Flower development definitely set back right from the beginning with extreme light intensity reaching 1650 ppfd before corrected. Never fully took off I don’t think. Midway through week 7 started to slowly dial back the intensity from 900 at tops to 650 ppfd. This is a 9.5-10 week strain. Using fish shit to keep things ramped up, also Bokashi Bran and worm casting. Also mixing in Gaia seaweed extract 0-0-17 with the fish shit. Not a whole lot more needed that the soil and top dressings doesn’t already have, if anything at all. I just like to give it that extra kick. I had completely wiped out those pesky fungus gnats and future offspring before flower, but they came back after top dressing and adding more soil. They come in the bag soil, and while I was on holidays for 10 days they came back and I wasn’t on top of the new wave of those dirty bastards. Just about got them cleared out again with the use of nematodes and sticky traps.
Day 51. 2 ladies are a little too yellow for me. Otherwise I like everything quite well. "Iris' had another defoliation today. It was just a mess of leaves. Have a nice weekend @all.
Day 51. 2 ladies are a little too yellow for me. Otherwise I like everything quite well. "Iris' had another defoliation today. It was just a mess of leaves. Have a nice weekend @all.
2024-05-25 The Fatso GO Plants had a good stretch again, and i can see tiny Flowerbuds thats good, so they are officially into Floweringmode. Weather is cold and rainy again, so they will stay indoors for longer. Fatso GMO F1 Auto, a feminized hybrid strain, emerges from the crossbreeding of two autoflowering varieties: Fatso Auto and Cotton Candy Auto. This California-derived cultivar leans slightly towards sativa, offering growers a straightforward cultivation experience coupled with impressive yields, robust THC levels, and a delightful palate featuring sweet, candy, and fuel undertones. Thriving both indoors and outdoors, Fatso GMO F1 Auto exhibits above-average resistance to mold, while still benefiting from adequate ventilation, particularly in environments with higher humidity levels. Its exceptional resistance to pests and pathogens ensures hassle-free cultivation. While indoor plants maintain a compact stature of around 100cm or less, outdoor specimens can stretch a bit taller, reaching heights of up to 130cm when grown in open ground. Completing its entire lifecycle within a maximum of 75 days from germination to harvest, Fatso GMO F1 Auto delivers yields considered average yet impressive for an autoflowering strain. The combination of high resin production and elevated terpene levels renders it an excellent choice for cannabis extract production. Its terpene profile presents a sweet and funky aroma with savory hints of Skunk complemented by pine and floral notes. On the palate, it delights with flavors reminiscent of sweet candy underscored by subtle fuel undertones. With THC levels reaching a high of 24% and minimal CBD content, Fatso GMO F1 Auto delivers a balanced and uplifting effect, appealing to enthusiasts seeking a satisfying and harmonious experience.
Das Wetter bleibt durchwachsen bis schlecht, ich bin mir nicht sicher ob das 50W Zusatzlämpchen bei 6 Pflanzen noch wirklich einen Unterschied macht, trotzdem entwickelt sich die Dame nicht schlecht. Im Video sieht man alle 6 legalen Pflanzen welche meine Frau und ich gemeinsam in Deutschland besitzen dürfen. Die anderen Ladys sind 17 Tage, zum Teil mit sehr viel Sonnenschein voraus. Leider ist das Wetter weiterhin bescheiden, wenig Sonnenstunden, Schnecken überall und die Feuchtigkeit im Gewächshaus ist zu hoch...
🌱🌞🌱Week4🌱🌞🌱 Bruce is much smaller, LST is almost completely tied to the ground, but looks super healthy. All the side shoots have now been directed and I hope that she will now grow nicely upwards 😅 Sherbet is my queen in this grow so far 🌞 It's just fun to watch the beauty grow. To start the fourth week, I removed some leaves today and directed the shoots in the right direction, otherwise Brucie will soon be completely overgrown 😂 but hopefully it will also have the effect that the good energy of growth will now go in the right direction.... I'll be surprised. Now she looks like a beautiful chandelier 😎
👇 This week: -- - All plants were repotted in their final pots. Some 11l some 8l - Watered again as usual with standard Plagron scheme + Calmag - PPFD on canopy height approx. 350-400, (500 was too much, you can see it on a few leaf tips) - Next update will be the autopot setup (incl. tutorial for you guys) -- Happy Growing and thanks for checking out my report! 😁💪🙏
Auch in dieser Woche gehen die Schwestern getrennte Wege, eine wird weiter mit 18-6 beleuchtet, die andere darf nur 12h im Sonnenlicht verbringen. An Tag 37 hat die eine Schwester 250ml Compo Grow Organic Wachstum bekommen, die andere Compo Grow Organic Blüte. An Tag 39 Mal ein Video des Gewächshauses von mir und meiner Frau, ihr seht drei verschiedene Genetiken von Sensi Seeds, ganz links sind unsere Purple Buds zu sehen. An Tag 40 gab es noch einmal Dünger für beide, diesmal einen ganzen Liter.
