Bisher können wir sagen, dass Sie sich wirklich gut macht. Trotz den strapatzen und dennoch so viel Liebe, macht es den anschein, als würde die Pflanze wieder ihren normalen Lebensweg aufnehmen und auch ihr Lebensziel verfolgen. Die Blütenvorbereitung ist voll im gange, lilafarbende Stämme wie jetzt auch aktuell an den Blattstielen sind augenscheinlich Sichtbar. Dennoch ist es ziemlich kühl geworden. Was für unsere Pflanze natürlich nicht schlecht ist, da wir sie auch so, hoffentlich eher zum Purpeln bewegen können. Das Giesverhalten hat sich halbiert sprich wir Gießen im moment alle 2 Tage ca. 4 Liter und ohne die vorherigen Zusätze von Juice, Co2, Acti- Vera, Heaven. Weitere Beobachtung dazu, läuft trotzdem. Wer bis hierher gelesen hat darf sich jetzt schon anfangen auf die nächste Woche zu freuen 😋 Denn unser neues Equipment ist solangsam eingetroffen. Das heißt: Das 80er Indoor Zelt wird durch ein 1,5x 1,5x 2 m ersetzt. Die 600 W. Keramiklampe die in dem kleinen Zelt nur auf erster Stufe (ca. 480 W.. lief, wegen wärmentwicklung) wird durch eine neue Lazerlite LED 720 Watt ersetzt. Ein großer Aktiv- Kohlefilter wie auch der große Abluftventilator, stehen schon in den Startlöchern 😎 Somit wird die Lady ab ca. Mitte bis Ende dieser Woche, einen mega schönen und warmen Platz im innenbereich bekommen. Allen growern eine bezaubernde Woche gewünscht! 😉
Buenas, cultivadores.  Día 08708/2024: actualmente tienen 22 días de vida,  hemos regado con fertilizante de crecimiento y también enzimas; utilizamos agua de osmosis con un pH de 5.9 y un EC de 0.9 en las siguientes semana le daremos su última semana de crecimiento y le añadiremos silicio para resistir estas altas temperaturas debido al verano, y mejorar paredes celulares, una variedad de sweet seeds ha tenido al principio de su germinación ha tenido un bloqueo nutricional, pero logramos solucionarlo en unos días seguramente hagamos una pequeñita defoliación para quitar hojas satélites y mejorar el reparto de luz entre los nudos 
Buenas, cultivadores.  Día 08708/2024: actualmente tienen 22 días de vida,  hemos regado con fertilizante de crecimiento y también enzimas; utilizamos agua de osmosis con un pH de 5.9 y un EC de 0.9 en las siguientes semana le daremos su última semana de crecimiento y le añadiremos silicio para resistir estas altas temperaturas debido al verano, y mejorar paredes celulares, una variedad de sweet seeds ha tenido al principio de su germinación ha tenido un bloqueo nutricional, pero logramos solucionarlo en unos días seguramente hagamos una pequeñita defoliación para quitar hojas satélites y mejorar el reparto de luz entre los nudos 
Buenas, cultivadores.  Día 08708/2024: actualmente tienen 22 días de vida,  hemos regado con fertilizante de crecimiento y también enzimas; utilizamos agua de osmosis con un pH de 5.9 y un EC de 0.9 en las siguientes semana le daremos su última semana de crecimiento y le añadiremos silicio para resistir estas altas temperaturas debido al verano, y mejorar paredes celulares, una variedad de sweet seeds ha tenido al principio de su germinación ha tenido un bloqueo nutricional, pero logramos solucionarlo en unos días seguramente hagamos una pequeñita defoliación para quitar hojas satélites y mejorar el reparto de luz entre los nudos 
Another good feed this week and took a few leaves off, both plants doing really well, drinking loads with the sun and size of them. Not much smell yet but plenty of time for that. That’s all this week, happy growing 🌱
A couple of days into first week of flowering. Plants look very juicy, thick and super vigorous. They like the higher ec and co2 this time around.
