The Grow Awards 2025 🏆
Note : + jegliches Zubehör wird in der GermniationsWoche aufgelistet . Zeitraffer Videos folgen immer nachträglich. + videos werden so geschnitten das nur ein geschlossenes Zelt erscheint , ergo Fehlen paar reale Minuten (ca 1 Std) . Day 71: Da Phase III , zeigen sich nun deutliche Mangelerscheinungen . Einige Blätter werden aufgefuttert :)) Day 72: + 1.75 Liter Flaschenwasser + + Dünger für Blühte Generative Phase III + + + Canna Terrar Flores (Achtung wirkt wie PH-) + + + Canna Boost + + + Cannazym + + + Canna Rhizotonic + + + Canna PH+ + + PH 5.82 Day 73: Trichome sind schon OK . Viele Bernsteine . Ergo 8 Stunden Dunkelphase als Erntevorbereitung. Die Schwester bleibt noch im Zelt und hat dafür Besuch bekommen von der Apple Fritters dessen Platz im 160cm x 60cm x 60cm zu klein wurde. Final : Komplett Entlaubung . Cut . UpSideDown into the Darktent . Danke an alle Likes und Watcher und Follower . Es hat viel Spass gemacht und mein 2. Grow ist entscheident besser geworden als der Erste !!! Wir sehen uns nach dem Trocknen und vor dem Curing . + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Day 74: ZOE'S SCHWESTER + 2.0 Liter Flaschenwasser + + Dünger für Blühte Generative Phase II (Düngeplan siehe Germinations Woche) + + + Canna Terrar Flores (Achtung wirkt wie PH-) + + + Canna Boost + + + Cannazym + + + Green House Feeding - BioEnhancer (vorher 8 Minuten im lauwarmen Leitungswasser aufbereitet) + + PH 5.9 Day 75: ZOE'S SCHWESTER Heute werde ich mal etwas defloration betreiben da es doch recht dich ist und ich mir etwas sorgen mache was im inneren so abgeht . Leichte Entlaubung abgeschlossen . Day 76: ZOE'S SCHWESTER + 2.0 Liter Flaschenwasser + + Dünger für Blühte Generative Phase III (Düngeplan siehe Germinations Woche) + + + Canna Terrar Flores (Achtung wirkt wie PH-) + + + Canna Boost + + + Cannazym + + + Canna Rhizotonic + + + Canna PH+ + + PH 5.9 Day 77: ZOE'S SCHWESTER Heute macht das Wetter mir unter 55% Luftfeuchtigkeit und ich kann kühlen. Bringt zwar gar nichts in der letzten Phase. Aber so ist es halt. Ich geh also Baden und lass die Tür offen ;)) Da ich hier noch 1 am Trocknen hab und eine Nachbaring im Zelt die auch gerne mehr Feuchtigkeit hätte , muss ich jetzt zwischen pest und kolera wählen . lieber für die Ernte oder lieber für nahende Ernte oder ganz auf den Neuling ... Ich hab mich für die Ernte entschieden , die sollte nie und nicht Schimmeln :)) Woche 11: Day 78: ZOE'S SCHWESTER Die 11 Wochen seit Samensetzung sind rum . Sie macht sich gut . Und die Trichome sehen auch schon sehr nett aus . Aber noch ist das Trockenzelt nicht frei . Also bekommt es noch Licht bis das Zelt frei wird . Woche 11: Day 79: ZOE'S SCHWESTER + 2.0 Liter Flaschenwasser + + PH 7.49 Woche 11: Day 80: ZOE'S SCHWESTER Sieht super an den Spitzen aus. Ein Meer aus Trichomen. Kollege meinte das muss Schimmel sein. Microskope strafte Ihn mit lauter Trichomen. Woche 11: Day 81: ZOE'S SCHWESTER Trockenzeit wird eingeleitet . Morgen dann ins Trockenzeilt für paar Stunden längere Nacht und dann UpSideDown zum Trocknen aufhängen . Woche 11: Day 82: ZOE'S SCHWESTER Ist trocken genug , ab ins Dunkelzelt . Woche 11: Day 83: ZOE'S SCHWESTER Totalentlaubung , UpSiteDown . Trockenzelt. 480g nass mit Baum. Woche 12 : Trockengewicht 90g
Auto Northern Dragon Fuel is growing good. She is starting to go into a bulking phase. I defoliated her today to thin her out some more. I have been a little heavy on nitrogen in my feed. I am gonna cut back on it greatly as she bulks. Too much causes cola development issues. Beside that everything has been going well. Thank you Medic Grow, and Super Sativa Seed Club. 🤜🏻🤛🏻🌱🌱🌱 Thank you grow diaries community for the 👇likes👇, follows, comments, and subscriptions on my YouTube channel👇. ❄️🌱🍻 Happy Growing 🌱🌱🌱
Mandarin XL auto is starting to bulk. She is in need of some selective defoliation which I will do hopefully soon when there is more time to work with her. She is starting to produce some trichromes as well. Everything is going well. 🤞🏻for some tasty buds when done. Thank you Medic Grow, Ganja Farmer, and Gen1:11 nutrition. 🤜🏻🤛🏻🌱🌱🌱 Thank you grow diaries community for the 👇likes👇, follows, comments, and subscriptions on my YouTube channel👇. ❄️🌱🍻 Happy Growing 🌱🌱🌱
#seedsman420growoff and #SeedsmanSeeds 📆 Week 6, 1-7 June 2024 1-3 Jun - Observed and let the plant grow. 4 June - Flipped the plant early to pre-flower light schedule. Adjusted DLI to 35. 5-7 June - Observed and let the plant grow. 📑 This has been an amazing grow so far, the pace of growth is incredible. I’ve decided to change the light schedule to pre-flower early because of this performance. I don’t want her to outgrow my tent. She is filling in the scrog nicely. All is going well. 🍶 1 June nutrient solution changed 🍽️ 1 June feeding schedule updated 💧 Using reverse osmosis water with EC/TDS at 0 🐉 Nutrient Solution EC 2.4 at 73 degree F 🔆 Light power at 75%, DLI 35 canopy coverage at 12hrs 😤 Using General Hydroponics, HGC728040, Dual Diaphragm Air Pump, 320 GPH That is it for this week. Thanks for the look, read and stopping by.
