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Hello Growmies, As we approach the zenith of week 11, the crescendo of our Watermelon Candy F1 Hybrids' lifecycle is upon us. In harmony with the symphonic change in colors, their leaves continue the fade, a beautiful degradation that nature orchestrates so well, offering a visual feast that marks the prelude to their grand finale. Each Watermelon Candy, from #1 to #3, has now fully embraced the transition, parading a spectrum of colors from golden yellows to deep purples, like the setting sun giving way to twilight's embrace. The buds, dense and resplendent with trichomes, now resemble crystalline sculptures, each one capturing the essence of our nurturing dedication. The aroma has deepened, each inhalation a tapestry of earth and sweetness, indicative of the rich, flavorful experience soon to be savored. It's a heady bouquet that promises much to the connoisseur and a testament to the TrolMaster's steadfast governance over their environment. Watermelon Candy #1, with its standout bud formation, is a sculpture in botanical form, a true marvel of genetic and environmental synergy. Its siblings, #2 and #3, are not a step behind, flaunting their heavy blossoms with a gravitas that speaks to the imminent harvest. With the harvest scheduled for next week, the excitement is palpable. Our routine remains unaltered; like the beat of a drum leading to the climax of a song, we maintain the rhythm that has served us well thus far. The anticipation of the cut is an excitement unto itself - the final act in our labor of love. Patience is our companion in these final days as we prepare for the harvest. The Watermelon Candy F1 Hybrids stand at the ready, soon to transition from their vegetative state to a form that will bring joy and relief to many. Stay lifted, Salokin
Cook up your batch of homemade Cal-Mag supplements, using Epsom Salts (magnesium sulfate) and Calcium nitrate (a common fertilizer). The ideal ratio is two parts calcium to one part of magnesium. A safe homemade Cal-Mag concentration would be 380ppm, with 260ppm Calcium and 120ppm Magnesium. For reference, you would need around 6g of calcium nitrate and 4.5g of Epsom salts per gallon of water. Budding-stage cannabis plants require large amounts of nutrients. Using an enriched soil or nutrient solution dissolved in water ensures that the plant is getting enough nutrients. In order to understand the finishing process, it helps to know how the plant absorbs nutrients. The roots of the cannabis plant are connected to the two vascular (think circulatory) systems: the xylem and the phloem. The xylem carries water from the roots to the branches and leaves. A combination of surface tension and adhesive forces, formally known as capillary action, allows the plant to pull the water up the stem against gravity. The phloem is part of the system that carries sugars, hormones, enzymes, and wastes from the upper canopy down to the lower portions of the canopy, the stem, and ultimately the roots. The roots flush and exude sugars, enzymes, and wastes that are digested by micro-organisms in the rhizosphere, the area surrounding the roots that support micro-organisms including mycorrhizae. There is no indication that the phloem carries raw nutrients, the dissolved solids that makeup fertilizers, out of plants. Since cannabis is such a valuable crop it is sensible that farmers try many methods and techniques for enhancing crop quality and yield. Fertilizer companies have introduced dozens of products for bud enhancement, many of which are described below. The companies have followed two paths, nature and science. Well-known growth and flower enhancers such as humic acid, kelp, molasses, and sugars, guano, and mycorrhizae increase crop performance by enhancing the root environment, which increases ability to absorb water and nutrients that stimulate the plant’s growth. Formulas dependent on the new botanical sciences include: amino acids, vitamins SAR stimulators, as well as plant hormones to increase quality and yield while shortening ripening time. Finishing Products For Your Cannabis Plants All finishing companies keep their formulas proprietary. However, they all work based on one of two theories: They either bind the nutrients so they are no longer available to the roots (whether they remain or are washed away). They make the salts more soluble so they flush out of the soil easily. ALGAE EXTRACT: Kelp extract AMINO ACIDS: Primarily glutamine and cysteine, but includes others. May be absorbed through the root system, increasing stress tolerance, growth, yield and vitality. AMMONIUM MOLYBDATE: Molybdinum (Mb) micro-nutrient AMYLASE: An enzyme that acts as a catalyst for breaking down starches, turning them into sugars. These sugars provide a source of energy for the plant ASCORBIC ACID: Vitamin C AZOMITE: A natural mineral complex that stimulates growth. B