English: I decided to switch to 12/12 after week 6. The risk of the plants becoming too big for the tent was too great for me. Since switching to 12/12, I have also reduced the amount of water and am trying to push the EC in the substrate further in the 3.5-5 direction. I am still giving the full dose of Grow A & B and will continue to do so until week 3 or 4, depending on how they develop. I will also increase the PPFD from 500 to 900 within the first 3 weeks of flowering. Everything seems to be working well so far, the ladies are growing and also got their next defoliation at the end of the 1st week of flowering, as it was getting very dense. New updates coming next week :) Deutsch: Ich habe mich doch dazu entschieden nach Woche 6 auf 12/12 zu switchen. Das Risiko, dass die Pflanzen zu groß für das Zelt werden, war mir zu groß. Seit dem Switch auf 12/12 habe ich auch die Wassermenge reduziert und versuche dadurch den EC im Substrat weiter in die 3.5-5 Richtung zu pushen. Ich gebe weiterhin die volle Dosis Grow A & B und werde das auch weiter bis Woche 3 oder 4 tun, je nachdem wie sie sich entwickeln. Außerdem werde ich auch den PPFD Wert innerhalb der ersten 3 Blütewochen von 500 auf 900 hochfahren. Scheint so weit auch alles gut zu funktionieren, die Ladys wachsen und haben am Ende der 1. Blütewoche auch ihre nächste Defoliation bekommen, da es doch langsam sehr dicht wurde. Nächste Woche kommen neue Updates :)
putting on a lil more weight. ill give her 2 weeks max till harvest. the buds are starting to smell real nice and the canabinoids are forming. the strain is supposed to make 12% in ideal conditions, i belive i might even achive that with this less than ideal grow.
LAST WATER 6/4 6/5 The sun has been relentless and has caused some bleaching and burns on some older leaves. It seems that the gmos ate having the hardest time (except one). It's been extremely hot though. It's overcast and we are supposed to have thunderstorms and a few more mild days. Plants loved tje water yesterday. I hope it does rain. Plants are growing and seem to be surviving. Burns are on old growth. If I notice more I'll put my back tarp up which will block the sun in the afternoon and put them in shade. I wish I had done that earlier. Oh well. With what these girls have encountered and overcome I think I'll be OK. EDIT: IT WAS IN THE 80'S TODAY. PROBABLY HIT 90. I HAD TO GET MY CAR INSPECTED AND WAS GONE EXPECTING IN THE MORNING THAT THE THUNDERSTORMS WOUKD START. INSTEAD WE HAD A VICIOUSLY SUNNY HOT DAY UNTIL 4PM. AT 4PM SHIT HIT THE FAN AND IT RAINED SO HARD I WAS UNABLE TO DRIVE. I LIVE IN MAINE SO I KNOW HOW TO DRIVE IN INCLIMENT WEATHER. THIS WAS ANSOLUTE ZERO VISABILITY. I WANTED TO PUT A TARP UP TO SHIELD THE GIRLS FROM THE SUN BUT I WASNT ABLE TOO. WHEN I GOT TO THE GROW RIGHT BEFORE THE STORM IT HAD RAINED A LITTLE AND IT SMELLED SO GOOD. LIKE SOIL. I THINK THIS DOWNPOUR WILL REALLY HELP THE GIRLS. ONLY TIME WILL TELL. 6/6 Plants faired ok through the storm. The 3 earliest transplants and what WERE the nicest looking gmos are getting some burns and bleaching. It's all on old leaves though. I think they're pulling out of it and will grow through it. Some plants seem to not be stressed at all. With tje elements being the way they have I'm suprised they aren't far worse. I was going to put up my back tarp to block sunlight later in the day but I didn't. The burns are on the other sides of the plants and it's supposed to be overcast with showers for a full day. It's clear right now but the new growth and tops of the plants seem fine now. When I got there a few were limp. As soon as the sun came up though they all perked back up. Only time will tell. 6/7 Showers today. It's good to have a break from that horrific 80-90 degree weather with 90% rh isn't run for me or the plants. Plants are recovering from the burns quite nicely. Obviously the burnt leaves won't repair but they did a good job of shielding some of the others. Things are going. 6/8 Still overcast with showers. I removedc a couple burnt fan leavesxand accidently ripped off a bud site. 6/9 Another overcast day. Rained last night. Soil is saturated from all the rain we've gotten. Plants seem to be settling in nicely. The 3 GMOs that WERE the best looking plants are the ones in the worst shape. The got transplanted a day earlier in a lot of sun and wind. They're coming back though. I've noticed that after it rains and they get even a little sun they grow significantly. Those event horizons are tough. The toasted toffy is a reveg but it looks like its going to be a huge plant. I have the 3 seedlings still in small pots. I'll transplant them soon. 6/10 Overcast and a chance of showers. I removed a few bleached fan leaves on a few of my GMO'S that strain took the most damage. They are bouncing back though. We've had a few dayscof rain and milder weather. Few more days with a chance of showers then back to the sunny days. Plants seem to have come out of shock and out grown the light burn. After the rain, when the sun comes out they grow a noticeable amount. Things are still going fairly well. 6/11 Rained and I didn't do
06/10/2024 Roots roots Rootz!!!! Had to take out a few that weren't moving along!!!
