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Week 3, as you can see i did top them all and started a little bit of training to open them up. For the Training i bend and twist the Stem, so that the plant holds the position a bit before returning back. I do this daily to keep them a little shorter. This is it for Week 3. Keep growing.
Hallo zusammen 🤙. Sie wächst sehr schön und macht keine Probleme.
Rega com Fertilizante. Terminando de regar com o ultimo litro feito. Mais ou menos 150 ml em cada planta. 1 ml do liquido por litro + 0,15 g por litro do sólido. Ajustado o PPFD para aproximadamente 500 em cada planta
Diese Woche war es eine Freude zu beobachten, wie sich die Blüten dieser schönen Pflanze strecken und aufeinander stapeln. Sie produziert Trichome und eine erste Vorstellung vom Geruch liegt in der Luft. Purple Punch Auto hat sich gut entwickelt, ich bin von der Streckung ziemlich beeindruckt. Etwa einen halben Quadratmeter braucht sie nach dem intensiven low stress Training der letzten Wochen. Alle Pflanzen berühren sich jetzt, es wird eng auf den knapp zwei Quadratmetern. Gegossen wird morgens und abends nach Topfgewicht und Gefühl, ca. 1,5 Liter in 24 Stunden säuft sie bei bis zu 30 Grad im Schatten.
Pulling it out the fridge in a lil bit
Die Blüten wachsen. Der PH Wert und ppm sind konstant. Den EC Wert kriege ich leider nicht unter 2,5. Die Pflanze scheint sich trotzdem wohl zu fühlen. ----------------------------- The flowers are growing. The PH value and ppm are constant. Unfortunately, I can't get the EC value below 2.5, but the plant still seems to be doing well.
Day 22 25/07/24 Thursday Still no Feed/water since Tuesday. Been a humid and overcast two days so not as much evaporation as normal. All plants happy and healthy 💚 Video updates Day 23 26/07/24 Friday De-chlorinated watering pH 6 with 5ml calmag to 5L water. Watered each with 250ml and had small run off. I will continue to feed/water with small run offs to help prevent salt build ups. Video update. Day 26 29/07/24 Monday Nice feed today, using de-chlorinated tap water pH 6. They each had 300ml with small run off. All looks incredibly happy and healthy! The Auto Kabul that was mutated and twisted has pulled herself through and is just a bit shorter than the others. Day 28 31/07/24 Wednesday End of week😁 De-chlorinated water pH 6 today with Plagron pk13-14 5ml to 5L Plagron power buds 5ml to 5L Used 300ml of the 5L solution. I will be using these on water days from now on as they are advised to be used every irrigation. We'll see how they perform 💪💚
Rega com Fertilizante. Terminando de regar com o ultimo litro feito. Mais ou menos 150 ml em cada planta. 1 ml do liquido por litro + 0,15 g por litro do sólido. Ajustado o PPFD para aproximadamente 500 em cada planta
Hi everyone. We're doing well and we're growing fast. Our girl really likes fertilizers. Thank you very much to Xpert Nutrients for the very good fertilizer, for the help and for the advice. I recommend Xpert Nutrients
alle plants thriving TC ist still the fastest plant and leading the flower process and by far the biggest plant :-) I'm happy that growth has slown down, the tops are close to the LED lights lights at 75% temperatures have reduced had some issues with the papaya cookies due to over-watering....rust spots are looking like cal-def defoliating for all plants in the next days to clear the bud sites heights day 45: TC 140 cm (evolving nice smell) Bubatz 115cm Papaya 110cm Apple 110cm
8th week! The plant has a slight guava scent, very interesting! Nice growth rate and no problems so far.
