellow and die. Looked like a calcium or magnesium deficiency but i saw a septoria spot. I wouldn't think I've over feed or locked out using the small amounts of nutes I've used. It will be time to feed again soon. It's in the middle of flowering and still has leaves. I'm hoping things work out. I just have an anxiety disorder and worry too much. I'm GOING To have a great harve! I just need to keep moving forward and putting in the work. 9/6 What a fucking shitty morning. I did research on how to keep skunks out of your garden. Because I smelled it and the neighbors shot a few. Dad put traps out and it caught one. It wasn't a no spray trap so I approached it with him. Both had tarps. I kept telling him to throw it while I was distracting it bur he got a cramp and only got it over half. The half away from my garden. It's pretty far and down in a field but still. We had talked all morning about how to release it. I offered to drive their dog to take it for a walk so his alcoholic girlfriend wouldn't spiteful put the dog on its run. It wouldn't be sprayed but I made it out like it would ruin my plants. Picked dad up and got him to the bathroom. In that 30 seconds the stupid bitch grabbed the dog and brought it outside despite me YELLING "Can't you wait 5 minutes!? We've been dealing with this all morning. I heard fuck you in my head and she did it anyway. Dog ran at the skunk barking and it sprayed. Not a lot but I was fucking pissed. She's a full blown alcoholic and doesn't like me around early or the fact that my old man's 80 and house is mine. Anyway I got back and there was NO SKUNK SMELL. AT ALL! I WATERED EVERYTHING BUT SHERB PIE AND FED EVERYTHING BUT SHERB PIE. ILL FEED AND WATER THAT TOMORROW. WATERED A GALLON WITH A QUART OF FEED. Researched my strains found out they were all "difficult" to grow. One year ago to the Day I cut my first tenth planet. I got a couple close to a few weeks but the others will be later. If I can pull this off though I'll have some crazy quality! Grateful for what I have that's for sure! I doubled beastie bloom this time. We'll see how it goes.nothings uploading. I did some vids a pictures but I'll have to upload today. 9/7 I think it rained last night. I forgot to water and feed the sherb pie but I'll do it when I get back. I shook off the plants the best I could. I need to get the leaf blower out now and put it to use. Buds are swelling like crazy. GMOs are very tight flowers. Same with the event horizon. Rock hard nugs. With the gmo's I'm not worried. The were monster cropped so they have enough leaves even if some do die off. The toasted toffy only has like four weeks left. Same with the event horizon. The plant in the ten is the furthest behind but it's extremely healthy. I removed some leaves from the bottom and large fan leaves. The plant in the 50 I hope finishes before it loses all its leaves. I treated it with plant doctor and SOME people strip their plants but I don't. I'm grateful for what I've got. Won't be the biggest harvest but WHEN I make it to the finish line I will have some incredibly potent strains. I'm proud of myself to even get these to finish seeingvthe level of difficulty on cultivation. I'm trying to upload some stuff. We'll see. 9/8 Apparently it rained pretty hard last night. Took forever to go through and shake everything off and defoliate what needs it. Sherb pie is praying to the sky and almost totally purple. It's flowering so much more in the last couple days. Everything has. Even the one in the ten is stacking up! I defoliated most of what needed it and I was soaked. I noticed a branch on the middle gmo that was getting heavy and starting to break away from the trunk. It wad wobbly but I don't think there was a break un the Cambrian. I made a sling with rope (couldn't find zip ties) and I pulled it tight amd secured that branch to the tomato cage. GMO buds are hard as rocks. Everything is in overdrive. They liked that beastie bloom. I have cha ching but nothings ready for that yet I don't think. We'll the event horizon and toasted toffy might be I'll have to check. It's been beautiful today but not too hot. Lots of wind which is good. I'll upgrade supports as needed. Flowers are progressing at an amazing rate. Weather is supposed to be great the next few days. I'll keep this updated. 9/9 Had to shake the plants off. WATERED EVERYTHING BUT THE SHERB PIE WHICH WAS REALLY HEAVY. It's also lost a lot of leaves and the majority of leaves have turned purple. Toasted toffy and event horizon and red runts are pretty far into flower. I tried to take some pictures. Even the ten is blowing up! That looks like I'm going to switch to cha ching when flower gets further. Trichs are developing nicely on the ones further in flower. This year it's going to be quality over quantity. All these strains are ranked HARD to grow but have insane cannabinoid profiles and high THC %'s. So if I can keep it together for another month I'll be golden. Looking forward to it. This is the fun part. It's also the anxiety provoking part. I've learned a lot just since joining grow diaries.
