Interesting to notice the bright calyx of fresh flowers still yet to bloom from the bud, with such high levels of UV radiation any surface layer of the plant is given a purple tint/hue within 1-2 days, this allows me to spot fresh "buds" that have yet to flower as they appear a lighter shade of green. This new growth happens overnight as fresh white calyx burst from the overnight growth spurt, It felt almost like the plant was probing to see where to place its new bud, When I raised the lights to18 inches It felt like a weight was lifted. The plant is visibly eating/defoliating lower fan leaves en masse, freeing up every last source of energy for bud growth, interesting to note how much better a job the plant does of defoliating when I just let it do it itself, once certainly seems to be enough for my liking, it takes what it takes when it needs it if it needs a lot it takes it. Interesting to note in previous grows I could not get the plants to cannibalize, good to know every last ounce of flower power is being utilized, trying to find the balance between the amount of cola and what the plant can produce in total seems to be key, I would have liked to mainline a more but the clones had a tough long life and have grown from little cuttings no bigger than my thumb, whatever hormonal screwery monstercropping did, it made them highly sensitive to stress, in a good way though, they just flower endlessly everywhere at the drop of a hat and I wasn't sure how far I could push them given how sensitive they became during flower. I have been fortunate with genetics, but I wonder if I will be able to look back on this in years to come and say "she was a beast that could handle stress" or is my inexperience just leading me to blow smoke up my own ass. I'll need more experience with different strains to make that judgement, either way I look forward to the journey.
Think next ill look to see how much i can pack on a single cola.
Smell is really starting to pick up, I would install my carbon filter, but its legal and I love the smell of harvest looming.