Hello everyone week 1 has passed for this Auto Cinderella jack from Dutch Passion 😎 this plant is doing very well growing at fast pace and with a beautiful green colour on the leaves. Mars Hydro FC-E6500 25% wish you all happy growing!
i think pistills are changing more oranger this week.. but i guess buds are not growing fat this week .. something isn't right...
Very nice this is my 4th run with triple and seems i have now mastered her! With extra supplements and additives i was able to acheive this beauty! She has very nice structure and potencty is up there! I recommend this to anybody!!! She smokes like 30% strain The Teprs are out of this world 😍 The buds looks 10/10
She’s tripled in size and doesn't seems to have stopped stretching yet. I had to zoom my camera out to get her photo. Moved lights up again and she’s back to being 6” under. Up they go again. Lots of nice pistils growing all over. She’s getting thirstier too, upped feeding to 2 litres a day to produce 10% run off (2 watering a day in total). I’m going to defoliate a bit this week. The last photo is of 4 of her clones, suppercropped in solo cups, growing at 90 degree angles 12/12 on a little shelf.
GLF - 2g - 24” mainline OLP 2 - 2g - 20” topped OLP 3 - 2g - 18” topped (and broke 2 branches!) OLP 4 - 2g - 15” topped, LST & super cropped OLP 1 - 500ml x4 - 10” super cropped Little bit of defoliation on bottom and centre. All doing well. Increased water needs. Flowers starting to develop. The OLPs are a week behind because the timer in their tent was flipping back and forth between 12-12 and 18-6 for about 10 days.. ooosie! Moms are being maintained as little bonsai plants in solo cups in my back bedroom near the window with a single 100w panel set to 18-6. Being mostly neglected, infrequent watering, lean fertilizer, heavy defoliation.
GLF - 2g - 24” mainline OLP 2 - 2g - 20” topped OLP 3 - 2g - 18” topped (and broke 2 branches!) OLP 4 - 2g - 15” topped, LST & super cropped OLP 1 - 500ml x4 - 10” super cropped Little bit of defoliation on bottom and centre. All doing well. Increased water needs. Flowers starting to develop. The OLPs are a week behind because the timer in their tent was flipping back and forth between 12-12 and 18-6 for about 10 days.. ooosie! Moms are being maintained as little bonsai plants in solo cups in my back bedroom near the window with a single 100w panel set to 18-6. Being mostly neglected, infrequent watering, lean fertilizer, heavy defoliation.
Week -3 of flowering Stage 91 Octane is massive and looking the forming of her pistals and trichromes is very satisfying. Banana Daddy is also starting her blooming phase you can see her pistals in the video. The last Sugae Cane lates in flowering. She still doesn’t sign or start to see no pistals but she grow healthy and happy.
Video is just a clip of me explaining how I use instant compost tea in a squirt bottle to saturate the soil slowly, as well as foliar. Photo is day 19. Had the carbon filter hooked up, but wasn't getting enough airflow through this one, so I took it down. Temps were 24-26C@70-75% RH and down to 21C@60-70% RH after removing the filter. Not much to show this early, but they're gorgeous already! Looking forward to this, Nirvana has always been a winner for me. Updates will happen live @ and be saved under my vod highlights. Aiming to make super introductory tutorials (as I am no Guru) and get constructive feedback on my techniques. Trying to convert smokers to growers!