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Used techniques
Week 22. Flowering
7 months ago
16 hrs
24 °C
80 %
4 °C
76 L
6 L
Nutrients 4
General hydroponics cal mag 0.98 mll
Liquid kool bloom0-10-10 1.3 mll
Big Bloom - Fox Farm
Big Bloom 2.6 mll
9/10 Went and shook the plants off. I don't think it rained. I think it's just dew. Plants with ailments seem to be progressing well and it looks like they'll outrun the pathogens. It may not be a banner year yield wise but the quality will be great it looks like. GMO is stacking up real nice. The ones in further flower are swelling more and more everyday. Earwigs MAY be back because I noticed a couple of plants where I left a tiny little branch on the bottom have been lollipopped on tje sherb pie and rather quickly too. I suppose it could be leaves dieing and rotting bit I doubt it. If they are here there aren't many and most plants are too far in flower for them to bother. They eat the lower newly developing shoots. Not big dense buds. Luckily. I noticed some pm on the gmo with pm. Looks like it's time for another treatment of k bicarb. I'll probably do that tonight. I'll keep this updated. WENT BACK OVER AND DEFOLIATED A BUNCH OF STUFF. ITS TIME FOR ANOTHER APP OF K BICARB. I CHECKED THE SHERB PIE AND IT DOESNT NEED TO BE WATERED. IT WAS STILL VERY HEAVY. IM THINKING I MAY HAVE EARWIGS THAT ARE FEASTUNG ON LOWER BRANCHES THAT SHOULDVE BEEN PRUNED. I NOTICED SOME LARFY SHIT THAT KOOKS LIKE NEW SHOOTS WERE CHEWED. LUCKILY THEY DONT SEEM TO BOTHER DEVELOPED BUDS. ESPECIALLY ROCK HARD BUDS. I'LL DO SOME RESEARCH AND DO SOME FORM OF APPLICATION FOR THE PM SPOTS I SAW AND THE SEPTORIA I KNOW IS THERE. IM SUPER GRATEFUL THOUGH. THESE ARE VERY HARD TO GROW STRAINS AND I THINK ILL KNOCK IT OUT OF THE PARK. Also thinking of switching to cha ching shortly on the toasted toffy and the event horizon that's furthest along. 9/11 I Didn't water anything today because things still seemed heavy. I'm noticing the same thing that happened a few years back. Lower secondary or tertiary branches are getting stripped on a couple plants. They never touch the developed buds they want the new shoots. If IT IS ear wigs they are impossible to fight. I put poison down and d.e. around those plantscand we'll see. It could also be rot from dying leaves. I need to treatcsome of the plants with a longer flowering time with plant doctor. I'm going over today to spend a few hours working in the garden. I'll apply something I just don't know WHAT yet. One event horizon looks like it tried to reveg AGAIN which is super weird . I just see a lot of one and 3 finger leaves. It will probably turn out to be great. The other event horizon looks like its going to be incredible. The toasted toffy is getting close too. Temps only reached 62° yesterday. It took FOREVER to shake these plants off. Time to get the leaf blower out. I'm going to bring my trich scope when I go over today. I wanna look at tgat event horizon. Pistols are retracting on the top flowers. This may be a multiple stage harvest. I'll keep this updated. UPDATE: WENT OVER AT FOUR AND WATERED. I MIGHTVE BEEN ABLE TO HOLD OFF UNTIL TOMORROW MORNING BUT I HAVE PLANS EARLY MORNING. I ALSO DEFOLIATED QUITE A BIT. BUDS ARE SWELLING CONSIDERABLY. THE SHERB PIE HAS TURNED COMPLETELY PURPLE. IT HASNT HAD ANY FLOWERS ON IT BUT NOW IT HAS FLOWERS BIGGER THAN A QUARTER! THESE PLANTS ARE VIGEROUSLY FLOWERING. I NEED TO CHECK THE TRICHS ON A COUPLE PLANTS AS THEY DONT HAVE MUCH TIME LEFT. AS I WAS DEFOLIATED I NOTICED THAT SOMWTHING HAD STRIPPED FRESH BUDSITES ON SOME LOWER BRANCHES. IN YEARS PAST THATS ALWAYS BEEN EAR WIGS WHICH ARE IMPISSIBLE TO DEAL WITH. THEY USUALLY DONT TOUCH THE BIG BUDS THOUGH. TJEY LIKE THE FRESY SHOOTS. ILL GO OUT AT NIGHT AND SEE IF THIS IS THE CASE. ITS ONLYVHAPPENING ON A COUPLE PLANTS BUT STILL. THE EVENT HORIZON IN THE MIDDLE IS GROWING DIFFERENT THAN ITS SISTER. YOU CAN TELL THE STRAIN IS THE SAME BUT THIS SEEMED TO REVEG (AGAIN) BECAUSE IM SEEING SMALL FULLY DEVELOPED BUDS THAT I DONT REALLY SEE CONNECTING. CRAZY TRICHS THOUGH. IT WILL BE INTERESTING TO SEE HOW IT COMES OUT. I TREATED THE GMO WITH WPM WITH A QTR GALLON OF K BICARBONATE FOLIAR SPRAY WITH A DROP OF DAWN FOR A SURFICANT. 9/12 Shook everything off and then used the leaf blower to try to better dry them. Weather is lookingvyo be good for the next couple weeks. Perfect finishing weather for my two that are furthest in flower. I may have to do a staged harvest. Some BOTTOM branches on e.h. are FAT and have trichs on trichs. I'll have to use my scope. I'm switching to cha ching next feed for the three furyhest in flower. Maybe four. The sherb pie had NO flowers last week but it's exploding with really compact buds. The whole plant turned purple. I need to be careful of botrytis with this weather. I've been pretty good about leaving and removing any dead or dying leaves. Even the plant in the ten is filling out nice. I have SOMETHING (behaving like earwigs) and eating "fresh" shoots. It's like lollipopping the new growth on a couple plants. I'll becstaying at the grow from now forward so