The sun was there this week. Despite the yellowing of the lower leaves, the Gorilla Punch and the Pound Cake look good. The Apricot and the Orange Sherbet are not so good. Parameters : ------------------------------------------- Humidity range : 30-65% depending on the sun Temperature range : 20-30°C depending on the sun SUN Average : very sunny Plants heights at the end of the week : ------------------------------------------- Apricot : 20,5 cm Gorilla Punch : 25 cm Orange Sherbet : 25.5 cm Pound Cake : 33 cm
Sieht aus als würden sie von Tag zu Tag anschwellen die Süßen. Jetzt wo die Regenzeit mit hoher Luftfeuchtigkeit anfängt habe ich mir einen Luftentfeuchter zugelegt. Weiß nicht ob es übervorsichtig ist, den schon anzumachen. Doch bei einigen Growmies gab es schon Schimmel in der Ernte. Ich versuche die Luftfeuchte den Rest des Grows unter 50% zu halten
10/08: i just switched the lights over to 12/12. I am pleased enough with how the grow phase has gone, though i made some mistakes, and i am frustrated with how significantly different these phenos have been in their grow patterns. The canopy isnt great, and two pf the plants are significantly taller than the others. And i simply was not able to train them the same. I took 3 cuttings of each and am hoping to propagate them and keep a mother of my favorite of the 4 plants, assuming any of them actually end up with color. Really looking forward to the next couple of weeks as buds start to grow in. Fingers crossed for purple.
Gestern wurde ein letztes Mal entlaubt, ich denke so in 10 Tagen fange ich dann mit Terra Aquatica Flash Clean und Final Part an (dauert dann auch nochmal insgesamt 12 Tage die Prozedur). Die Buds duften sehr gut und die Pflanze ist mehr als gesund. Sie wird jeden Tag fetter und fetter. Also 3 Wochen dann wandert sie in den Cannatrol Cool Cure. Ich denke so 100 g dürften es trocken sein, wir werden sehen.
Ciao a tutti, eccoci di nuovo, sono passati 8 giorni dall'ultimo aggiornamento. oggi siamo arrivati al giorno 40 di fioritura, i fiori sono raddoppiati di dimensioni e sono gia duri come delle pepite che si riempiono di resina giorno dopo giorno aromatizzando tutto il locale di agrumi. Negli scorsi giorni ho avuto un problema di sovrafertilizzazione, dopo una mia prima analisi penso sia un accumulo di nutrienti immobili contenuti nei concimi AN che ho aggiunto alla mia solita fertilizzazione dato che volevo azzardare e vedere se ci fossero dei miglioramenti. Era dall'ultimo post che le piante iniziavano a mostrare segni di una concimazione troppo sostenuta, nella vasca l'EC era 2.4 e a partire dal giorno 35 dopo ogni 24 ore avevo un aumento dell'EC di 0.3-0.4, cosa che regolavo aggiungendo acqua riportandolo ad un valore di 2.4 e aumentando il PH a 6 per vedere se le piante riuscissero a metabolizzare meglio i nutrienti in eccesso, pensando che le piante lo avessero sopportato dato che le conoscevo e sapevo che potevano mangiare tanto tanto. ERRORE ***** il giorno 39 sono intervenuto cambiando la vasca e mettendo solo acqua con PH=5.8 che cambierò giornalmente almeno fino al giorno 41. quando poi tornero ad aggiungere i concimi ma ad una dose inferiore. per il momento posso dire che l'aggiunta dei concimi AN non ha avuto gli effetti desiderati sulla dimensione dei fiori. Quantità e qualità della resina e dei suoi terpeni non posso notare alcuna differenza dato che attualmente le temperature sono relativamente basse e preservano bene tutti i terpeni motivo a cui attribuisco il loro grande profumo che come detto è inebrianti, adoro chiudere gli occhi e annusare le cime PURA AROMATERPIA :P Vi direi addirittura per il momento di aver esagerato con i prodotti e ho pure speso soldi inutilmente creandomi un problema di concimazione
10/08: I decided to go ahead and remove the little one from the grow. I decided to do this because i had originally planned to only grow one plant in here so i had room for my clones from my other grow. And so i stuck to my original plan. This lady is the smallest plant i have ever grown. She is basically just growing 3 large colas. They are each already nearly the size of a soda can and id guess there is still 3-4 weeks left at least. And so i am slightly nervous that they are going to get too big and that mold will ultimately become a problem. Will see how it goes.