VITAMINS: Use of B Vitamins noted in literature or practice. B1 VITAMIN: Touted as a stress relief for plants. Proven to have no value. B2 VITAMIN: Also known as Riboflavin. There is no direct literature or note of its use in plants, which produce it in abundant quantities. However, it is known to protect some organisms from UV light BAT GUANO: Source of organic N or P BONE MEAL (STEAMED): Moderate release source of P (N:1.6-2.5, P:21, K:0.2) CACO3: Calcium carbonate, source of Ca CARBOHYDRATES: Simple sugars such as glucose or dextrose that plants can uptake CARROT (WILD, AKA QUEEN ANNE’S LACE): Ferments into amino acids that stimulate flower growth CHARCOAL: Soil conditioner that stimulates plant growth. CHELATED: Many micro-nutrients are metals that have little availability. When bonded with other elements (chelation) they become much more available. CHITOSAN: Found in crustacean shells, insect exoskeletons and fungus cell walls. Plant growth enhancer, and bio-pesticide substance that boosts the innate ability of plants to defend themselves against infections . CITRIC ACID: Vitamin C. When sprayed under stress conditions, improves growth and internal citric acid concentration, and also induces defense mechanisms by increasing the activities of antioxidant enzymes. May play a positive role in stress tolerance. CYSTEINE (L): An amino acid high in sulfur. Effective against bacterial infections in plants and may stimulate terpene production. DOLOMITE: Mined combination of Ca (lime) and Mg EXTRACT: A preparation containing the active ingredient of a substance in concentrated form FE Iron FESO4: Iron sulfate FISH MEAL: Made from ground fish byproducts and non-food fish, 60-70% protein. A rich source of amino acids FISH PROTEIN: Concentrated fish meal GLUTAMINE (L): (Glutamate) An amino acid involved in plant growth. Supplementation may increase stress resistance and growth GUANO: Seabird or bat poop HUMIC ACID: A complex of acids that result from the decomposition of plant matter. It contains humic and fulvic acids as well as other molecules. It JASMONIC ACID: Regulates plant growth and development processes including growth inhibition, senescence, flower development and leaf abscission. K2CO3: Potassium carbonate, a common fertilizer KELP: The seaweed, ascophyllum nodosum. Kh2PO4: Potassium phosphate, a common fertilizer KhSO4: Potassium hydrogen sulfate (potassium-bisulfate); a common fertilizer K2O: Potash, a common fertilizer Kh2PO4: Potassium phosphate, a common fertilizer KNO3: Potassium nitrate, a common fertilizer K2SO4: Potassium sulfate, a common fertilizer K: Potassium, always used as a compound MGSO4: Magnesium sulfate aka Epsom Salts MICRONUTRIENTS (MICROS): Elements used by plants in small quantities. They are: boron (B), zinc (Zn), manganese (Mn), iron (Fe), copper (Cu), molybdenum (Mo) and chlorine (Cl). In total, they constitute less than 1% of the dry weight of most plants. MNSO4: Manganese sulfate- Micro-nutrient helps to regulate the bio-availability of nutrients to the roots. MOLASSES: Sugar concentrate made from sugarcane MYCORRHIZAE: Fungi that grow in association with plant roots in a symbiotic relationship. Ectomycorrhizae form a cell-to-cell relationship with the root hairs. Arbuscular mycorrhizae penetrate the root cells. Both provide nutrients and protection in return for root exudate containing their food, and sugars. MG: Magnesium, an essential element MGHPO4: Magnesium phosphate N: Nitrogen *NIPACIDE: Biocide. Kills all living organisms. Made from formaldehyde. DO NOT USE. P: Phosphorous, Always used as a compound *PARABEN: Widely used in cosmetics as a preservative and bactericide and fungicide. Weak association as an estrogen simulator and with endocrine interruption. DO NOT USE. PHOSPHATES: Phosphorous compounds PO4: Phosphate P2O5: Phosphorous pentoxide, commonly used fertilizer *POTASSIUM SORBATE: Preservative and fungicide commonly used in foods and cosmetics PHYTO-ACIDS: (Bloom Master, Earth Juice). Undetermined plant products. RADISH: Ferments into amino acids which are growth stimulators SAPONINS: Derived from Yucca. Reduce water surface tension and loosens minerals from around roots SEAWEED: Kelp SUGAR: Plant food supplement absorbable by roots TRIACONTINOL: Plant growth stimulator. Large quantities are found in alfalfa. TRYPTOPHAN (L): Boosts flower hormone production *DO NOT USE The standard practice to initiate flowering in medicinal cannabis involves reducing the photoperiod from a long-day period to an equal duration cycle of 12 h light (12L)/12 h dark (12D). This method reflects the short-day flowering dependence of many cannabis varieties but may not be optimal for all. We sought to identify the effect of nine different flowering photoperiod treatments on the biomass yield and cannabinoid concentration of three medicinal cannabis varieties. The first, “Cannatonic”, was a high cannabidiol (CBD)-accumulating line, whereas the other two, “Northern Lights” and “Hindu Kush”, were high Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) accumulators. The nine treatments tested, following 18 days under 18 h light/6 h dark following cloning and propagation included a standard 12L:12D period, a shortened period of 10L:14D, and a lengthened period of 14L:10D. The other six treatments started in one of the aforementioned and then 28 days later (mid-way through flowering) were switched to one of the other treatments, thus causing either an increase of 2 or 4 h, or a decrease of 2 or 4 h. Measured parameters included the timing of reproductive development; the dry weight flower yield; and the % dry weight of the main target cannabinoids, CBD and THC, from which the total g cannabinoid per plant was calculated. Flower biomass yields were highest for all lines when treatments started with 14L:10D; however, in the two THC lines, a static 14L:10D photoperiod caused a significant decline in THC concentration. Conversely, in Cannatonic, all treatments starting with 14L:10D led to a significant increase in the CBD concentration, which led to a 50–100% increase in total CBD yield. The results show that the assumption that a 12L:12D photoperiod is optimal for all lines is incorrect as, in some lines, yields can be greatly increased by a lengthened light period during flowering. PMCID: PMC10004775PMID: 36903921 Cool. Pillbugs form an important component of the larger decomposer fauna, along with earthworms, snails, and millipedes. All of these animals return organic matter to the soil where it is further digested by fungi, protozoans, and bacteria, hence making nitrates, phosphates, and other vital nutrients available to plants. Although they may occasionally feed on roots, pillbugs do minimal damage to live vegetation and should not be regarded as pests. Pillbugs are also of importance in sites such as coal spoils and slag heaps, which face heavy metal contamination. They are capable of taking in heavy metals such as copper, zinc, lead and cadmium and crystallize these out as spherical deposits in the midgut. In this way, they remove many of the toxic metal ions from the soil. Furthermore, owing to their high tolerance of these ions, they thrive where other species cannot, and promote the restoration of contaminated sites by accelerating topsoil formation. This in turn favors the establishment of plants that stabilize the soils by root formation. Stabilized soils reduce problems of toxic dusts and the leaching of metal ions into the ground water.
Week 5 (28-2 to 5-3) 28-2 Temperature: 24.3 degrees (lights on) 19.7 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 56% (highest) 46% (lowest) Watering: None. Today i set the exhaust to setting 3. 29-2 Temperature: 23.9 degrees (lights on) 19.4 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 65% (highest) 48% (lowest) Watering: None. 1-3 Temperature: 24.5 degrees (lights on) 19.3 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 66% (highest) 51% (lowest) Watering: None. No pictures. Today i set the light to 75% strenght. 2-3 Temperature: 25.4 degrees (lights on) 20.2 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 59% (highest) 45% (lowest) Watering: None. Today i removed some fanleaves. 3-3 Temperature: 25.3 degrees (lights on) 19.9 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 61% (highest) 47% (lowest) Watering: None. 4-3 Temperature: 23.6 degrees (lights on) 19.7 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 65% (highest) 46% (lowest) Watering: Both 1500 ml. No pictures. 5-3 Temperature: 25.5 degrees (lights on) 19.4 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 61% (highest) 49% (lowest) Watering: None.
Week 5 (28-2 to 5-3) 28-2 Temperature: 24.3 degrees (lights on) 19.7 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 56% (highest) 46% (lowest) Watering: None. Today i set the exhaust to setting 3. 29-2 Temperature: 23.9 degrees (lights on) 19.4 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 65% (highest) 48% (lowest) Watering: None. 1-3 Temperature: 24.5 degrees (lights on) 19.3 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 66% (highest) 51% (lowest) Watering: None. No pictures. Today i set the light to 75% strenght. 2-3 Temperature: 25.4 degrees (lights on) 20.2 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 59% (highest) 45% (lowest) Watering: None. Today i removed some fanleaves. 3-3 Temperature: 25.3 degrees (lights on) 19.9 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 61% (highest) 47% (lowest) Watering: None. 4-3 Temperature: 23.6 degrees (lights on) 19.7 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 65% (highest) 46% (lowest) Watering: Both 1500 ml. No pictures. 5-3 Temperature: 25.5 degrees (lights on) 19.4 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 61% (highest) 49% (lowest) Watering: None.