I'll go out tonight and see what I found. The poison I put down seems to be gone. Anyway I'm very grateful for what I've got. I'm update as I go. 9/13 It's sprinkling a half hour trom my grow. I think it's supposed to be nice though. I found some botrytis on two plants. Two are so close to finishing that I need to closely watch them. I don't want botrytis. I applied k bicarb to the middle gmo as I saw a spot of pm. I spent a ton of time defoliating. This cold weather has brought the fade much faster. Trichs are looking good. WENT THROUGH THE PLANTS AND DEFOLIATED A SHIT TON. APPARENTLY THIS EARLY FADE IS NORMAL THIS YEAR. AT LEAST IN ALL MY CANNABIS GROUPS. WENT THROUGH EVERYTJING! STILL HAVE THE MIDDLE EVENT HORIZON I WANT TOO TIE DOWN BUT I DID A LOT OF DEFOLIATION. THIS ALLOWED ME TO FIND A FEW PIECES OF BOTRYTIS. ON MY PLANTS THAT ARE ALMOST DONE. WE HAVE GOOD WEATHER FOR A LITTLE BIT BUT I MAY HAVE REACHED DIMINISHING RETURNS ON A COUPLE. THAT E.V. AND THE TOASTED TOFFY I DONT WANT GETTING WET. THEY ARE TOO DENSE. TRICHS ARE ALL MILKY AND THEYRE SWELLING. IM SLEEPING ON IT BUT IM ALMOST POSITIVE IM GOING TO DO A SELECTIVE HARVEST ON THOSE TWO. IM NOT LETTI G SHIT ROT AND AGTER LOOKING AT THESE UNDER A SCOPE I WOULDS TAKEN THEM YEARS AGO. GMO IS FROSTY AS HELL. EXTREMELY ARONATIC GARDEN. ILL KEEP THIS UPDATED. Decided to hold off feeding and watering. Defoliated a shit ton throughout the day. Around five I noticed that my shittiest GMO with the yellow leaves had a couple dead interior branches. Upon closer inspection it looked like grey mold. A few tiny buds were destroyed but the branch needed to be removed. Jot any big loss but if it's in the shit that doesn't matter than it's around the shit that does. Found info on event horizon flowering time. Middle of September until middle of October. That could be why I'm seeing coke cans on the bottom branches of that phenome. I've got some decisions to make. I mixed up enough water to water in the morning. I'll mix up feed in the morning. Tje garden has gotten a lot of attention lately. I hope it pays off. I'm leaning on a multi staged harvest of the event horizon amd toasted toffy but we'll 9/14 Hurries morning. Mixed water for this morning last night. WATERED AND FED EVERYTHING (BUT TOASTED TOFFY AND EVENT HORIZON #2 DUE TO THEM BEING CHOPPED SOON.) Everything got a gallon of water and a qtr of food. I had to cut a couple small interior secondary branches on my shottiest GMO due to the appearance of grey mold. I also found some botrytis in both the event horizon and toasted toffy that I plan to take the tops of today. I scoped them and I'm planning to do a staged harvest. Trichs are milky with some amber. Everything is blowing up! I'm not sure what's happening but like it previous years there's a couple plants with leaves dieing near bud sites and an overall yellow appearance. Maybe it's late stage septoria. I cant isolate it due to local laws but if I have to I'll deal with it. Nothing else had anything like that. I hace noticed SOMETHING nocturnal that can eat a small branch and leave it bare. Also eat the small newly forming shoots at the bottom of plants. I shouldve taken off ALL the larfy stuff as it draws bugs but I did things a like different with each plant this year. I'm going to go through the plants again today and I'll update what I decide. Chances are the top half of those two plants are coming down. I'll do a video. 9/15 I'll have to add pics and videos tomorrow. Last night I did a final check of the trichs on event horizon #2 and toasted toffy. Everything looked great so I proceeded to do a "wet trim" outside (ill use the leaf blower to clean up) and cut the tops off the plant. I know this injures tje plant but it also makes them go crazy thinking they are dying and the buds and trichs swell. I had one plant last year I got two harvests off and a bunch of fresh frozen for concentrates. I looked this morning and I madecthe right decision. These plants are DONE. I've got another event horizon but it's not quite there yet. I'm going to leave it as long as I can. If the injured plants pick up pm or something (already had septoria) then the flower will be used for extracts or I'll do a Cervantes wash. I imagine concentrates though. One GMO isn't doing as good as the rest. Yesterday I had to cut three branches off due to grey mold on the stalk. If laws allowed it I'd isolate that plant. Luckily since I spend so much time going through the garden I'm able to find this kind of stuff. The GMO'S look wonderful (even the one with some yellow leaves that I cut the branches off) . K bicarb has kept pm at bay so far. This strain has TONS of trichs. It's like trich on trich on trich. I can't wait to try it. It smells amazing. Sherb pie is completely purple with rock hard buds that smell amazing. It's quality over quantity this year. The big one in the 50 (I think red runtz) is swelling more everyday. I'm going to switch to ch ching soon. The plant in the 10 had TOTALLY SUPRISED ME. I've never grown a plant lime this. It started out with dark purple in the middle now buds are swelling and