Hello, Day 29 of flower today. She is packing on some trichomes since 2-3 days and it’s getting more everyday. Buds are growing and starting to look like they should. The smell is not that strong but if you walk by the opened window you smell that there is a weed plant somewhere near. The trichomes are sticky and the smell is hyping me up like crazy. Weight was okay today, I will water again tomorrow with 6-7 Liters without added nutrients. Some bottom leaves are starting to get a yellowish colour which kinda concerns me, but I’m far away from panicking. Estimated flower time are 50-60. my light is running on 85% which is 225W / 35cm distance to the canopy. I added those extra 5% power yesterday and we will see if she likes it. Maybe I will buy additional phosphor booster, but I have to gather some information first. I the next couple days I will also get a hygrometer to check my humidity. I can’t change it but I think it’s good to know for the next grow. The temperature is measured via an infrared thermometer, leaf temp was 18°C night and 23°C day temp. If you have questions or recommendations for me, use the comment section :) Greetings and stay high
Hier und da ein Paar Blätter abgemacht die Bud sites verdecken. Die Pflanze fängt ganz gut an sich zu stretchen. Man merkt das sie Richtung Blüte geht bin mal gespannt was sie für Buds bildet.
Love her Struckture!! Exceptions but I knew from the start she blew her 8 sisters away in the first few days!!
Die Ladys haben sich hervorragend entwickelt 😄. Sie werden mit vier Knotenpunkten getoppt. Die Lichtintensität wurde von 25 % auf 50 % erhöht, mit einem Abstand von etwa 60 cm zur Krone 👑. 💡PPFD ca. 500 Happy Growing 🙏👋
unbelievable, the performance of her in the still mixed weather in germany is awesome. the buds are starting to smell and are getting thicker. i'm a bit afraid that if the weather continues like this, mould will form. fingerscrossed that it doesn't happen. i give her a mix of biobizz root, grow and bloom every two days. I have removed the LST. from time to time I cut off the large leaves.
25.07 Watering with 200 - 400 - 400 - 400 Used only 4ml/L TOP-Max (honestly I forgot about the fact, that I have to use the BioBizz Products only once in a week and I already added 4ml before I realized it…) 26.07 my neighbor complained about the smell one store user my balcony (told me he can smell it on the street 50 meters behind my balcony)
Not much to say about this real first grow week’s start. Everything looks ok, steady growth at 40% light. I had to restart the control app a few times, therefore the broken graphs. At night times, the control software tries to attain optimum humidity rather than optimum VPD. That’s why VPD is dropping when the lights are out. CO2 is back to baseline – really wonder what the reliable values are … I found I have to silence the blowers when a timelapse photo is being taken. The shaking you see at the beginning of the grow video should not appear, or to a much less degree, in the future.
The temperatures, humidity, height, and watering volume(if measured) in grow conditions are all averaged for the week. The pH is soil pH. Any watering done by me is well water which is 7.6 pH and 50° F. Any listed nutrients are ml/gallon of soil spread evenly across the top of the soil. Day 1 we had a high temperature of 79° with mostly cloudy skies. The nights have been dripping below 69°F, creating an ideal environment for powdery mildew. I watered about 3 gallons of well water. I treated with Arber biofungicide. Lady bugs were released and are having an aphid feast. Day 2 we had early morning rain followed by mostly cloudy skies. High temperature was 77. The rain took care of the watering today. I'm treating with arber again and more defoliation. Day 3 we had a high temperature of 81°F, skies were partly cloudy, and I watered 3-4 gallons from the hose. Day 4 we had a high temperature of 83° with sunny skies. I watered 4-5 gallons from the well. I removed leaves with powdery mildew and treated with Arber. Day 5 we had a high temperature of 88°F. Skies were clear and sunny. The humidity was around 90% today. I watered 4-5 gallons from the well. I treated with Arber again today. Day 6 we had high temperature of 89°F. Skies were sunny. I watered about 4-5 gallons with well water. I've been treating these with Arber biofungicide and it's had some good effect. I stripped all the infected leaves.I'll get the third tomorrow. I'll treat these tomorrow with growers ally fungicide and see how that does. Day 7 we had a high temperature of 86°F with partly cloudy skies. We're expecting rain tonight and it's super humid today. The weather is not cooperating while I'm treating for powdery mildew. This week was a success. The plants gained on average 3 inches in height. They've slowed down their upward growth and are transitioning into flower. The weather has been atrocious for cannabis. These girls are super healthy but the humidity and cool nights have caused perfect conditions for powdery mildew. I began treatment with Arber biofungicide and it's working pretty good. I'm switching now and will treat late day 7 with Growers Ally fungicide. I removed the infected leaves and defoliated to help light penetration.
The temperatures, humidity, height, and watering volume(if measured) in grow conditions are all averaged for the week. The pH is soil pH. Any watering done by me is well water which is 7.6 pH and 50° F. Any listed nutrients are ml/gallon of soil spread evenly across the top of the soil. Day 1 we had high temperatures of 79° and skies were mostly cloudy. The lows at night have begun to drop below 60°F. It has been extremely humid with tons of dew in the morning. I'll continue to defoliate and spray with biofungicide to get this powdery mildew under control. Day 2 we had early morning rain followed by mostly cloudy skies. High temperature was 77. The rain took care of the watering today. I'm treating with arber again and more defoliation. Day 3 we had a high temperature of 81°F, skies were partly cloudy, and I watered 3-4 gallons from the hose. Day 4 we had a high temperature of 83° with sunny skies. I watered 4-5 gallons from the well. I treated with Arber. Day 5 we had a high temperature of 88°F. Skies were clear and sunny. The humidity was around 90% today. I watered 4-5 gallons from the well. I finally got most of the infected leaves off and have one more plant to do tomorrow. I treated with Arber again today. Day 6 we had high temperature of 89°F. Skies were sunny. I watered about 4-5 gallons with well water. I've been treating these with Arber biofungicide but it's hasn't had much affect. I stripped all the infected leaves and lollipoped two today. I'll get the third tomorrow. I'll treat these tomorrow with growers ally fungicide and see if they can be saved. Day 7 we had a high temperature of 86°F with partly cloudy skies. We're expecting rain tonight and it's super humid today. The weather is not cooperating while I'm treating for powdery mildew. This week was a success. The plants gained on average 6 inches in height. They've slowed down their upward growth and are transitioning into flower. The weather has been atrocious for cannabis. These girls are super healthy but the humidity and cool nights have caused perfect conditions for powdery mildew. I began treatment with Arber biofungicide, but it wasn't doing much. I lollipoped and defolated heavy on two of the plant and finished the third after photos on day 7. The non infected leaves are responding ok to the Arber. I'm switching now and will treat late day 7 with Growers Ally fungicide. I defolated pretty heavy, but I expect a full recovery and increased production as there will be more light penetration.
Läuft. Etwas entlaubt. Warte auf gelbe Blätter und mehr bernsteinfarbende Trichome.