The sun has come back and they spent quite some time outside. They have been growing well and I started to try some LST. But something is not right, there are stains on the leaves, an insect and more interesting creatures or shrooms. I don't know what to do.
Always enjoy growing these awesome genetics looks like we're off to another great start with the first week
Day 64 🌤️🌥️☁️☁️ 11-19 degrees and the humidity is around 65%. I started into the tenth week with an intense check of the main buds. Some of the trichomes are milky but the most are still clear. Maybe I‘m wrong. Some days ago I could spot some amber trichomes but the flowers expanded and it‘s not possible to find anymore amber ones. Watered 500ml pure rainwater. Day 65 🌤️☁️🌥️☁️ Today Tropicana needs a rest. She just want to sit and do nothing except waiting for sunshine warming her heart. In the evening she asked for water, potting soil lost enough weight. 600ml with 60ml light fermented flower and herb tee. ~100 ml drainage with PH 6,2. In the main flower it was possible to find a small amount of amber trichomes. Day 66 🌤️⛅️🌤️🌤️ 10-21 degrees, humidity 45-65%. This morning I understood, that Tropicana was not thirsty yesterday, she need to breath oxygen with her roots to feel happy. The beautiful smell is way not so intense since last night. I missed the strong smell when I opened the door to our balcony in the early morning. So no watering yesterday would be better. And my banana peel tee is not free of nitrogen, same with the herb and flower tee. Less is more will be written in my diary in the next days (weeks). Watching Trichome TV: I see more amber and I see that she needs more time after all this stress which I made for her. She told me that she is not only sick of water, she told me, that she hate to be moved all the time, too. Every move from A to B she would loose tiny roots and this would stress her a lot. When I checked the moisture I spotted too many of this root fly castings. Their mamas and papas had their orgie about a week ago and now they are eating the mulch layer roots as if there will be no morning. This is not Tropicanas day. But the sun is shining and tomorrow will be another day. Hopefully with a nose full of this tasty fruity and woody citrus smell. Day 67 🌧️☁️☁️☁️ 13-19 degrees, humidity 42-80%. This morning the smell was more intensive like yesterday but still not like before. The leafs show the first signs of fading and I‘m very nervous. This night will fall a lot of rain for several hours. But a part of our balcony is canopied, so Tropicana will be a little bit protected by me this night. I don‘t want to make another mistake, so I use this possibility. Anyway the plants are always wet after a strong rain, it‘s just a little canopy, but not soaked with water. Day 68 🌧️☁️⛅️🌤️ 15-21 degrees and the humidity is 74-85%. Tropicana feels better. The smell this morning was much more intensive then the days before. Day 69 ⛅️🌤️🌥️☁️ 15-22 degrees, humidity 46-89%. Tropicanas flowers are swelling and while she is maturing her smell is getting more intense and complex. Right now mandarin and an earthy woody smell, sometimes even a bit sour like a mixture of pineapple and lime juice. It‘s possible to find new colors in the flowers. There’s purple and pink, orange and ocher brown appeared. Tropicanas main flower looks like the harvest time is near, but the trichomes are still clear and just started to get milky. Anyway she is incredible fast, especially if to remember the extrem conditions with minimal temperature around ten degrees in the early mornings. Day 70 🌧️☁️☁️🌧️ 17-23 degrees, humidity 63-94%. In the next days we will have humid thunderstorm weather. There is even a warning for huge hailstones for tomorrow. So there is a risk of damage and mold because of high humidity. I will have an eye on this. Tropicana looks healthy, so I‘m not worrying too much anymore.
The plants start to bloom. They are pretty late and dont look really healthy but lets see how they will develop. Peace and happy grow guys :)
Zkittles by Fast Buds Diary Care Routine: Watering: Every 2 days with SST (Sprouted Seed Tea) and a mild root stimulant. 💧 Nutrients: Adding Jungle Juice Grow (1ml) to the waterings. 🌱 Environment: Full day in 5-liter pots, 24 hours outside, receiving around 12 hours of indirect/direct sunlight. ☀️ Observations: Growth: First serrated leaves have emerged, showing healthy growth. 🍃 Strength: Plants are showing decent strength for their size, instilling confidence. 🌿 Health: Plants are healthy and robust, showing promising growth for this stage. 🌿 Outdoor Transition: These plants are now fully outdoor, ready to be warriors of the unknown. 🏞️ Sorry ladies . Description: Zkittles by Fast Buds is an autoflowering strain known for its delicious fruity flavor and potent effects. It offers a well-balanced high, combining relaxation with uplifting euphoria. 🌈🍬
week 6 day 39 first day outside after may holidays the wheather was bad, so not much light, but she growed well the flowers are growing nutrition: day 39: 0,4 litre water + 1,2ml mairol blütenwunder
Beginning of Week 2, Day 8 everything is looking good. Auto OG berry seeds 3/3 did not sprout. Dead seeds. everything else came within 2 Days after soil plantin Day 9 We noticed some weird leaf spots. Maybe ph off... we can' treat ph yet. Added low dose Grow nutes 1ml/l to at least counteract the water ph a bit. They grow super fast and the soil was a 50/50 mix with light soil so We figured maybe a few nutes couldn't harm them. Transplanting will be in about 4 Days.