calyxes are EVERYWHERE! This plant is growing extremely fast! You'll see what I mean when I put the pics and the videos up. I'm not going to do the event horizon harvest until I get both plants and all of both plants. It will be a while before I finish the toasted toffy one as well. 9/16 I'm glad I took those plants. Weather is good but plants were soaked thos morning. I need to go out at night and see what is eating new shoots. Flowers are looking great. I need to do another app of k bocarb sometime. I'm suprised the pm has pretty much stayed with that one plant. That two other GMO's flanking it are doing awesome! Purple, sticky stinky. It's got the whole package. The one in the 50 has some huge flowers that won't require much longer. The one invthe 10 has some time left. This is clearly a sativa dominant hybrid. The buds are swelling like crazy. It went from NO buds to having little purple calyxes to flowers that look like cat-tails! I can't wait to see what rhis year brings. Once I get things dry and manicured I'll give you guys a look at how the first stage of the first harvest went. I'm super happy. Spent a large part of this morning shaking plants by handcand removing any dead leaves or anything that could cause rot then I went over them with a leaf blower. I'll need to water tonight I imagine. WATERED AROUND 3:00 PM. MY FAVORITE GMO STARTED DROPPING. WATERED EVERYTHING A GALLON EXCEPT I SPLIT ONE GALLON ON THE PLANTS THAT HAD BEEN CUT. IM EXTREMELY TIRED BUT I NEED TO GO OUT AT NIGHT AND SEE IF I CAN FIND EARWIGS CRAWLING UP THE STALKS. WEATHER STILL LOOKS GOOD. BUDS SWELLING PISTOLS RETRACTING AND MORE AND MORE LEAVES DYING. I CANT BELIEVE THE SIZE OF THAT SATIVA LEANING HYBRID IN THE TEN!
Used techniques
Week 23. Flowering
6 months ago
16 hrs
24 °C
80 %
4 °C
76 L
6 L
Nutrients 5
General hydroponics cal mag 0.98 mll
Liquid kool bloom0-10-10 1.3 mll
Big Bloom - Fox Farm
Big Bloom 2.6 mll
9/17 Didn't know this was a new week or I would've taken more pictures. I'm glad I took those two plants. As it dries and I start to trim I could see where it could've turned to rot real easy. It rained enough last night to soak all the girls. The two bottoms I harvest look like the have pm on them. If so I'll wash it or through it in the concentrate bag. Found a few colas a dropped which will go in the concentrate bag. Scoping the toasted toffy and the event horizon and the both look AMAZING! I've scoped the others and I'm extremely impressed. They may be difficult to grow strains but they have high cannabinoid content. The sherb cream pie has really come to life and turned totally purple with beautiful flowers. The girl in the 50 has several soda can sized buds. I hope this weather holds up. I don't like flowers this size getting wet. The sativa leaning hydrid us the only one I may have trouble with. It's only in a 10 gal but it's enormous! If needed I coyld bring it inside at night. The buds look like cat tails. I'm used to growing indica dominant strains. Plant us super healthy though. I'll be intrigued jail for a while and I've gotta make contact with whoever is going to do my extracts. I'll keep this updated. It's a lot of work bur it's worth it. 9/18 WATERED EVERYTHING I GALLON BUT THE BOTTOMS OF THE 2ND EV AND THE TT WHICH EACH GOT A HALF. Since harvest I've noticed some pm spring up on the toasted toffy. Looking at the other event horizon through a scope the trichs are all milky with some amber. I'm just waiting for A LITTLE more amber. And for me to have time and or room. I decided to harvest the tops and majority of one of my event horizon and toasted toffy. Today during an inspection I found a couple grey mold branches and some botrytis on my big GMO on the back. This plant is done. It's by far the furyhest ahead. Septoria effected the yield a little but pistols were retracted and amber was at like 10%. I thought about it and I watched the plant next to it with the pm have a branch I supported just "slough off". Right in my face. I figured if there was a sign tjis was it. I cut that rot off and put the buds from the branch in a bag and froze them then I went around and harvested the limbs on the other plant that were furyhest along. I took about half of it. I could've taken more and maybe I should've but I'm tired. I also noticed a couple spots of grey mold on the plant in the 50. All the leaves were falling off. I finally scoped it and it was right whetr I wanted it to be. Looking at the colors I'm glad I spent so much time the past few days. That one I hung whole. The sherb cream pie has something eating the fresy shoots (probably ear wigs. But the buds are fattening and the trichs aren't quite there. I'm going to let the rest of this stuff go ad long as possible. With the exception of the other event horizon. I finally tried it. It's fucking killer. I could take that plant now. The only reason I'm not is because I have to much work on my husband's as is. I'll do some videos amd pictures but I'm tired as fuck. Got to try event horizon. Very fucking impressed! 