I counted the days again and came to the conclusion that I have 70 days full and harvested tonight. Enough brown and amber trichomes are also present. I'm excited to see how they taste and pop. They definitely look and smell very good. What's really funny: From the 2-3 week onwards, I turned both TS1000s up to 100% for 18 hours a day. I just wanted to find out my cap. I used around 100kW/h and €40 less in electricity costs. Compared to my last grow with Feminized and 10 weeks of flowering + Veggy. I wouldn't have expected that. Well... let it dry in peace first. Another project is already underway. Have a nice weekend everyone.
Hey Folks, unfortunately “Olivia” didn’t make it. The seed came up and even “obstetric assistance” was in vain. But all the other ladies are doing well. I mixed in some leftover BioBizzLight and FullMix. About 10% each. Clay balls down there for about 10% as drainage. 70% is Plagron Coco. I give 25% Light. For my birthday there was a ProFan+20W for me. Every now and then you have to give yourself a gift. And I don't regret it. It provides good wind and is more economical than my old one. I copied the “Homemade Airpots” from Lemonhazelover. Thank you again for that. I wish everyone a nice weekend.
7.4. - Watered 💧 9.4. - I'm so dumb...wires were too tight for the main stems and it got cut in. I've carefully removed them, but I did not give enough time to recover and continued bending. Result - 2 half-broken stems (thankfully healthy and growing further) and 1 completely broken off main stem. Watered 💧 10.4. - I guess I must be very lucky this run or the genetics are really good. All plants are thriving and gaining new growth each day, leaves are so big that I am quickly loosing any free space. First buds sites are slowly starting to form, so I will defoliate a bit. I've also manged to bend the main stem on Jack once again as it is definitely the biggest of my plants. Thankfully, without any injuries. 😎 11.4. - Watered 💧 6.4. - 12.4.2024
Week 4 (21-2 to 27-2) 21-2 Temperature: 25.3 degrees (lights on) 20.4 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 63% (highest) 49% (lowest) Watering: None. 22-2 Temperature: 25.9 degrees (lights on) 19.8 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 64% (highest) 49% (lowest) Watering: Both 1500 ml. Light 60% at 60 cm, LUX: +/- 15.500 Today i gave them both their first real feed of 1.5L 1.5 Liter water + 0.75 ml Calmag + 0.3 ml Silica + 0.45 gram Grow. EC: 0.7 PH: 6.0 23-2 Temperature: 29.4 degrees (lights on) 19.6 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 66% (highest) 49% (lowest) Watering: None. No pictures. 24-2 Temperature: 23 degrees (lights on) 18.8 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 65% (highest) 51% (lowest) Watering: None. 25-2 Temperature: 23.8 degrees (lights on) 19.7 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 61% (highest) 49% (lowest) Watering: None. Removed some leaves. 26-2 Temperature: 23.6 degrees (lights on) 19.7 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 65% (highest) 46% (lowest) Watering: None. 27-2 Temperature meter was broken, so no temps etc for today. Watering: Both 2000 ml. Today i topped the plants and gave them both 2L. 2 Liter water + 1 ml Calmag + 0.4 ml Silica + 0.7 gram Grow. EC: 0.8 PH: 6.0 I fully installed the AutoPots and their base aswell, wich get connected to a water reservoir.
4/6/2024 - Vegetation Week 8 Day 1- Last week in VEG, They are all looking amazing and no worry about stretch when I flip Next Saturday they are indica and I have more than 50% of distance from the top of the plant to the lights with a little more I can raise the lights if necessary. So going to really just enjoy this last week of VEG, and get my Cloning equipment ready. I will be taking 2 cuts for each this is also a PHENO hunt for HWG and he not only has the prize for the winner but he also has an additional bounty on a cut of the winner. I did have to take some from around the edges to keep them from touching. 4/7/2024 - Vegetation Week 8 Day 2- Didn't do anything today but watch them grow.. They will be getting a really good flip trim and clean up for clone material on Friday/ Saturday. 4/8/2024 - Vegetation Week 8 Day 3- Couldn't even get a picture of the #1 at first too much Foliage throughout.. So I had to clean that up and make sure they all still have some separation before flip. 4/9/2024 - Vegetation Week 8 Day 4- Huston we almost had an issue.. I looked at my Res and she was in desperate need of 10 gallons to get her through until next water change on Saturday. So I added 10 gallons and the Nutes. I added 10 Gallons of Water I added the following Nutes: CalMag= 1.00Mil/Gal= 10Mil FloraMicro = 5.4Mil/Gal= 54Mil FloraGro= 4.2Mil/Gal= 42Mil FLoraBloom= 4.6Mil/Gal= 46Mil 4/10/2024 - Vegetation Week 8 Day 5- Had to giver them a huge clean up today I couldn't even see the numbers in the first pic. I am also worried that #1 and #3 really, really are getting huge over the last few days.. starting to think I should have flipped them this past Saturday.. The interesting things is even though this is an Indica Strain, I might have to super crop just to keep them off the lights. The joys and sorrows of RDWC and timing. 4/11/2024 - Vegetation Week 8 Day 6- Even though Flipping in Two days almost wish I would have gone at Week 7. I am really worried about #3, #1 and #2 are huge and when I put them in flower they are going to stretch out 4/12/2024 - Vegetation Week 8 Day 7- Day of Work.. Lots of Work.. I gave all three a Cloning/Flower cleaning.. all three got cleaned up top Inside and bottom, I took 2 cuts of each to see which one come out on top then I will kill off the other cuts once I have a winner in flower. I clean up this thoroughly before I flip because it reduces the work load on the next major clean up I do on Week 4 of Flower.and they are so much taller that it is going to be a pain in the ass to maintain canopy space for #3, we will see how it goes and adjust as necessary..