woche 6 tag 39: 64 cm hoch etwas vergeilt, aufgrund des schlechten wetters und keinem zusätzlichen licht und einer Woche drinnen die blüte hat begonnen Düngung: tag 39: 150ml wasser + 0,45ml mairol blütenwunder (3ml/Liter)
week 9 day 61: the buds are growing well, first leaves turn yellow, I cutted some leaves height: 76 cm nutrition: day 61: 0,5 litre water + 1,5 ml mairol blütenwunder day 62: 0,5 litre water + 1,5 ml mairol blütenwunder
Die Mädels legen richtig los und machen endlich weiter mit Höhenwachstum. Die Töpfe sind seit ca 10 Tagen durchwurzelt. 2L Wasser reichen Max 5 Tage meist eher 3-4Tage. 1x wöchentlich 7ml/L düngen funktioniert meistens sehr gut. Die neue europäische Dünger Serie von Advanced Nutrients ist super!
im growing 1 out of the 3 seeds i dont grow every seed at ones
Noticed runoff ec getting high in week 4 Increased runoff to lower it below 3. Plants drink around 1.5 l a day each. On 14.06 I gave them bioenhacer, trikologic and biofuse mix. 60 l of nutrient solution is sufficient for around 3 days.
Second Week 16 Tops This Is My Main Plant In Flower Now i grow with Flora Products Flora is my best to grow with
🖐️👨‍🌾 Bienvenidos entusiastas de la marihuana clandestina y orgánica! Segunda semana desde el cambio de horario a 12/12h, la planta ha continuado estirándose, esta semana otros 10cm, pero no hay problema, porque ninguna planta va a pasar de los 70cm de altura que era mi objetivo inicial. La planta está con el metabolismo disparado, consume mucha agua de riego y los brotes florales comienzan a tomar protagonismo, las fuertes ramas están preparadas para soportar cogollos monstruosos, yo también! Por en cuanto estoy esperando pacientemente que todos los cultivos paren el estiramiento, creo que será en estos días, para hacer un importante cambio de luces y comenzar con mi arsenal de Bio Fertilizantes específicos para floración. Yo cultivo con luces intensas con temperaturas de color apropiadas en cada etapa, para provocar mayor fotosíntesis y favorecer al tiempo la compactación de la planta en crecimiento vegetativo y para producir cogollos muy grandes y densos en floración, a la vez, la mayor captación de energía provoca mayor consumo de agua y nutrientes, y si el sustrato y las raíces han llegado a floración preparadas, el sistema lo completo con control de temperatura/humedad y máxima aireación en la carpa de cultivo, lo cierto es que esta parte no me da problemas, pues mantengo la carpa muy aireada y fresca sin sobrepasar los 26°C en los ápices, la humedad en mi casa no es problema. Yo no le tengo miedo a la intensidad de luz y sólo soy precavido con la temperatura/humedad por la circunstancia de cultivar en interior y macetas, porque he vivido en diferentes lugares sub tropicales, he visto también cultivos de marihuana en África y he comprobado la intensidad de la luz solar, las luces artificiales son un mero juego comparadas con el sol, y el calor de esas zonas y como se desarrolla el cannabis espectacularmente! Esta temporada todas las plantas se muestran muy saludables y vigorosas, esta vez conseguí alejar mi impaciencia con relación a la cantidad de riego, los experimentos radicales y las altas concentraciones de Bio Nutrientes en la etapa de crecimiento vegetativo, y se nota. A partir de ahora las mezclas de riego cambian mucho, la planta en floración necesita más variedad de nutrientes y minerales que en la etapa de crecimiento vegetativo, donde necesita más cantidad pero de menos variedad de nutrientes y minerales. Con el último riego hice un aporte de una mezcla de enmiendas secas al sustrato, en ese mismo riego incluí melaza para dar energía extra a los Microorganismos y que comiencen a comer este aporte extra de materia orgánica, nutrientes y minerales. Esta temporada estoy limitando el uso de melaza en riegos, hasta ahora la usaba en todos y en cada uno de los riegos, desde el inicio hasta el final de los cultivos. pero esta temporada he usado la melaza sólo en las primeras semanas de cultivo para potenciar la proliferación de la Microbiología en el sustrato y la expansión de las raíces, y desde hace dos semanas dejé de añadir melaza cuando las plantas han tenido un volumen importante, ahora, del aporte de azúcares para dar energía a los MM se encargará la propia planta, no es que haya observado anomalías