9/19 The past 3 days I've been working 5 a.m. to dark. I went back and harvested the bottoms of the toasted toffy and event horizon 1. After injury from harvest they contracted wpm. I used this as a learning experience and put some away in the freezer for concentrates and used a peroxide and water bucket. That's what kills the p.m. anyway. I hung them and they spun in the wind. I blew them lightly with a leaf blower before putting them ok strings I had previously setup with a fan in front of it. I kicked ass today. Toasted toffy got sampled and did NOT disappoint. I had it in a jar though and it was green so I'm not counting this. I do have some dry. I have indoor left too. Like in the video that one GMO looks like it's fucking dying or something. I'd rather cut it and use it for concentrates if it effects my healthy plants. I just checked on that plant in the 50 I hung. It looks amazing under the scope and smells better. Decisions, decisions. I do have a few calls I should make sooner rather than later. We are supposed to be getting rain. 9/20 The past 3 days have been hard. The wife's medical stuff is acting up and I had to tend to harvesting a few. My whole body hurts. I even did my first bud wash yesterday! The ev and tt I took and left some buds on ended up covered in pm. So I decided fuck it and tried bud washing. I also froze some for extracts. Speaking of which I need to male contact with whoever I'm going with this year because I think I've reached the point of diminishing returns on that dieing GMO. When it comes to grey mold and botrytis I don't fuck around. Winds are really high today. Putting the scope to the sherb pie is making me second guess myself too. Oh well. It's not going to rain today. And if needed I can move them in the barn. If I get ahold of Mt processor I'll chop that GMO and bring it right there. The other thing is that I've got tons of weed and a lot of its hanging so I've gotta find someone that will do a batch of live rosin then like a elbow of dry. This is the best part of the year. We'll It's supposed to be. Cutting down good plants us bittersweet. I don't mind chopping that one gmo a little early though because it's close to hitting the point of no return. That little sativa dominant hybrid in the ten is HUGE! The buds are swelling like crazy too. It's got a COUPLE septoria spots but this thing is resilient and easy to move around. This will finish perfectly. So far I'm happy with what I have. I'm GRATEFUL. The two September plants I tried were GREAT. A 90/10 and an 80/20 and they both suprised me and got me exactly whete I wanted to be. I'll keep things updated. I did a video I'll upload. 9/21 Weather is still great and the buds don't even seem wet in the morning. The thing is is that something (rot or ear wigs probably both) have stripped lower interior branches. In some cases stripping them ENTIRELY or chewing the stem right off. It wasnt happening to my favorite GMO or the one in the 30 and the like on in the ten. The Sherb pie I noticed grey mold on 3 different branches. Last time I checked trichs it wasn't ready but I've got to get a handle on this mold/pests or it's going to he taken a little early. We have incliment weather coming Wednesday I think. I'll bring the 10 inside and if I have to I'll bring that perfect GMO in as well. I'm going to scope everything again today. I called a bunch of extractors for prices. I was going to do fresh rosin and just yank and drive but that is looking to be harder. I can get badder made CHEAP from a reputable lab. I think I'll do that. They prefer dry and that way I could through what's left from last year in there. I have this other one GMO that I've had the same issues with. I'm sick of removing bud rot or having to cut interior branches off due to pm. Tried toasted toffy and it was fucking amazing. I'm planning on trimmingvthe ev and if I finish I can bring the other one in. It's done. It's not getting any bigger. Trichs aren't changing. That GMO I am going to scope when I get home and it will be coming down in the next couple days. Otherwise I'll end up with half of what's there. The GMO I took the tops from is finishing up too. If I scope that and it looks decent and I have the time I'll take the remainder. I'm leaning towards doing at least a lb dry for extracts. I've got some frozen. I've got some hanging and most is still in the ground. I sleep on all major decisions. However, I know getting my nice buds soaked when I'm already losing shit to budrot and grey mold isn't the smartest thing. I'll probably take what I can and bring the others inside to keep them safe. I didn't think I'd have this much quantity. I knew quality would be good but this isn't a bad year quantity wise either. I'll keep this updated. 