26.07 Moved the girls to 7l pots. About 5 l of medium coco/perlite 70/30. They will be rooting for a couple of days with gentle light around 400 ppfd. Co2 - 600-800ppm
I Messed Up A DAY Here. So one of the days is dated wrong. I tried to correct it the best that I could. 7/24 I decided to label this week as flower. It's more like preflower though. GMOs are stretching like crazy. Due to the rain we weren't supposed to get some of my plants are a little over watered. That's why I love the fabric pots. With the winds we get the bags dry out fast. The GMO's would've needed water anyway if we didn't get this storm. Event Horizon seems to be the furthest in flower amd the most over watered. WE'LL get a LITTLE more rain today and tomorrow but then hopfully my bags will dry out. They are heavy as hell right now. Had we not got rain for what seems like forever. Several plants would've needed to be watered if we didn't get this rain. Still the plants are currently overwatered. All the pics and video so far are from this morning after the horrible pounding rain of yesterday. Like I said before, I need to; defoliate for better air flow, add secondary supports or a vertical trellis, considering using a preventative pest application (e.g. BT), LST and spread branches apart and start using nutes. 7/25 Wasn't supposed to rain today. Like .001. It poured this morning and is still raining VERY LIGHTLY at 2:30. We got an inch yesterday. The total for these 3 days was suppised to be under half an inch. Anyway I went over around two and everything looks great! Things are clearly overwatered and heavy but the plants look happy! Most have their leaves out and everything! I love growing in bags because they dry out so quickly! I don't mind watering more. I defoliated one event horizon and the few yellow leaves I coukd see on other plants after shaking them off. The seedling in the 50 is far behind the others in flower and just showed its sex. I'm fairly certain that one is red runtz. Whatever it is is going to flower much later than the rest. It's going to be good if I have couple early finishers. I did a video but I'll have to upload tomorrow. I have a lot of work to do And not just in the garden so I'm hoping I can balance things out and get this stuff done. Caught three TINY inch worms. I'm wondering if me manually hunting has cut the adult population down and I'm just getting fresh born ones? If that's the case I wouldn't need to spray. 7/26 Plants looked pretty great today. I think me manually removing pillars has made a big difference. It's windy out too so it won't take long for those bags to dry out. Which is good because what wad supposed to be a half inch of rain turned into 3 straight days of rain. I'll be back over to work on the garden today and I'll update then. 7/27 Plants are looking pretty good. Good weather ahead and the bags are starting to lose weight. Found a pillar wrapped in a dead interior leaf all wrapped up. Found a couple more early this morning amd killed them. I did some slight leafing on some plants. I don't like doing that outdoors but since these are monster cropped they have far to many leaves. Airflow is improved. I'm not seeing any nutrient deficiencies yet. Plants are a vibrant healthy dark green. Soon I'll add a base nute like big bloom or ancient amber (I think that's the one, it's applicable to big bloom). I cam see some plants trying to start flowering and I've got one (in the 50) that has just shown sex. Hopfully this will give me some time between harvests. I'll update as I go along. DAD CALLED IN THE AFTERNOON AND SAID HE THOUGHT A PLANT MIGHT BE STARTING TO DROOP. IT WAS MY GMO CANARY THAT GETS HIT ON ALMOST THREE FULL SIDES BY WIND (ONLY ONE PLANT). I CHECKED THE WEIGHT AND IT WAS LIGHT. IT WAS DROOPING TOO. I WATERED THAT ONE PLANT WITH A GALLON AND WATCHED IT PERK BACK UP. I CHECKED THE WEIGHT ON THE OTHER PLANTS AND LIKE I THOUGHT THEY WERE STILL HEAVY. I PUT MY FINGER IN THE SOIL AND IT CAME AWWY COVERED IN DIRT. MY SEEDLING IN THE 10 WAS KINDA LIGHT SO I GAVE THAT HALF A GALLON. I USED THE OTHER HALF AS "A CUP OF KINDNESS" ON THE PLANTS THAT SEEMED LIGHTEST TO CARRY THEM OVER. I PROBABLY SHOULDVE