Plant #3 yellow hermied and pollinated the tent :( Can see some of the seeds in the bud closeups as well as the pollen and mini sacks of the plant on lower growth. Not a big fan of this, It was the one plant closest to the tent door zipper and only happened on the lower growth. Almost wondering if there was a light leak or if it was just the plant. Will test for light leaks when the plants are chopped and I can crawl in and manage it. The liverwort from last grow survived outside and is making weird spiky umbrella like things. Looks to be its flower for lack of better understanding and how its going to release a lot of spores for the next generation to grow. Big shoutout to Medic Grow for sponsoring the lighting in my tent, They have provided me with 2x Mini Sun 2's in the 240w configuration, They use the v1 growing spectrum that is a all purpose seed to harvest spectrum so their is no hassle of switching it mid grow. If you're interested in learning more about Medic Grow products please visit the web link below.
We chopped down the plants. Now they hang out to dry in the tent. The Trichs looked very good. Some milky, some amber, hardly any clear. Just the way I want it. The popcorn buds were rather milky. So we have more of a couchlock effect on the head buds and the maximum THC on the popcorns. I'm really looking forward to the taste💚
Привет садоводы цветок вырос красивый еще недельки 3 и будет готов бутоны поднабухли и стали более морозными запах приятный сладкий
I had a lot of fun with this grow and can’t wait to taste the final product after dry and cure!
I had a lot of fun with this grow and can’t wait to taste the final product after dry and cure!
Bueno de aqui a nada le voy a aplicar Bloom Booster
👹06/07/2025 Week 16 LFG!¡!👹 She's starting to come into preflower really nicely I'm surprised it took so long to stretch weeks ago I'm honestly surprised and hopeful for what's in store for the next month or so lol stay up guys I'll update as the days and weeks go on thanks again for stopping by lfg!!!
👹06/07/2025 Week 16 LFG!¡!👹 She's starting to come into preflower really nicely I'm surprised it took so long to stretch weeks ago I'm honestly surprised and hopeful for what's in store for the next month or so lol stay up guys I'll update as the days and weeks go on thanks again for stopping by lfg!!!
Have some problem with bud leafs. It's looks like potassium def or maybe nut overdosing. My PPM meter was not accurate and I switched to another one. The old one showed 100 PPM less. Thats why I gave 800 PPM instead of 700 PPM
This week has been really hard. Until this week the electricity was turned off on average once every two days, for 4 hours in the evening peak time. But the last 7 days the electricity is turned off twice or thrice a day also for 4 hours. I think that in this case it is better to reduce the light day and slowly started to reduce it at the beginning of flowering, and already reduced it from 18 to 16 hours, and that was a bad idea (((: The temperature outside was already around 30 degrees in the shade, and it rained almost every evening, as a result, the air humidity up to 65-70% so it was impossible to leave the girls in a closed box without a working fan. I had to cover the windows and work with my hands waving a piece of cardboard)))), adding back 30 minutes of evening sun outside the window each day. Same story since morning, but this more positive, we meet the morning sun, and move around the whole apartment behind the light frame of the window, running away from the shadow))) the main thing is that the morning is sunny, because will have to continue working with a piece of cardboard until the light is turned on (((: Also, as you can see in the first photo, I installed a large fan and removed the lower wall of the box, because the ventilation system did not help ((: Looks crazy but I already like it, new challenges and new experiences all the time, big plus a good habit to wake up at dawn! So no matter what, we are happy and breathe deeper 🙏
Las plantas se ven bien, me hubiese gustado que estén en una maceta mas grande. Intentare hacerlo esta semana aunque no se si sea lo mejor a esta altura.
Las plantas se ven bien, me hubiese gustado que estén en una maceta mas grande. Intentare hacerlo esta semana aunque no se si sea lo mejor a esta altura.
Las plantas se ven bien, me hubiese gustado que estén en una maceta mas grande. Intentare hacerlo esta semana aunque no se si sea lo mejor a esta altura.