2024-04-25 the ove to the other Roo with stronger Light, pushed her massive, so i have to transplant them into bigger Pots. they have alittle N defiency, but soon its history, because they get 10l ore Soil now. BREEDER INFO Tangerine Snow F1 Fast Feminised is a 75% sativa, four-way cross of (Boost x Tangelo) with (Lavender x Power Plant). This Fast F1 hybrid is bred from Cali genetics and boasts great citrus terps, high resin production for extracts, high levels of THC, very good yields and excellent mould resistance. Tangerine Snow F1 Fast can be grown indoors as well as outdoors. Indoor flowering times are between 8 - 10 weeks while harvest time in northern latitudes is during September while in the southern hemisphere growers will be harvesting during March. Recommended climate regions are hot, dry, humid and warm. These are tall, semi-branched plants that grow in excess of 200cm and display a high degree of vigour with very good uniformity. In common with many other heavily sativa-dominant strains, Tangerine Snow F1 Fast offers excellent resistance to mould as well as to plant pests and diseases. The combination of citrus terps and plenty of resin makes thi a very good extract strain with the 'washing' method delivering very good yields of hash. The citrus terpene profile is reminiscent of mandarins and tangerines and also has sweet candy notes. THC production has been lab-verified at a strong 24% while CBD is low. The effect is uplifting and energising, perfect for use during the day and early evening.
2024-04-25 the ove to the other Roo with stronger Light, pushed her massive, so i have to transplant them into bigger Pots. they have alittle N defiency, but soon its history, because they get 10l ore Soil now. BREEDER INFO Tangerine Snow F1 Fast Feminised is a 75% sativa, four-way cross of (Boost x Tangelo) with (Lavender x Power Plant). This Fast F1 hybrid is bred from Cali genetics and boasts great citrus terps, high resin production for extracts, high levels of THC, very good yields and excellent mould resistance. Tangerine Snow F1 Fast can be grown indoors as well as outdoors. Indoor flowering times are between 8 - 10 weeks while harvest time in northern latitudes is during September while in the southern hemisphere growers will be harvesting during March. Recommended climate regions are hot, dry, humid and warm. These are tall, semi-branched plants that grow in excess of 200cm and display a high degree of vigour with very good uniformity. In common with many other heavily sativa-dominant strains, Tangerine Snow F1 Fast offers excellent resistance to mould as well as to plant pests and diseases. The combination of citrus terps and plenty of resin makes thi a very good extract strain with the 'washing' method delivering very good yields of hash. The citrus terpene profile is reminiscent of mandarins and tangerines and also has sweet candy notes. THC production has been lab-verified at a strong 24% while CBD is low. The effect is uplifting and energising, perfect for use during the day and early evening.
Gracias al equipo de FastBuds y XpertNutrients sin ellos esto no sería posible. 💐🍁 Gorilla Punch (Auto): Niveles fulminantes de THC. Testado en laboratorio con un 25,695 % en cannabinoides. Perfil rico en terpenos. Los complejos y sabrosos terpenos de esta variedad son codiciados tanto por los extractores como por los fabricantes de hachís. Rendimientos impresionantes. Los cultivadores pueden esperar hasta 550 g/m² de flores deliciosas y aromáticas, rebosantes de THC y otros jugosos cannabinoides. Prueba de excelencia. Dos premios al primer puesto en menos de dos años dejan claro que esta cepa es una auténtica campeona. 🌻🚀 Consigue aqui tus semillas: https://2fast4buds.com/es/seeds/gorilla-punch-auto ⛽ XpertNutrients: es una empresa especializada en la producción y comercialización de fertilizantes líquidos 🍶y sustratos🐛, que garantizan los mejores resultados y cosechas de la más alta calidad. A través de una cuidadosa selección de materias primas y un proceso de producción avanzado, sus productos son sinónimo de resultados confiables. 🛒 Consigue aqui tus fertilizantes: https://xpertnutrients.com/es/sobre-nosotros/#:~:text=Xpert%20Nutrients%20es%20una%20empresa,de%20la%20m%C3%A1s%20alta%20calidad. 📆 Semana 12: Una semana regular debido al mal tiempo, el engorde ha sido menos de lo esperado pero voy a aplicar solo agua a partir de ahora porque no tengo nada para fumar 😅🔥🐒
Alle 3 Babys haben sich von der Größe her nochmal verdoppelt in der Blütephase. Habe gestern noch CANNA Terra Flores Düngemittel für die Blütephase gekauft. Ich hoffe dass es jetzt nicht schon zu spät ist für die Anwendung?