Start Week 9. The leaves are slowly starting to turn yellow. I have now watered it for the first time with water 0.2 EC / 6.5 pH. The buds are developing great, the smell is becoming more and more intense. I'm looking forward to harvesting the lady in max 2 weeks.
La planta ya tiene al rededor de 76 días mientras el banco sugiere cosechar de 70-74 días, estamos atentos a que los tricomas comiencen a tornearse cafés, el 10% para cosechar, al parecer está a menos de una semana.
Starting the Global Grow Cup 2024 competition strong with Gorilla Zkittlez auto. Strain is a heavy feeder, produces dense bud, and is a perfect contender for a solo cup.
Ice Ice Baby from Frosty Hash Genetics Bred by: Powerzzzup (Cookies breeder) Mother: Gary Payton Father: Strawberry Surprise She is supposed to be a great washer for live rosin - we'll see how she does.
I did a defoilation this week to expose budsites and direct energy towards colas that have more potential for better buds. Everything is actually going much better than expected now she stretched so much. -
The temperatures, humidity, and watering volume(if measured) in grow conditions are all averaged for the week. The pH is soil pH. Any watering done by me is well water which is 7.6 pH and 50° F. Any listed nutrients are ml/gallon of soil. Day 1 we had partly cloudy skies, low humidity, and temps in the lower 80's. I watered about 1/4 gallons from the water hose for each pot. Day 2 we had lite showers in the morning, partly cloudy skies and temperatures in the low 80's the remainder of the day. The rain provided the water today. Day 3 we had showers in the early morning until afternoon. Then it was mostly sunny with high temperature around 79. I noticed a few spots of powdery mildew on the leaves. I removed the leaves. Day 4 we had lots of sunshine and temperatures in the low 80's. I watered about a half gallon out of the water hose. Day 5 we had thunderstorms, rain, and drizzle early morning and intermittently throughout the day. Temperatures were in the lower 80's. Day 6 we had thunderstorms and rain in the morning, then rain and drizzle intermittently throughout the day. High temperature for the day was 71°. It was raining so much I brought them inside. They've proven very resistant to boytritis, but this close to finish, I'm not testing them further. Four hours of rain in below 70°F temps at night is tuff enough. Day 7 we had lots of sunshine and high temperature around 84°. The #2 plant had a very mild outbreak of powdery mildew on the lower leaves this week. The #1 plant has proven immune. These girls are nearly finished. They've gotten loud smelling. The #2 plant smells like straight cat piss and very loud. The #1 plant smells like fruit roll ups berry and loud. I'll harvest these sometime next week. Over a very hardy strain that's taken a beating in the Ozarks Spring.