Salutations, my fellow cultivators and botanical enthusiasts! Welcome to the much-anticipated Week 3 Flower Report for our radiant queen, Jealousy, in the Power Buds competition. The journey through the flowering phase is akin to watching a mesmerizing performance, and Jealousy, true to her name, has us all captivated. As we transition into the third week of flowering, the grow room has transformed into a sanctuary of delicate buds, and Jealousy, adorned in green jewels, is perpetually in prayer. It's like witnessing a botanical congregation, where each bud is a devout follower, reaching for the heavens in pursuit of the ultimate floral nirvana. Now, let's talk about the delay. The ticking clock of the contest deadline has kept us on our toes, and yet, Jealousy stands resilient. Despite the time constraints, she continues to unfurl her petals with grace, and I can't help but marvel at her determination. It's like a race against time where our green queen is sprinting toward the finish line with unwavering resolve. In the midst of this floral ballet, the clones, those green offshoots of our regal Jealousy, have rooted with astounding success. It's like witnessing the next generation of botanical royalty sprouting from the roots of their majestic ancestor. These rooted clones are not just a testament to Jealousy's genetic prowess but also a green insurance policy for the future. And let's not forget the continuous prayer pose that Jealousy maintains. This phenomenon, known as "praying leaves," where the foliage points upward toward the light source, is a visual testament to the plant's happiness and optimal conditions. It's like Jealousy is sending leafy blessings to the botanical gods, asking for a plentiful harvest. As we navigate the third week of flowering, let's extend our gratitude to Zamnesia and Plagron, the silent architects of our green utopia. Their contributions continue to shape the landscape of our horticultural adventure. A hearty applause to the Grow Diaries community – your shared experiences and collective wisdom are the threads that weave the fabric of our green journey. To my fellow contestants and growers, may your buds swell with abundance, and may the contest deadline bow down to the prowess of your green kingdom. Here's to a week of perpetual prayer, botanical grace, and the anticipation of a harvest that will leave us all in awe. Stay green, stay inspired, and keep cultivating those dreams! As always, thank you all for stopping by, for the love and for it all. This journey of mine would just not be the same without you guys. The love and support are very much appreciated, and I feel honored and blessed with you all in my life !!! With true love comes happiness. Always believe in yourself and always do things expecting nothing in return, with an open heart. Be a giver, and the universe will respond in ways you can’t even dream of . Friendly reminder: all you see here is pure research and for educational purposes only. Genetics - Jelousy @Zamnesia Nutrients @Plagron Light - @viparspectra P2000 Room size - 3x3 - 0,9x0,9
Salutations, my fellow cultivators and botanical enthusiasts! Welcome to the much-anticipated Week 3 Flower Report for our radiant queen, Jealousy, in the Power Buds competition. The journey through the flowering phase is akin to watching a mesmerizing performance, and Jealousy, true to her name, has us all captivated. As we transition into the third week of flowering, the grow room has transformed into a sanctuary of delicate buds, and Jealousy, adorned in green jewels, is perpetually in prayer. It's like witnessing a botanical congregation, where each bud is a devout follower, reaching for the heavens in pursuit of the ultimate floral nirvana. Now, let's talk about the delay. The ticking clock of the contest deadline has kept us on our toes, and yet, Jealousy stands resilient. Despite the time constraints, she continues to unfurl her petals with grace, and I can't help but marvel at her determination. It's like a race against time where our green queen is sprinting toward the finish line with unwavering resolve. In the midst of this floral ballet, the clones, those green offshoots of our regal Jealousy, have rooted with astounding success. It's like witnessing the next generation of botanical royalty sprouting from the roots of their majestic ancestor. These rooted clones are not just a testament to Jealousy's genetic prowess but also a green insurance policy for the future. And let's not forget the continuous prayer pose that Jealousy maintains. This phenomenon, known as "praying leaves," where the foliage points upward toward the light source, is a visual testament to the plant's happiness and optimal conditions. It's like Jealousy is sending leafy blessings to the botanical gods, asking for a plentiful harvest. As we navigate the third week of flowering, let's extend our gratitude to Zamnesia and Plagron, the silent architects of our green utopia. Their contributions continue to shape the landscape of our horticultural adventure. A hearty applause to the Grow Diaries community – your shared experiences and collective wisdom are the threads that weave the fabric of our green journey. To my fellow contestants and growers, may your buds swell with abundance, and may the contest deadline bow down to the prowess of your green kingdom. Here's to a week of perpetual prayer, botanical grace, and the anticipation of a harvest that will leave us all in awe. Stay green, stay inspired, and keep cultivating those dreams! As always, thank you all for stopping by, for the love and for it all. This journey of mine would just not be the same without you guys. The love and support are very much appreciated, and I feel honored and blessed with you all in my life !!! With true love comes happiness. Always believe in yourself and always do things expecting nothing in return, with an open heart. Be a giver, and the universe will respond in ways you can’t even dream of . Friendly reminder: all you see here is pure research and for educational purposes only. Genetics - Jelousy @Zamnesia Nutrients @Plagron Light - @viparspectra P2000 Room size - 3x3 - 0,9x0,9