9/22 Busy as hell! Rain coming Tuesday. After a final check of the scope and the flowers and I took the GMO that all the leaves had fallen off of. That plant is going straight to extracts with the one in the thirty. I also "finished" harvesting that GMO that was furthest along. Trichs were getting amber. Been in trim jail. Was going to take the Sherb Pie but I'm not seeing amber yet. I did have to cut off some branches that had rotted. I'll keep an eye on it. It will come down when it's ready. It just sucks losing little bits of it. My favorite GMO is sooooo close to perfect. I should just take it but I'll wait. If we get rain I'll bring that and the sativa looking one in the ten is the barn. Back to work now. Before I forget what strain is what lol. 9/23 Still busy as fuck. I chopped the other event horizon amd hung it whole. It's DONE and it doesn't need to go through the rain storm. I also took the majority of the GMO early pheno. What's left will get plucked off and used for extracts. The big one in the 50 is getting dry. I have finished the event horizon and I'm not "finished" with the toasted toffy but I have it in 5 gal buckets with a food grade lid so u can at least cure correctly. The gmo is still hanging. I'm wondering whether I should wait it out or chop. I'm gonna take care of what I have inside first and hope that shit doesn't eat my plants or that it doesn't rot off. That perfect GMO has one branch with some grey mold. I might cut it off. I'll keep this
1 comment
Used techniques
Week 24. Flowering
6 months ago
16 hrs
24 °C
80 %
4 °C
76 L
6 L
Nutrients 5
General hydroponics cal mag 0.98 mll
Liquid kool bloom0-10-10 1.3 mll
Big Bloom - Fox Farm
Big Bloom 2.6 mll
9/24 Busy as fuck and personal emergencies always hit during harvest season. I took a few tops from my favorite gmo just so I have some if the weather fucks me. I'll take more today probably. WATERED YESTERDAY. I'll post pictures of dry flowers and do the reports. Three are still standing. That huge gmo is going to extracts though. 9/25 9/26 We are getting a week of rain. After looking at my trichs I decided to pull the GMO's I had left. I was sick of cutting branches due to grey mold and I was starting to lose buds to botrytis. Trichs got to about 10% amber on most. Maybe more. I worked like a mule. I was going to leave my favorite gmo and the sherb pie. However, my wife had multiple medical emergencies that required hospitalization. I couldn't risk letting my girls turn to mush if she had to stay. I'm glad with my decision. Everyone now I see is asking about bud rot and pm cures. This happened at the same time last year. She was hospitalized during late late flower. I couldn't keep this updated and I took the plants ad quickly as I could and rough wet trimmed some of them. Some plants got hung whole. I have been in trim jail. I have finished two plants and that is working my balls off. The one in the fifty and the event horizon. I'll do the harvest reports and add pictures but with my wife how she is and the work load I'm going to have to wait. I also left buds to ripen right before the rain and got lots of nice amber flowers that I froze to make a temple ball. I have lots of content. I just need time and a place to do it. I have one lone survivor. The seedling in the ten that seems to be a sativa hybrid. She's a beast and I think can handle the rain due to the fluffy buds. If I see problems I could easily carry it inside. I'll be back with some pics and videos but for now breaks. 9/28 Busy as FUCK. SICK. Been in and out of the hospital with the wife. Looking back on diaries she's in the hospital when I'm harvesting the past few years. I got two strains curing right now. I got a shit ton drying and I'm in trim jail. I haven't taken picturesor been on here but ill be more active i just havent hadcthe time. I'll wait until shits dry and I can do my harvest reports. I'll look to see if I have any pictures I can upload My sativa hybrid survived the rain. All this rain has made its leaves turn yellow and start to drop. It needs food I think. I'll check the trichs but I know it's not ready. The buds are like soda bottles but they are loose. Like a string of calyxes. I don't flgrow sativas so I'll have to ask for some help. I'm trying to decide if I should feed it. It looks hungry. I'm going to have to scope it and then I'll feed if necessary. I'll take pictures and a video when I have the chance. 9/29 Rain stopped and the sun came out. I need to take some pictures and put them up here and do a harvest report. My little BIG Sativa hybrid in the ten got scoped today. It's weird it's starting to foxtail some. . I've had tons of emergencies but I've bern kicking asses and taking names. I've got one GMO (one pheno was much faster flowering than the others), one event horizon and the sherb pie all curing. I'm just waiting on the others to dry. I've got a couple gmos that are just going to extract. One is really nice though and I'm keeping it for smoke. That's trimmed too. I have been working on the other event horizon which will be done today because it's time for it to be cured. I am sick and sore as fuck but I know how important this is and it's mine and my wife's medicine for the year. Sherb pie was a let down quantity wise but I let it get eaten by ear wigs for too long. I've got to get back to it but when I get it done I'll take the pictures and do the reports reports but this breaks over. I've got a BUNCH of fresh frozen too that I'm planning on running bubble hash with and aging a temple ball.
