I gave Isopropyl alcohol 70% equal parts water, 1 tsp cayenne, and kept enough for multiday application, what little population of aphids is left I shall catch them the next morning, opening the tent 10 min before lights on the clovers have yet to open, all the aphids hiding on undersides are easily visible, still none ever went near cannabis plant. Clovers are far tastier it seems. The alcohol kills on contact, the idea was to saturate the leaves with a light foliar application, and once I was done I ran it through the canopy with my hands making sure as much of the clover surface came in contact with the iso, once done turned on the fans and evaporate it quickly. iSOPRO......ops caps . ... beautiful thing about Isopropyl is that it evaporates rapidly at room temperature way below boiling point leaving behind zero residual so nothing seeps its way into rootzones unless you spill it there. It is a magical solvent that leaves no trace that it was ever there. Brain suggests I should create a secondary toroidal field with the same frequency and place it so it emits from the same reference point on the plant, (ZEPHERIUM) constructive interference suggests it should increase in size. If the toroidal field dictates the proportions, does increasing the toroidal size increase the proportions? Need identical genetic clones. Resonant Frequency: My first real-life experience of this was placing a grape in a microwave as a child. A resonant frequency is the natural vibrating frequency of an object and denoted as ‘f’ with a subscript zero (f0). When an object is in equilibrium with acting forces and could keep vibrating for a long time under perfect conditions, this phenomenon is resonance. In our daily life example of a resonant frequency is a pendulum. If we pull back the pendulum and leave, it will swing out and return at its resonant frequency. Objects combine to form a system, this system can have more than one resonance frequency. The resonant frequency is termed as the resonance frequency. The phenomena of resonant frequency used in the series circuit when the inductive reactance (XL) is equal to the capacitive reactance (XC). If the value of supply frequency is changed, we can observe that the value inductive reactance (XL) and capacitive reactance (XC) is also changed. Inductive reactance (XL) and capacitive reactance (XC) are inversely proportional to each other. When we increase the frequency, the value of XL increases, whereas the value of XC decreases. When we decrease the frequency, the value of XL decreases whereas the value of XC increases. At series resonance, when XL = XC. The mathematical equation of resonant frequency is: XL = 2πfL; XC = 1/2πfC XL = XC 2π f0L = 1/ 2πf0C ; f0=1/2π sqrt{LC} Where f0 is the resonant frequency, L is the inductance, C is the capacitance How to Calculate the Resonant Frequency of an Object? An object exposed to its resonant frequency can vibrate in symphony with the sound. The wavefronts pushing on the object will arrive at just the right time to push the object with greater and greater amplitude in each cycle. To get a clear idea of this concept one of the best examples is pushing a friend on a swing. If you push the swing randomly, the swing will not move very well but if you push the swing at a specific time, the swing will get higher and higher. Another example to find the resonant frequencies is to place the object next to a speaker and place a microphone attached to an oscilloscope next to the object. Then play the sound in the speaker at a given volume, and then without changing the volume slowly change the frequency. Now observe the oscilloscope, you will observe that at certain frequencies the amplitude of the wave, is proportional to the volume of the sound that the microphone is able to pick up. The frequency that is caught by the microphone will be greater than at surrounding frequencies. These are the resonant frequencies and are detectable as the sound energy absorbed by the object is re-emitted more efficiently at these frequencies. The precise moment that constructive interference happens the amplitude of the wave will spike at the precise frequency emitted. Q: Compute the resonant frequency of a circuit whose inductance is 25mH and capacitance is 5mu F? A: Known values are, L = 25mH = 25 x 10-3 H C = 5mu F = 5 x 10-6 F Formula for resonant frequency is, f0= 1/2π sqrt{LC}1/2π√L f0=1/2 ͯ 3.14√ (25 ͯ 10-3 ͯ 5 ͯ 10-6) = 450.384Hz Why Neodymium? Ferromagnetism is an exciting phenomenon observed in certain materials, known as ferromagnetic materials, that can retain their magnetization even after removing an external magnetic field. Ferromagnetic materials can become ferromagnets and interact strongly with other magnets and magnetic fields. A characteristic of ferromagnetic materials is their magnetization ability, distinguishing them from paramagnetic and diamagnetic materials, where weak magnetism exists temporarily. This unique property allows for making permanent magnets widely used in various applications such as motors, generators, speakers, and data storage devices. The ability to generate and maintain a magnetic field without the need for a constant external source of power makes ferromagnets highly valuable. An alloy of neodymium, iron, and boron discovered in the 1980s is ferromagnetic, yielding permanent magnets over 1000 times stronger than anything ever seen before. The name neodymium comes from the Greek neos didumous, which means "new twin." Neodymium magnets are made of an alloy of neodymium, boron, and iron. This allows them to simultaneously store impressive amounts of magnetic energy while being highly resistant to demagnetization. Because iron oxidizes quickly, neodymium magnets are coated to prevent rust from accumulating. The attraction between two neodymium magnets is so strong that if placed close enough together, they can collide and shatter. Neodymium magnets have an unusually high-temperature resistance, and they can even withstand heat exceeding 200 degrees Celsius. N50UH 1-1/2"OD x 1.065"ID x 3/8"
I am updating the harvest pages with the new images taken with the microscope, you can find here the extra images for the varieties not included in the diary, while for the varieties in the diary you find the images in the harvest pages.
