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12/8/20 día 21 de vegetativo Hoy comenzamos el seguimiento de estas nenas de 21 días. Hasta ahora han estado en contenedor de 1l y hoy he transplantado al de 7l que será el definitivo para que no cojan demasiada altura ya que siempre hago vegetativos largos.las pequeñas están muy sanas y fuertes a pesar de que sólo han sido regadas con agua base ( 0,4 ec) y ryzofuel, el enrraizante de Cyco. En el próximo riego comenzaremos a fertilizar suavemente y esperemos que las temperaturas comiencen a bajar ya que por el momento están demasiado altas. Veremos como se adaptan a sus nuevos contenedores. No te pierdas las actualizaciones. 14/8/20 día 23 de vegetativo Nuestras nenas se adaptan bien a su nuevo contenedor, no se observan muchos cambios pero todo sigue avanzando bien. Hacemos un riego preventivo con propolix ya que la botrytis es una amenaza constante en mi zona. El riego será de 0,5l por planta. Las temperaturas y humedad continúan sin cambios por el momento aunque en los próximos días espero que bajen un poco. En cuanto el sustrato esté seco comenzaremos la nutrición con la gama completa de Cyco platinum series que siempre me da grandes resultados (podéis verlos en Instagram en @galiforniaweeds). Seguiré actualizando el diario día si día no, no te lo pierdas, dela tu like y sígueme. Buenos humos y prósperas cosechas!! 16/8/20 día 25 de vegetativo. Las nenas avanzan sin sorpresas. He preparado un riego con los productos Cyco indicados más arriba. Es un riego con una nutrición suave de 0,65 de ec y un ph de 6,1. Las temperaturas rondan los 25 grados durante el día y 22 durante la noche, la humedad se mantiene entre un 60 y un 65%. La mayoría de las nenas han ganado un par de cms estos días, actualizare su altura cada semana En la tabla superior para poder comparar los avances. Dejad vuestros comentarios y likes compis. Buenos humos 18/8/20 día 27 de vegetativo. Buenos días compañeros growers.todo avanza con normalidad en nuestro cultivo, las plantas de fortalecen y crecen día a día hoy hemos echo otro riego con los productos arriba mencionados, con una ec de 0,75 y un ph de 6,2. Las temperaturas han bajado un poco y están donde a mi me gustan, en unos 22,5 durante el día y a unos 20 durante la noche. Por otro lado la humedad está en un 63% con lo que las condiciones son las idóneas para un crecimiento estable. Arriba os he dejado una foto y un vídeo para que comprobéis El Progreso. Buenos humos y prósperas cosechas hermanos
Day 8: Woke up and checked on the ladies, they were bone dry. Hit em with 70 ml of AN Coco Grow diluted in my mix. Day 9: Got the new lights in today and hooked up. Girls are looking pretty good I think. Still letting em dry out a little. Gonna add a shot of Great White on next water. No nutes will be in this shot. Day 10: Still looking good. Had to stack some loose Coco around a couple as they had a good stretch going and were leaning pretty good. Also noticed a couple of brown spots on the leaves. I am led to believe after asking questions and researching, it is more than likely nute burn? No more nutes for these girls for a while. I also got a humidifier to raise humidity as it was pretty low. Day 11: These girls almost double in size every day! They would probably be a little bigger if I hadn't of tried to give em a drink of nutes earlier on! Lesson learned!! Not bad for 6 days out of the ground regardless though, I think. Got a humidifier in the tent and it stays around 50% now. Other than last night it got up to 73%. I need to get that fixed. Day 12: Nothing new to update other than they look healthy. Think I am gonna let them dry out a touch more before watering. Day 13: Gave the girls 1 cup of ph 6.0 water this morning. Thermostat battery went out and lucky my girl caught it in time. Temp got to 86° for a couple of hours. Opened the tent for an hour to get the temp back down. Humidity has been hovering around 50% for the most part. Minor fluctuations here and there. Girls are looking good for 8 days out of the earth though!! 💪 Day 14: Looking like they need another drink, dry down to around 1" deep. Gave em 2.25 cups with super diluted Coco Grow and a touch of Great White. 😳 They are doing great! 👍 Looking forward to see what week 3 has in store! Going to build a support to add my 2 CREE lights back in along with the Mars lights.