8/7 Plants were still heavy this morning. Temperatures have been much milder. 70's is much better than 90's. I had to water twice a day for a while. I defoliated and found some heat stress ob the gmo canary on the end with some twisted leaves. Some leaves are turning purple on an event horizon and gmo. Night Temps are much cooler plus its probably a pheno thing. I defoliated everything dead yesterday. Found lacewind eggs. Saw an adult green lace wing this morning in the garden along with a couple more lady bugs. There were also some lady bug larvae so I hope the go right to town. It's getting cooler so if I'm going to poorly I need to do it. Sherb pie plant seems to he the pillars favorite. I've killed a few of them. Still need to fix supports and do a little more defoliation. I have a video too but it's too slow to upload now. STOPPED AFTER GETTING MY TIRES PUT ON AND DAD SAID THE LITTLE PLANT IN THE 5 GAL BUCKET IS DROOPING. I WENT BACK AND OF COURSE IT WAS. I WATERED THAT AND THE ONE IN THE TEN AND THE 50 AS IT LOOKED DROOPY. 10 GOT A HALF GALLON AS IT WAS DRYING UP AND ITS GOING TO BE HOT TOMORROW TOO. NOT 90S PROBABLY 80S AT MOST BUT STILL. I GAVE PRETTY MICH EVERYTHING A HALF GALLON EXCEPT THE EVENT HORIZONS TGAT ARE FURTHEST IN FLOWER. WITH THIS SUPER HOT WEATHER AND LACK OF RAIN I DONT WANT TO OVERWATER. DAY AFTER TOMORROW IT SAYS WE ARE SUPPOSED TO GET AN INCH. IM DOING MY BEST. IM TRYING TO UPLOAD THE VIDEO I DID TONIGHT. ILL UPLOAD ThE OTHER ONE TOMORROW. 8/8 Went over this morning and it was 55°. I gave the event horizon in the back half a gallon of water. I gave the other event horizon a LITTLE water but it still is holding weight. It doesn't get the wind blowing through it since it's in the middle. Still need to do supports and decide about whether to spray BT. population is down. A couple plants look hungry so I'm going to have to look at nutes. I defoliated the toasted toffy some this morning. I have more to do on a few others. TALKED TO MY BUDDY AND SHOWED HIM A VIDEO. HE WAS KINDA ALREADY IRRITATED AND SAID OMP WAS IN THE AREA. UE SAID MY PLANTS LOOKED DROOPY AND THAT I NEED TO GIVE THEM THE 10% AND AT LEAST WATER TWO GALLONS A TIME. HE ALSO SAID NOT TO BET ON THE RAIN. I DONT AGREE WITH THE LAST PART AS IVE STUCK A BICKET OUT DURING THESE RAIN STORMS AND EVEN PHED IT. I WATERED EVERYTHING A GALLON. PLUS THE HALF LAST NIGHT. I THINK MY BUDDY MAY BE RIGHT AND THAT I NEED TO INCREASE THE VOLUME OF WATER AT A TIME SO I DID. I NEED TO INCREASE NUTES TOO. ILL CHECK LAST TIME I FED AND FIGURE THAT OUT. KILLED A FEW JPN BEETLES, A LEAF HOPPER AND A COUPLE PILLARS WITH HAIR ALL WEBBED UP. IM WONDERING IF THE TOASTED TOFFY HAS SEPTORIA. IM LEANING TOWARDS PESTS THOUGH. IVE SEEN TONS OF PESTS IN THE GARDEN. I REALLY SHOULD SPRAY IF IM GOING TO. I NEED TO DO THE SUPPORTS AND REARRANGE A FEW THINGS FOR FLOWER. THE SEED IN THE 5 GAL BUCKET (I THINK ITS A BLUEBERRY IS VIBRANT DARK GREEN BUT THE TIPS OF THE JEWLY FORMED FLOWERS ARE TURNING BROWN ON SOME. ILL GET A PICTURE TOMORROW. A FEW OTHERS EXPERIENCED SOME BURNS AND HEAT STRESS. I HOPE ITS NOT ROOTBOUND OR A ROOT ISSUE. IF IT IS ILL HAVE TO CUT THE BOTTOM OFF THE BUCKET AND STICK IT IN A HOLE. IT WILL HAVE TO BE OUTSIDE MY CAGE WHICH WILL SUCK. WE'LL SEE HOW IT GOES. 8/9 Got like an inch of rain. Plants are looking great. Some look a little hungry. MY buddy was right about the water. I made a SHIT TON of bubble hash today