Salutations, my fellow cultivators and botanical enthusiasts! Welcome to the much-anticipated Week 3 Flower Report for our radiant queen, Jealousy, in the Power Buds competition. The journey through the flowering phase is akin to watching a mesmerizing performance, and Jealousy, true to her name, has us all captivated. As we transition into the third week of flowering, the grow room has transformed into a sanctuary of delicate buds, and Jealousy, adorned in green jewels, is perpetually in prayer. It's like witnessing a botanical congregation, where each bud is a devout follower, reaching for the heavens in pursuit of the ultimate floral nirvana. Now, let's talk about the delay. The ticking clock of the contest deadline has kept us on our toes, and yet, Jealousy stands resilient. Despite the time constraints, she continues to unfurl her petals with grace, and I can't help but marvel at her determination. It's like a race against time where our green queen is sprinting toward the finish line with unwavering resolve. In the midst of this floral ballet, the clones, those green offshoots of our regal Jealousy, have rooted with astounding success. It's like witnessing the next generation of botanical royalty sprouting from the roots of their majestic ancestor. These rooted clones are not just a testament to Jealousy's genetic prowess but also a green insurance policy for the future. And let's not forget the continuous prayer pose that Jealousy maintains. This phenomenon, known as "praying leaves," where the foliage points upward toward the light source, is a visual testament to the plant's happiness and optimal conditions. It's like Jealousy is sending leafy blessings to the botanical gods, asking for a plentiful harvest. As we navigate the third week of flowering, let's extend our gratitude to Zamnesia and Plagron, the silent architects of our green utopia. Their contributions continue to shape the landscape of our horticultural adventure. A hearty applause to the Grow Diaries community – your shared experiences and collective wisdom are the threads that weave the fabric of our green journey. To my fellow contestants and growers, may your buds swell with abundance, and may the contest deadline bow down to the prowess of your green kingdom. Here's to a week of perpetual prayer, botanical grace, and the anticipation of a harvest that will leave us all in awe. Stay green, stay inspired, and keep cultivating those dreams! As always, thank you all for stopping by, for the love and for it all. This journey of mine would just not be the same without you guys. The love and support are very much appreciated, and I feel honored and blessed with you all in my life !!! With true love comes happiness. Always believe in yourself and always do things expecting nothing in return, with an open heart. Be a giver, and the universe will respond in ways you can’t even dream of . Friendly reminder: all you see here is pure research and for educational purposes only. Genetics - Jelousy @Zamnesia Nutrients @Plagron Light - @viparspectra P2000 Room size - 3x3 - 0,9x0,9
Rückblickend war zwei mal düngen mit 100% ein wenig zu viel. Die Blattspitzen waren hier und da etwas mitgenommen. Es wird wohl in Zukunft auf zwei mal die Woche mit 75% hinauslaufen und mal gucken ob die Ladys das besser verkraften. Das erste PH-Messgerät was den Wert nicht korrekt angezeigt hat war letztendlich nicht die große Hilfe. Das passiert in Zukunft auch nicht mehr. Aus den kleinen Fehlern konnte man doch recht viel mitnehmen :) Trotzdem haben die Ladys alles gut überstanden und haben einfach riesig viel Spaß gemacht.
Greetings, fellow cultivators and guardians of the green realm! It's time to unravel the verdant tapestry in this Week 2 Flower Report for our reigning queen, Jealousy, in the Power Buds competition. The air in the grow room is humming with the promise of flourishing buds, and the journey through the flowering phase has been nothing short of sublime. As Week 2 of flowering unfolded, I found myself marveling at the sheer perfection of Jealousy's progress. She's become the embodiment of botanical grace, with buds forming and branches reaching for the heavens. It's like witnessing a botanical ballet where every move is executed with precision and elegance. Now, in the pursuit of perfection, a decision was made to embark on a defoliation expedition. The goal? To channel Jealousy's energy into the areas that truly matter, ensuring that each bud site receives the spotlight it deserves. This meticulous pruning is like sculpting a masterpiece, with