Selfie Seeds- Sweet Flurry · Custom Breeder & Strain
SF7000 · Spider Farmer
GGT 4x4 · Gorilla Grow Tent
Silica Gold · True Plant Science (TPS)
Cal Mag ·
FloraMicro ·
floragro ·
FloraBloom ·
Orca · Plant Success (Plant Revolution)
Cal Mag ·
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floragro ·
FloraBloom ·
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FloraBloom ·
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FloraBloom ·
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Signal · True Plant Science (TPS)
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Liquid koolbloom ·
4/6/2024 - Vegetation Week 8 Day 1- Last week in VEG, They are all looking amazing and no worry about stretch when I flip Next Saturday they are indica and I have more than 50% of distance from the top of the plant to the lights with a little more I can raise the lights if necessary. So going to really just enjoy this last week of VEG, and get my Cloning equipment ready. I will be taking 2 cuts for each this is also a PHENO hunt for HWG and he not only has the prize for the winner but he also has an additional bounty on a cut of the winner. I did have to take some from around the edges to keep them from touching. 4/7/2024 - Vegetation Week 8 Day 2- Didn't do anything today but watch them grow.. They will be getting a really good flip trim and clean up for clone material on Friday/ Saturday. 4/8/2024 - Vegetation Week 8 Day 3- Couldn't even get a picture of the #1 at first too much Foliage throughout.. So I had to clean that up and make sure they all still have some separation before flip. 4/9/2024 - Vegetation Week 8 Day 4- Huston we almost had an issue.. I looked at my Res and she was in desperate need of 10 gallons to get her through until next water change on Saturday. So I added 10 gallons and the Nutes. I added 10 Gallons of Water I added the following Nutes: CalMag= 1.00Mil/Gal= 10Mil FloraMicro = 5.4Mil/Gal= 54Mil FloraGro= 4.2Mil/Gal= 42Mil FLoraBloom= 4.6Mil/Gal= 46Mil 4/10/2024 - Vegetation Week 8 Day 5- Had to giver them a huge clean up today I couldn't even see the numbers in the first pic. I am also worried that #1 and #3 really, really are getting huge over the last few days.. starting to think I should have flipped them this past Saturday.. The interesting things is even though this is an Indica Strain, I might have to super crop just to keep them off the lights. The joys and sorrows of RDWC and timing. 4/11/2024 - Vegetation Week 8 Day 6- Even though Flipping in Two days almost wish I would have gone at Week 7. I am really worried about #3, #1 and #2 are huge and when I put them in flower they are going to stretch out 4/12/2024 - Vegetation Week 8 Day 7- Day of Work.. Lots of Work.. I gave all three a Cloning/Flower cleaning.. all three got cleaned up top Inside and bottom, I took 2 cuts of each to see which one come out on top then I will kill off the other cuts once I have a winner in flower. I clean up this thoroughly before I flip because it reduces the work load on the next major clean up I do on Week 4 of Flower.and they are so much taller that it is going to be a pain in the ass to maintain canopy space for #3, we will see how it goes and adjust as necessary..