WAITED BUT I DOUBT IT MATTERS. ILL CHECK IN THE MORNING. I ASSUME ILL HAVE TO WATER THEN OR AT NIGHT. ILL GO BY THE WEIGHT. THE CANARY WILL NEED TO BE ON A SEPERATE SCHEDULE. THATS FOR SURE. Went back over at 6:30 and plants looked better than they have in a long time bags still have some weight. With the sunny weather we are going to have these plants will keep exploding in growth. Found one pillar but I wasn't there long. Seriously considering a spray of BT in the near future. EDIT: UNFORTUNATELY MY SPIDEY SENSE STARTING TINGLING AROUND NOON. MY ANXIETY WONT LET ME IGNORE IT (IM NOW EMBRACING IT) AND I HAD TO CUT OFF A CONVERSATION WITH MY WIFE TO GO TO THE GARDEN. I IMMEDIATELY SAW THAT ONE OF MY GMOS WAS STARTING TO DROOP. NOT LIKE BEFORE BUT IF I HAD BRUSHED IT OFF AND LEFT IT FOR FOUR MORE HOURS IN THE 90° SUN IT WOULD'VE BEEN. I GAVE THE GMO'S (BESIDES THE ONE I GOT YESTERDAY EACH A GALLON. I DIDNT WANT TO WATER DURING THE DAY BUT THIS WAS MY BEST OPTION. I GAVE THE TOASTED TOFFY A GALLON AND THE 2 EVENT HORIZONS EACH GOT HALF A GALLON, AS WELL AS THE SHERB PIE WHICH GOT HALF A GALLON. I DECIDED TO DO THIS BECAUSE SOME PLANTS USE MORE WATER THAN OTHERS. BEFORE ACTUALLY GOING OVER I CONSULTED MY PREVIOS DIARIES. I HAD THIS SANE PROBLEM LAST YEAR ON THE SAME WEEK OF THE MONTH! THATS WHAT MADE ME TRUST MY INTUITION FULLY. I LEARNED FROM THE MISTAKE OF LAST YEAR. THINGS ARE GOING GOOD. IM STARTING NUTES SOON AND I NEED TO SPEAY FOR BT BUT DONT KNOW IF IT WILL BE TONIGHT. 7/29 Apparently my intuition worked out well. Plants looked great this morning. I may feed today. I defoliated a bit and watered the 10g with a half gallon and gave another half gallon to the gmo on the end that dries out fastest and that I didn't water yesterday. I think I've got the watering down. Now I need to start nutes and spray bt. Need to wait for the rain first though. Suppised to get minor showers the next couple days. I'm gonna try to get the trellis up too. WENT BACK A LITTPE AFTER FOUR. HUMiDITY WAS 100% AND IT WAS RAINING VERY LIGHTLY. I MEAN AS LITTLE AS IT CAN POSSIBLY RAIN. ALMOST LIKE WHAT IT FEELS LIKE WITH THOSE MISTING FANS IF YOU STAND BACK A WAYS. I DIDN'T WATER. PLANTS WERE LOOKING GREAT! I DID SOME DEFOLIATION AND CAN TELL I NEED TO START NUTES. I CAN SEE SOME SLIGHT DEFICIENCIES IN BIG OLDER LEAVES. SOME SMALL INTERIOR LEAVES YELLOWED. NOT MANY. GRANTED THEY ARE STARTING TO FLOWER. I'LL PLAN ON FEEDING TOMORROW. THE NEXT FEW DAYS IS SUPPISED TO BE SHOWERS. I DOUBT IT WILL GIVE MY BIG GIRLS ALL THEY NEED BUT IT WILL BE A GOOD START. I DID A VIDEO BUT ITS RATHER LONG SO I CANT UPLOAD IT HERE. ITS COOL WATCHING HOW DIFFERENT THE DIFFERENT STRAINS GROW. STILL HAVE A BUNCH OF SHIT TO DO. IT WILL GET DONE THIS WEEK. 7/30 I held off watering today due to a supposed storm and rain we were supposed to be getting. I had early doctors appointments. I got back around 11 and the bags seemed light. After consulting last years diary I saw that I am underwatering. The root system weighs a lot! We haven't got the hundredths of an inch of rain but we got some sun. It's over cast now. I was there working for a few hours. I watered most a gallon. All the gmo's got a gallon. I gave the two event horizons about two thirds a gallon. About the same with the toasted toffy and the sherb pie. About 3/4 of a gallon as they seemed to have a little weight left. Looking at last years diary there were plants I was giving two gallons at a time in a 20 gal bag so I've been u Der watering a bit. I've caught it now and adjusted. I'm not losing leaves at the pace I have in the past. Even though some are in flower. I think I'm getting better. I fed for the first time today. Each plant got 1.75 pints. Except the 10gallon which got half the powerade bottle and the 5gal which got a qtr. By the time I left the plants were standing up nice and tall and looking amazing. Now I just need to apply bt and secondary supports. 7/31 Another eight day week. I'll have to do six days next week. Everything looked amazing this morning. I'm seeing less pest damage. Watering and feeding was the right move. Now I just have a little rearranging to do, add supports and spray if I decide to.