Le hice un pinzamiento en la punta unos días después de haberle echo poda fim y sin querer pode uno de los 2 nuevos brotes que salen al hacer poda fim fue sin querer al hacer el pinzamiento pero no pasa nada señores vamos a ver como sigue creciendo esta bicha. Las ramas de abajo estan creciendo que es lo que quería va como lo tenía planeado a tenido algún problema lo he notado x las hojas pero lo va superando muy bien aquí tiene 25dias de vida. Es toda una bestia nunca había puesto Indoor y nunca había puesto kritical Bilbo es mi primera vez de indoor de seguimiento y de todo siempre he plantado en guerrilla o balcón. No mido ph ni ec ni nada esta a 18 horas de luz 6 de oscuridad la pasaré a florecer en unos días cuando note que se ha recuperado del todo y las ramas de abajo crezcan un poco más para poder atarla y abrir bien la base de la planta es lo que hago con todas mis plantas, recordár que cuando era pequeñita le pode el primer nudo y luego el segundo. Tiene 25 días actualmente creo que cuando haga 30 la pasaré a horario de floración
This was a great weed to grow very robust would recommend any strains from barnys farm they are one off the best still got alot off learning on to nxt grow my trimming has got alot to answer but it's going in a bong or vape
I didn't get a wet weight, but will update after it completely dry
Harvested by cops last Friday. emptied my garden competely😢😢😢😢 but forgot one tiny little girl😇they complimented the Dark Devil 😈😍
Made little bases for them to keep them off the floor and this will most likely be the last time I change or move them around. Hoping to get a trellis net soon it'll be my first time. If anybody is actually looking at this id appreciate tips.
We have gone a little lighter in coloring again but I am adjusting lighting a little more on her and defoliating a little but so she can use her energy in places she needs too.
8/17 - Fed the ladies with liquid nutrients today. Also did some selective defoliation. The soil looks really healthy. You can see how happy my worms are. The two are coming along nicely and just starting to bud. 8/19 - Top fed all the ladies today with Uprising Grow, Uprising Bloom, and Elemental. 8/21 - They are in bloom! They are beginning to flower and looking lovely. In between feedings I water with RO water and molasses. They seem to love it. 8/24 - Blooming along nicely! Watering just about every day now. Added some mulch to the tops that I made from the dried leaves I take during defoliation. Hoping to keep the tops a little more moist.
Original Sensible Seeds this is the discovery of the year for me, just great genetics, I really liked Auto Destroyer, very tasty plant and easy to grow, suitable for beginners. Refuse I liked fertilizers from Green Buzz Liquids, just amazing, great result. Thanks to everyone who follow my grow report, love u all, Peace!
So this strain was a wonder to grow, she grew fast and big, responded very well to topping (producing 4 tops, one of which broke) and producing a decent yield! I forgot to weigh again the wet weight but will weigh all once it's dried. Correct me if I'm wrong but it looks kinda big for an auto, I'm quite proud of this grow! Will update next week with a dry weight and a smoke update. Happy growing motherpluckers 🌱👍😊 UPDATE 28.08 THIS IS SOME STRONG SHIT! After one joint I feel incredibly stoned, makes me happy, hungry and sleepy. It is so smooth to smoke has a beautiful orange aroma, can't wait to taste a cured bud in a few weeks. Final weight (including the little test buds) was around 85 grams! Nearly double my last plant! If anyone knows anything about bakery seed Co. Please let me know as it's impossible to find information on the Web and this was a free seed from grizzlys that came with my ggg pack. Really happy! Keep growing and push on. 🌱😊
Chem OG is my first chem and i'm not disappointed at all, would have loved more yield but i vegged her for like 3 weeks so what do you want to do with that, in the end she took 11 full weeks to yield more than a zip dry and cured from each plant so who's got two thumbs and is not complaining. Looking forward to see how they do in the extractors, and tips welcome as always. Hope that you enjoy the vid, if you're in France once day, dont forget to bring some homegrown let's get high folks ! 🚀 Love testing out genetics thank you so much , next round incoming ! 🚀 So this grow clearly a very neat grow, kept right on top of things with VPD, always in the optimal ranges even if i had to manually tinker with the mister , the exhaust, the fans, the lights. Speaking of the lights i applied a "pumping technique" meaning moving the lights up a down : down going into flower, then up then down again towards the end of flower to trigger rippening. The smart proteins were used through out the grow meaning the veg went nuts, started smelling loud right out of seedling stage, then at flower stretch i think it does help give it a kick, mid flower though it makes the trichomes rippen quicker than the plant can put on biomass, meaning you get strong , ripe colas that come out a bit thin. Cut and harvested at 30% amber believe it or not, to me that's late but i couldnt believe it when i noticed the plant was ripe at 10 weeks so i let it go on a bit longer. wet trimmed and dried over 10 days, Jarred and cured for 2 months.