Selfie Seeds- Sweet Flurry · Custom Breeder & Strain
SF7000 · Spider Farmer
GGT 4x4 · Gorilla Grow Tent
Silica Gold · True Plant Science (TPS)
Cal Mag ·
FloraMicro ·
floragro ·
FloraBloom ·
Orca · Plant Success (Plant Revolution)
Cal Mag ·
FloraMicro ·
floragro ·
FloraBloom ·
Cal Mag ·
FloraMicro ·
floragro ·
FloraBloom ·
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Signal · True Plant Science (TPS)
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Liquid koolbloom ·
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Liquid koolbloom ·
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Liquid koolbloom ·
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Liquid koolbloom ·
4/6/2024 - Vegetation Week 8 Day 1- Last week in VEG, They are all looking amazing and no worry about stretch when I flip Next Saturday they are indica and I have more than 50% of distance from the top of the plant to the lights with a little more I can raise the lights if necessary. So going to really just enjoy this last week of VEG, and get my Cloning equipment ready. I will be taking 2 cuts for each this is also a PHENO hunt for HWG and he not only has the prize for the winner but he also has an additional bounty on a cut of the winner. I did have to take some from around the edges to keep them from touching. 4/7/2024 - Vegetation Week 8 Day 2- Didn't do anything today but watch them grow.. They will be getting a really good flip trim and clean up for clone material on Friday/ Saturday. 4/8/2024 - Vegetation Week 8 Day 3- Couldn't even get a picture of the #1 at first too much Foliage throughout.. So I had to clean that up and make sure they all still have some separation before flip. 4/9/2024 - Vegetation Week 8 Day 4- Huston we almost had an issue.. I looked at my Res and she was in desperate need of 10 gallons to get her through until next water change on Saturday. So I added 10 gallons and the Nutes. I added 10 Gallons of Water I added the following Nutes: CalMag= 1.00Mil/Gal= 10Mil FloraMicro = 5.4Mil/Gal= 54Mil FloraGro= 4.2Mil/Gal= 42Mil FLoraBloom= 4.6Mil/Gal= 46Mil 4/10/2024 - Vegetation Week 8 Day 5- Had to giver them a huge clean up today I couldn't even see the numbers in the first pic. I am also worried that #1 and #3 really, really are getting huge over the last few days.. starting to think I should have flipped them this past Saturday.. The interesting things is even though this is an Indica Strain, I might have to super crop just to keep them off the lights. The joys and sorrows of RDWC and timing. 4/11/2024 - Vegetation Week 8 Day 6- Even though Flipping in Two days almost wish I would have gone at Week 7. I am really worried about #3, #1 and #2 are huge and when I put them in flower they are going to stretch out 4/12/2024 - Vegetation Week 8 Day 7- Day of Work.. Lots of Work.. I gave all three a Cloning/Flower cleaning.. all three got cleaned up top Inside and bottom, I took 2 cuts of each to see which one come out on top then I will kill off the other cuts once I have a winner in flower. I clean up this thoroughly before I flip because it reduces the work load on the next major clean up I do on Week 4 of Flower.and they are so much taller that it is going to be a pain in the ass to maintain canopy space for #3, we will see how it goes and adjust as necessary..
Selfie Seeds- Sweet Flurry · Custom Breeder & Strain
SF7000 · Spider Farmer
GGT 4x4 · Gorilla Grow Tent
Silica Gold · True Plant Science (TPS)
Cal Mag ·
FloraMicro ·
floragro ·
FloraBloom ·
Orca · Plant Success (Plant Revolution)
Cal Mag ·
FloraMicro ·
floragro ·
FloraBloom ·
Cal Mag ·
FloraMicro ·
floragro ·
FloraBloom ·
Cal Mag ·
FloraMicro ·
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Signal · True Plant Science (TPS)
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4/6/2024 - Vegetation Week 8 Day 1- Last week in VEG, They are all looking amazing and no worry about stretch when I flip Next Saturday they are indica and I have more than 50% of distance from the top of the plant to the lights with a little more I can raise the lights if necessary. So going to really just enjoy this last week of VEG, and get my Cloning equipment ready. I will be taking 2 cuts for each this is also a PHENO hunt for HWG and he not only has the prize for the winner but he also has an additional bounty on a cut of the winner. I did have to take some from around the edges to keep them from touching. 4/7/2024 - Vegetation Week 8 Day 2- Didn't do anything today but watch them grow.. They will be getting a really good flip trim and clean up for clone material on Friday/ Saturday. 4/8/2024 - Vegetation Week 8 Day 3- Couldn't even get a picture of the #1 at first too much Foliage throughout.. So I had to clean that up and make sure they all still have some separation before flip. 4/9/2024 - Vegetation Week 8 Day 4- Huston we almost had an issue.. I looked at my Res and she was in desperate need of 10 gallons to get her through until next water change on Saturday. So I added 10 gallons and the Nutes. I added 10 Gallons of Water I added the following Nutes: CalMag= 1.00Mil/Gal= 10Mil FloraMicro = 5.4Mil/Gal= 54Mil FloraGro= 4.2Mil/Gal= 42Mil FLoraBloom= 4.6Mil/Gal= 46Mil 4/10/2024 - Vegetation Week 8 Day 5- Had to giver them a huge clean up today I couldn't even see the numbers in the first pic. I am also worried that #1 and #3 really, really are getting huge over the last few days.. starting to think I should have flipped them this past Saturday.. The interesting things is even though this is an Indica Strain, I might have to super crop just to keep them off the lights. The joys and sorrows of RDWC and timing. 4/11/2024 - Vegetation Week 8 Day 6- Even though Flipping in Two days almost wish I would have gone at Week 7. I am really worried about #3, #1 and #2 are huge and when I put them in flower they are going to stretch out 4/12/2024 - Vegetation Week 8 Day 7- Day of Work.. Lots of Work.. I gave all three a Cloning/Flower cleaning.. all three got cleaned up top Inside and bottom, I took 2 cuts of each to see which one come out on top then I will kill off the other cuts once I have a winner in flower. I clean up this thoroughly before I flip because it reduces the work load on the next major clean up I do on Week 4 of Flower.and they are so much taller that it is going to be a pain in the ass to maintain canopy space for #3, we will see how it goes and adjust as necessary..
