
Maine outdoor 2024

5 days ago
Room Type
weeks 1-2, 6-11
weeks 11
weeks 4
Grow medium
Grow Conditions
Week 11
16 hrs
Light Schedule
Day Air Temperature
6+ conditions after
Grow Technique Usage
Commented by
masterofsmeagol masterofsmeagol
5 days ago
6/26 Rained last night. Might have showers bur the sky is clear. Real good weather coming. I need to transplant those seedlings. Plants are noticeably bigger every day. I see small spits of damage but it's isolated and in a high wind area. I'll address it and watch for nute deficiencies. Also need to transplant those seedlings. At leastcones an auto. 6/27 Rained overnight again. Looks clear today but we did get some rain yesterday. Tomorrow is all sun. I'm planning to transplant those 3 seedlings today. Also noticed some ragged holes so I've got a few pests. Looks like grasshoppers or something. With all the rain could be slugs or pillars I guess. Need to get ipm up amd running. I've got work to do. Found a plant on my gmo in the 30 bag. It got sun burnt and wind burnt but came out of it and they're all doing great. At first this one was a little behind after transplant but so were the other gmo's. Originally, it was one of my best plant prior to transplant outdoors. That one leaf I found during a thorough inspection of the garden. I'm hoping it's not tmv. Plants growing vigorously and better than but I'll keep an eye on it. I also transplanted the 3 seedlings. I added half new 707 in the 50 (prior soil was this same mix from last year) and transplanted one in that. One in a 10 gallon bag and the auto in a 5 gallon bucket. It will be interesting ingredients seeing how they turn out. All transplants went really smooth. 6/28 It's gonna be a hot one today. I haven't watered in over a week due to rain. Wind was whipping this morning! Looked like plants MIGHTVE been drooping but now that I think about it it was probably just the wind. ANYWAY I WATERED TWO AND A HALF GALLONS on the clones. That wind dries the bags out fast. Some still had some heft to them. Lately I've been going by my intuition which has seemed to be on point. All the seedling transplants look good and show no signs of stress. 6/29 The site was down so I couldn't update. Looks like it's gonna rain. It's noontime. This morning i found and killed two inch worms. There's not much damage so I'm wondering whether bt is necessary. Birds sit on the frame and dart I'm and grab them. I'll have to think on it. I also need to decide what I'm going to use for nutes this year. Don't need it yet. GMO's and sherb pie is putting out pistols everywhere. Same with the event horizon. Looks like I may have an early harvest this year. I certainly hope so. Still.....only did half what I did last year but with everything going on its all I can handle.
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Grow Questions
masterofsmeagolstarted grow question 2 months ago
First time using led to hold plants until outdoors. I have only veg switch on. Bright blue with white. I read you can use both switches from the start. Should I? Clones are hardening well. I don't want to burn them. I'm using Tatu 1000 grow light. Clones in 1 gal soil for
Krisisanswered grow question 2 months ago “Has nothing to do with leaf shape or size that is dictated more by light intensity and the distance from light source , the plant creates bigger leaves when there is less light available in order to catch more of the scarce photons passing through the chloryphyll” You were saying?
Krisisanswered grow question 2 months ago
Blue light/veg side on alone will keep plants shorter with smaller leaves. Red/will make taller with bigger leaves for taking up energy. It depends what you want really. I would personally turn on both so that it’s receiving everything. Full spectrums the way to go imo. Good luck in whatever you decide & with your grow
001100010010011110answered grow question 2 months ago
you should use whatever provides the most DLI the plants can handle -- if you want to maximize growth. 100w and very likely not an efficient light producer, so maybe 30watts per sq ft will do it with that light on a 18/6 light cycle. So, depending on hanging distance and the area you are covering.. if it's 4sq ft, you want the full thing on for 18h. .. observe and react to plant growth. The resulting length of stem that develops over time between 2 internodes is your guide. too tight = need less. too long= need more. the effects of red and blue are real and measurable against a control group, however, these effects are fairly small effects. Total light applied is by far more important. Read up on Daily Light Integral (DLI) on wiki is fine.. lots of decent sources for that one... the gist is fine, you don't need to memorize the math.. but puts applying light to a plant in proper perspective.. i.e. it is about photons received per day.. not too little and not too much - the whole observing the internode development above helps fine-tune this. hours of operation are 1:1 related to resulting DLI, all other factors remaining the same. Increasing rate of photon/s applied is 1:1 directly related to resulting DLI, all other factors remaining the same. e.g. going from 18h to 16 h, while at same power and hanging distance drops DLI 1/9th. As long as you give enough light to avoid flower, this is a valid option to impact how much light you give per day... just as effective as a dimmer knob or using veg or bloom switch on its own etc. sso the answer is it depends... if not trying to maximize growth between now and moving it outside, i'd just give it enough so that the plant doesn't stretch too much.. obsererve and react.

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masterofsmeagolweek 5
I've gotten 150 views on this diary but not one "like". Come on growmies you can do better than that!
groenweek 11
Watching along :) wishing you best of luck
@groen, thanks bud! I appreciate that!
masterofsmeagolweek 1
I've tried to start this diary numerous times. The site was down once. It took all the information I had used and went back to anearlier point and I had to start again.
Northern_Entweek 10
Good luck in the heat. Not that it’s been a thing this year, but in high heat I find that misting the air during peak sun helps take the edge off the heat with evaporative cooling (swamp cooler) and spraying the black grow bags (or shading them) helps keep the roots cool. Also potassium silicate keeps the stems tough. Good luck.
@Northern_Ent, Thanks! Luckily hey made it through the heat with no problems!
yOlzzzweek 9
Bon courage mon pote ça a l'air bien !! Bon courage pour la suite !! Je suis ton journal à partir de maintenant !
@yOlzzz, Thank you! Happy growing my friend!
TurbineJunkieweek 6
Good luck with the grow! Seems like a good start to me!
@TurbineJunkie, thanks bro!