The Grow Awards 2025 🏆
~english below~ Beide Pflanzen entwickeln sich - trotz des nicht so guten Wetters - prächtig. Topf #2 ist nun 49 cm hoch und Topf #3 67 cm, der Größenunterschied bleibt stabil. Es entwickeln sich mehr und mehr Blüten, wie auf den Videos zu erkennen ist. Da es immer noch einigermaßen windig ist und ich nicht so recht weiß, was ich den beiden Pflanzen zumuten kann, hab ich beide mittlerweile mit Bambus Stäben abgestützt. Und durstiger sind sie geworden, mit einem Liter alle 3 Tage kommen die beiden aber aus. Der Duft wird auch etwas intensiver auf dem Balkon. Aber dank meiner Blumenkästen welche mit gut duftenden Blumen bepflanzt wurden, ist in der Umgebung nichts von meinen zwei Hübschen zu riechen. english Both plants are developing splendidly - despite the not so good weather. Pot #2 is now 49 cm high and pot #3 67 cm, the size difference remains stable. More and more flowers are developing, as can be seen in the videos. As it is still quite windy and I don't really know what I can expect from the two plants, I have now supported both with bamboo sticks. And they have become thirstier, but they can both get by with a liter every 3 days. The scent is also getting a little more intense on the balcony. But thanks to my flower boxes, which are planted with fragrant flowers, you can't smell anything of my two beauties in the area.
Wachsen ziemlich schnell und sehen gesund aus 👌🏽
Semana tranquila, lo único que observo es como algunos de los pistilos o estigmas empiezan a tostarse- Los cogollos siguen engordando. llevo arrastrando de hace un par de semanas algo de sobrefertilizacion , algunas puntas quemaditas y no quiero que vaya a más así que seguiré abonando suavemente sin pasarme con la EC. a una parece afectarle de manera especial la cantidad de luz y muestra albinismo.
Hey guys, update week 2 this week I decided to do a video update to change it up, I also didnt take the plants out of the plant this week just gave water. They are all happy and grow at a nice rate, still no fertilizer just water in Sonnenerde living soil, even though the size of them compared to the pot size makes me worry a bit. Lets see what the next week has in store as we continue this journey together. I have to say I like these genetics a lot, all making nice trichomes and developing a beautiful aroma, solid plants, not one of the 4 doing funky things. Solid genetics !
Hey guys, update week 2 this week I decided to do a video update to change it up, I also didnt take the plants out of the plant this week just gave water. They are all happy and grow at a nice rate, still no fertilizer just water in Sonnenerde living soil, even though the size of them compared to the pot size makes me worry a bit. Lets see what the next week has in store as we continue this journey together. I have to say I like these genetics a lot, all making nice trichomes and developing a beautiful aroma, solid plants, not one of the 4 doing funky things. Solid genetics !
Hey guys, update week 2 this week I decided to do a video update to change it up, I also didnt take the plants out of the plant this week just gave water. They are all happy and grow at a nice rate, still no fertilizer just water in Sonnenerde living soil, even though the size of them compared to the pot size makes me worry a bit. Lets see what the next week has in store as we continue this journey together. I have to say I like these genetics a lot, all making nice trichomes and developing a beautiful aroma, solid plants, not one of the 4 doing funky things. Solid genetics !
Hey guys, update week 2 this week I decided to do a video update to change it up, I also didnt take the plants out of the plant this week just gave water. They are all happy and grow at a nice rate, still no fertilizer just water in Sonnenerde living soil, even though the size of them compared to the pot size makes me worry a bit. Lets see what the next week has in store as we continue this journey together. I have to say I like these genetics a lot, all making nice trichomes and developing a beautiful aroma, solid plants, not one of the 4 doing funky things. Solid genetics !
Esta muy sana, empieza la 4° semana de flora aún estra en preflor falta poquito para que empiece la falta del boost uso biocanna flora y boost Solo en la preflor uso el delta 9 de cannabiogen va de fábulas para que arranque bien la flora Alguna sugerencia que le vendría bien aparte de los 2 que le echo lo echo así muchas becas y queda un producto muy muy al paladar pero alomejor le vendría bien algún aditivo? Gracias de antemano Buen rollito!!
Eccoci alal seconda settimana di vegetativa di questa nuova sfida di crescere delle piante di cannabis completamente senza suolo! Idroponica DWC della Mars Hydro sta funzionando divinamente! Le piante stanno molto bene e crescono molto velocemente, rispetto alla prima settimana le radici sono quadruplicate! Non mi aspettavo una crescita così vigorosa fin dalla seconda settimana! Ho già provveduto a fare topping di una delle due, la gorilla melon, mentre la papaya sherbert provvederò a farlo settimana prossima! Sto seguendo alla lettera gli insegnamenti del King texxier! I suoi nutrienti di Terra Aquatica si stanno rivelando fenomenali! Infatti le piante sono in ottima forma e piene di radici! Grazie a tutti voi che mi seguite! Ci vediamo alla prossima settimana! Un buon 420 a tutti voi! 💪😸🌱🌿🧑‍🌾😺😽💨🔥💣💥
The plants are doing really good! I made a first light defoliation beginning of the week and continued the LST day by day. So far I broke no branch. I planned to switch to 12h/12h schedule beginning of next week but the plants grew too big already so I decided to switch a bit earlier. Plants heights at the end of the week : ------------------------------------------- Gorilla Cookies : 40cm Purple Lemonade : 32cm Wedding Cheesecake : 44cm
The plants are doing really good! I made a first light defoliation beginning of the week and continued the LST day by day. So far I broke no branch. I planned to switch to 12h/12h schedule beginning of next week but the plants grew too big already so I decided to switch a bit earlier. Plants heights at the end of the week : ------------------------------------------- Gorilla Cookies : 40cm Purple Lemonade : 32cm Wedding Cheesecake : 44cm
I don't have words to describe how happy i am She's getting fat fast, by the day! Also, very very sticky snow And the smell... Very distinct, strong odor, spicy, and earthy like coffee, but very dense, almost like some kind of industrialized cheap snack(?) Little fertilizer just to boost her, considering i'm using a really complete live soil. Watering about each 2 days. Little defoliation. Also i added carbonized rice husk as a soil cover and put up a yellow trap, just to be safe lol I really don't know how to describe it, if anyone smelled something similar before, please share with me :)
d.50 a few spots appeared on the leafs. gave a 10 ml dose of bio p k and waiting a week before giving a dose of orgatrex and bactrex edit: d.50 i also gave 0.5 ml of calmag from Biobizz edit d.53 will i be giving her the orgatrex and bactrex treatment ✌️🌞 d.53 she got 20 ml orgatrex, 1g of bactrex and 0.5 ml of biobizz calmag d.54 added scrog and did lst with clips to even out the height and space… still need to adjust it.
Bye bye week 6! Hello week 7, The biggest lady 90cm, 2nd 85cm and little one 75cm. The little stopped growing and started flowering one week before the other 2 ladies. Don’t know why. She also got this yellowing leaf’s early in veg phase. But it seems that she is producing nice buds. The other 2 ladies look very good and they have lots of flowering spots. Didn’t do any Lst, only very little defoliation. Don’t they look beautiful ? Love them love cherry cola