Diese Woche musste ich am Ball bleiben, ein krasser Stretch machte ein fast tägliches LST und eine dezente Entlaubung notwendig. Um einen schönen Ertag für zwei zu generieren, habe ich mich aufgrund der Lage unseres Balkons entschieden, alle Pflanzen kräftig runterzubinden. Zwei Ziele habe ich dabei verfolgt. Zum Einen haben wir hier maximal sieben Stunden mit direkter Sonneneinstrahlung. Durch LST erhoffe ich mir eine gleichmäßige Blütenbildung und Konzentration von Terpenen. Zum Anderen liegen wir mit unserem Balkon mitten im Dorfzentrum mit regem „Publikumsverkehr“. Das deutsche Cannabis Gesetz sieht vor, dass der Anbau nicht öffentlich einsehbar sein darf. Ohne das herunter Binden könnte man die Damen allerdings sehen. Die Anordnung der Pflanzen ist auch so vorgenommen worden, das sich eine Art Sonnenfalle bildet. Jede Pflanze und insbesondere die Blüten bekommen das maximal Mögliche an Sonneneinstrahlung. 🌞 Gegossen wird nun morgens und abends nach Gefühl. Purple Punch Auto fühlt sich ganz wohl hier. Die Vorblüte sieht vielversprechend aus.
This has been a kick ass week! With lost of growth from the lst last week! Doing it early so i could keep these babies in the little tent longer give em more time to get stronger before I bring them out into this world! I got a whole bunch a soil come in this week for these babies!! I will be transplanting them outside sooooon!!! So excited, just been doing the normal top dressing except I'm doing half what the bag says!
Purple Punch Auto gibt Vollgas. Krasser Stretch, sehr durstig. Ich habe Verfärbungen in den Blättern entdeckt. Chlorosen? Insgesamt sieht sie weiterhin fit aus. Ich versuche ein sanftes Spülen gegen eine evtl. Versalzung. Später stellt sich heraus, dass das wahrscheinlich geholfen hat.
Purple Punch Auto gibt Vollgas. Krasser Stretch, sehr durstig. Ich habe Verfärbungen in den Blättern entdeckt. Chlorosen? Insgesamt sieht sie weiterhin fit aus. Ich versuche ein sanftes Spülen gegen eine evtl. Versalzung. Später stellt sich heraus, dass das wahrscheinlich geholfen hat.
