6/26 Rained last night. Might have showers bur the sky is clear. Real good weather coming. I need to transplant those seedlings. Plants are noticeably bigger every day. I see small spits of damage but it's isolated and in a high wind area. I'll address it and watch for nute deficiencies. Also need to transplant those seedlings. At leastcones an auto. 6/27 Rained overnight again. Looks clear today but we did get some rain yesterday. Tomorrow is all sun. I'm planning to transplant those 3 seedlings today. Also noticed some ragged holes so I've got a few pests. Looks like grasshoppers or something. With all the rain could be slugs or pillars I guess. Need to get ipm up amd running. I've got work to do. Found a plant on my gmo in the 30 bag. It got sun burnt and wind burnt but came out of it and they're all doing great. At first this one was a little behind after transplant but so were the other gmo's. Originally, it was one of my best plant prior to transplant outdoors. That one leaf I found during a thorough inspection of the garden. I'm hoping it's not tmv. Plants growing vigorously and better than but I'll keep an eye on it. I also transplanted the 3 seedlings. I added half new 707 in the 50 (prior soil was this same mix from last year) and transplanted one in that. One in a 10 gallon bag and the auto in a 5 gallon bucket. It will be interesting ingredients seeing how they turn out. All transplants went really smooth. 6/28 It's gonna be a hot one today. I haven't watered in over a week due to rain. Wind was whipping this morning! Looked like plants MIGHTVE been drooping but now that I think about it it was probably just the wind. ANYWAY I WATERED TWO AND A HALF GALLONS on the clones. That wind dries the bags out fast. Some still had some heft to them. Lately I've been going by my intuition which has seemed to be on point. All the seedling transplants look good and show no signs of stress. 6/29 The site was down so I couldn't update. Looks like it's gonna rain. It's noontime. This morning i found and killed two inch worms. There's not much damage so I'm wondering whether bt is necessary. Birds sit on the frame and dart I'm and grab them. I'll have to think on it. I also need to decide what I'm going to use for nutes this year. Don't need it yet. GMO's and sherb pie is putting out pistols everywhere. Same with the event horizon. Looks like I may have an early harvest this year. I certainly hope so. Still.....only did half what I did last year but with everything going on its all I can handle.
10 weeks total time from popping out of the rockwool. Started 12-12 from seed and introduced nutrients week 4. I had a grow tent next to this one housing 4 plants fighting root rot. Towards the back end "Pinky" here was fighting it as well. DWC...I'm Fucking done and unless YOU have a chiller and or don't heat your home, I wouldn't recommend it. Next grow...soil. Total Dry Weight pulled...less than 21 grams. I couldn't believe the shrinkage when it came to hanging and drying. I'm glad that experience is out of the way...NEXT.
Wanted to try an outdoor greenhouse shared bed style in my basement, it worked but not better than any other method I’ve tried and it’s a bit of upkeep and watering to water that much medium evenly. Washing Machine finished fat with beautiful purple/silver and dark geeen flowers.
Most phenos were on the bubba kush side with loud pine, mint and sour lemon og terps and a couple sweet pine & mint. Two were sour diesel terps with an og pine & mint undertone. Have yet to sample while they cure but look all indica
Finally!!! It was her last week on veg! It’s time for much more interesting part of the grow now :D Everything looks very good, she’s healthy and start growing really fast now ;) Today I cut over 40 heads off before switching her for flowering. Almost everything below the net has been removed. Next week I’ll mount another net above. See you in a week!
This is day 80 from seed,I will admit I have messed up,and done some pretty cool things with this grow on my own terms.I just need some guidance on current status of growth referring to harvest,I need some advice on how long she has left before I should harvest her She is a beautiful plant.
I’ ve been really really excited in growing this 🍊. I really loved it to do ti in grow diaries. Community helped me and I hope I’ll be doing always better. I think next time I’ll do a foto to play a little bit more with structure of the plant. Buds smells like orange and cotton, chocolate pinus. Can’t wait to try it. I’ll update in some days when I’ll have some nice buds a also le to sm oke🕹️ Thanks to all the people the followed me and that helped me with important suggestions
I grew two plants and they couldn't have been and more different from each other. One plant grew quite well in my organic amended soil, the other suffered from pH issues and did not like any kind of stress. The plants leaves grew quite different some were webbed especially the ones on the larger flowers. The structure of the flowers on this plant are very chunky fox tail with absolutely gigantic caylex', almost had me thinking seeds. This plant also took almost 3 more weeks in flower than her sister. This plant also had a nice fade with some pink,red,violet,gold colors coming through. Both plant have similar smell with one being a little more pungent and gassy. Now for the normal plant, she grew like a rock star. Hey flowers are covered in sugar and are top shelf dense. She was too down about two weeks ago and is in jars and curing, let me say this though"when Barney's Farm says to use caution they mean it". This plant produced some very strong medicine so much so that I may have found a strain I would grow continually for a year or so. It's that good IMO. The plant did not give me a single bit of fuss 🤗, unlike her sister. Now I have the remaining plant hung up to dry and trim. Can't wait Cheers!!!
This was my first grow and there were some troubles along the way I harvested a little early just off amateur instinct but it comes with time 🤷‍♂️🏻 Def recommended for beginners it’s a easy potent plant to grow and looks amazing