This beautiful girl turned out to be a real strong queen who withstood very strong stresses, she is very persuasive for ScrOG, in 2-3 days when she comes out of the stresses I will switch the light cycle to 12/12.💚💚💚
Cannabis flowering stage 12 h /day = PPFD Top of canopy sits 924umol/s/m2 12 hours in seconds, 1 hour has 3600 seconds 12 hours has 43,200 seconds, just multiply duration of seconds by PPFD at top of canopy. Which was precisely 924 umol/s/m2 43,200 x 924 = 39,916,800 micro moles or umol/s/m2 Which equals 39.9 moles or 40DLI Plants can receive 60 mol/ in the right conditions and still increase their yield. Axial Procession 25920 years. Rhythmic exposure to moonlight has been shown to affect animal behavior, but its effects on plants, often observed in lunar agriculture, have been doubted and often regarded as myth. Consequently, lunar farming practices are not well scientifically supported, and the influence of this conspicuous environmental factor, the moon, on plant cell biology has hardly been investigated. We studied the effect of full moonlight (FML) on plant cell biology and examined changes in genome organization, protein and primary metabolite profiles in tobacco and mustard plants and the effect of FML on the post-germination growth of mustard seedlings. Exposure to FML was accompanied by a significant increase in nuclear size, changes in DNA methylation and cleavage of the histone H3 C-terminal region. Primary metabolites associated with stress were significantly increased along with the expression of stress-associated proteins and the photoreceptors phytochrome B and phototropin 2; new moon experiments disproved the light pollution effect. Exposure of mustard seedlings to FML enhanced growth. Thus, our data show that despite the low-intensity light emitted by the moon, it is an important environmental factor perceived by plants as a signal, leading to alteration in cellular activities and enhancement of plant growth. "Fortunately, there are other researches by Langley in his work on "The Temperature of the Moon", with the aid of which it seems not impossible to determine the absorption of heat by aqueous water vapor and by carbonic acid in precisely the conditions which occur in our atmosphere." Since moonlight is reflected sunlight, it has a similar spectrum [10] but at its maximum (i.e., a full moon), by one account, only about 0.0002% of its intensity [11]. ... The moon also reflects low-intensity sunlight, although not enough to be used by plants, researchers are still exploring lunar agriculture [121,122]. It was confirmed in a recent study that moonlight affects plants' life cycle, and the moon's state at the time of planting is related to germination, growth, and flowering of seeds [122]. Increased levels of phyB and Phot2 proteins in mustard plants exposed to the full moon were accompanied by increased levels of stress-related proteins and ROS detoxification enzymes, resulting in accelerated growth of mustard plants [67]. ... . Moonlight proteins are receiving more recognition in recent times (Urban et al. 2003;Klis et al. 2007;Castillo et al. 2008 Moonlight proteins appear to be ancient proteins, appearing early in evolution before the separation of the biological kingdoms (Jeffery 2018). Moonlight proteins have been reported in plants, associated with biotic and abiotic stresses (Jeffery 2018; Breitler et al. 2020;Turek and Irving 2021); in humans, they have been associated with cancer and neurodegenerative diseases (Molavi et al. 2019;Huerta et al. 2023). In pathogenic bacteria and fungi, moonlight proteins are virulence-related proteins (Franco-Serrano et al. 2021;Arvizu-Rubio et al. 2022). ...
Moving the light schedule to 12.5hrs on on the way to 13hrs on by week 5. I'm super happy with the growth, though the flowers are about half the size as it's pot-mate's.
It's just starting to form flowers, but it's looking like it's forming a ton of them. I'll probably go through and defoliate this afternoon. One of the plants has for sure overshadowed the other, but I think that's okay. I don't think I had enough room in the 3x3 for two plants the same size. I'm happy with this water/worm/frass only run.
Uma planta estava muito travada e pela minha experiência não vale a pena o custo da manutenção dessas plantinhas é chato mas preciso do espaço e do tempo para cultivar plantas que deem resultado.
