Tag 63 - Beginn der 10 Woche. Die Blätter haben sich diese Woche leider weiter verschlechtert, Blätter vertrocknen und sterben ab, zudem kommt, dass ich an den einzelnen Blättern Anzeichen von Stickstoff oder Eisenmangel wahrgenommen habe. Deshalb habe ich den ph-wert weiter gesenkt um der Pflanze die Aufnahme der Nährstoffe zu erleichtern. Seit dem ich Mitte letzter Woche den pH-wert gesenkt habe, habe ich den Eindruck, dass das Blattsterben sich verlangsamt hat. Ich werde das weiter beobachten. Leider kann ich nach wie vor nichts gegen das übermäßige Licht und die Hitze an der Pflanzenspitze machen. Jedoch bin ich beeindruckt wie viele Fehler die Pflanze einem verzeiht, denn die Buds einwickeln sich weiterhin super, sind frostig und duften wahnsinnig süß! Ich bin weiterhin gespannt wie sie sich die nächste Zeit macht und werde weiterhin mein bestes geben um ihr den Stress zu reduzieren. Gedüngt wurde an Tag 58 der letzten Woche. Nährstofflösung: 1 ml/l - Sensi Cal-Mag Xtra Advanced Nutrients. 1 ml/l - Big Bud Advanced Nutrients 1 ml/l - Bud Candy Advanced Nutrients. 1 ml/l - B-52 Advanced Nutrients. 2 ml/l - pH Perfect Sensi Bloom Part A. 2 ml/l - pH Perfect Sensi Bloom Part B.
Today is day 91, looking healthy, looking nice, looking like there will be decent weight of them, no issues at all, missed a week as I've been busy but going to up there bloom, topmax and heaven by an extra mil this coming week,.. all looks brill, roll on next week
This was my first time growing ganja faremr seeds. Will definately grow more of these. Really loved growing them.
The girls are picking up on growth now and getting bigger and bigger everyday, look like the Zkittlez XL are growing so much better as it growing in the fabric pots better oxygen going through the root now its the end of week 3. It time to cook up some compost tea to feed these girls before they going in to the flowering stage after next week
Week 2 for our Garlic Cookies 🍪😋 from original sensible seeds We will switch to flower next week as we have quite some plants in the room and want to keep smaller plants. We added biogrow to the soil
All the plants have been given another good stretch and the flowers are constantly swelling. The odour is also becoming more intense. One plant of the Hardcore zoap is already getting a lot of brown hairs. The climate is a little 1 degree during the day and warmer at night, but still steady.
Ansioso luego de no plantar tras 2 largos años En solo 4 días las plantitas ya se ven saiendo
They got fed FLOWER as a nutrient tea, the lights are now full blast (on 10), and very little trimming was needed this week. There is very little growth upwards. They are the same height as last week. These ladies are looking great! 😍 The buds have big pistols (hairs)! They are getting covered in trichomes all around the buds, and forming loose colas. They seem like they are close to finishing?? Oh, AND they smell strongly of terpentine and that blue dream smell!
Day 56 They recovered from their transplant shock and are growing fast, almost 10cm in 1 week, I’ll flip them into flower next Saturday. Even tho I’m wasn’t that happy with how the veg stage went at the beginning, I feel like they are really happy with their environment. Still haven’t solved the nutrient burn completely.. as I’m not really able to flush them with high ph water to balance the low ph soil. I’m thankful for every advice 🙏🏾
Very happy with the result just few more days to smoke some weed thanks for everyone that helped me out when I asked for a question ❓ to help me out see you all for the next grow . Later Next week I will make a n update on the scale ⚖️ 😄