I Messed Up A DAY Here. So one of the days is dated wrong. I tried to correct it the best that I could. 7/24 I decided to label this week as flower. It's more like preflower though. GMOs are stretching like crazy. Due to the rain we weren't supposed to get some of my plants are a little over watered. That's why I love the fabric pots. With the winds we get the bags dry out fast. The GMO's would've needed water anyway if we didn't get this storm. Event Horizon seems to be the furthest in flower amd the most over watered. WE'LL get a LITTLE more rain today and tomorrow but then hopfully my bags will dry out. They are heavy as hell right now. Had we not got rain for what seems like forever. Several plants would've needed to be watered if we didn't get this rain. Still the plants are currently overwatered. All the pics and video so far are from this morning after the horrible pounding rain of yesterday. Like I said before, I need to; defoliate for better air flow, add secondary supports or a vertical trellis, considering using a preventative pest application (e.g. BT), LST and spread branches apart and start using nutes. 7/25 Wasn't supposed to rain today. Like .001. It poured this morning and is still raining VERY LIGHTLY at 2:30. We got an inch yesterday. The total for these 3 days was suppised to be under half an inch. Anyway I went over around two and everything looks great! Things are clearly overwatered and heavy but the plants look happy! Most have their leaves out and everything! I love growing in bags because they dry out so quickly! I don't mind watering more. I defoliated one event horizon and the few yellow leaves I coukd see on other plants after shaking them off. The seedling in the 50 is far behind the others in flower and just showed its sex. I'm fairly certain that one is red runtz. Whatever it is is going to flower much later than the rest. It's going to be good if I have couple early finishers. I did a video but I'll have to upload tomorrow. I have a lot of work to do And not just in the garden so I'm hoping I can balance things out and get this stuff done. Caught three TINY inch worms. I'm wondering if me manually hunting has cut the adult population down and I'm just getting fresh born ones? If that's the case I wouldn't need to spray. 7/26 Plants looked pretty great today. I think me manually removing pillars has made a big difference. It's windy out too so it won't take long for those bags to dry out. Which is good because what wad supposed to be a half inch of rain turned into 3 straight days of rain. I'll be back over to work on the garden today and I'll update then. 7/27 Plants are looking pretty good. Good weather ahead and the bags are starting to lose weight. Found a pillar wrapped in a dead interior leaf all wrapped up. Found a couple more early this morning amd killed them. I did some slight leafing on some plants. I don't like doing that outdoors but since these are monster cropped they have far to many leaves. Airflow is improved. I'm not seeing any nutrient deficiencies yet. Plants are a vibrant healthy dark green. Soon I'll add a base nute like big bloom or ancient amber (I think that's the one, it's applicable to big bloom). I cam see some plants trying to start flowering and I've got one (in the 50) that has just shown sex. Hopfully this will give me some time between harvests. I'll update as I go along. DAD CALLED IN THE AFTERNOON AND SAID HE THOUGHT A PLANT MIGHT BE STARTING TO DROOP. IT WAS MY GMO CANARY THAT GETS HIT ON ALMOST THREE FULL SIDES BY WIND (ONLY ONE PLANT). I CHECKED THE WEIGHT AND IT WAS LIGHT. IT WAS DROOPING TOO. I WATERED THAT ONE PLANT WITH A GALLON AND WATCHED IT PERK BACK UP. I CHECKED THE WEIGHT ON THE OTHER PLANTS AND LIKE I THOUGHT THEY WERE STILL HEAVY. I PUT MY FINGER IN THE SOIL AND IT CAME AWWY COVERED IN DIRT. MY SEEDLING IN THE 10 WAS KINDA LIGHT SO I GAVE THAT HALF A GALLON. I USED THE OTHER HALF AS "A CUP OF KINDNESS" ON THE PLANTS THAT SEEMED LIGHTEST TO CARRY THEM OVER. I PROBABLY SHOULDVE WAITED BUT I DOUBT IT MATTERS. ILL CHECK IN THE MORNING. I ASSUME ILL HAVE TO WATER