evidentes por el uso continuado de la melaza, pero no quiero influir en el sabor ni en los aromas originales de las plantas. HASTA LA PRÓXIMA... SALUDOS A TODOS! ================================ Info de la cepa Black Lebanon de Super Sativa Seed Club: https://supersativaseedclub.com/cannabis-seeds/black-lebanon.html "Esta es la Black Lebanon original que data de los años 80, una auténtica planta de Hash..." Super Sativa Seed Club - Genética: Landrace - Indica dominante - Tiempo de Floración - 09 semanas - Rendimiento en interior: 500 g/m² - THC: 20% - Sabores: Hachís, bayas, afrutado, ligeramente terroso ================================
Day 64 🌤️🌥️☁️☁️ 11-19 degrees and the humidity is around 65%. I started into the tenth week with an intense check of the main buds. Some of the trichomes are milky but the most are still clear. Maybe I‘m wrong. Some days ago I could spot some amber trichomes but the flowers expanded and it‘s not possible to find anymore amber ones. Watered 500ml pure rainwater. Day 65 🌤️☁️🌥️☁️ Today Tropicana needs a rest. She just want to sit and do nothing except waiting for sunshine warming her heart. In the evening she asked for water, potting soil lost enough weight. 600ml with 60ml light fermented flower and herb tee. ~100 ml drainage with PH 6,2. In the main flower it was possible to find a small amount of amber trichomes. Day 66 🌤️⛅️🌤️🌤️ 10-21 degrees, humidity 45-65%. This morning I understood, that Tropicana was not thirsty yesterday, she need to breath oxygen with her roots to feel happy. The beautiful smell is way not so intense since last night. I missed the strong smell when I opened the door to our balcony in the early morning. So no watering yesterday would be better. And my banana peel tee is not free of nitrogen, same with the herb and flower tee. Less is more will be written in my diary in the next days (weeks). Watching Trichome TV: I see more amber and I see that she needs more time after all this stress which I made for her. She told me that she is not only sick of water, she told me, that she hate to be moved all the time, too. Every move from A to B she would loose tiny roots and this would stress her a lot. When I checked the moisture I spotted too many of this root fly castings. Their mamas and papas had their orgie about a week ago and now they are eating the mulch layer roots as if there will be no morning. This is not Tropicanas day. But the sun is shining and tomorrow will be another day. Hopefully with a nose full of this tasty fruity and woody citrus smell. Day 67 🌧️☁️☁️☁️ 13-19 degrees, humidity 42-80%. This morning the smell was more intensive like yesterday but still not like before. The leafs show the first signs of fading and I‘m very nervous. This night will fall a lot of rain for several hours. But a part of our balcony is canopied, so Tropicana will be a little bit protected by me this night. I don‘t want to make another mistake, so I use this possibility. Anyway the plants are always wet after a strong rain, it‘s just a little canopy, but not soaked with water. Day 68 🌧️☁️⛅️🌤️ 15-21 degrees and the humidity is 74-85%. Tropicana feels better. The smell this morning was much more intensive then the days before. Day 69 ⛅️🌤️🌥️☁️ 15-22 degrees, humidity 46-89%. Tropicanas flowers are swelling and while she is maturing her smell is getting more intense and complex. Right now mandarin and an earthy woody smell, sometimes even a bit sour like a mixture of pineapple and lime juice. It‘s possible to find new colors in the flowers. There’s purple and pink, orange and ocher brown appeared. Tropicanas main flower looks like the harvest time is near, but the trichomes are still clear and just started to get milky. Anyway she is incredible fast, especially if to remember the extrem conditions with minimal temperature around ten degrees in the early mornings. Day 70 🌧️☁️☁️🌧️ 17-23 degrees, humidity 63-94%. In the next days we will have humid thunderstorm weather. There is even a warning for huge hailstones for tomorrow. So there is a risk of damage and mold because of high humidity. I will have an eye on this. Tropicana looks healthy, so I‘m not worrying too much anymore.
Week 2. Just the normal stretch. Nothing eventful. After this week, I'll be giving random weekly updates due to my busy schedule.