Stretcing week, I try to doing LST during this period, just with bends some branches with my hands but no links✌️️ I add more Biobloom this week 🌺 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 🌑 Ventilation 💨 : 🌑1 Extractor 24/24h ON🌕 🌑1 Lower oscilating fan 12/24h ON🌗 🌑1 Upper oscillating fan 12/24h ON🌗 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 💧Water & Nutrients🍄 : 💧I use tap water and let it sit for 24 hours in a container so that it rises to room temperature and some of the chlorine evaporates 🔥 💧At this water i add a bit of PH- to rise 6. And approximately every 14 days I add bioenhancer 🍄BioGrow and BioBloom were added to my soil as an amendment 🍄I added it a first time, after germination. With approximately 70 grams Bio Grow and 28 grams BioBloom 🍄 I added a second time while I was transitioning into flowering. With 60 grams BioBloom 🍄And a last time on the 2nd week of flowering with 25grams of biobloom ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 📜Links : 🌱Gh Cheese x Lemon Wookie Glue seeds 🍯 : Food for your plants 🔥🔥👍 👨‍🚀My Instagram 🌱❤️️: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ☮️Thanks for your visit ! ☮️💚
4/23/24 Discoloration in top buds is worrying me so I chopped the last plant. Per RQS this may be a week or two early but I am seeing a lot of milky trichomes. Would rather pull it now then end up with bud rot or something. Lower buds look excellent. Will follow up and wrap up this grow in about a week after drying and some curing. 4/27/24 Final weights : Rachie 18 g Lily 18 g Lucy - EDIT 6.24.25 - Will never use RQS again. I switched to Barney's and I will never look back. I had a seed from the RQS pack go auto in the middle of my grow and threw everything out of whack. When I asked the rep what he thought the issue was in my comment section, he said something to the effect of "PM me and I'll take care of it. When I PM'd him he basically told me to not put RQS on blast and just call the 1-800 number. Like bro, you can't even tell me what you think might have happened? Do seeds sometimes do this on their own? Was there a mix up? A "sorry for your inconvenience" bro? Nothing just hey, don't be commenting at me about it just call the number. Barney's customer service has been out of this world. Of course it's a better product as well. No issues so far and everything is exactly what was on the package.
Everything going well so far, Res change on day 19 + started ScrOG Day 21 will have the first 12h night. Need to keep scrogging during the stretch.. but i won't be here -.- UPDATE: I will be going away at the and of this week for Approx 14 Days.. Day 25 [f3] I will move the plant to a bigger container so that it has enough water to survive on its own
Grow Report Week 16: Harvest Approaches Hello dear grow friends, We are approaching the long-awaited harvest time, and the plants are now revealing their true beauty. The scents are becoming more intense, and I can hardly wait to taste the results. The Purple Surprise In particular, the Gorilla Zkittlez had a little surprise for me: it turned purple! I’m exceptionally pleased with this color change. Thanks to the controller provided by TrolMaster, I was able to maintain a constant temperature of 24 degrees Celsius, which should positively impact the development. Anticipation for the Coming Weeks Although the next two weeks will determine my harvest, I am completely satisfied with the progress so far. I will continue with the fertilization schedule, as it did not adversely affect the taste in the last attempt. I look forward to soon harvesting the fruits of my labor. See you soon, and thank you for being part of this journey! 😊
Ok they're strong for real! One is still untouched (the guarantee one) One is all good after the 2º topping (risking it, to autos just the 1º topping is good already, don't waste time, but I'm learning so fuck that) One I moved a little late to a 5L vase, did one topping too, just the 1º to see how she reacts, all good for now. The other must be pissed off hahahah because I'm learning LST and she is my training, I wanna see how she behave with different positions but all good for now. See you guys next week, wish me luck!
Everything going well so far, Res change on day 19 + started ScrOG Day 21 will have the first 12h night. Need to keep scrogging during the stretch.. but i won't be here -.- UPDATE: I will be going away at the and of this week for Approx 14 Days.. Day 25 [f3] I will move the plant to a bigger container so that it has enough water to survive on its own
Moin liebe Growgemeinschaft! Die dritte Woche beginnt. Leider musste ich aufgrund von einigen Umständen die kleinen auf Urlaub schicken 😉. In ca zwei Wochen sollten sie aber wieder Zuhause sein denn ist auch etwas mehr Platz für die kleinen da. Soweit entwickeln sie sich normal sind etwas gespargelt aber das ist noch in Ordnung für die Umstände. Gegossen werden sie mit angepasstem Wasser auf PH 6. Werde die Milkyways die Tage in 11l Schuhe stecken, sollte noch nicht so schlimm sein da sie ja noch nicht den topf voll gewurzelt haben.
Everything going well so far, Res change on day 19 + started ScrOG Day 21 will have the first 12h night. Need to keep scrogging during the stretch.. but i won't be here -.- UPDATE: I will be going away at the and of this week for Approx 14 Days.. Day 25 [f3] I will move the plant to a bigger container so that it has enough water to survive on its own
Every thing is looking good healthy plants buds are getting in shape👌 I'm very happy with this strain i wasn't expecting this much flowers 💯🤞 thanks again Green house
Every thing is looking good healthy plants buds are getting in shape👌 I'm very happy with this strain i wasn't expecting this much flowers 💯🤞 thanks again Green house
Harvested on day 94 / flowering 61 21 Grams of buds after manicure and drying. ------------------------------------------------------------ 🎪Harvest report in my 1M² box with 16 plants (5 strains): Total 291 grams of dry, manicured buds. I set myself a goal of at least 300 grams. So I'm not entirely satisfied on this point. I think in the next grow I will use other techniques , like LST, topping and larger pots to try to improve my yield!✌️☮️ ------------------------------------------------------------ 🔥❄️Drying : In my 1M² box 8 Days in the dark Temperature : 14-18°C Humidity : 50-75% Extractor+ carbon filter ON 24/24h ------------------------------------------------------------ 📜Links : 🌱Zamnesia Gelato seeds : Food for your plants 🔥🔥👍 👨‍🚀My Instagram 🌱❤️️: --------------------------------- ☮️Thanks for your visit ! 💚☮️