*****DIVINE SEEDS ***** *****FRACTAL***** SPONSORED GROW Week 9 6/2-6/8 Now at the start of week 9, my outside gals, except L. Cake are now in flower. Several pics show the very narrow new leaves and small white hairs evidence of flower formation. 6/7 This is the first time I’ve had to add nutrients to her feeding. Some lower leaves were yellow. Since I’ve been using amended soil, this indicates Fractal is a heavy feeder. Nutrients in soils are used up and she is starting to use her own food sources 6/7 5 gallons well water TPS1 60ml used 1 gallon per plant =12ml Cal-Mag 25ml used 1 gallon per plant =5ml Recharge 5ml used 1 gallon per plant =1ml Signal 1.25ml PPM 1414, PH 6.93, Temp 82.5 Note I do not have to PH adjust my well water. However, our city water comes out of the tap at 8.2 ph so I must PH down using the city line hose and my inside grows. ============ Germination April 6. Vegetation Week 1 water only Week 2 water only Week 3 added recharge and TPS1 increased ppm to 570. Week 4 continues with recharge and TPS1. I added Fox Cal mag increasing ppm to 685 - 805. Week 5 TPS1 9ml/gal Recharge 5 ml/gal Fox Cal-mag 5 ml/gal Week 6 5/12-19 Moved outside in 5 gal air pots receiving rain and well water. Week 7 5/19-25 Opium received only rain water for the last 2 weeks. Since I was in Colorado last week, I feel very behind on my diaries. Despite my absence, my outside gals did just fine. Opium loves the outside sun, breeze, and frequent rain. They love the natural rain and sunshine evidenced by vigorous growth. Thank you @DivineSeeds Thanks for the visits, likes and comment, I appreciate all the plant love💚. Have fun & love what you grow 💚 Sending you good vibes of love, light, and healing 💫 💫Natrona 💫 Sending you good vibes of love, light, and healing 💫 💫Natrona 💫 ***FRACTAL***a Rating: Fractal is an especially psychedelic strain that Divine Seeds developed for esoteric and mystical experiences, meditation and creativity. A potent and vivid landrace variety from Southern India was crossed with a sticky leaning Indica (mostly Afghani), then Skunk #1 joined this company. Their progeny underwent multiple selection experiments, until its massive built, resin concentration and hypnotizing powers reached an ultimate level. The result is now known as Fractal – resinous, spicy and productive. Best choice for commercial growing: a compromise between bigger yields and fast ripening! A great source of hashish that has something incense-like to its musky smell. Indoors expect 170 сm height, out of doors plants grow up to 200 сm. Fractal fits for all types of growing environment: grow boxes, hydroponic or aeroponic setups, outdoor plantations, balconies, terraces and green houses. For more weight it is recommended to train Fractal plants to broaden their structure and limit their vertical growth. For that purpose use ScroG or SoG, LST, FIM or topping, supercropping or mainlining – there are no limitations for the strain itself, but certainly low-stress methods are recommended to smaller samples. Fractal has an inherent immunity to molds and insect pests, but since its colas are thick, protect your plants from stale air. Also during rainy weeks your plantation may need to be covered. Ready for outdoor harvesting in October. Big and dense buds the color of olive, hunter green heavily coated with crystals. Whole Fractal buds smell hashy and earthy, while cedar and fruity hints are noticeable on breaking. Measure your portion carefully: the potency is above average! With Fractal you experience an overall stoning that either keeps you put or slows your motion down, also vertigo is possible. However, in moderate dosage the impact is described as a pleasant sensation of well-being and placidity. Perfect for spending a night by a bonfire without talking, therefore is more often enjoyed as a solo smoke. Efficiently relieves muscle spasms and seizures, inflammations, combats insomnia and increases your appetite. Up to 3 hours of altered state of mind can be expected. Best consumed at night time. Pots: 5gallon Air pots Soil Fox Farm Happy Frog Amended with worm castings, dolomite lime and mychorihiza Seeds provided by Divine Seeds Divine Seeds breeding company The link to Fractal Feminized Seeds Fractal - Divine Seeds breeding company The link to Fractal Auto Seeds Auto Fractal - Divine Seeds breeding company
Week 9 6/2-6/8 Now at the start of week 9, my outside gals, except L. Cake are now in flower. One of the last top view photos 6/2 of Opium shows flowers forming. She is over 6 feet tall. From the side view photo of Opium last week to the photos take 6/3 show a growth spurt compared to the zinnia in the flower stand behind Opium. This is the first week I’ve had to add nutrients to her feeding. Some lower leaves were yellow. Since I’ve been using amended soil, this indicates Opium is a heavy feeder. Nutrients in soils are used up and she is starting to use her own food sources. Our temperatures are nearing mid 80's with high humidity. The plants are requiring at least a gallon of water a day. 5 gallons well water TPS1 60ml used 1 gallon