The Grow Awards 2025 🏆
Es ist soweit! Am Freitag habe ich die fünf Easy Buds nach knapp 11 1/2 Wochen abgeschnitten und geerntet. Leider musste ich feststellen, dass eine Pflanze ziemlich stark befallen war. Ich vermute eine Milbenart oder möglicherweise Fliegeneier. Unterhalb der Blätter waren etliche dunkelgelbe und dunkelbraune Eier, die man auf den ersten Blick kaum erkennen konnte. Bei genauerem Hinsehen sieht man jedoch, dass sich der Befall auf die ganze Pflanze ausgeweitet hatte. Glücklicherweise blieben die vier anderen Pflanzen verschont. Aus diesem Grund trockne ich die Pflanzen auch getrennt voneinander. Die befallene Pflanze wollte ich nicht direkt wegwerfen, sondern erstmal trocknen lassen. Im Nachhinein werde ich schauen, wie ich mögliche Schadensbegrenzung betreiben kann. Die vier gesunden Pflanzen werden in einem geschlossenen Zelt in einem Trocknungsbeutel getrocknet. Die befallene Pflanze habe ich in dem Folienzelt aufgehängt und mit einer Plane abgedeckt. Nach wenigen Tagen der Trocknung sieht soweit eigentlich alles gut aus. Die Eier scheinen nicht mehr zu schlüpfen, sondern fallen von der Blüte ab oder verschrumpeln zu Kompost. Ich hoffe, dass es dabei bleibt. Der Geruch hat sich nach dem Abschneiden deutlich verändert. Schon nach der kurzen Trocknungszeit kann ich einen intensiveren Geruch feststellen, der sich noch nicht so richtig beschreiben lässt. Die Blüten waren stark mit den sogenannten "Sugar Leaves" verwachsen, weshalb ich sie grob getrimmt habe, um sie zum Trocknen aufzuhängen. Nachdem die Blüten vollständig getrocknet sind, werde ich die Buds noch einmal einzeln trimmen und durch meine Trimm-Maschine von Vevor jagen. Der Ernteprozess hat zu zweit circa eine Stunde gedauert. Die Pflanzen waren zum Zeitpunkt der Ernte noch sehr gesund und kräftig. Die Verwurzelung war trotz des geschlossenen Topfes sehr gut. Die schönste Bud hat definitiv die zentrale Pflanze, Greta, ergeben. Nass hätte ich den Bud auf mindestens 12 g geschätzt. Ein Gesamtgewicht des nassen Pflanzenmaterials habe ich nicht ermittelt. Sobald alles trocken und fertig beschnitten ist, werde ich das Tagebuch um den trockenen Betrag ergänzen. Stand jetzt würde ich schätzen, dass der Ertrag aller Pflanzen bei circa 40-50 g liegt, was mich für meinen ersten Grow ziemlich zufrieden stellt, besonders in Anbetracht dieser wirklich sehr simplen Strain. Mehr Infos und Fotos folgen in Kürze, wenn das Curing beginnt. Bis bald! :)
All going well. No problems. Smoothie and strawberry nuggets have about a week left and looking nice
This is the last week 💀 There are less pictures than usual but nothing special happened except the yellowing of the plants due to the nutrients cut. Wait for the "Harvest" week for the final photo shoot 😎
WE ARE SO BACK PEOPLE!! 🎉🎉 Welcome welcome back to my weekly update, we got some good and some bad news this week. Bad news first: I will postpone harvesting due to the trichomes remaining clear which I am pretty frustrated about. BUT good news: we got some new light! I updated to a FC-1500 EVO from MarsHydro which got some insane efficiency compared to my last light. I can hang it 10 cm higher with a better light spread and a PPFD increase of 200 (now staying at around 900 PPFD throughout the tent) and all this while taking 10w less! Truly a technologie of all time! 😂 However I will harvest on Wednesday in the upcoming week, because it allows me to have my desired 10 days of dry-time while also maintaining my schedule with starting the Cup-grow February 1st. I also included some Bud Porn this time around because I felt like messing with DavinciResolve again, nothing too fancy though :) 14.01.: - watered all plants with 1L/plant - increased max. temperature to 26 Celsius - decreased the light to 20 cm height ➡️ all of this to boost the metabolism of the plants for them to produce cannabinoids faster and making my trichomes milkier 16.01.: - changed the lamp to MarsHydro FC-1500 EVO - height at around 30 cm while maintaining the temperature levels 17.01.: - watered all plants with 1L/plant - this is the last watering they will receive
Net going in next week lots of branches not holding their
Another hot week and adding pk top to the feed schedule after a few fan leaves getting some slight brown spots middle of leaves. Flowers putting on plenty of weight.
29.12.-4.1.25. This was the last week and my photos are from the end of this week (4.1.). Over all I have some things to notice: 1: I think my lights were too close to my plants. I found out, that the top Buds were a little bit smaller than the buds a little deeper. So I think I have to adjust this in an another round. 2: I hat too much small branches. it would have been better to cut them all of, and leave only the biggest on the plant. they don't smell as good as the bigger ones, and the bigger ones were not as good as they could be. 3: I need to feed with clear water the last week. 4: On the moment I turn off the lights I would do now things different. I should let the plant 3 Days in darkness in her pot. (and do a photo shooting) But after this I should chop the hole plant and put her in a watercan for one week. After that I should dry her completely as a hole plant longer and slower than I did this time. I think best could be 65%-55% humidity, so that the plant could be drying for about 14 days. This time I messed things up because I wanted to do a fresh frozen with the sugar leafes, but it didn't work. so I'll do it the next time just dry.
Colder wet week humidity over 80% so set up dehumidifier back down to low 60% range. Pk top working brown spots stopped and gaining lots of weight. Though I would be getting ready to flush from here but I thinks it still could go 2 more feeds before looking to start flush at the end of next week.
Day 78: Nothing to do today. Day 79: Nothing to do today. Day 80: I lowered the light intensity to 6. Nothing else to do today. Day 81: Today I pulled up some branches with some strings, as buds are too heavy and fall against the tent. Day 82: Darkness. -------------------------------------------------------------- You also like to get some seeds from Fast Buds? You like a 15% discount? Just use the following code on your next order: CSYIJC Happy growing -------------------------------------------------------------- 🙏 Thanks for visiting and follow for daily updates 🌱
Day 63 - 1st day of week 10 1) fastbuds-Orange president 2) Inseedious-highribo
Today we start week 8 from seed 🤙🏽 She's fattin up those buds and I am courious how she'll end Up until Harvest. Stay tuned 🤙🏽
Higher temps/humidity this time round have caused flowers to be a little less frosty not much though
We did a wet manicure on this harvest, and hung the flowers for 10 days in 55% to 65% humidity with constant air flow. After 10 days, the flowers were cut into budlets and stored in 1/2 gallon mason jars for curing. The buds are now sitting between 57% and 61% RH in their curing jars. At 61% moisture content level, my 5x5 (or 2.32m2) tent produced 1.71 lbs or 775.71g which equals, roughly, 334g/m2. Anyone that enjoys a good, relaxing indica that also enhances creativity, this is one you have to try.
I should’ve scrog’ed with my strongest two plants. Trying to pull some very heady buds so went all out on Advsnced Nutrients. Going to A/b test with budget synthetics next grow
I should’ve scrog’ed with my strongest two plants. Trying to pull some very heady buds so went all out on Advsnced Nutrients. Going to A/b test with budget synthetics next grow