Hello & big Welcome.... To my Greenfingeress diary "Weed Seeds Express" strain "Ak-48" auto 🌿 donated by the generous guys from Weed Seeds Express who I'd like to say a big thumbs up 👍 for all their support and Excellent strain choice😁 Germination was successful within 24hours... In moist tissue paper with just plain ph5.6 water, in my usual ice-cream tub with holes in the lid to keep the moisture then placed into mother room to keep warm.. 😁 Can't wait to get these girls going🌿 14 Hour's later all my girl's have popped as you can see 😁 weed Seeds Express always have strong good seeds 100% success rate👍 Day 2.... Carefully planted into some plain soil then into propagation, I have heat mat inside giving me high humidity (although I wish I had a better light😤) just waiting for a head's up now 😂 Well will you look at them go... Using smaller domes now tightly on (no gaps) Day 3.... After 24hour's in propagation unit with heat mat and smaller domes they have all come through.... I'm quite chuffed as they don't look to thin and long at the moment fingers crossed😬🍀 Day 4.... Now into my veg tent with bigger domes on, as you can see I am growing 4 girls, three of them are in the same pot going to Greenfingers666 one of them I am growing all the way through to harvest😬 As you can see I've added some pictures of my veg tent of all the different strains I'm growing and all the different ages they are... My diaries have only been germination and veg as that's my speciality can't wait to try these autos and being able to grow all way through to harvest now🌻 Cream Caramel AK48 Girl Scout Cookies Herz Og Any tips would be welcome as my tent is only 140cm high with a shitty light😂 🌻Big thanks to u all for comments, likes and follows.. let's grow together🌿
Still only giving them water at ph6.5 They started flowering this week. 😎
8/17 everything going well. Have nice canopy. They plants are also stretching a lot. Got a pH soil tester and also test moisture so now when to water. Also got pH water tester. 8/20. Buds starting to form on every plant but one. Found my PH of soil is high so trying to bring it down. 8/23 last day of week 7. I think everything going well. They have stretched about 5 inches. I have been listing few and moving around scrog and grow out. No discoloration or any real issues. Well see how goes. I not sure if did to much defloation.
esta semana fue buena, las plantitas ya crecieron harto. actualmente voy en el día 17 del seguimiento y ya las regue la 1era ves con fertilizantes base. se han aplicado podas para distanciar a la planta del suelo, además de empezar a preparar el futuro scrog. se viene topping y enmallado
Buenas, como podéis ver han pegado un buen tirón, después de hacer las fotos tuve que volver a realizar poda de bajos, sacando unas ramas bastante grandes, las cuales voy a clonar y etiquetar por si sale algo que merezca conservarse. ya están mostrando preflores, aunque lleven 4 semanas a 12 /12 es como si fuese la 1ª en ejemplares de marihuana indica, sigo con una EC de 1.2 hasta que empieze a ver flores, donde iré subiendo poco a poco con cuidado pues es la primera vez que planto sativas y no quiero sobre abonarlas, hago un riego con abono y otro con agua de ósmosis corrigiendo hasta alcanzar una EC de 0.4, mido el agua que drena de las macetas tanto el PH como la EC para controlar que no alla carencias o excesos de nutrientes. Realizaré una limpieza del armario y pulverizare las plantas con Leaf Coat para prevenir, van como un tiro a ver que tal siguen, Buenos Humos!!!😃
Slow growth for week 2 due to hot weather outside thus impacting indoors(heat spikes). There inside a small couboard at the moment I'm using biobizz Light Soil and 0.5ml of biobizz grow increasingly to 1ml next week3 then will be adding biobizz flower and a pk 13/14 booster in flower and a ripening solution in late Flower.
i opened the plant ti per in more light and tied whit bands ti allow the smaller branches ti become larger. The beginning of the flowering Is upon us and i hope ther will be a great September
Starting to pick up a bit of bulk now. I'm reluctant to remove some of the fan leaves, because I maimed my first grow lol. So I'm using soft plant wire to hold the fan leaves aside. Allow as much light through to the new nodes
Gave it a last feed of bloom only ,from the next feed il will start flushing.Planning to harvest in 2 weeks,unfortunately I seem to have gotten a start of cannabis aphid,just this strain tho.
My biggest plant,very impressed but DNA are always OP and this strain is just wow.Chocolope smell is typical of this strain, just super worried about PM but doing my best to not invite that bastard in.
Hola, aquí van creciendo despacito, pues las tengo en maceta de 0.6l aún, voy a usar otro armario que tengo para crecimiento, donde apartaré 8 critical x widow y las otras que andan por hay las 1024 y gorilla breath para seguirles dando crecimiento para más adelante, las 12 restantes las pasare a maceteros de 3l para que peguen un buen tirón, en el trasplante siempre agrego micorrizas y en el riego, solo Root Juice, con una pulverización de Acti Vera y Al a Mic para que lleven el estrés del trasplante mucho mejor, como se van a pegar bastante tiempo en crecimiento tengo que plantearme una alimentación con una EC baja, mientras florecen las satívas que tengo en el armario de floración ( manteniendo una rutina de prevencion con Leaf Coat, evitando la aparición de plagas y hongos, en las sucesivas semanas de crecimiento iré realizando podas para igualarlas en altura e intentar que tengan al menos cuatro ramas principales, veremos como avanza la cosa, Buenos humos!!!😃
Good week getting there,buds are getting really fat.Smell is amazing,fkn love this plant.Should be ready soon hopefully.Sweet seeds out did themselves with this strain ,been a pleasure thus far
going fine try trim away most fan leaves. Last day week 8. 2 more days with Nutrients then i am going last time with just Nordic spring water 💯🙏💪💪
My apologies I think I was behind a week on this diary,anyways definetly smell the blueberry with this strain.Chunky nugs ,not the tallest plant but really dense.