Day 22 22/07/24 Monday Nothing new to report. Starting to see them beautiful fans appear that's all 😁✌️ Day 23 23/07/24 Tuesday Feed today, giving her straight all nutes Inc flowering nutes. I will update the dose as they grow and develop a bigger hunger. Video updates 💚 Day 24 24/07/24 Wednesday She was doing a climb, so I have topped her today 😁 she's strong I'm sure she will recover well 🤞
Als die Jiffys durchgewurzelt waren habe ich sie in 1.2L töpfe umgetopft. Gieße sie alle 2 Tage mit 180ml. Nur wasser da ich BioBizz AllMix Erde habe.
7/24 I decided to label this week as flower. It's more like preflower though. GMOs are stretching like crazy. Due to the rain we weren't supposed to get some of my plants are a little over watered. That's why I love the fabric pots. With the winds we get the bags dry out fast. The GMO's would've needed water anyway if we didn't get this storm. Event Horizon seems to be the furthest in flower amd the most over watered. WE'LL get a LITTLE more rain today and tomorrow but then hopfully my bags will dry out. They are heavy as hell right now. Had we not got rain for what seems like forever. Several plants would've needed to be watered if we didn't get this rain. Still the plants are currently overwatered. All the pics and video so far are from this morning after the horrible pounding rain of yesterday. Like I said before, I need to; defoliate for better air flow, add secondary supports or a vertical trellis, considering using a preventative pest application (e.g. BT), LST and spread branches apart and start using nutes. 7/25 Wasn't supposed to rain today. Like .001. It poured this morning and is still raining VERY LIGHTLY at 2:30. We got an inch yesterday. The total for these 3 days was suppised to be under half an inch. Anyway I went over around two and everything looks great! Things are clearly overwatered and heavy but the plants look happy! Most have their leaves out and everything! I love growing in bags because they dry out so quickly! I don't mind watering more. I defoliated one event horizon and the few yellow leaves I coukd see on other plants after shaking them off. The seedling in the 50 is far behind the others in flower and just showed its sex. I'm fairly certain that one is red runtz. Whatever it is is going to flower much later than the rest. It's going to be good if I have couple early finishers. I did a video but I'll have to upload tomorrow. I have a lot of work to do And not just in the garden so I'm hoping I can balance things out and get this stuff done. Caught three TINY inch worms. I'm wondering if me manually hunting has cut the adult population down and I'm just getting fresh born ones? If that's the case I wouldn't need to spray. 7/25 Plants looked pretty great today. I think me manually removing pillars has made a big difference. It's windy out too so it won't take long for those bags to dry out. Which is good because what wad supposed to be a half inch of rain turned into 3 straight days of rain. I'll be back over to work on the garden today and I'll update then. 7/26 Plants are looking pretty good. Good weather ahead and the bags are starting to lose weight. Found a pillar wrapped in a dead interior leaf all wrapped up. Found a couple more early this morning amd killed them. I did some slight leafing on some plants. I don't like doing that outdoors but since these are monster cropped they have far to many leaves. Airflow is improved. I'm not seeing any nutrient deficiencies yet. Plants are a vibrant healthy dark green. Soon I'll add a base nute like big bloom or ancient amber (I think that's the one, it's applicable to big bloom). I cam see some plants trying to start flowering and I've got one (in the 50) that has just shown sex. Hopfully this will give me some time between harvests. I'll update as I go along.
Day 43 Watered them with feeding but a bit less than in Chart. Ppm is still high but because I got bio-fertilizer I think it should be okay 👍🏽. I also set the light from stage 7 to stage 9 so far the plants seem to like it. Will give an update on day 45. Day 50 Trying to fix the overfeeding. looked good Day 53 Still a bit overfed. Reducing the feed. I’m trying water without minerals next and will see how it is going.
Die Pflanze ist komischer weiße nicht sehr hoch geworden. Frage mich ob es an der Genetik liegt, oder ob ich den Setzling zu tief gesetzt habe.
Der Samen wurde in einer Wasserlösung mit Wasserstoffperoxid gekeimt ca 1ml auf 20ml. Leider ist mir der Samen über Nacht aus der Samenkapsel gewachsen womit er einfach im Becher schwamm. Habe dann den Setzling mit der Wurzel nach unten in die Erde gesteckt und jetzt guck ich einfach was passiert.
Leider ist mir der Samen im Wasser über Nacht komplett aufgegangen womit der Keimling im Becher schwamm. Ich wollte den Grow schon fast abbrechen. Dachte mir aber die Wurzel sieht gut aus gib der Pflanze eine Chance. Die Pflanze ist komischer weiße nicht sehr hoch geworden. Frage mich ob es an der Genetik liegt, oder ob ich den Setzling zu tief gesetzt habe.
Die Pflanze wurde das erste mal Entlaubt. Hab versucht das LST auszubessern, da die Pflanze gewachsen ist. Ansonsten sieht die Pflanze sehr gut aus bisher keine Probleme oder sonstiges gehabt. :)
The temperatures, humidity, height, and watering volume(if measured) in grow conditions are all averaged for the week. The pH is soil pH. Any watering done by me is well water which is 7.6 pH and 50° F. Any listed nutrients are ml/gallon of soil spread evenly across the top of the soil. Day 1 we had a high temperature of 79° with mostly cloudy skies. The nights have been dripping below 69°F, creating an ideal environment for powdery mildew. I watered about 3 gallons of well water. I treated with Arber biofungicide. Lady bugs were released and are having an aphid feast. Day 2 we had early morning rain followed by mostly cloudy skies. High temperature was 77. The rain took care of the watering today. I'm treating with arber again and more defoliation. Day 3 we had a high temperature of 81°F, skies were partly cloudy, and I watered 3-4 gallons from the hose. Day 4 we had a high temperature of 83° with sunny skies. I watered 4-5 gallons from the well. I removed leaves with powdery mildew and treated with Arber. Day 5 we had a high temperature of 88°F. Skies were clear and sunny. The humidity was around 90% today. I watered 4-5 gallons from the well. I treated with Arber again today. Day 6 we had high temperature of 89°F. Skies were sunny. I watered about 4-5 gallons with well water. I've been treating these with Arber biofungicide and it's had some good effect. I stripped all the infected leaves.I'll get the third tomorrow. I'll treat these tomorrow with growers ally fungicide and see how that does. Day 7 we had a high temperature of 86°F with partly cloudy skies. We're expecting rain tonight and it's super humid today. The weather is not cooperating while I'm treating for powdery mildew. This week was a success. The plants gained on average 3 inches in height. They've slowed down their upward growth and are transitioning into flower. The weather has been atrocious for cannabis. These girls are super healthy but the humidity and cool nights have caused perfect conditions for powdery mildew. I began treatment with Arber biofungicide and it's working pretty good. I'm switching now and will treat late day 7 with Growers Ally fungicide. I removed the infected leaves and defoliated to help light penetration.
Läuft. Etwas entlaubt. Warte auf gelbe Blätter und mehr bernsteinfarbende Trichome.