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Used techniques
Week 25. Flowering
6 months ago
16 hrs
24 °C
80 %
4 °C
76 L
6 L
Nutrients 5
General hydroponics cal mag 0.98 mll
Liquid kool bloom0-10-10 1.3 mll
Big Bloom - Fox Farm
Big Bloom 2.6 mll
October 3rd. I've got to take some pictures and do my harvest reports. I did better quantity wise than I thoughtvi would. Quality is better than expected as well. I have everything else curing. I have some buds in a bucket that aren't MANICURED to my liking but good enough to cure. I've got some stuff hanging but its just going in a bag and to the lab for extracts. Let's talk about the girl that's still out there. Weirdest plant ive ever grown. Ive showed felliw growers and one said it looks like a reveg but it's not. Those pistols were already there. There are no rounded leaves or leaves with three fingers or one finger. Everything else is normal. I cut a bud off yesterday. The very bottom branch and it was thick and full. It's strange the bottom branches seemed to fill in butcthe colas havecthe outline of a two liter soda bottle bur looks like a string of pearls. Just foxtail. Even the buds that are thick still have foxtailing. The tips of the buds are skinny and I thought they might be dieing. I louped it and it is just a dark purple with trichs on top of trichs. My buddy that owns a dispo told me ge thinks it's a mutant. It's like calyxes on top of calyxes. Trichs are milky with some amber. It rained last night. I shouldve followed my intuition and took it. Oh well. It looks OK this morning. I've had to cut ONE piece of rot of this plant. My buddy said this is a perfect plant to wash. I don't give a shit about the structure or what it looks like. It's just my medicine. I'll try it before I throw it in a bag that's getting shipped to the lab. I'll try to keep this as updated as I can however this is a super busy time and I gave a lot going on so it will be a few days before I got my harvest reports done.
Week 26. Harvest
4 months ago
Happy Harvest Day!
I had 4 GMO clones. 1 in a 30g bag 3 in 20's. Two and a third of the plants went to extracts and created some of the most flavorful badder I've ever had (thanks to Delta Solution Labs). This extract is pungeant and stiff! That was two and a half plants and the ones that I had trouble with and had been treating. The flower is just like the extract. Pungent extremely tasty with a great high. I've had GMO several times but this is my first time growing it. I could've let it go a little longer but those around me that did just got more rot. I'm extremely happy with this strain. It treated me well. I'll do the other plants in with the other ones. I never took to many pictures so these are really just when I remember and am rolling a joint. I'm gonna try to get this shit done and link the other strains in cause they turned out FIRE.
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Spent 179 days
Ger Veg Flo Har

Day air temperature
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Lamp distance
Im gonna try to finish all these harvest reports and upload more pictures unfortunately during harvest my wife had some medical problems. GMO seemed to be pretty resistant to the molds and mildew. This grew amazing dense flowers that have a very pungeant smell. The buds weren't as tight as the event horizon but I was very happy with the yield this strain gave me. This strain also seems very resilient to stress. We had some HORRIBLE weather. Wind and rain and broken branches but it survived all that and thrived. Medicinally this strain works great to unwind and relax. I get lots of anxiety and pain relief as well as an uplift in mood. I don't get the garlic mushroom onion taste. Mine came out a little more gassy with an earthy kinda taste.
Equipment Reviews
Week 26. Harvest
4 months ago
Happy Harvest Day!
I did this but it didn't save. I'll do it
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Spent 179 days
Ger Veg Flo Har

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Event Horizon was a pleasant surprise! Grew short and stout with minimal stretching. Both plants seemed to have revegged or had been monster cropped. Tons of budsites. The flowers themselves were some of the desnest ive ever grown and didnt shrink much. I really enjoy this strain. It's definately a couch lucky indica but it promotes some pretty philosophical thoughts. At least with me. This is a great strain and one I think I'll probably grow again. It got tromped on but made it through all the adversity. This ones deginately a winner. I have two other strains i need to review.
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Equipment Reviews
Week 26. Harvest
4 months ago
Happy Harvest Day!
This strain struggled the most. It has a large stretch and finished after the other strains. I tried to let it finish as best I could but pests and rot led me to take what wad left before I lost it all. It was a beautiful plant though with florescent pink and light purple colors and a real fruity smell. Indoors this plant might do alright but it didn't do well in the Maine climate. It seemed to stress out more than the others and drank less water despite being nearly the same. This was a favorite of the earwigs who seemed to lollipop the entire plant. Not a strain id grow again due to difficulty and low yield. All said and down I only got about 3 and a half jars out of a twenty gallon grow bag. That's the worst yield I've had other than completely losing shit and that mutant foxtail.
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Spent 179 days
Ger Veg Flo Har

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I'll get back to this but this plant was a let down for me. Especially considering how pretty it looked. The flower I DID get is good but not as good as some of my others.
Equipment Reviews
Week 26. Harvest
4 months ago
Happy Harvest Day!
Oh what could have been! This plant grows short and stocky with very little stretch. The flowers are ROCK hard and shrink very little when dried. Unfortunately this girl caught a bout of leaf septoria which hurt the yield and potency I ultimately ended up using the majority in extracts as I wanted to keep more GMO flower. Despite its difficulties it continued to grow like a compact shrub and was able to finish. The small amount I kept I used to try the Jorge cervantes bud wash. The water wasn't nearly as dirty as I thought it would be but I didn't wash much. Regardless this strain is pretty much what you would expect for an indica. Nothing I'll grow again as I feel there are better options for
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Spent 179 days
Ger Veg Flo Har

Day air temperature
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This week I smoked a bunch of joints. I roll them as big as I want. I also smoked a bunch of my dabs. Adding the little bit of toffy to the gmo came out great!
Equipment Reviews


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masterofsmeagolcommentedweek 510 months ago
I've gotten 150 views on this diary but not one "like". Come on growmies you can do better than that!
