Day 14: This week I'm increasing the humidity inside the tent with a wet towel and containers with water. I also removed the half bottles that were over the plants to generate extra humidity, because they got burned because of that, as you can see in the leaves, there are some brown snipes.
Day 15: I added a towel and containers with water inside the tent to increase humidity, I managed to bring it up to 67% in some parts of the day.
Day 16: I'm convinced Mario has thrips. I will add Potasium Soap in a couple days to kill any thrips possibility, and also add a moistmeter in the soil to know exactly if I'm overwatering or not.
Day 18: Started with the feeding. Rizothonic + Vega at 25% of the recommended dosage. Added just 12ml of water on each plant. I don't want to overwater. Also added a new fan to the setup.
Day 19: Added Potasium soap to the leaves during the dark hours. They look better already.
Day 20: Added water + Solution of water with 25% nutrients I already created on day 18. I'm going reeeally slow with nutrients.
D21: Forgot to make photos. Sprayed potasium soap solution at 2% over the plants, to avoid any pests.