Selfie Seeds- Sweet Flurry · Custom Breeder & Strain
SF7000 · Spider Farmer
GGT 4x4 · Gorilla Grow Tent
Silica Gold · True Plant Science (TPS)
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Orca · Plant Success (Plant Revolution)
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Signal · True Plant Science (TPS)
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The the buds were small so it made trimming a nightmare! But it’s done and the end product is worth all the time. I have loads of trim and small popcorn buds that will be dry Ice sifted and pressed into a hash brick. Will update the diary when I have some bcp hash Weighed up the trim at 588 grams, used my trim bins with dry ice to sift the trim and pressed it into blocks using a rosin pre press, I’ll now jar this and put it to one side. My first time doing this, definitely worth the effort!
The the buds were small so it made trimming a nightmare! But it’s done and the end product is worth all the time. I have loads of trim and small popcorn buds that will be dry Ice sifted and pressed into a hash brick. Will update the diary when I have some bcp hash Weighed up the trim at 588 grams, used my trim bins with dry ice to sift the trim and pressed it into blocks using a rosin pre press, I’ll now jar this and put it to one side. My first time doing this, definitely worth the effort!
The the buds were small so it made trimming a nightmare! But it’s done and the end product is worth all the time. I have loads of trim and small popcorn buds that will be dry Ice sifted and pressed into a hash brick. Will update the diary when I have some bcp hash Weighed up the trim at 588 grams, used my trim bins with dry ice to sift the trim and pressed it into blocks using a rosin pre press, I’ll now jar this and put it to one side. My first time doing this, definitely worth the effort!
Gracias al equipo de AnesiaSeeds, Marshydro, XpertNutrients y Trolmaster sin ellos esto no sería posible. 💐🍁 Sticky Boof: Prepárate para dejarte llevar por Sticky Boof, nuestra última obra maestra que está poniendo el listón muy alto para los amantes de las índicas. Nacida del legendario cruce de Super Boof y Cadillac Rainbow, Sticky Boof es una potente planta con un asombroso 80% de dominancia Indica que promete una relajación sin igual. Prepárate para un viaje épico con el asombroso 37,5% de THC de Sticky Boof. Sumérgete en una cosecha abundante con Sticky Boof, que produce hasta la friolera de 500 g/m² en interior y 800 - 900 g por planta en exterior. Esta variedad es generosa y está lista para llenar tu alijo de cogollos de la mejor calidad. Sticky Boof es todo rapidez y eficacia, acelerando el tiempo de floración en sólo 7 u 8 semanas. 💡TS-3000 + TS-1000: se usaran dos de las lámparas de la serie TS de Marshydro, para cubrir todas las necesidades de las plantas durante el ciclo de cultivo, uso las dos lámparas en floracion para llegar a toda la carpa de 1.50 x 1.50 x 1.80. 🏠 : Marshydro 1.50 x 1.50 x 1.80, carpa 100% estanca con ventanas laterales para llegar a todos los lugares durante el grow 🌬️💨 Marshydro 6inch + filtro carbon para evitar olores indeseables. 🍣🍦🌴 Xpert Nutrients es una empresa especializada en la producción y comercialización de fertilizantes líquidos y tierras, que garantizan excelentes cosechas y un crecimiento activo para sus plantas durante todas las fases de cultivo. Consigue aqui tus Nutrientes: 💻 Trolmaster Tent-X TCS-1 como controlador de luz, optimiza tu cultivo con la última tecnología del mercado, desde donde puedes controlar todos los parametros. 📆 Semana 4: Continuamos la etapa de vegetación, ella se desarrolla muy bien 😎, comienza el buen tiempo, temperaturas agradables para todos. Esta semana se aplica una solución de trichodermas para una mejor adaptación aunque realmente va genial. Se mantiene 1/3 de nutrientes Master Root y Master Grow