per plant =12ml Cal-Mag 25ml used 1 gallon per plant =5ml Recharge 5ml used 1 gallon per plant =1ml Signal 1.25ml PPM 1414, PH 6.93, Temp 82.5 Note I do not have to PH adjust my well water. However, our city water comes out of the tap at 8.2 ph so I must PH down using the hose or my inside grows, ============ Germination April 6. Vegetation Week 1 water only Week 2 water only Week 3 added recharge and TPS1 increased ppm to 570. Week 4 continues with recharge and TPS1. I added Fox Cal mag increasing ppm to 685 - 805. Week 5 TPS1 9ml/gal Recharge 5 ml/gal Fox Cal-mag 5 ml/gal Week 6 5/12-19 Moved outside in 5 gal air pots receiving rain and well water. Week 7 5/19-25 Since I was in Colorado last week, I feel very behind on my diaries. Opium received only rainwater for the last 2 weeks. She is 38 inches and has huge leaves. Some have 13 fronds on one leaf. She is taller than the cage support by 2 feet. I removed the peony cage support because Opium phenotype is tall and lanky. Sativa structure all the way. Week 8 5/26-6-1 Fractal And Opium from Divine Seeds love the natural rain and sunshine evidenced by vigorous growth. Opium is over 52 inches tall and her crown is above my eye level so you may not get anymore top views They love the natural rain and sunshine evidenced by vigorous growth. Thank you @DivineSeeds Thanks for the visits, likes and comments, I appreciate all the plant love💚. Have fun & love what you grow 💚 Sending you good vibes of love, light, and healing 💫 💫Natrona 💫 DIVINE SEEDS ***OPIUM*** Harvest:1000 g/m2 Divine Seeds developed Opium as a new champion strain, unprecedently powerful and loaded with unbelievable quantities of resin. Certainly, no average genetic base could be behind such brilliant parameters! Several Afghani Indica landraces, recognized as most potent and resinous, were bred together with a mighty Brazilian Sativa which Opium inherits its bright berry taste from. Then a great deal of work followed aiming for the highest THC level and endurability as well as a branchy structure that would provide maximal yields. Now we can proudly title Opium the best Indica you could dream of growing! Indoors these plants mostly stay mid-height (1.5 m), reaching up to 2.0 m out of doors. Depending on your height limitations, Opium flourishes universally in grow boxes, balconies, green houses and terraces. Due to its Afghani parentage, this strain can stand hot weather if provided enough water and some shadow. Responds well to any training techniques: ScroG and SoG, LST, topping and FIM, supercropping. The start of blooming is marked with a rush of growth, when plants stretch almost 1.4x. Expect heavy colas that often require additional supports. Whilst ripening, Opium gives off a pungent earthy stench with fruity and berry undertones, also a bit of pine. Ready for outdoor harvesting in October. The stoning psychedelic impact of Opium is like being hypnotized (unless you’ve had too much, then it feels more like a blackout). Stone-lovers will appreciate every minute with Opium: its spicy taste immerses your mind into daydreaming, while the body rests flat. Recreation with this psychedelic Indica means silent tripping from one insight to another. Mighty enough to kill chronical pains, Opium is also medically efficient against insomnia, nausea, appetite disorders, muscle spasms, headaches, irritation, fatigue, panic attacks, epilepsy. Best consumed at night time, the effects keep going for up to 4 hours. Equipment and nutrients Pots: 5gallon Air pots Soil Fox Farm Happy Frog Amended with worm castings, dolomite lime and mychorihiza Recharge Seeds provided by Divine Seeds Divine Seeds breeding company The link to Opium Feminized Seeds Opium - Divine Seeds breeding company
Today I have diced it is time to switch to 12/12 scheme. Net is almost covered and I am expecting some stretch during pre-flower phase. Watering volume is increasing day by day, thanks to my dehumidifier I can keep the VPD around 1.2. Temperature is a thing... probably need to cool down some in a few weeks. Thankfully I am already adding CO2 so that should do it. As you can see I have raised EC a bit. That was easier than bringing the PH down with PH-minus. Some little burned tips on the leaves but I do like the overall colour. So let's see how it goes.
Mainline week! Watering 5.8-6.2 Ph Par dialed to 295 with apogee meter Natures living soil+ natures pride veg+ recharge+ green amino acids+ brixs+ Mycos next week 400 water and pure water. Week 6 450-500 par into flower and will finish around 750 par more if the girls keep reaching. At Day 23: she’s looking a bit overwatered and stressed after her topping and mainline work she will bounce back on both fast end off week will have new cover crop showing and more growth will get pinned down to the bamboo!
Minulý týden jsem nestihl svou týdenní aktualizaci než jsem odcestoval. To ale nevadí protože rozdíl za poslední 2 týdny není tak veliký . Na začátku 14. týdne dostaly naposledy čaj od bio tabs. Nyní už jen čekám na sklizeň 🙂 možná jim seberu velké listy aby lépe dozrály (zatím se rozhoduji).