Day 33: What an amazing height and bud gain in just 3 days! Lady #1 is 67 cm tall now, her sister a tad smaller. Both still have a great color, and I dared to cur away just the lowest branches and leaves that do not look like they could gain height in time. Really enjoying this strain so far!
At the end of their day, they are a bit dropping leaves, so clearly no hunger for more light. The impressive growth speed continued on their buds: Tallest lady at 70 cm now.
Their next morning shows growth is still at an impressive 5 cm/day as lady #1 with her leaves erected again stretches now 72, the maximum of my previous growth. Pulled the lights as close as possible to the ceiling and hope they won’t make it much more than 1 m. I activated the Sansi 30 W folded wings LED to give them somewhat of a morning and evening light and to add some more light to their overlapping center branches in the middle of "their" day. Sadly that’s causing some interference to the timelapse videos, but I can’t say they’re perfect if it wouldn’t.
Watching the timelapse video of day 34, I have the feeling the additional light rather irritates them. Maybe the interference is not only visible for electronic eyes. I’ll keep it off next day for comparisons.
Day 35 shows stretch speed has reduced indeed and they seem to be concentrating on leaf and bud growth instead. 75 cm, so we are currently at "only" 3 cm/day. Watered them with a HPE/Bud growth mix again last night, about 1 l each.
Well, forget my words about reduced growth. After they recovered during the night, we are at 77 cm for lady #1.
Which measured at 78 with hanging leaves in their day’s evening. I must have missed a day number – day 36 concludes their 5th week. I gave them another 2 l of fertilised water each and will lave them for the weekend again.
Video shows that growth concentrates now more on leaf and bud development than on gaining height. So I guess my 160 cm tent will be sufficient. For a moment I was worried, but it looks like stretch is over. Anyway, time to rearrange the camera next week. Leaves are running out of focus.