D72. Second day of week eleven and the citrus smell is out of this world, trichomes are still clear and no amber anywhere, both ladies smell fantastic 🔥 D77. Today I harvested the old lady, she struggeled a lot last weeks since nutrient lock out, then overwatering, tricomes were already milky so I choose to not wait for amber because of the root rot and botrytis risk. On the trim she smelled fantastic and made big colas despite last three weeks stunted eating herself. Young lady is one ore two weeks to go 🔥 D75. YOUNG LADY She smell so good and trichomes are milky with some still clear and very little amber. Today I turned lights off to armaguedon her next 48 hours, no more light no more water until harvest this friday morning. D77. YOUNG LADY Bro science or not she's been thirsty for 48h in the dark and between 15 and 18°C and today, last day of eleventh week, she's already trimmed and drying with her old sister. Smell was not profound as before the dark period but smelled good when trimmed. I'll go for 10 days drying as her old sister and update total dry weight by then.
Gracias al equipo de Seedsman Marshydro XpertNutrients y Trolmaster sin ellos esto no sería posible. 💐🍁 Tangerine Snow F1 Fast: Esta gran cepa es un cruce de cuatro vías 75% sativa de (Boost x Tangelo) con (Lavender x Power Plant). Este híbrido Fast F1 proviene de la genética Cali y cuenta con excelentes terpenos cítricos, alta producción de resina para extractos, altos niveles de THC, muy buenos rendimientos y excelente resistencia al moho. Tangerine Snow F1 Fast se puede cultivar tanto en interior como en exterior. Los tiempos de floración en interiores son de entre 8 y 10 semanas, mientras que el tiempo de cosecha en las latitudes del norte es en septiembre, mientras que en el hemisferio sur los productores cosecharán durante marzo. Las regiones climáticas recomendadas son cálidas, secas, húmedas y cálidas. Se trata de plantas altas, semiramificadas, que superan los 200cm y que presentan un alto vigor con muy buena uniformidad. Al igual que muchas otras variedades con fuerte dominancia sativa, Tangerine Snow F1 Fast ofrece una excelente resistencia al moho, así como a las plagas y enfermedades de las plantas. La combinación de terpenos cítricos y mucha resina la convierten en una cepa de muy buen extracto, cuyo método de "lavado" produce muy buenos rendimientos de hachís. El perfil de terpenos cítricos recuerda a las mandarinas y mandarinas y también tiene notas dulces. La producción de THC ha sido verificada en laboratorio en un fuerte 24%, mientras que el CBD es bajo. El efecto es edificante y energizante, perfecto para usar durante el día y las primeras horas de la noche. 🌻🚀 Consigue aqui tus semillas: 💡TS-3000 + TS-1000: se usaran dos de las lámparas de la serie TS de Marshydro, para cubrir todas las necesidades de las plantas durante el ciclo de cultivo, uso las dos lámparas en floracion para llegar a toda la carpa de 1.50 x 1.50 x 1.80. 🏠 : Marshydro 1.50 x 1.50 x 1.80, carpa 100% estanca con ventanas laterales para llegar a todos los lugares durante el grow 🌬️💨 Marshydro 6inch + filtro carbon para evitar olores indeseables. 💻 Trolmaster Tent-X TCS-1 como controlador de luz, optimiza tu cultivo con la última tecnología del mercado, desde donde puedes controlar todos los parametros. 🍣🍦🌴 Xpert Nutrients es una empresa especializada en la producción y comercialización de fertilizantes líquidos y tierras, que garantizan excelentes cosechas y un crecimiento activo para sus plantas durante todas las fases de cultivo. Consigue aqui tus Nutrientes: 📆 Semana 4: Continuamos la etapa de vegetación, ella se desarrolla muy bien 😎, comienza el buen tiempo, temperaturas agradables para todos. Esta semana se aplica una solución de trichodermas para una mejor adaptación aunque realmente va genial. Se mantiene 1/3 de nutrientes Master Root y Master Grow