so I'm barely able to type this. NY plant is the 5 gal has some burns that look like it could be root issues. I've finished in buckets before with no issue. I think it's just from being too hot. You can see at the end of the video what I'm talking about. Oh well. I'm tired and done for now. I made a large ice hash pizza now I'm waiting for it to dry so i can make a temple ball. Things are kicking off. We're in flower that's for sure. 8/10 Everything looked good bit I wad in a hurry and didn't get out of the car. I'll check things out when I get back. HOLY FUCK. WE GOT SO MUCH HARD RAIN THAT I FOUND MY FAVORITE GMO PLANT PUSHED OVER AND LYING ON THE CAGE THATS USED AS THE FIRST SUPPORT. I DIDNT GET OVER THERE UNTIL LIKE 11AM. I IMMEDIATELY FIXED THE PLANT THAT WAS LYING DOWN AND PUT A TRELLIS NET OVER IT AS DEEP AS I COULD AND ZIP TIED IT TO THE PALLETS. I ALSO ADDED A PLASTIC GARDEN STAKE AND USED TWINE TO SECURE THE MAIN STALK HIGHER UP. I DID THE SAME THING WITH THE GMO NEXT TO IT. THE OTHER IN THE FRONT LOOKED BETTER THEN EVER. SAME WITH THE TWO EVENT HORIZON. IM GETTING LITTLE BUDS NOW. I SHOULD GO FEED TONIGHT. THE TOASTED TOFFY EITHER HAS SOME PESTS OR ITS GOT SEPTORIA. COULD JIST BE A DEFICIENCY. I WORRY A LOT. IT WAS SUPER HOT AND HUMID. I DID WHAT I COULD AND THEN I RAN SOME STRINGS ACCROSS THE CAGE TO TEMPORARILY HELP WITH HIGH WINDS OR RAIN (EVEN THOUGH THE STORMS OVER.) I STABBED MY THUMB TOWARDS THE END OF MY WRIST WITH A COLD STEEL RECON 1. WOULDNT STOP FUCKING BLEEDING. I SHOULD'VE KNOWN MY LIMITS AND WAS MORE CAREFUL. I TOOK A COUPLE PICTURE AND DID A MINUTE VIDEO. NO REST FOR THE WICKED. IM FUCKING DEAD TIRED. I RAN SOME MATERIAL FROM LAST YEAR THROUGH BUBBLE BAGS. GOT A TON OF HIGH QUALITY BUBBLE. IM ABOUT TO TRY IT. AFTER IT DRIES A LITTLE MORE ILL MAKE A TEMPLE BALL. I JUST CHECKED THE WEATHER AND THE RAIN TOTALS FOR TODAY AND YESTERDAY AND ITS A COUPLE POINTS UNDER 3 INCHES. I HAD WATERED A GALLON THE NIGHT BEFORE THAT. I HAVE NO IDEA WHY MY PLANTS AREN'T DROWNED BUT THEY ARENT. 8/11 Its going to be hot again today. Plants looked amazing. I took a video. I FED TODAY. EVERYTHING GOT A QT EXCEPT THE 10 GOT HALF A QT. THE 50 GOT SLIGHTLY MORE. A fucking chipmunk ran in my garden when the door was open. He was going fast and I couldn't find him. I looked under the pallets the entire length. Hopfully he just ran out of a hole or up the fence. I'm going to get an air horn and blow it inside the cage. I need to get some zip ties and do a little rearranging before I setup the other supports for flower. Suprisingly the plantvin the 50 went from the furthest from flower to having little budlets on it. Can't be an auto or I think it would've flowered already. 8/12 Ending of the lions gate portal. Everything looked good this morning. The one in the 5gal was removed until I figure out its issue or trash it. The yield would be less than a branch anyway. Probably chronic underwatering. The 10 was bone dry despite the 3in of rain. Some bags seemed light. Looked at last years diary and went with my intuition. WATERED TODAY. Gave everything a gallon. I moved the event horizon to where the 5gal bucket wad and STARTED reorganizing to use the most of my space. I gotta pick up some zip ties and finish the supports but I'm happy. Plants look happy. Not as tall as last year but they are SUPER bushy. I'm going to have to open some up and spread the branches. I'll keep this updated.