each leaf strategically removed to unveil the hidden beauty beneath. And why stop at perfection when we can plan for the future? As an insurance policy for the green kingdom, a few extra cuts were taken. It's like stashing away green treasures, ready to sprout new life if the need arises. These clones are not just cuttings; they are the potential guardians of our botanical legacy. Jealousy, our green empress, took the defoliation with a regal poise. She's a resilient beauty, adapting to the changes with the composure of a true queen. The grow room is now a stage, and Jealousy is the star, radiating with the promise of a bountiful harvest. As we navigate the second week of flowering, let's extend our heartfelt gratitude to Zamnesia and Plagron, the unsung heroes of our green odyssey. Their contributions are the foundation upon which our botanical dreams are built. A standing ovation to the Grow Diaries community – your shared experiences and collective wisdom create a vibrant tapestry of knowledge. To my fellow contestants and growers, may your buds blossom abundantly, and may the fragrance of success linger in the air. Here's to a week of defoliation finesse, green elegance, and the anticipation of a harvest fit for royalty. Stay green, stay inspired, and keep cultivating those dreams! As always, thank you all for stopping by, for the love and for it all. This journey of mine would just not be the same without you guys. The love and support are very much appreciated, and I feel honored and blessed with you all in my life !!! With true love comes happiness. Always believe in yourself and always do things expecting nothing in return, with an open heart. Be a giver, and the universe will respond in ways you can’t even dream of . Friendly reminder: all you see here is pure research and for educational purposes only. Genetics - Jelousy @Zamnesia Nutrients @Plagron Light - @viparspectra P2000 Room size - 3x3 - 0,9x0,9
She really starting to stretch an flowering quickly. Nodes are perfect size apart 👌
Its been topped She does look a bit tired hopefully she’ll pick up
Just been moved to s bigger home for the next 2-3 weeks🌅🤙🏝️v
Just been moved to s bigger home for the next 2-3 weeks🌅🤙🏝️Q
Celebrating a fantastic week with your Rainbow Mints! Smooth sailing, no issues in sight. The vibrant colors and invigorating scents continue to enchant effortlessly. Here's to another trouble-free week of joy and beauty in your garden. Wishing you continued success and enjoyment!
Just been transplanted to bigger pot for snother 2-3 weeks 💪💪🌅
~ AirCube Active Oxygen Ebb/Flow System sponsored by GrowAce, featuring Strawberry Gorilla Auto by FastBuds ~ Well guy's and gal's here we go again on another exciting Autoflower run together! This time will be different as I will be doing a 'Hydroponic' run utilizing the AirCube Active Oxygen Ebb/Flow System by GrowAce, who were kind enough to sponsor me for this run, so it should be interesting to see what results I get and have some fun along the way! •Let me first tell you about this 6 Pot Ebb/Flow system from GrowAce: "The AirCube system is the one and only Ebb & Flow grow system on the market that combines the benefits of air pruning with a fully automated Ebb+Flow system! With the AirCube's proprietary fabric pot in bucket design, this system is guaranteed to outgrow any other Ebb + Flow system on the market. The results speak for themselves- grow MASSIVE roots that result in MASSIVE fruits! Air Pruning- Air Pruning only happens with fabric pots. As the roots reach the fabric walls of the pot, they penetrate and grow into the breathable fabric. Once penetrated, the roots are exposed to air, which causes the tips of the root to dehydrate and naturally prune themselves. This natural pruning process forces the roots to grow tons of lateral fibrous feeder roots. This results in a plant that utilizes the entire root zone and fills the entire pot with tons of roots. These fibrous feeder roots are incredibly effective in uptaking water and nutrients, resulting in a plant that grows healthier and more vigorously! Oxygen Benefits- Without oxygen, nutrient absorption cannot occur. On a molecular level, oxygen is needed to transmit nutrients across the cell walls and into the roots of a plant. With the AirCube's proprietary bottom lifted draining design, the system actively draws all of the water out of the bucket pulls vital oxygen into the root zone. Maximum Versatility with Any Grow Medium: The AirCube System is the only system on the market that allows you to use any growing medium you like. Use coco coir, soil, peat moss, perlite, vermiculite, hydroton, rockwool or any other medium you wish! This system is the most versatile Ebb and Flow bucket system in today's hydroponics industry. Temperature Control- with the fabric pots constructed with highly porous polypropylene fabric, heat dissipates easily and effectively. Unlike standard plastic pots, heat isn't trapped in the root zone. Heat in standard plastic containers can reach temperatures of up to 125 degrees. When this type of heat is trapped and unable to escape, it can damage your plant's health and limit the potential of your harvest. Growing in the AirCube System, plant roots grow cooler, healthier, and more vigorous. Largest Pots in its Class- this system features 5 Gallon grow buckets, the largest pot size of