Legendaryseedthumbcommentedweek 256 months ago
Wow, nice! This looks fantastic. Happy that I looked at your page. I just started 2 new diaries come by if you have time over, would be fun. 👨🏽‍🌾🤩
masterofsmeagolcommented6 months ago
@Legendaryseedthumb, I will man. I need to finish processing and take pictures of finished product and do the harvest reports but I will stop by my friend!
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Grow_Shack_Kevcommentedweek 226 months ago
Blow the dew off of them with a leaf blower or blow dryer on cool setting and it will prevent powdery mildew from forming. Really helps to prevent it
masterofsmeagolcommented6 months ago
@Grow_Shack_Kev, I shake them every morning before I hit them with the leaf blower. I got a battery powered and it works great! I do have p.m. on that big gmo in the middle but I've been treating it. That will either get a Cervantes wash or go to concentrates.
Ghrimcommentedweek 207 months ago
GREAT outdoor grow!! Good luck and happy growing 🌱
masterofsmeagolcommented7 months ago
@Ghrim, hey, thanks growmie! It's a tough climate but I work hard and try to do my best with it. It feels good when someone recognizes the hard work put in. I appreciate the positive vibes.🙏 Happy growing!
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masterofsmeagolcommentedweek 217 months ago
I know there are some great outdoor growers on here. If any of you have time to look through my diary amd share constructive criticism that would be awesome. Thanks in advance. Not doing clones again. Seeds are where it's at. You knowcexactly what you're getting. Every strain I have is "hard" difficulty growing.
masterofsmeagolcommentedweek 1a year ago
I've tried to start this diary numerous times. The site was down once. It took all the information I had used and went back to anearlier point and I had to start again.
Blaarcommentedweek 187 months ago
slick man, outdoor farm setup.
Blaarcommented7 months ago
@masterofsmeagol, dream space. and probably some dope toke. 😍😋
masterofsmeagolcommented7 months ago
@@Blaar, thanks growmie!
Suemchencommentedweek 178 months ago
Nice looking plants you have 🤗
masterofsmeagolcommented8 months ago
@Suemchen, thank you!
masterofsmeagolcommented8 months ago
@Suemchen, Thank you!
BigBudGuycommentedweek 139 months ago
I am not seeing any pistils. Nice garden!
BigBudGuycommented9 months ago
@masterofsmeagol, I see them now. They are clones so they are already sexed and will show hairs periodically during veg. It is not an indication they have started to flower. Best of luck getting them to the finish line.
masterofsmeagolcommented9 months ago
@BigBudGuy, go to last week. I took pictures but it's progressed a lot since then. With all the rain it's been hard to stay current with pics.
KushPartycommentedweek 187 months ago
Looks awesome
masterofsmeagolcommented7 months ago
@@KushParty, Thank you!
Legendaryseedthumbcommentedweek 187 months ago
Hello, nice to see your page! Good luck with everything! If you have any time to spare please come by my page I just started a new journal!!🙌🏼
masterofsmeagolcommented7 months ago
@Legendaryseedthumb, Thank you! I'll swing over and say high.
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Northern_Entcommentedweek 139 months ago
Separation anxiety can be quite real for cannabis growers. Cheers, and good luck. Plants will be fine for a week as long as they’re watered.
masterofsmeagolcommented8 months ago
@Northern_Ent, Thank you. I already have an anxiety disorder so this just compounds it. I monitor over my cams and dad's FaceTime. They've been fine every other time I've come here. I still worry though. Thank you for the words of encouragement! Makes it easier to relax!
groencommentedweek 119 months ago
Watching along :) wishing you best of luck
masterofsmeagolcommented9 months ago
@groen, thanks bud! I appreciate that!
Northern_Entcommentedweek 109 months ago
Good luck in the heat. Not that it’s been a thing this year, but in high heat I find that misting the air during peak sun helps take the edge off the heat with evaporative cooling (swamp cooler) and spraying the black grow bags (or shading them) helps keep the roots cool. Also potassium silicate keeps the stems tough. Good luck.
masterofsmeagolcommented9 months ago
@Northern_Ent, Thanks! Luckily hey made it through the heat with no problems!
yOlzzzcommentedweek 910 months ago
Bon courage mon pote ça a l'air bien !! Bon courage pour la suite !! Je suis ton journal à partir de maintenant !
masterofsmeagolcommented9 months ago
@yOlzzz, Thank you! Happy growing my friend!
TurbineJunkiecommentedweek 610 months ago
Good luck with the grow! Seems like a good start to me!
masterofsmeagolcommented10 months ago
@@TurbineJunkie, thanks bro!
JamesBarrecommentedweek 256 months ago
Magnifique variété mon pote 👍😌
Organic_Gcommentedweek 236 months ago
Whats up Growmie, nice Grow keep up the good work 👌🏽🍀 check out mine, maybe you got some tipps 🙏🏽 don‘t forget to Like & follow if you like my organic grows 💯
KushPartycommentedweek 187 months ago
Looks awesome
KushPartycommentedweek 187 months ago
Looks awesome
the end.
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