THEN OR AT NIGHT. ILL GO BY THE WEIGHT. THE CANARY WILL NEED TO BE ON A SEPERATE SCHEDULE. THATS FOR SURE. Went back over at 6:30 and plants looked better than they have in a long time bags still have some weight. With the sunny weather we are going to have these plants will keep exploding in growth. Found one pillar but I wasn't there long. Seriously considering a spray of BT in the near future. EDIT: UNFORTUNATELY MY SPIDEY SENSE STARTING TINGLING AROUND NOON. MY ANXIETY WONT LET ME IGNORE IT (IM NOW EMBRACING IT) AND I HAD TO CUT OFF A CONVERSATION WITH MY WIFE TO GO TO THE GARDEN. I IMMEDIATELY SAW THAT ONE OF MY GMOS WAS STARTING TO DROOP. NOT LIKE BEFORE BUT IF I HAD BRUSHED IT OFF AND LEFT IT FOR FOUR MORE HOURS IN THE 90° SUN IT WOULD'VE BEEN. I GAVE THE GMO'S (BESIDES THE ONE I GOT YESTERDAY EACH A GALLON. I DIDNT WANT TO WATER DURING THE DAY BUT THIS WAS MY BEST OPTION. I GAVE THE TOASTED TOFFY A GALLON AND THE 2 EVENT HORIZONS EACH GOT HALF A GALLON, AS WELL AS THE SHERB PIE WHICH GOT HALF A GALLON. I DECIDED TO DO THIS BECAUSE SOME PLANTS USE MORE WATER THAN OTHERS. BEFORE ACTUALLY GOING OVER I CONSULTED MY PREVIOS DIARIES. I HAD THIS SANE PROBLEM LAST YEAR ON THE SAME WEEK OF THE MONTH! THATS WHAT MADE ME TRUST MY INTUITION FULLY. I LEARNED FROM THE MISTAKE OF LAST YEAR. THINGS ARE GOING GOOD. IM STARTING NUTES SOON AND I NEED TO SPEAY FOR BT BUT DONT KNOW IF IT WILL BE TONIGHT. 7/29 Apparently my intuition worked out well. Plants looked great this morning. I may feed today. I defoliated a bit and watered the 10g with a half gallon and gave another half gallon to the gmo on the end that dries out fastest and that I didn't water yesterday. I think I've got the watering down. Now I need to start nutes and spray bt. Need to wait for the rain first though. Suppised to get minor showers the next couple days. I'm gonna try to get the trellis up too. WENT BACK A LITTPE AFTER FOUR. HUMiDITY WAS 100% AND IT WAS RAINING VERY LIGHTLY. I MEAN AS LITTLE AS IT CAN POSSIBLY RAIN. ALMOST LIKE WHAT IT FEELS LIKE WITH THOSE MISTING FANS IF YOU STAND BACK A WAYS. I DIDN'T WATER. PLANTS WERE LOOKING GREAT! I DID SOME DEFOLIATION AND CAN TELL I NEED TO START NUTES. I CAN SEE SOME SLIGHT DEFICIENCIES IN BIG OLDER LEAVES. SOME SMALL INTERIOR LEAVES YELLOWED. NOT MANY. GRANTED THEY ARE STARTING TO FLOWER. I'LL PLAN ON FEEDING TOMORROW. THE NEXT FEW DAYS IS SUPPISED TO BE SHOWERS. I DOUBT IT WILL GIVE MY BIG GIRLS ALL THEY NEED BUT IT WILL BE A GOOD START. I DID A VIDEO BUT ITS RATHER LONG SO I CANT UPLOAD IT HERE. ITS COOL WATCHING HOW DIFFERENT THE DIFFERENT STRAINS GROW. STILL HAVE A BUNCH OF SHIT TO DO. IT WILL GET DONE THIS WEEK. 7/30 I held off watering today due to a supposed storm and rain we were supposed to be getting. I had early doctors appointments. I got back around 11 and the bags seemed light. After consulting last years diary I saw that I am underwatering. The root system weighs a lot! We haven't got the hundredths of an inch of rain but we got some sun. It's over cast now. I was there working for a few hours. I watered most a gallon. All the gmo's got a gallon. I gave the two event horizons about two thirds a gallon. About the same with the toasted toffy and the sherb pie. About 3/4 of a gallon as they seemed to have a little weight left. Looking at last years diary there were plants I was giving two gallons at a time in a 20 gal bag so I've been u Der watering a bit. I've caught it now and adjusted. I'm not losing leaves at the pace I have in the past. Even though some are in flower. I think I'm getting better. I fed for the first time today. Each plant got 1.75 pints. Except the 10gallon which got half the powerade bottle and the 5gal which got a qtr. By the time I left the plants were standing up nice and tall and looking amazing. Now I just need to apply bt and secondary supports. 7/31 Another eight day week. I'll have to do six days next week. Everything looked amazing this morning. I'm seeing less pest damage. Watering and feeding was the right move. Now I just have a little rearranging to do, add supports and spray if I decide to.