any other ebb and flow hydroponic system in the market. Modular and Expandable- start with 6 grow buckets and expand up to 36 grow buckets with the optional 105 gallons PopTank reservoir!" For my medium and nutrients I decided to also switch things up from my regular Organic runs, going with Plagron Nutrients and Root Royale 70/30 Coco/Perlite. When filling the fabric pots with medium, I first added just under a gallon of horticulture perlite from Nor-Cal as a base layer to ensure good drainage and then filled the remainder with the Root Royale. •Now for one of my favorites, and award winning strain from my friends at FastBuds... Strawberry Gorilla Auto: I'll be running Strawberry Gorilla Autoflower which is a 55/45 Sativa/Indica Hybrid. "ATTENTION ALL! Due to our continuous efforts in evolving our breeding process, we are proud to confirm that our Strawberry Gorilla Auto has now become one of the most potent autoflowers in the world! Paving the way to our recent success where she ranked on top & brought home the gold at the very first American Autoflower Cup in California. Moreover, she proved that not only modern autoflowers can compete with photoperiods, but they can even beat them in their field. At the most recent edition of the Farmer’s Cup and competing against various photoperiodic strains, Strawberry Gorilla Auto took home the title of 'Highest Combined Terpenes' in the highly sought-after 'Home Grow Hash' category, with an impressive 97.163 mg/g total terpene content! Our exceptional genetic selection's crowning Strawberry Gorilla Auto strain is a spectacular hybrid known for producing yields of up to 600 gr/m2 in 70 days. This is a very manageable grow that can reach heights of up to 150 cm - due to its magnitude we recommend it for more experienced growers, as a huge plant may be a little overwhelming for first-timers. This show stopping sativa heavy hybrid is perfect as an all day smoke, producing a taste bud tingling, pungent berry and diesel terpene-rich flavor combo that leaves you with a grin from ear to ear, a perfect choice for those looking for a day-and-night autoflower! "* *References:, ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The Setup: • AC Infinity 4x4 tent •AC Infinity Cloudline T6 Exhaust Fan w/ Controller 67 •HLG 650R w/UVA Bar *** For some reason GD does NOT have a listing for the USA version of the 650R so I selected the closest match to it. •AirCube Active Oxygen Ebb/Flow 6 pot System •TrolMaster Hydro-X Controller for light •AutoPilot APC8200 co2 controller fed by a 50# tank •16" Hurricane oscillating fan and 8" floor fan •Tent cooling via filtered outside air delivered by AC Infinity Cloudline T6 fan •BlueLab instruments: PH Pen and Truncheon Nutrient Meter ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Weekly Updates: 12/27- Week 8 of flower for the FastBuds Strawberry Gorilla's in the GrowAce AirCube Active Oxygen Ebb/Flow System and I'm getting ready to begin flushing these ladies in preparation for their finish removing any nutrients from the medium, letting the plant naturally use what it has stored and fading nicely. 12/29- Today I drained and cleaned the AirCube reservoir and 'brain bucket' and switched the system to 'auto drain' only. From here on out I will be manually watering with straight well water that is ph'd to 6.2-6.6 three times daily (one of which has RAW Yucca added to it) for a total of 5g run through each every 24hrs. After I water each through the top, I wait approx. 10-15min and then check the 'brain bucket' water level and to make sure that the pump kicks on, pumping the contents of the 'brain bucket' back into the reservoir. Once the reservoir has 10-15g of waste water in it, I go ahead and drain it out. 12/31- Yesterday I decided to pull all three Strawberry Gorilla's out of their AirCubes and place them on drip trays with risers to get a good flush on them, and I'm glad that I did! When I pulled out the first plant I immediately noticed an abundance of Fungus Gnats, which continued as I pulled the others! This was more than likely my fault due to too many feeds in a day. I probably should have lowered the feed schedule to 2-3 per day, and lowered the floats to not fill the buckets as high, allowing the medium to dry out more. I'm sure the cause was the coco being too wet at the surface for too long... live and learn! Today the ladies all look much happier seperated and are getting flushed once every other day now. I also have placed a bunch of yellow sticky pads in the tent to knock down the Fungas Gnats in addition to adding some diatomaceous earth, via top dressing, to all three plants to hopefully take care of the larvae in the medium. The #1 and #2 pheno's are both getting some beautiful red and pink coloration in their foliage now as well as getting frostier by the day! 1/1- 🎉🎊HAPPY NEW YEAR FAM!!!🎊🎉💚 1/2-Well folks, there's eight weeks of flower finished and only around a week to go! The flushing is doing its job and the ladies are all fading nicely. I'll be checking trichomes daily now, and anticipate putting one or more of the three in the dark for 3 days sometime later this coming week. I hope you stop by to check it out. 💚 Thank you for checking out my passion in life! Please visit as often as you wish and I hope you enjoy this journey as much as I know I will! Grow what you love, Love what you grow!💚