Candy has sprouted , and stretched a little too much. Her roots are just finding the solution. So she should get strong fast. Everything is looking good at the moment. Thank you Divine Seeds, Athena, and Spider Farmer. 🤜🏻🤛🏻🌱🌱🌱 Thank you grow diaries community for the 👇likes👇, follows, comments, and subscriptions on my YouTube channel👇. ❄️🌱🍻 Happy Growing 🌱🌱🌱
Es geht endlich in Richtung Ernte! Vor 2 Tagen habe ich Flash Clean eingesetzt, nun noch 5 Tage Final Part von Terra Aquatica und dann wieder 2 Tage flushen mit Flash Clean, so die Empfehlung des Herstellers. Alles ist perfekt,so 100 g Trocken Gewicht sind das auf jeden Fall. Hauptcola ist knappe 30 cm groß, fett und fest. Die allerobersten Buds werden lila, die unteren wachsen gut nach. Bin zufrieden, auf Dutch Passion ist halt Verlass
Purple gelato x Unicorn poop NASC freebie Buds are ripening up and coming to a finish Branches are flopping all over, buds are all dense swollen golf ball size from top to bottom, strain does not produce larfy popcorn nug at all the terp profile is a sweet heavy Ice cream gas with phunky kush tones
Strawberry Amnesia has sprouted and is looking good. Also looks like she is displaying a mutation in her first node of leaves. Everything is going well. Thank you Spider Farmer, Athena, and Herbies seeds. 🤜🏻🤛🏻🌱🌱🌱 Thank you grow diaries community for the 👇likes👇, follows, comments, and subscriptions on my YouTube channel👇. ❄️🌱🍻 Happy Growing 🌱🌱🌱
Runtz punch has sprouted and is about a week old. She has stretch a little too much so I increased the light strength some till she gets some growth on her and roots in the solution. Everything is looking good at the moment. Thank you Athena, Spider Farmer, and Herbies seeds. 🤜🏻🤛🏻🌱🌱🌱 Thank you grow diaries community for the 👇likes👇, follows, comments, and subscriptions on my YouTube channel👇. ❄️🌱🍻 Happy Growing 🌱🌱🌱
All things good this week! Did my weekly water change on Monday and kept nutrients the same as last week, so right around 3.2-3.3 EC (Gunna start lowering EC around week 6 of flower). Wish I had my reservoir set up since PH has been dropping a little, been using a good amount pf PH up to kept PH around 5.9. Did a lot of defoliation, lollipopping and turned up the lights the slightest amount. Got about another 5 inches of stretch this week and shouldn't see much more. Time for the buds to develop and fill in!!! Terps is coming in strong, like you're walking through an orange field.
It was quite an experience, learned a lot and was pretty happy with the results. I could have extended the flowering period one week more but the weather was getting bad and the plants would smell a lot, the trichomes were acceptable at the time of harvest. The dry weight was around 167 grams which is 50-60g for each plant. 2 of them were harvested at 65th day of flowering and the last one at the 70th day approximatedly. I will certainly use the acquired knowledge in future grows.
Week 10 is been magical.. Sour D is showing really good smell, different one.. similar with one I smoked from the streets.. plant is a bit smaller than gelato just beside it but man, they both are reaching the stars.. my biggest plants ever.. so far Barneys farm is showing really good genetics in my hands.. let’s gooo I will cut off silicon and big bud from next week on 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼
Week 10 going well, Gelato is thriving.. what beautiful looking plant.. tall, with many branch sides, full of buds, everywhere 😍 the smell is getting stronger each day and it’s full of trichomes, frosty one.. I am really impressed by these 2 of genetics from barneys(gelato and sour d) but to be honest all genetics I have grown from them never disappoints.. all really good ones.. barneys farm coming hot on my tents.. let’s go
when flushing i accidentally ripped a little bud of one side stem. i kept and dried it about 4 days... it smells like cookies and already has some strong medical effects. i am pretty surprised, how well this one turned out. now i can't wait to try the clean, flushed, cured flowers 💚