Cannabis flowering stage 12 h /day = PPFD Top of canopy sits 924umol/s/m2 12 hours in seconds, 1 hour has 3600 seconds 12 hours has 43,200 seconds, just multiply duration of seconds by PPFD at top of canopy. Which was precisely 924 umol/s/m2 43,200 x 924 = 39,916,800 micro moles or umol/s/m2 Which equals 39.9 moles or 40DLI Plants can receive 60 mol/ in the right conditions and still increase their yield. Axial Procession 25920 years. Rhythmic exposure to moonlight has been shown to affect animal behavior, but its effects on plants, often observed in lunar agriculture, have been doubted and often regarded as myth. Consequently, lunar farming practices are not well scientifically supported, and the influence of this conspicuous environmental factor, the moon, on plant cell biology has hardly been investigated. We studied the effect of full moonlight (FML) on plant cell biology and examined changes in genome organization, protein and primary metabolite profiles in tobacco and mustard plants and the effect of FML on the post-germination growth of mustard seedlings. Exposure to FML was accompanied by a significant increase in nuclear size, changes in DNA methylation and cleavage of the histone H3 C-terminal region. Primary metabolites associated with stress were significantly increased along with the expression of stress-associated proteins and the photoreceptors phytochrome B and phototropin 2; new moon experiments disproved the light pollution effect. Exposure of mustard seedlings to FML enhanced growth. Thus, our data show that despite the low-intensity light emitted by the moon, it is an important environmental factor perceived by plants as a signal, leading to alteration in cellular activities and enhancement of plant growth. "Fortunately, there are other researches by Langley in his work on "The Temperature of the Moon", with the aid of which it seems not impossible to determine the absorption of heat by aqueous water vapor and by carbonic acid in precisely the conditions which occur in our atmosphere." Since moonlight is reflected sunlight, it has a similar spectrum [10] but at its maximum (i.e., a full moon), by one account, only about 0.0002% of its intensity [11]. ... The moon also reflects low-intensity sunlight, although not enough to be used by plants, researchers are still exploring lunar agriculture [121,122]. It was confirmed in a recent study that moonlight affects plants' life cycle, and the moon's state at the time of planting is related to germination, growth, and flowering of seeds [122]. Increased levels of phyB and Phot2 proteins in mustard plants exposed to the full moon were accompanied by increased levels of stress-related proteins and ROS detoxification enzymes, resulting in accelerated growth of mustard plants [67]. ... . Moonlight proteins are receiving more recognition in recent times (Urban et al. 2003;Klis et al. 2007;Castillo et al. 2008 Moonlight proteins appear to be ancient proteins, appearing early in evolution before the separation of the biological kingdoms (Jeffery 2018). Moonlight proteins have been reported in plants, associated with biotic and abiotic stresses (Jeffery 2018; Breitler et al. 2020;Turek and Irving 2021); in humans, they have been associated with cancer and neurodegenerative diseases (Molavi et al. 2019;Huerta et al. 2023). In pathogenic bacteria and fungi, moonlight proteins are virulence-related proteins (Franco-Serrano et al. 2021;Arvizu-Rubio et al. 2022). ...
This beautiful girl turned out to be a real strong queen who withstood very strong stresses, she is very persuasive for ScrOG, in 2-3 days when she comes out of the stresses I will switch the light cycle to 12/12.💚💚💚
Tag 29: 🌱: Beginn Woche 5. Da ich denke, dass wir mittlerweile in der Vorblüte sind, trage ich diese als erste Blütewoche ein. Es gab ganz leichte Anpassungen am LST, ich werde die Lady jedoch vermutlich von nun an in die Höhe wachsen lassen. Desweiteren wurden einige der untersten Fächerblätter, die bereits vollständig verschattet waren, entfernt. Auch 1-2 kleinere Blätter, die nach innen wuchsen und den Blüten die Sonne nahmen, wurden entfernt. Leider ist mir auch eines der größeren Fächerblätter abgebrochen, das ich noch behalten wollte, aber ich denke sie wird es verkraften. 💧: Die Erde ist immernoch feucht. 💡: Die Beleuchtung ist unverändert (DLI ~40, Abstand zur Pflanze ca. 35cm) Tag 31: 🌱: Bisher lasse ich sie einfach erst mal wachsen, ich denke jedoch darüber nach die nach innen wachsenden Fächerblätter morgen doch noch mal zu entfernen. 💧: Die Erde ist immernoch feucht. 💡: Die Beleuchtung ist unverändert (DLI ~40, Abstand zur Pflanze ca. 35cm) Tag 32: 🌱: Heute wurde erneut die Schere angesetzt und ein paar der nach innen wachsenden Blätter sowie ein paar kleinere Triebe im Inneren entfernt. Das LST wurde nur minimal angepasst, um eine einheitlichere Höhe zu erreichen. 💧: Die Lady wird so langsam etwas durstiger und so gab es heute wieder ca. 3 Liter Nährstofflösung. Diese wurde jetzt etwas erweitert und entspricht nun ca. 50% Bio Bizz Düngerschema. Zusätzlich dazu gab es dieses mal auch CalMag+Bittersalz. 💡: Die Lampe wurde ein paar klicks nach oben gehangen um die Werte in etwa konstant zu halten (DLI ~40, Abstand zur Pflanze ca. 35cm) Tag 34: 🌱: Heute wurden nur die Blätte etwas sortiert, um den Blüten mehr Licht zu geben. Mittlerweile haben die höchsten Triebe etwa 20cm (vom Boden aus) erreicht. 💧: Die Erde ist noch feucht. 💡: Die Lampe wurde noch ein Stück weiter nach oben gehangen, um die Beleuchtung in etwa konstant zu halten (DLI ~40, Abstand zur Pflanze ca. 35cm) Tag 35: 🌱: Ein paar der untersten, im Schatten liegenden, Blätter wurde entfernt, sowie 2-3 kleine Nachzügler Triebe aus dem Inneren. Das LST wurde ein wenig angepasst. Ich denke darüber nach noch ein paar mehr kleine Nebentriebe (vor allem aus der Mitte) zu entfernen, damit der vorhandene Platz besser für die größeren Triebe genutzt werden kann. Über Gedanken/Meinungen/Ideen dazu würde ich mich freuen 😉 💧: Zu Tagesbeginn ließ sie ihre Blätter ganz schön hängen und die Erde war ziemlich trocken, also gab es auch heute wieder etwa 3 Liter Nährstofflösung. 💡: Die Beleuchtung ist unverändert.