3 plants. 2 are are rather small at this point. 1 is pretty beefy.
Stage: Week 8 of flowering Height: The plant has reached an impressive height, with a strong, vertical growth pattern. Buds: The buds are getting thick and dense, forming a long, massive cola that runs almost the entire length of the main stem. They’re covered in trichomes and emit a strong, citrusy aroma. Health: The plant is thriving, showing no signs of stress or deficiencies. The leaves are a healthy green, and the buds continue to swell nicely. Strain Description: Critical Orange Punch by Dutch Passion is known for its vigorous growth and high yield potential. It produces dense, resinous buds with a sweet, citrusy flavor and a balanced, relaxing effect. 🍊🌿 Thank you to Dutch Passion for this incredible strain! 🌱
Stage: Week 8 of flowering Growth: The plant has developed into a thick and stocky structure, perfect for supporting its abundant buds. Buds: Full of dense buds that are now coated in a rich layer of resin. The plant is sticky to the touch and exudes a strong, euphoric aroma. Health: Overall, the plant is thriving with no significant issues, continuing to bulk up as harvest time approaches. Strain Description: Auto Euforia by Dutch Passion is a robust, high-yielding strain known for its compact structure and euphoric effects. It’s ideal for growers looking for a resilient plant with a potent, uplifting high. 🌿✨ Thanks to Dutch Passion for creating such a rewarding strain! 🌱
diese Woche in 8 l Topf mit living soil umgetopft...living soil eig. nur damit ich bei Abewesenheit nur Wasser darauf (Blumat) tropfen lassen kann. Pflanze ist klein geworden und fängt schon an zu blühen🤦‍♂️...Nachbarin keimte 4 Tage später und ist doppelt so groß...gut die wurde nicht getoppt aber mit toppen von Autos hatte ich bisher gute Erfahrung...dei der Haze berry wars wohl nicht gut. Root Juice von Biobizz ist absoluter Mist...völlig nutzlos
The cannabis plant is generally growing well and is progressing as expected during the flowering stage. Despite the positive overall growth, brown spots have appeared on some of the leaves and I dont really know what it is. While the appearance of brown spots is concerning, the overall health of the cannabis plant remains good. With careful monitoring and appropriate adjustments, the plant should continue to develop successfully. It will be exciting to see how the plant progresses as it matures, even if its growth rate is somewhat slower than expected.
The cannabis plant is generally growing well and is progressing as expected during the flowering stage. Despite the positive overall growth, brown spots have appeared on some of the leaves and I dont really know what it is. While the appearance of brown spots is concerning, the overall health of the cannabis plant remains good. With careful monitoring and appropriate adjustments, the plant should continue to develop successfully. It will be exciting to see how the plant progresses as it matures, even if its growth rate is somewhat slower than expected.
Nice progress this week with the left plant. The right one is showing some deficiencies on some leafs. A few bugs were also spotted, nothing major but I placed a couple of sticky traps. The smell inside the box has increased quite a bit, but still no smell outside.