Un altra settimana è passata senza problemi...grazie alla mia perseveranza nel curarla e debellare i ragnetti Rossi che bastardelli mi sono arrivati anche dentro al box... sicuramente c'è li ho portati io involontariamente quando sono andato a vedere delle piante di un amico che erano impregnate di ragnetti e ragnatele sui fiori....vabbè ora devo sbattermi un po' più ma non lascerò che mi rovinino la mia terapia 💪👍🙏🕉️🙏... Boom Shiva Shankar 🕉️ belle le mie coccinelle 🐞 che mi tengono pulita la mia terapia
Que pasa familia, vamos con la primera semana de crecimiento de estas Gorilla Zkittlez Auto de FastBuds. Tiene muy buenas reseñas y pues me animé a colocar 5 plantas. Las 5 semillas una vez germinadas son plantadas directamente en macetas de 7 litros y salieron las 5, 100% de éxito en el ratio. La tierra que utilizamos que está en la publicación anterior es top croo al mix, aparte alimentamos nuestras plantas con Agrobeta. Por supuesto el ph se mide en cada riego y se mantiene en 6.2, regando cada 48 horas e intentando mantener la humedad un poco alta al principio. Las próximas semanas vamos viendo cómo avanzan. Mars hydro: Code discount: EL420 https://www.mars-hydro.com/ Agrobeta: https://www.agrobeta.com/agrobetatiendaonline/36-abonos-canamo Hasta aquí todo, Buenos humos 💨💨💨
Added a second scrog net for the taller plants last Friday. Constantly defoliating to increase light penetration but not trying to stress the plants. (Selective leaf picking, anything but the top 3 fan leaves are up for grabs if necessary) Plants loved the tea I have them last week. Visual improvements in every plant 2 days later. Top dressing later this week on 9/29: 5 tablespoons Gaia green 444 5 tablespoons Gaia Green 284 15 tablespoon Wiggle Worm Earth Worm Castings Light increased to 75%
Added a second scrog net for the taller plants last Friday. Constantly defoliating to increase light penetration but not trying to stress the plants. (Selective leaf picking) Plants loved the tea I have them last week. Visual improvements in every plant 2 days later. Top dressing later this week on 9/29: 5 tablespoons Gaia green 444 5 tablespoons Gaia Green 284 15 tablespoon Wiggle Worm Earth Worm Castings *hard to get good pictures of this plant* Light increased to 75%
Added a second scrog net for the taller plants last Friday. Constantly defoliating to increase light penetration but not trying to stress the plants. (Selective leaf picking) Plants loved the tea I have them last week. Visual improvements in every plant 2 days later. Top dressing later this week on 9/29: 5 tablespoons Gaia green 444 5 tablespoons Gaia Green 284 15 tablespoon Wiggle Worm Earth Worm Castings Light increased to 75%
Added a second scrog net for the taller plants last Friday. Constantly defoliating to increase light penetration but not trying to stress the plants. (Selective leaf picking) Plants loved the tea I have them last week. Visual improvements in every plant 2 days later. Top dressing later this week on 9/29: 5 tablespoons Gaia green 444 5 tablespoons Gaia Green 284 15 tablespoon Wiggle Worm Earth Worm Castings Light increased to 75%
As altas temperaturas arruinaram a colheita, as plantas estão sem cheiro a WW#1 foi a mais resistente ao calor, ainda exala um aroma muito bom, porem as outras plantas sofreram mais, a C99xBB#1 perdeu totalmente o cheiro, e nasceram novos pistilos diminuindo a densidade das flores.
Ecco che spuntano i primi peletti, presto si inizieranno a formare i primi fiori! Già fanno un
Hatte keine Zeit mehr die letzten Wochen zu dokumentieren. Die letzten Wochen waren sehr hart, teilweise stand sie mal für mehrere Tage drin, da draußen so ein Mist Wetter war. Da einige Blätter langsam sehe Gelb geworden sind und ich eigentlich schon mit Schimmel gerechnet hatte, hatte ich mich dazu entschieden sie zu ernten. Trocknungs Bedingungen waren richtig schrecklich. Musste die Pflanzen leider im Schuppen bei geschätzter Feuchtigkeit von 60-70%, leider nicht so optimal, ging aber diesmal nicht anders. Nach 3 Wochen Trocknung hatte ich schon leicht angst, dass die Blüten schon komplett Vergammelt sind, dem war aber nicht so. Trocken Getrimmt sind es 28g geworden, was mich sehr verwundert hat. KEIN SCHIMMEL, nichts! Sehr zufrieden mit der Sorte, sehr resistent was Schimmel aufgeht, training hat sie auch immer gut eingesteckt.
9/24 Busy as fuck and personal emergencies always hit during harvest season. I took a few tops from my favorite gmo just so I have some if the weather fucks me. I'll take more today probably. WATERED YESTERDAY. I'll post pictures of dry flowers and do the reports. Three are still standing. That huge gmo is going to extracts though. 9/25 9/26 We are getting a week of rain. After looking at my trichs I decided to pull the GMO's I had left. I was sick of cutting branches due to grey mold and I was starting to lose buds to botrytis. Trichs got to about 10% amber on most. Maybe more. I worked like a mule. I was going to leave my favorite gmo and the sherb pie. However, my wife had multiple medical emergencies that required hospitalization. I couldn't risk letting my girls turn to mush if she had to stay. I'm glad with my decision. Everyone now I see is asking about bud rot and pm cures. This happened at the same time last year. She was hospitalized during late late flower. I couldn't keep this updated and I took the plants ad quickly as I could and rough wet trimmed some of them. Some plants got hung whole. I have been in trim jail. I have finished two plants and that is working my balls off. The one in the fifty and the event horizon. I'll do the harvest reports and add pictures but with my wife how she is and the work load I'm going to have to wait. I also left buds to ripen right before the rain and got lots of nice amber flowers that I froze to make a temple ball. I have lots of content. I just need time and a place to do it. I have one lone survivor. The seedling in the ten that seems to be a sativa hybrid. She's a beast and I think can handle the rain due to the fluffy buds. If I see problems I could easily carry it inside. I'll be back with some pics and videos but for now breaks. 9/28 Busy as FUCK. SICK. Been in and out of the hospital with the wife. Looking back on diaries she's in the hospital when I'm harvesting the past few years. I got two strains curing right now. I got a shit ton drying and I'm in trim jail. I haven't taken picturesor been on here but ill be more active i just havent hadcthe time. I'll wait until shits dry and I can do my harvest reports. I'll look to see if I have any pictures I can upload My sativa hybrid survived the rain. All this rain has made its leaves turn yellow and start to drop. It needs food I think. I'll check the trichs but I know it's not ready. The buds are like soda bottles but they are loose. Like a string of calyxes. I don't flgrow sativas so I'll have to ask for some help. I'm trying to decide if I should feed it. It looks hungry. I'm going to have to scope it and then I'll feed if necessary. I'll take pictures and a video when I have the chance.
The overwatering issues continued to harm the plants. Had to take of a couple of lover branches as the leaves turned yellow and died. This is still happenning... Hope that the plants do recover as the one Zilk Road is promising due to how it is growing. One of the Zilk Roads will for sure be replaced.