Beginning of the second week of flowering. One has not yet shown its sex, it appears to be indica, but it is full of pre-flowers. The largest is 47 cm, the smallest around 30. 09/10 - Now it's 58 cm, this sativa doesn't stop growing. The indica has not shown sex yet despite having pre-flowers everywhere. It doesn't seem stuck to me, as it continues branching, but the height hasn't changed almost anything. 10/10 She reached 65 cm. The others are 50 cm. The last plant that was missing to show the sex, came very late, it had all branched before showing the sex, unlike the others, and unfortunately it was a male, already dead. She just looked indica, but was a long sativa male. Of the 5, 3 females (2 in organic soil, 1 being fertilized and the other in inert soil) 2 males dead 11/10 - It is 72 cm. It is colossal, I had to tie it up at the top, as I didn't have enough space to lift the bulb and it was starting to burn some of the tips of the leaves. It's better to have mild, temporary stress than heat and burning stress, which is worse in the long term. The others grow well, gaining weight, without problems with height.
Our Zamnesia autoflowers have been on their journey through the magical flowering period for a while now, this is the second week of flowering considering that autoflowers still flower spontaneously some sooner than others but all around the 3rd-4th week. ---- The general environmental conditions are good, the heat has increased a bit more but for the first weeks of flowering it is not a big problem, let's remember to never exceed 27 degrees centigrade in the last 4 weeks to avoid compromising the quality of the flowers. If necessary open the growbox but never let it exceed 27-30 degrees where 30 is already a lot. The positive thing is that as soon as the lights go out the change is already somewhat visible and as autumn progresses we will also improve. The humidity is fluctuating but we try to control it with two dehumidifiers when necessary, pushing both of them possibly not into the growbox but directly into the room. (I dehumidify the room and the air in the growbox should also be dehumidified) --- This strain has really intrigued us for a feature that we love around here: the plant could turn black in the last weeks of flowering. And I'm taking the saints of all religions to make it happen because I have a new set of macro lenses and I would like to show you something between space and heaven passing through the inside of a black hole. The plant is growing very well, healthy, green leaves no signs of deficiency or excess, great work Plagron! Until last week the lateral buds were practically aligned with the main cola now a tower is starting from the center that will be a miracle of nature. The second plant is a week behind for now I'll only show you this one which is very beautiful. --- Fertilization program - The fertilizers are always Plagron and I'm following the table that I generated on the site depending on the chosen substrate. Create your card and follow it, never be presumptuous my friend as I have been in the past, follow the card and look at the plants, not all need the same amount of fertilizer. We have come to the time to give a good dose of iron in the first weeks of flowering, already of race life not sprayed but mixed with fertilizers. We then added the power buds to stimulate the birth and development of the flowers. ---- - Power Roots - 1ml/l - Alga Bloom - 4 ml/l - Pure Zym - 1 ml/l - Sugar Royal - 1ml/l - Vita Race - 5 ml/l - Power Buds - 1 ml/l --- The dehumidifier now runs between 50% and 55% --- The 100% Organic pack by Plagron can be found on Zamnesia at the link: gron-easy-pack-natural.html // Strain Description // It is said that the orchid symbolizes love, refinement and beauty. Well, we can confirm that the Black Orchid Automatic contains all these attributes and many more. This autoflowering variety has a lot to offer: a particular but very pleasant aromatic profile, and a relaxing and carefree high. Furthermore, this plant is very productive when grown in optimal conditions. - Get a seed of this fantastic strain --- - Soil and Fertilizers entirely organic --- buy on - Growbox and air sistem --- - Light — P2000 - - Music and sound --- I made my girls listen to 432hz frequencies and music from - Z --- You can find these seeds, much more from the world of cannabis, mushrooms and an incredible series of accessories and gadgets on the reference site not only mine but of many growers ----
Day 114 - Betty got watered tonight with tap ph'd to 6.5 Planning to harvest in 3 days 🙏 Day 115 - Maybe tomorrow...