Love testing out genetics thank you so much , next round incoming ! 🚀 So this grow clearly a very neat grow, kept right on top of things with VPD, always in the optimal ranges even if i had to manually tinker with the mister , the exhaust, the fans, the lights. Speaking of the lights i applied a "pumping technique" meaning moving the lights up a down : down going into flower, then up then down again towards the end of flower to trigger rippening. The smart proteins were used through out the grow meaning the veg went nuts, started smelling loud right out of seedling stage, then at flower stretch i think it does help give it a kick, mid flower though it makes the trichomes rippen quicker than the plant can put on biomass, meaning you get strong , ripe colas that come out a bit thin. Cut and harvested at 30% amber believe it or not, to me that's late but i couldnt believe it when i noticed the plant was ripe at 10 weeks so i let it go on a bit longer. wet trimmed and dried over 10 days, Jarred and cured for 2 months.
Weight was on point, really it was and i'm happy with it, going mostly into extracts so i can keep going with learning all about the ancestral rituals of making plant juice. Got the vaporisers from arizer on the way, so i'm smoking twice as many joints in anticipation. Used smart proteins at the start and half way through definitely boosts terpene production and speeds up veg quite a bit, Harvest went pretty well, it was fun having the boys over for some scissoring . Everybody really enjoyed themselves but i probably should have been stricter with the hygene, would be great to be able to rent out lab space for the day to get that steril environment going you know? Rap music and lab coats ! Love testing out genetics thank you so much , next round incoming ! 🚀 So this grow clearly a very neat grow, kept right on top of things with VPD, always in the optimal ranges even if i had to manually tinker with the mister , the exhaust, the fans, the lights. Speaking of the lights i applied a "pumping technique" meaning moving the lights up a down : down going into flower, then up then down again towards the end of flower to trigger rippening. The smart proteins were used through out the grow meaning the veg went nuts, started smelling loud right out of seedling stage, then at flower stretch i think it does help give it a kick, mid flower though it makes the trichomes rippen quicker than the plant can put on biomass, meaning you get strong , ripe colas that come out a bit thin. Cut and harvested at 30% amber believe it or not, to me that's late but i couldnt believe it when i noticed the plant was ripe at 10 weeks so i let it go on a bit longer. wet trimmed and dried over 10 days, Jarred and cured for 2 months.
64 days after i planted her seed directly in a pot outside 😱the reaper came, i hung her upside down for 6days then cut her &put her on a net to dry some more While cutting I found some little catterpillars about 5 guess that were the eggs that I found on some of the plants last week.☺️ After a few days drying on the net i weighed it:53,6gr The taste is great I'm very happy with the result catterpillars included☺️
Hey y'all - this is the exciting one for me, this year - I'm submitting the buds from these plants to the 4Plants Cannabis Cup in November, wish me luck! I'm in the amateur medical category, growing one of my favourite strains, it's exciting! Hope you enjoy the video, I'm just a doofy guy growing some dope, hoping it's, um, dope! Thanks for looking, let me know if you have any questions or comments 🙏
The strain was easy to grow. The autos were topped and suppercropped. Along with lst. Amazing yeild for my first grow. Almost a pound with 300w led. Trichomes were hard to read and took forever to turn. Went for 17 weeks from sprout. Didnt flush as long as a wanted so curing is my focus rn.
I added a few bamboo stakes in each pot and wrapped some garden wire around them to support the branches. The flowers are starting to get a little heavier now and some of the branches will need some support. Everything got a good feeding a couple days ago and have responded well. One of the plants got burnt by the light for a couple of days, killing a few of the top fan leaves. The top flowers on that plant are a little more fluffy than the other plants, but it has been moved to a cooler spot in the tent now.