Overview: In the second week of our grow diary "Schroedinger's Plants," the Tropicana Cookies, Gorilla Zkittlez, and Apple Strudel strains have shown varied yet overall positive growth under controlled conditions. Each strain continues to progress well, with interventions to address minor issues. Plant Specifics: 1. Tropicana Cookies: Growth: The plant height increased from 8 cm to 11.5 cm throughout the week, showing healthy growth. Health: Plant health remained robust, marked by the continued green color stabilization and decrease in vein thickness initially noted. Interventions: Regular doses of Alfa Boost and Epsom Salt were administered to maintain nutrition and micronutrient levels. A notable treatment for fungus gnats (Trauermücken) using nematodes was applied early in the week, which required adjustments in watering to facilitate effective nematode deployment. Environmental Conditions: The environment was stable with slight increases in daytime and nighttime temperatures towards the end of the week. 2. Gorilla Zkittlez: Growth: Progressed from 7 cm to 9.5 cm in height by the end of the week. Health: Similar to Tropicana Cookies, this strain exhibited signs of early nutrient issues (thickening of veins and lighter green in new growth) that were effectively managed, leading to improved color and reduced vein prominence. Interventions: Application of Alfa Boost and Epsom Salt continued, adjusting as needed based on plant response. Plans to increase PPFD (photosynthetic photon flux density) were made to encourage stronger growth responses. Challenges: Like the other strains, initial signs of fungus gnat (Trauermücken) were addressed with nematodes. 3. Apple Strudel: Growth: Showed a steady increase from 6.5 cm to 9 cm. Health: Initial challenges with vein thickness and lighter green patches were managed through similar nutrient adjustments as the other strains. Interventions: Consistent nutrient management with Alfa Boost and Epsom Salt helped stabilize growth and coloration. Caught up with the others by the end of the week, after initially lagging slightly behind in growth. Environmental Notes: The plant environment was kept stable, mirroring the conditions of the other strains with slight temperature increases noted towards the week's end. General Observations and Actions: Pest Management: The introduction of nematodes early in the week helped manage the presence of Trauermücken across all plants, a necessary step to prevent infestations. Nutrient Management: The consistent use of Alfa Boost and Epsom Salt across all strains helped address minor nutrient imbalances seen as vein thickening and changes in leaf coloration. Environmental Control: Slight increases in temperature and adjustments in humidity levels were monitored to ensure optimal growth conditions. These adjustments were crucial as the plants transition from seedling to more mature vegetative stages. Conclusion: The second week showed promising growth and stability across all strains. While minor issues were quickly addressed through targeted interventions, the overall health of the plants remained strong. Moving forward, the focus will be on maintaining this momentum and carefully monitoring environmental parameters and plant responses to optimize growth. The increase in PPFD will be particularly interesting to follow in terms of its impact on growth rates and overall plant vigor. In week 3 we'll also start with LST-Training the Ladies. Cheers,
Woch 3 ist rum und die Ladys sind alle echt extrem in die Höhe geschossen. Ich denke das der eine wenig sonnige Tag unter den sonst recht sonnigen Tagen, die Ladys etwas nach Licht gesucht haben. Alle Ladys wurden soweit erstmal gestützt, das falls der Wind etwas stärker weht, die Ladys etwas Unterstützung haben. An Tag 21 ging es für die Ladys aus dem kleinen Anzuchthäuschen in die direkte Sonne, die sie soweit alle gut vertragen. Die Pre-Flowers waren bereits an Tag 18/19 zu sehen. Tag 21 ist deutlich zu sehen das sich an der Spitze Knospen entwickeln und sie auch schon minimal einen leichten Geruch verströmen :) An Tag 21 wurde der letzte Liter Substrat aufgefüllt. Für die Blütezeit wurden 10g BioBloom von GreenHouseFeeding, 4 Teelöffel MegaWorm und 1 Teelöffel BatGuano von Plagron beigemischt. Dadurch das Automatiks etwas weniger Nährstoffe brauchen, gab es daher von allem etwas weniger. Das ganze wurde mit ca 700ml angegossen. In der Gießlösung war 1g/L BioEnhancer von GreenHouseFeeding, 1ml/L PowerRoots, 1ml/L PureZym von Plagron. Das ganze wurde mit etwas ph- auf einen ph-Wert von 6.5 gebracht. Zwischendurch habe ich immer nach Gefühl gegossen, je nach dem wie leicht oder schwer der Topf beim anheben war. Anfangs ist es schwer zu sagen wie viel man wann gießt. Wenn der Topf gut durchwurzelt ist, gehe ich gerne nach der 10% Regel. Was bei einem 8L Topf eine Gießmenge von 800ml bedeuten würde. Das ganze dann alle 2-3 Tage. Deswegen aber anfangs eher nach Gefühl und etwas weniger gießen. Wasser nachgeben wenn es zu wenig war ist einfacher als das Wasser wieder raus zu kriegen ;) Möge die Blütezeit beginnen💚🍀 Vielen Dank fürs reinschauen💚🤙🏻