Our Zamnesia photoperiod plants have also started their journey into the magical flowering period, this is the first week. ---- The general environmental conditions are good, the heat has increased a bit again but for the first weeks of flowering it is not a big problem, let's remember to never exceed 27 degrees centigrade in the last 4 weeks to avoid jeopardizing the quality of the flowers. If necessary, open the growbox but never let it exceed 27-30 degrees where 30 is already a lot. The good thing is that as soon as the lights are turned off the change is already visible a bit and as autumn progresses we will also improve. The humidity is fluctuating but we try to control it with two dehumidifiers when necessary, pushing both possibly not into the growbox but directly into the room. (I dehumidify the room and the air in the growbox should also be dehumidified) - — Our two Runtz have an obvious characteristic, like their F1 and normal autoflowering sisters they are hungry, so hungry I want fertilizers for flowering like assatanate and if you don't give them you can see the signs, but I know them and I know how to keep them under --- Technique chosen both plants grow straight --- Feeding Program - The fertilizers are always Plagron and I am following the table that I generated on the site depending on the substrate chosen. Create your card and follow it, never be presumptuous my friend as I have been in the past, follow the card and look at the plants, not all need the same amount of fertilizer. We have arrived at the moment to give a good dose of ferrò in the first weeks of flowering, already of race life not sprayed but mixed with fertilizers. ---- - Power Roots - 1ml/l - Alga Bloom - 4 ml/l - Pure Zym - 1 ml/l - Sugar Royal - 1ml/l - Vita Race - 5 ml/l --- Dehumidifier is now running between 50% - 55 % --- The 100% Organic pack by Plagron can be found on Zamnesia at the link: -pla gron-easy-pack-natural.html --- We have removed the deumi diifier and now the values ​​​​range from 45 to 60% we will put the dehumidifiers into operation in the 3/4 week of bloom // Strain Description // Guys, we have really reached a turning point! Our breeders have recreated one of the most sought-after strains by Californians: the very powerful and exquisitely delicious Runtz. This cross between Gelato and Zkittlez is everything you could want from a cannabis strain: tasty, powerful, balanced, productive and fast flowering. Buy the seeds and try it yourself! - Get a seed of this fantastic strain --- - Soil and Fertilizers entirely organic --- buy on - Growbox and air sistem --- - Light - Sp3000 - - Music and sound --- I made my girls listen to 432hz frequencies and music from - Z --- You can find these seeds, much more from the world of cannabis, mushrooms and an incredible series of accessories and gadgets on the reference site not only mine but of many growers ——
As autumn approached, the number of daylight hours in the jungle slowly began to decrease. First to 16, two days later to 14 and at the end of the week 12. We let the girls rest and didn't have much to do apart from getting an even canopy under the screen.👨🏻‍🌾🌱 One plant showed some magnesium deficiency so gave her an Epsom salt cure. The nutrient manufacturer said that the product contains enough magnesium but apparently one of the girls didn’t find it sufficient. On day 3 watered them with de-chlorinated tap water and Silica, 3 litres. Day7 the first irrigation with Hybrid nutrients has been given, 5 litres each. I’m curious how this line will perform during flowering.💦 Running the Ts3000 on 75% , which means 520-620 PPFD. Vpd: 0,88-1,10 kpa. See you soon and thanks for stopping by.💨🌞
Day 28 I was away for 5 days and wow the growth... I'm sold on the auto-pots 😂 Shes still a lighter green than id like but she still seems to be pushing so I wont worry too much about it. No signs of preflowers yet.
Day 28 I was away for 5 days and wow the growth... I'm sold on the auto-pots 😂 Shes a nice in-between of bushy/stretchy structure. No signs of preflowers yet.