D78/F34 - 17/06/23 - I changed light schedule hoping she's going better. (6 only red ligh and 7 red-white)
D79/F35 - 18/06/23 - New lights schedule is running
D80/F36 - 19/06/23 - Added water and integrators EC 1.0 and pH 6.4
D81/F37 - 20/06/23 - Nothing to report
D82/F38 - 21/06/23 - Added water and nutes EC 1.0 and pH 5.7
D83/F39 - 22/06/23 - Temp is too high for both water and environment. I see signals of suffering on the flowers (foxtailing)
D84/F40 - 23/06/23 - I'm trying to keep the Tremp under control but isn't easy. To lowering water temp (that now is about 26 °C) I'm adding some ice to the water